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Several controversies continue to surround the differentiation between the socially maladjusted (SM) and seriously emotionally disturbed (SED). Central to the controversy is the interpretation of social maladjustment. At one extreme, some restrict the definition of SM to include (a) the socialized aggressive and (b) adjudicated delinquents. At the other extreme, SM is construed broadly and includes (a) Conduct Disorder (group type, solitary aggressive, and undifferentiated), (b) Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and (c) antisocial personality. An intermediate position presented herein argues for the inclusion of the socialized aggressive and unsocialized aggressive under the rubric of SM. Given that those in the anxious-withdrawn-dysphoric group are viewed as both SM and SED, they should be eligible for special education services assuming adverse educational impact is evident.  相似文献   

The legal definition of “emotional disturbance” proposed by the Federal Government under PL 94–142 is Bower's 1957 definition with some modifications. The modifications do serious damage to the integrity of the research and conceptual base from which the definition is drawn. The difficulties inherent in a definition of this type of handicapped are delineated. It is suggested that where policy makers and researchers join together, such relationships are best enhanced when each respects the assumptions and concepts of the other.  相似文献   

我国正处于社会转型期。社会转型的过程用当代社会理论来表述,即一个不断具备现代性特征的过程。聚焦于该过程中官员群体两性情感失范行为是本文的主题。主流社会对婚姻之外的两性情感行为缺乏有效调节与引导机制是这种失范行为的主要原因.要破解这一难题,堵与疏之间,仅仅通过禁忌的话语方式难以解决,它更多的是需要健全和完善相关的社会机制。在这方面,倡导文化多样、价值多元的极具包容性的社会人类学科更具优势。  相似文献   

This report examines the IQs of 75 preschool children perceived to be “at risk” by parents, nursery school teachers, and diagnostic nursery staff. Full Scale, verbal and Performance IQs of the WPPSI were correlated with: (a) assessment of problem area (b) socioeconomic and familial variables (c) gross assessments of speech and motor development and (d) attendance, participation and improvement in a special preschool program. Significant correlations were obtained between IQ and: (a) socioeconomic and familial variables, and (b) perceived improvement. The findings emphasize that social, emotional and cognitive factors are interrelated components in the child's global development.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the predictive influence of students' reactive emotional coping and racial socialization experiences on teachers' perceptions of classroom behavior adjustment problems. Participants were 148 African American male youth attending a secondary school in a large northeastern city. Behavioral outcomes included teacher ratings of student behavioral overactivity in different classroom situations. Results using hierarchical regression analyses show that measures of social rejection sensitivity, anger expression, and racial socialization predict teacher‐observed behavioral overactivity, with overt anger expression being the most powerful predictor. Findings suggest that racial socialization and particular styles of emotional coping are important determinants for teachers' impressions of classroom behavior for some African American adolescent males. Implications for future research and interventions with African American male youth in urban secondary schools are discussed. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent research on the social and familial effects of spina bifida is reviewed by Brian Tew, research psychologist, Department of Child Health, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff  相似文献   

The federal definition of emotional disturbance (ED) has been heavily criticized as vaguely defined and poorly operationalized yet there has not been a formal analysis of the reliability of the ED criteria. This study examined the reliability of the federal criteria for a special education designation of ED. A total of 179 school psychologists reviewed a mock special education report, made an eligibility determination, and provided information about their eligibility decision. In all, 56 participants found the student met ED eligibility criteria using 16 different combinations of the five criteria. Krippendorff’s α, a statistic preferred for content analysis, was calculated as a measure of criterion reliability. Results indicated extremely poor reliability (α = 0.2011). These findings demonstrate the importance of redefining the existing criteria.  相似文献   

社会问题与社会问题报道思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析研究社会问题的基本概念,以及构成社会问题的基本要素。加强对社会问题的界定、阐释和干预,不仅是社会学家的基本任务,也是新闻传播工作者积极参与社会变革的重要实践活动。主流媒体应加强和改进对社会问题的报道,这是拓展群众性利益表达渠道的一项重要举措,是促进决策民主化的有效方法。  相似文献   

For over 40 years, the special education category Emotional Disturbance (ED) has elicited considerable confusion and controversy for educators. Perhaps most notably, the federal ED definition has been assailed for its inclusion of vague, construct‐laden terminology, coupled with a general lack of clarity or guidance. In this article, we review the salient issues that have surrounded ED since it was first recognized as a disability category under P.L. 94–142 (i.e., the Education for All Handicapped Children Act). Additionally, we offer guidance that is intended to promote responsible and defensible assessment practices, as well as assist school psychologists and other educational professionals to avoid potential clinical judgment errors that may otherwise cloud the eligibility determination process. To conclude, we advocate for comprehensive assessment practices that are conducted in accordance with ethical standards that govern the field of school psychology, and are underpinned by scientific principles with the intent of accurately identifying as well as optimally serving students who are considered for the ED category.  相似文献   

