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对于岚的成员而言,2009年是个人活跃的一年,电视剧、综艺、主持……在每个领域大放光朦胧;对于岚整个团体而言,因为十周年的到来,又让09年变得意义特殊,10周年的演唱会和Fans们一起快乐度过,也在这一年留下了诸多的难忘回忆,回忆这特别的一年,一起希冀美好的未来,10年后的岚和自己。  相似文献   


Homework (HW) is an integral part of the learning process. Currently, there is renewed interest and controversy about its effectiveness. The present study explores the voices of the science teachers on this matter. Adopting the view that reporting both teachers views and actual classroom practices is necessary for obtaining a more complete view of the phenomena, the present study addressed teachers views relating to the cognitive, affective, and pedagogical aspects of HW, their in-class practices and behaviors related to HW, and if the views and practices differ. The research was conducted in 3 stages: (a) teachers (n = 25) behaviors were examined based on classroom observations of 3 – 5 consecutive lessons, (b) these teachers were interviewed about their beliefs about and attitudes toward HW, and (c) the data from both the observations and interviews were processed into categories and subcategories. The findings revealed a wide range of teachers beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors and that teachers hold both positive and negative views simultaneously. In addition, the views for some categories expressed in the interviews concurred with the teachers actual classroom behavior; for other categories, disagreements were identified. This research broadens the contemporary horizons regarding HW and may contribute to those who wish to work with teachers making HW more effective.


As the English language gains its popularity with the day, every learner tries to find agood way of learning it. What is the best way to it has become a decades' question. It is a pity that What a linguistic expert can offer is but some pieces of advice. The keyfactor in language lies in hard work. No short way can be found. Theoretically, an expert can  相似文献   

<正>Prounclatlon is the essence of any language for language begins withsounds,and is used in oral speech and in reding aloud In order to makeoneself intelligible one must first learn the pronunciation of a languageand English is no exception.However,English pronunciation is beingneglected or even ignored in some schools.Thus many students graduate withpoor Englisn pronunciation.Instead of using the phonetic symbols;thestudents mark English words with Chinese characters,for esanple,“fish”and”费事”,“seven”as”散义”.”good.morning”as“古得猫宁”,“lesson”as“来森”etc,andsome even mark whole texts in this way which sounds rather strange andleaves you unsure whether to laugh or cry Therefore,students with poorpronunciation either have great difficulties finding jobs or areunqualified for the jobs they obtain.  相似文献   

As is true of so many women professionals, Joyce Tsunoda recognizes that, although shefulfills multiple roles,she is "only one me." Inthis accountingof a typical 1-month period in her hectic career, Dr. Tsunoda re ects on the philosophy that allows her to keep her many "selves" together and focused. In both her personal and her professional lives, Joyce Tsunoda dwells in the international realm. Her children and grandchildren are divided between Hawaii and Japan. Her professional responsibilities include heading a statewide system of seven community colleges spread over six islands, yet also handling international responsibilities for the 10-campus statewide University of Hawaii System of which the Community Colleges are a part. This article recounts a one-month period during which Joyce traveled from Hawaii to Japan, back through Hawaii to the East Coast of the mainland United States, and home once again to Hawaii. Her Japanese heritage, combined with her American upbringing, proves to be a two-edged sword as she experiences both her "grandmother" role and her professional role in Japan. Through all the travel and the many personal and professional demands on her time, she steers her true course by remembering life's many Ls: leading, listening, liking, learning, letting go, and language of the lullaby.  相似文献   

It is worth to mention that Eq.(19) can be found alternatively first by describing the boundary conditions at each of the sampling points to obtain a set of linear equations with respect to the modal coefficients Then, determining the number of sampling points in order that the number of linear equations be twice the number of unknowns  相似文献   

提出了一种求线性定常n阶网络的固有频率集的新方法,给出了通用方程的推导及证明.该方法首次将n阶网络的固有频率与n端口网络参数相联系,方程形式简洁对偶,物理意义明确,求解简捷规范且不会产生丢根现象,具有通用性和系统性.  相似文献   

The Technical Scholars Program was established in the early 1980s after members of the Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce, the Spartanburg Area Development Authority, and representatives from local industry approached Spartanburg Technical College. The Chamber and Area Development Authority were concerned that their attempts to recruit new businesses to the area were being thwarted by the perceived lack of well-trained employees in certain critical areas. The industry representatives were experiencing great difficulty filling their own needs for the same type of employee. Technical Scholars began as a three-year, industry-funded program that prepared graduates to fill needed technician slots in various manufacturing industries while gaining work experience with the companies that employed them after graduation. Participating companies worked closely with the college to develop both the content of the curriculum and the sequence in which it was offered so that the program met the needs of industry.  相似文献   


