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在普通话水平第一、二题测试中.出现了一些语音错误背离了测试目标,试卷设计时想要测到的音节无法测得的现象.针对这一现象,本文通过对普通话水平测试理论与实践中一些问题的重新梳理,提出了普通话语音测试中"目标无关性错误"的概念.并在此基础上指出,教育测量理论中有关信度、效度的检测用于普通话语音测试研究时,要从测题与目标一致性的角度出发,充分考虑汉字特性的影响.  相似文献   

本文通过普通话水平测试第一、二题分别与三、四题、总分及等级之间的效标关联效度的检验,得出了第一题与第二题相比效度偏低的结论。  相似文献   

本文通过普通话水平测试第一、二题分别与三、四题、总分及等级之间的效标关联效度的检验,得出了第一题与第二题相比效度偏低的结论。  相似文献   

对普通话水平测试第一题测试目的进行了深入探讨,并运用语言测试相关理论,对其测试效度存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

闫会才 《考试》2010,(11):16-18
补写词语或句子题,形式新颖效度高,可做起来也有一定的难度。该怎么做呢?我们先看题目:  相似文献   

设计一套测试题,衡量标准是什么呢?1、效度2、信度3、区分度4、实用性5、产生的影响1、效度(validit)效度检验是否达到测试的目的。一般来讲,测试什么就包括什么项目,不涉及无关内容。如果在高考中测验写作能力的题目是:(1)、Islinguisticsanartorscience?Discuss.(语言学是艺术还是科学?讨论)这种题目是无效度的,因为要求学生先值语言学,才有写作可言,因此对考生绝对不利。题目太难也达不到测试的目的。给一般学习者出这种题:(2)、NetCash30days,or,less2%10daysluterestchnydattherateof6%diermainnty.Arethete…  相似文献   

设计一套好的测试题,衡量标准是什么呢?1.效度动信度3.区分度4.实用性已产生的影响1.效度(Validity)效度检验是否达到测试的目的。一般来讲,测试什么就包括什么项目、不涉及无关内容。如果在高中测验写作能力的题目是:(1)IsLingwisticsanartorscience?Discuss(语言学是艺术还是科学?讨论)这种题目是无效度的,因为要求学生先懂语言学,才有写作可言,因此对考生绝对不利。题目太难也达不到测试的目的。给一般学习者出这种题:(2)NetCash30days,or,less2%10days.InterestChargedattherateof6%aftermaturl-ty·。…  相似文献   

大学英语六级考试中的第四部分综合改错题,主要是测试考生运用英语语言的综合能力,即考生综合运用语感、语法、词汇、逻辑和背景知识进行分析、判断的能力。综合改错题是许多学生感觉难度较大且得分较低的题项,下面笔者拟就该题项进行解析研讨并提出解题技巧,以供广大考生参考。综合改错题的错项类型可分为两大类——语法性错误和逻辑性错误,前者约占70%,后者约占30%。其中,语法性错误是多种多样的,但主要包括词义错误、词语搭配错误和其他错误;逻辑错误可分为逻辑矛盾和逻辑混乱两类错误。下面就语法性错误和逻辑性错误分别利用真…  相似文献   

本分析了问卷调查和试卷调查的材料。用教学方法计算出广西普通话水平测试的各题分数的分布区间。再进一步考察出各题的稳定性:第四题“说话”最稳定,第三题“朗读”次之,第一题“读单字”次之,最不稳定的是第二题“读词语”。从稳定性的角度提出影响普通话水平测试成绩的主客观因素。  相似文献   

林绮琴 《广西教育》2012,(38):39-40
随着普通话水平测试对现代化技术需求的不断增加,计算机辅助普通话水平测试(以下称为机测)系统应运而生,目前已有多个省(市、区)运用计算机辅助普通话水平测试工作。所谓机测,是指应试人采用上机模式进行测试,第一题“读单音节字词”、第二题“读多音节词语”和第三题“朗读短文”由计算机辅助普通话水平测试系统自动评分,第四题“命题说话”由普通话培训测试中心或测试站调配测试员通过网络在线评分。  相似文献   

付英 《海外英语》2012,(10):95-96
多项选择题型是目前英语测试中使用最广泛的一种客观性题型。然而,多项选择题的弊端日益凸显。为了尽量减少多项选择对教学产生负面反拨作用,该文提出了几点建议:1)科学设计干扰项,使其真正起到干扰作用,确保试题的效度,保证命题的质量。2)尽量减少多项选择题在英语测试中的主导地位,提高主观试题的比例。3)提高多项选择的内容效度,避免考点单一。4)注重预测、修改过程,尽量通过科学化的出题减少多项选择题带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

