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What Makes a Dad     
God took the strength of a mountain,Themajesty of a tree.The warmth of a summer sun,The calm of a quietsea,The generous soul ofnature,  相似文献   

When I was a little child,I was determined to become somebody who would achieve his great ambition,and would make big money.All the time I held the belief that I would get all that I want through hard work.  相似文献   


Many assessment procedures used in the classroom fail to measure the student's comprehension of text materials. Using constructing- algorithms to develop the testing instruments, three quizzes and a posttest measuring both critical and incidental content were given to three fourth grade and three sixth grade classes. Three levels of student comprehension were tested: verbatim, paraphrased, and transformed paraphrased. Significant increases in performance over tests, and superior incidental recall by sixth graders indicated that as the learner's sophistication increases, deeper and more comprehensive instructional encoding can be measured by rule-based assessment systems.  相似文献   

In an undergraduate analysis course taught by one of the authors, three prompts are regularly given: (i) What do we know? (ii) What do we need to show? (iii) Let’s draw a picture. We focus on the third prompt and its role in helping students develop their confidence in learning how to construct proofs. Specific examples of visual models and their impact on student work are presented.  相似文献   

Onedayaladysawamouserunningacrossherkitchenfloor.Shewasveryafraidofmouse,sosheranoutofthehouse,gotinabusandwentdowntotheshop.Theresheboughtamouse鄄trap(老鼠夹子).Theshopkeepersaidtoher,“Putsomecheeseinit,andyouwillsooncatchthatmouse.”Theladywenthomewithhermouse鄄trap,butwhenshelookedinhercupboard,shecouldnotfindanycheeseinit.Shedidnotwanttogobacktotheshop,becauseitwasverylate,soshecutapictureofsomecheeseoutofamagazineandputitinthetrap.Surprisingly,thepictureofthecheesewasq…  相似文献   

Draw a lively Scarecr0W· 扮 上一次,我们学画了一个 滑稽可爱的小丑,这次,就让 我们来学画一幅秋天的美景吧! RUb OUt thOSG unneeessary Iines. 擦掉多余均线条。 J~~一一一一___一一一一~一_____ 馨 CO!OUF 上漂亮的 Oe00000右卜 酝Drawing a Picture of Autumn@蓝丽诗$桂  相似文献   

从本期开始,我们将为您陆续指出中国考生在雅思口语考试中最常见的口语错误,小到粗心所致的小错误,大到复杂语法结构导致的大错误,愿借此让读者学习到大量实用地道的英语表达,敬请关注。  相似文献   

The Very Picture of You is reckoned as one of Isabel Woolf's best works.The novel impresses readers with its art in narrativity.This thesis aims to make a tentative study on how the author makes it a successful example of narration in terms of rendering the point of narrative,applying narrative techniques and creating narrative structure.  相似文献   

Popular and accessible before television and the internet, picture books capture the context of the time they were created and influence the generations of children who consume them. Depictions of the natural world have changed across several generations of picture books as seen in illustrations of all 249 books of an influential collection, the Children’s Book Council of Australia Picture Book of the Year Awards shortlists from 1955 to 2014. This study found that natural environments became proportionally less present in picture books over time while depictions of built environments increased. The presence of wild animals and native Australian animals also decreased over time. Sustainability themes and more realistic depictions of wild animals and biodiversity increased over time which reflects a growing ecological or environmental awareness, and diversification of environmental themes in recent picture books of this prominent Collection.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Students experienced a mindfulness program designed to enhance their self-regulation in prekindergarten and kindergarten. At the end of the 1st year of the program, these students showed improvements in teacher-reported executive function skills, specifically related to working memory and planning and organizing, whereas students in a business as usual control group showed a decline in these areas. No difference between the groups’ receptive vocabulary was found in prekindergarten. At the end of kindergarten, the mindfulness group had higher vocabulary and reading scores than the business as usual group. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that mindfulness practices may be a promising technique that teachers can use in early childhood settings to enhance preschoolers’ executive functioning, with academic benefits emerging in the kindergarten year.  相似文献   

The concept of “manager as coach” is increasingly popular in the management literature as a mechanism for improving employee involvement and performance. This paper summarizes a study we conducted to evaluate “coaching skills” among sales managers. The study used telephone interviews with managers' subordinates to collect data regarding managers' coaching effectiveness. During the interviews, subordinates rated their supervisors' coaching skills and provided a rationale for their rankings. This study analyzes the ratings and the comments, and outlines the behaviors associated with both high and low ratings of manager coaching skills.  相似文献   