One common theme underlying recent reports on science education is that the content of school science and its related pedagogical approaches are not aligned with the interests and needs of both society and the majority of the students. Most students do not find their science classes interesting and motivating. These claims are especially valid regarding those students who, in the future, will probably not embark on a career in science or engineering but will need science and technology personally and functionally as literate citizens. One key problem seems to be that few science programs around the world teach how science is linked to those issues that are relevant to students’ life, environment, and role as a citizen. As a result, many students are unable to participate in societal discussions about science and its related technological applications. This paper discusses the need to incorporate socioscientific ideas into the science curricula more thoroughly. This recommendation is supported by a theoretical rationale from various sources leading to a reflection about common practices in science education in three countries: Israel, Germany, and the USA. The state-of-the-art, potentials, and barriers of effective implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of gratitude in youth has received increasing attention during the past several years, and gratitude‐based interventions have often been recommended for use in schools. Yet, the empirical status of the correlates of gratitude and the effects of gratitude‐based interventions on youths’ outcomes remains unclear. The present study addressed this ambiguity by systematically reviewing and meta‐analyzing original empirical journal articles investigating gratitude in youth through September 2014 (N = 20). Findings from the meta‐analysis of correlates indicate small‐to‐moderate convergent and discriminant evidence for gratitude as a subjective well‐being indicator in youth, yet other results indicate that gratitude measures have relatively poor test–retest reliability and/or predictive validity and that they have questionable concurrent validity with other gratitude measures. Moreover, findings from the meta‐analysis of intervention outcomes indicate that gratitude‐based interventions are, as a whole, generally ineffective and that much more intervention research is warranted. Implications of these findings for theory, future research, and the practice of school psychology are discussed.  相似文献   

Life is now a matter of selling oneself to slave-work, building roads or labouring in quarries or mines or on the railways, purposeless, meaningless, real slave-work, each integer doing his [and/ or her] mere labour, and all for no purpose, except to have money, and to get away from the old system. (…) It is as if the whole social form were breaking down, and the human element swarmed within the disintegration, like maggots in cheese. The roads, the railways are built, the mines and quarries are excavated, but the whole organism of life, the social organism, is slowly crumbling and caving in, in a kind of process of dry rot, most terrifying to see. (D. H. Lawrence, Twilight in Italy, 1997, Penguin Edition: 223/4).  相似文献   

This paper discusses beliefs about teaching and learning chemistry. The sample includes chemistry student teachers and in-service teachers from Jordan, Turkey, and Germany. Two test instruments were used to investigate (student) teachers’ beliefs. A qualitative instrument was used to explore Beliefs about Classroom Organization, Beliefs about Teaching Objectives, and Epistemological Beliefs. A quantitative instrument was added to evaluate participants’ beliefs concerning the Nature of Good Education. The results show that Jordanian chemistry teachers and teacher trainees held the most traditional, teacher-centered, and transmission-oriented beliefs, while the German sample showed the most modern beliefs toward teaching and learning. Turkish (student) teachers evidenced more moderate beliefs, which tended to be between the two extremes, but that could still be positioned more closely to the traditional way of thinking. The results are discussed in the context of chemistry teacher education in the three respective countries.  相似文献   

In this essay, Terri Wilson puts the argument developed by Kathleen Knight Abowitz that charter schools could be considered as counterpublic spaces into interaction with empirical research that explores patterns of voluntary self‐segregation in charter schools. Wilson returns to the theoretical tension between Jürgen Habermas and Nancy Fraser over the inclusivity of the public sphere. Wilson argues that Fraser's concept of counterpublic space rests on an oversimplification of Habermas's concept of the public sphere and, further, that justifying school choice through Fraser's “multiplicity of publics” offers few resources for questioning the increasing segregation of schools. According to Wilson, Habermas's normative project—and his concept of “idealization,” in particular—offers both an answer to Fraser's critique and a better application of “the public sphere” to the issue of school choice. Wilson concludes by considering how Habermas's understanding of the public sphere as a normative ideal might serve as a useful resource for evaluating the public‐ness of charter school reform.  相似文献   

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