普通话水平测试中语法评定可参照以下一些标准。如果是方言语法,那么,绝对的方言语法,扣分;当遇到方言和普通话界线不清的语法现象时,一般不扣分;如方言语法已被普通话吸收,不扣分。如果是言语句,那么,省略句和倒装句,不扣分;偶发句,酌情扣分;口误句,扣分。如果是病句,那么,语音病句、语用病句,不扣分;语义病句,酌情扣分;句法病句,公认的合格句子,不扣分,公认的病句,扣分,有争议的句子,原则上不扣分。  相似文献   

通过个案研究,运用实验语音学的方法,对佤族普通话单字音节声调中的时长、调域、调型和调值偏误研究分析发现:佤族学生习得汉语普通话单字音四声音高调值的难易顺序为:阳平〉上声〉去声〉阴平;这些偏误习得主要与母语、汉语方言声调、学习策略、教材与教学等因素有关。据此,应根据佤族学生汉语声调偏误实际情况,遵循5个原则和6个步骤并灵活运用教学设计和技巧。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to analyze the dimensional structure of the Spanish version of the School and College Ability Test, employed in the process for the identification of students with high intellectual abilities. This test measures verbal and mathematical (or quantitative) abilities at three levels of difficulty: elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th years in Primary school), intermediate (6th year in Primary school plus the 1st and 2nd years of Compulsory Secondary School or ESO), and advanced (3rd and 4th years of ESO plus the 1st and 2nd years of bachillerato – equivalent to High school). For each level there are two forms, X and Y. The research was undertaken with the results obtained from the application carried out for the validation and norming of the Spanish version of the test, and for which a representative sample of students from Navarre at these mentioned levels was taken. This study assessed the possible unidimensionality of the simplicity or the complexity of the structure of this test as an essential aspect of construct validity. To this end, the results were triangulated for the classic factorial techniques and non-parametric methods based on the item response theory.  相似文献   

This study based on a theoretical framework of three main environmental perspectives in the human-nature relationship (anthropocentrism, biocentrism and ecocentrism), aimed to identify their incidence in teachers involved with environmental projects when confronted with diverse environmental issues. 60 teachers drawn from four school cycles in Portugal (crèche; 1st cycle, 6–9 years old; 2nd cycle, 10–11 years old; 3rd cycle and Secondary school, 12–17 years old) were interviewed and divided into two groups: generalist teachers (crèche and 1st cycle) and specialists in different subjects (2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary). The results showed a higher occurrence of biocentric perceptions in all teachers (more significantly in those from the 1st group). Comparatively, the teachers from the 2nd group showed more ecocentric perceptions. These differences can be explained by the models of teacher education (initial and inservice) and by the influence of the specific characteristics of the cycles in question. In contrast, the teachers' environmental projects were mostly centred on sustainable use of resources, which inevitably favours anthropocentric arguments. The results allow us to conclude that different environmental approaches are possible, especially if teachers are aware of the importance of dealing with more controversial environmental issues.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation of language arts instruction to students' letter-word reading skill growth from the beginning of 1st grade to the end of 2nd grade using cross-classified random effects models. Amounts of teacher-managed, code-focused instruction in 1st and 2nd grade each uniquely predicted students' letter-word reading skill growth; plus, there were child-by-instruction interactions. Students with weaker fall 1st grade letter-word reading scores demonstrated stronger letter-word reading at the end of 2nd grade when they spent more time in 1st-and 2nd-grade teacher-managed, code-focused instruction. Students with stronger initial reading skills demonstrated higher 2nd-grade reading scores when they spent less time in 1st grade but more time in 2nd-grade teacher-managed, code-focused instruction. Students who participated in optimally effective 1st-grade and 2nd-grade classroom instruction demonstrated greater letter-word reading growth from the beginning of 1st grade to the end of 2nd grade than did students who participated in less effective instruction in either 1st or 2nd grade, or both. Still, for children who entered 1st grade with weaker reading skills, results indicate that effective 2nd-grade instruction might offer a 2nd chance to achieve grade appropriate reading skills.  相似文献   

Web预取技术是减少网络延迟,提高服务质量的主要解决方案之一.利用Zipf第一定律和Zipf第二定律建立Web对象访问流行度模型.对于访问频率较高的Web对象,利用Zipf第一定律建模;而对于访问频率较低的Web对象,则使用Zipf第二定律进行描述.  相似文献   

This study assessed the validity of the Kindergarten Teacher Rating Scale (KTRS) in predicting reading achievement for male and female students. The KTRS was a significant predictor of reading achievement for both boys and girls; differential predictive validity for boys and girls was not found. The KTRS explained about 30% of the variance in reading achievement both at the end of the 1st grade and the beginning of 2nd grade. The proportion of variance in reading achievement explained by variance in KTRS scores was significantly greater than the proportion of variance in reading achievement explained by variance in reading readiness scores. There were no significant differences in the mean KTRS scores for male and female students.  相似文献   

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