This study describes teachers’ experiences in a preschool professional learning community (PLC) in order to gain understanding of the role of documentation in group learning. A central underlying assumption of PLCs is that teacher learning involves talking with colleagues about teaching and grappling with the issues embodied in everyday classroom life. We utilized a qualitative case study design in order to emphasize the situated and contextual nature of teachers’ professional learning in context. Data sources included the following: observations of PLC sessions, interviews with participating teachers, and the classroom documentation teachers shared during the sessions. We found that the incorporation of documentation in the PLC made implicit assumptions about children visible in order to be scrutinized. In addition, the teachers’ reflections on the documentation highlighted conflicting notions about teaching as either technical practice or inquiry. In contrast to traditional delivery approaches to teacher learning, we argue that PLCs focused on documentation encourage teachers to problematize practice rather than simplify it. The process of reflecting on children’s work made shifts in thinking about the nature of teaching possible.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with highlighting young children’s ideas about the nature, location and appearance of germs, as well as their reasoning strands about germs’ ontological category and biological functions. Moreover, it is concerned with exploring how all these could be taken into account for shaping a potentially fruitful learning environment. Conducting individual, semi-structured interviews with 35 preschoolers (age 4.5–5.5) of public kindergartens in the broader area of Patras, we attempted to trace their ideas about what germs are, where they may be found, whether they are good or bad and living or non-living and how they might look like in a drawing. Moreover, children were required to attribute a series of biological functions to dogs, chairs and germs, and finally to create a story with germs holding a key-role. The analysis of our qualitative data within the “NVivo” software showed that the informants make a strong association of germs with health and hygiene issues, locate germs mostly in our body and the external environment, are not familiar with the ‘good germs’-idea, and draw germs as ‘human-like’, ‘animal-like’ or ‘abstract’ entities. Moreover, they have significant difficulties not only in employing biological functions as criteria for classifying germs in the category of ‘living’, but also in just attributing such functions to germs using a warrant. Finally, the shift from our findings to a 3-part learning environment aiming at supporting preschoolers in refining their initial conceptualization of germs is thoroughly discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

王慧 《海外英语》2014,(15):132-133
As an expert on literature and translation, Wang Zuliang has contributed a lot to both Chinese and foreign culture.Based on his own experiences he has formed his distinctive ideas about translation such as principle and function.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of shared singing of a picture book on the Chinese vocabulary recall and retention of young bilingual learners in Chinese immersion programs using an experimental study design. One hundred and six immersion kindergarteners from three different school districts in the U.S. Midwest were assigned to the experimental group (n = 53) and the control group (n = 53) at the class level. The experimental group listened to a song-based storybook (also known as a story song) and shared in singing it, while the control group heard the same story, read aloud and shared in reading it. The pre-test was administered to determine the participants’ vocabulary level before the study. Immediate and delayed post-tests were used to assess their immediate recall and delayed retention of vocabulary targeted in the shared reading/singing. Independent t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis were employed to examine differences between the two groups in vocabulary recall and retention. The results showed that the experimental group achieved greater improvement in their vocabulary than the control group. This finding suggests that shared singing can be a useful pedagogical tool for spoken vocabulary acquisition and retention in picture books.  相似文献   

A major topic that has marked ‘modern physics’ is the theory of special relativity (TSR). The present work focuses on the possibility of teaching the basic ideas of the TSR to students at the upper secondary level in such a way that they are able to understand and learn the ideas. Its aim is to investigate students' learning processes towards the two axioms of the theory (the principle of relativity and the invariance of the speed of light) and their consequences (the relativity of simultaneity, time dilation and length contraction). Based on an analysis of physics college textbooks, on a review of the relevant bibliography and on a pilot study, a teaching and learning sequence consisting of five sessions was developed. To collect the data, experimental interviews (the so-called teaching experiment) were used. The teaching experiment may be viewed as a Piagetian clinical interview that is deliberately employed as a teaching and learning situation. The sample consisted of 40 10th grade students (aged 15–16). The data were collected by taping and transcribing the ‘interviews’, as well as from two open-ended questionnaires filled out by each student, one before and the other after the sessions. Methods of qualitative content analysis were applied. The results show that upper secondary education students are able to cope with the basic ideas of the TSR, but there are some difficulties caused by the following student conceptions: (a) there is an absolute frame of reference, (b) objects have fixed properties and (c) the way events happen is independent of what the observers perceive.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an investigation aimed at gaining a clearer understanding of the nature of vocabulary difficulties associated with dyslexia and associated risk status. Three studies were conducted to examine preschoolers’ access and mastery of syntactic- and phonological-based processes believed to support word learning. Results are reported for 82 participants whose (reading) risk status was assessed from a composite of measures known to be related to reading development. As expected, risk status correlated positively with participants’ ability to recall the phonological form of novel nouns. No relationship was found between risk status and participants’ use of syntactic form-class cues in interpreting the noun class of novel names in isolation. However, the ability to use form-class cues was impaired for at-risk participants on a task that required them to learn both the phonological form and noun class. Findings are discussed in relation to the suggestion that limitations in processing resources such as working memory rather than in the availability of language structures may be at the root of the reported poor performance by at-risk children on vocabulary and other linguistic measures.
Megan Louise GilliverEmail: Email:

Soccer is played by millions of people all over the world, but there have been only a few players who were truly great. How did these players get that way-was it through training and practice, or are great players born not made ? First, these players came from places that have had famous stars in the past-players that a young boy can look up to (敬仰) and try to imitate. In the history of soccer,only six countries have ever won  相似文献   

This article investigates how immigrant children’s acculturation experiences are characterized through the symbolic literary feature of name in children’s literature and how the language of the text functions to communicate these messages. We draw on the theoretical frameworks of Critical Literacy (CL) and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) to inform our analysis, showcasing how the connection and interrelation of these theories maximizes the potential for meaning-making. Texts were examined to reveal dominant themes around acculturation communicated through the use of protagonists’ names and trends in the language used to construct young readers’ understandings. Findings indicate that the construct of a name is a key theme in the literature used to forge a cultural identity for immigrant children, generate cultural conflict, and stimulate others’ judgment.  相似文献   

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