In order to prevent bullying, research has characterised the adolescents involved in terms of their social skills, maladjustment and popularity. However, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the relationships between these variables and how these relationships predict bullying involvement. Moreover, the literature has focused on pure bullies and victims, despite the fact that bully-victims are known to be the most troubled. The aim of this work is to study the relationships between these variables and their predictive value, focusing on the bully-victim role. The sample (N?=?641) is made up of adolescents aged between 12 and 17?years. The results mainly indicate that the level of maladjustment and social skills predicts sociometric popularity, which is a significant predictor of bullying involvement. Differences in the social roles were observed, suggesting that social skills and maladjustment serve a different purpose for bully-victims than for the other roles involved.  相似文献   

Summary Social and emotional development begins from the moment of birth. Remarkably, infants are able to engage with their social world, particularly their parents and family. They start to establish a secure attachment with their primary caregivers who provide not only nurturance but guidance. A sense of security facilitates infants' exploration of their physical and social world. They demonstrate selective preferences—they prefer to look at faces and listen to voices—that reflect their genetically programmed disposition. Infants are able to express their emotions and recognize the emotional expressions of others. The development of basic human attributes emerge in the first few weeks and months of life. Caring, loving adults play such a critical role in providing learning opportunities to interact with others and express their emotions in an appropriate manner. Adults shape the quality of experiences that infants encounter and provide the basic building blocks of trust that support further development later in life.  相似文献   

现阶段的中国社会处于急剧变革的时期,取得很多成绩也面临众多的"问题".对于社会问题报道的尺度把握以及对社会心理的引导是新闻媒介应密切关注的问题,对社会问题的关注实质上是时政府决策能力实行有效的舆论监督,同时也是帮助受众构筑社会认知全景.因此,对该领域的报道需要新闻工作者做到与时俱进,不断探索传播规律,使新闻媒介发挥高水平的舆论功能,对社会心理引导起到积极作用.  相似文献   

Numerous studies conducted in different countries have focused on empirical research and literature reviews on prevalence, consequences, and strategies relative to cyberbullying; however, there is a lack of research regarding cyberbullying from a cross-cultural perspective. This article reviews recent research on cyberbullying and presents information on prevention and intervention from an international perspective.  相似文献   

This article draws on a study which investigated the interpretation and use of Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) in primary schools in the UK (the authors gratefully acknowledge Studentship funding from the Economic and Social Research Council for this study). The paper focuses on school staff members' perceptions about the intentions and purposes of the scheme. The testimonies of head teachers, management staff, teachers, teaching assistants, welfare assistants and pastoral staff members illustrated how the interpretation and use of SEAL was influenced by their perceptions about the pupils' parents and, in particular, parental ability to develop ‘appropriate’ social, emotional and behavioural skills in their children. In schools where parenting was positively appraised, SEAL was used to complement parenting practices; whilst in schools where parents were negatively appraised, SEAL was used to counter their endeavours. The scheme was also used to compensate for certain inadequacies that were deemed to be taking place in the home. These differing perceptions of parents were linked to social class, with the scheme being used to complement the practices of middle‐class parents and to counter those of minority‐ethnic and working‐class people. We contend that this interpretation and use of the scheme helped to re‐affirm the practices of the dominant culture whilst serving to marginalise the values of the less powerful groups in society. Implications of the study's findings are discussed and recommendations for staff, schools and policy are made.  相似文献   

任何社会都不可避免地存在各种各样的社会问题与教育问题,以及与教育密切相关的教育社会问题.引起社会问题的原因是多方面的,解决社会问题的途径也是多渠道的.社会问题与教育有着极为密切的关系.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to comprehensively examine social cognition processes in children with and without learning disabilities (LD), focusing on social information processing (SIP) and complex emotional understanding capabilities such as understanding complex, mixed, and hidden emotions. Participants were 50 children with LD (age range 9.4-12.7; 35 boys, 15 girls) and 50 children without LD matched on grade, age, and gender. Children analyzed 4 social vignettes using Dodge's SIP model and completed 2 emotional recognition tasks (pictures and stories) and 4 emotional knowledge tasks, such as providing definitions and examples for 5 emotions (e.g., loneliness, pride, embarrassment). Study results demonstrated that children with LD had major difficulties in SIP processes and consistent difficulties with the different tasks in the understanding of complex emotions and in higher emotional understanding capabilities, such as understanding that 2 conflicting emotions (love and hate) can be simultaneously experienced. We discuss the implications of such difficulties for the understanding of social competence in children with LD as well as their implications for social skills intervention.  相似文献   

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