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This article discusses the idea that overt verbalization helps to develop children's self-regulated learning of cognitive skills. Verbalization can enhance children's attention to task-relevant features. As a type of rehearsal, verbalization may improve coding, storage, and retention of material, and thereby facilitate subsequent retrieval and use. Verbalization can help children maintain a positive task outlook and cope with difficulties. Because verbalization makes salient a systematic approach for improving learning and children's ability to apply it, verbalization also can raise self-efficacy (perceived capabilities). Research is summarized that assesses the effects on children's learning due to verbalizing information to be remembered, modeled actions, and strategies. Future research needs to explore maintenance and generalization of systematic approaches to learning, verbalization of task-specific and general statements, and uses of verbalization in classrooms.  相似文献   

This study tested the effectiveness of a facilitated educational program in a museum for promoting family conversations and children's learning about STEM. A sample of 130 families (71 European-American; 33 African-American; and 26 Hispanic-American) with children M age = 6.42 years were observed in a building construction exhibit. Prior to building, families were randomly assigned to conditions that varied in terms of the instructions about a key engineering principle and elaborative question-asking they received. Conversation instruction resulted in adults’ asking double the number of Wh-questions compared to families who did not receive the instruction. The building instruction was important in promoting increases in adults’ STEM-related talk during the building activity, as well as in the children's STEM talk when prompted for information about what they had learned. The effects of the instructions did not vary by families’ ethnic background. Implications for facilitating family conversations and children's learning related to STEM are discussed.  相似文献   

The rebirth of children's learning   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Learning is a central part of children's lives, but the study of learning is a rather peripheral part of the field of cognitive development. Fortunately, this situation is starting to change; recent theoretical and methodological advances have sparked renewed interest in children's learning. This renewed interest has already yielded a set of consistent and interesting findings regarding how children learn, as well as intriguing proposals regarding the mechanisms that underlie the learning. Increasing our focus on children's learning promises to yield practical benefits as well as a more exciting field of cognitive development.  相似文献   

Mediation in children's aural paired-associate learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Explanation and generalization in young children's strategy learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Children often learn new problem-solving strategies by observing examples of other people's problem-solving. When children learn a new strategy through observation and also explain the new strategy to themselves, they generalize the strategy more widely than children who learn a new strategy but do not explain. We tested three hypothesized mechanisms through which explanations might facilitate strategy generalization: more accurate recall of the new strategy's procedures; increased selection of the new strategy over competing strategies; or more effective management of the new strategy's goal structure. Findings supported the third mechanism: Explanations facilitated generalization through the creation of novel goal structures that enabled children to persist in use of the new strategy despite potential interference from competing strategies. The facilitative effect of explanation did vary with children's age and did not vary between explanations children created by themselves versus explanations they learned from the experimenter.  相似文献   

The underconfidence with practice effect (UWP) refers to the finding that people's judgments of learning shift from overconfidence to underconfidence on and after a first study-test trial (Koriat, Ma'ayan, & Sheffer, 2002). Finn and Metcalfe (2007, 2008) proposed that people show UWP because they use their memory of prior test performance as a cue to make subsequent judgments of learning and inadequately account for new learning (i.e. the Memory for Past Test (MPT) heuristic). In contrast to adults, 3rd and 5th graders' judgments showed persistent overconfidence on and after a first study-test trial. A second experiment tested children's ability to remember their prior test performance. Children's prior performance discriminations were accurate for items that they answered correctly on the prior trial, but were overconfident for items they had answered incorrectly indicating that their continued overconfidence was a result of faulty memory, rather than a failure to use the MPT heuristic.  相似文献   

There has been a continuing increase in the application of hierarchy theory to the problems of instruction and evaluation, since Gagné first used the term hierarchy in his theory of how human beings acquire complex skills and knowledge. This article, based on a 1970 symposium of the American Educational Research Association, presents an overview and analysis of the use of learning hierarchies in instruction and research, examines some current research on learning hierarchies, and considers the implications of this research for instructional psychology and for theories of cognitive development.Lauren B. Resnick is with the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  相似文献   

For learning science, motivational beliefs such as confidence in one's science abilities and liking of science are associated with current and future science achievement, as well as continued interest in science classes and careers. However, there are currently no measures to test young children's motivational beliefs related to science learning. To meet this need, we developed the Puppet Interview Scales of Competence in and Enjoyment of Science (PISCES). We piloted PISCES with 113 kindergarten children in public schools participating in the Scientific Literacy Project (SLP). Factor analysis supported the multidimensional structure of young children's self-related beliefs about learning science. PISCES scales measured Science Liking, Science Competence, and Ease of Science Learning. Correlations among PISCES scales and achievement subtests provided evidence of PISCES's validity. Children's motivational beliefs varied as a function of length of time spent learning science, with competence beliefs associated positively with science experience. There were no gender differences.  相似文献   

信息技术对当代生活有着重大的影响,在这以多媒体计算机技术和网络通讯技术为标志的时代,信息技术改变着我们的学习方式、生活方式、工作方式。在幼儿教育中,信息技术的运用就是指把文本、图形、图像、声音、影像等经过处理后融合为一体,它的特点是运行的实时生动。在现今时代信息技术已快速融入教学领域,为提高教学质量促进国际教育业的发展打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

对学龄前儿童进行了学习方式测验。结果发现:(1)学龄前儿童在问题解决灵活性任务中掌握最好的是上位范畴,最不理想的是联合;在规则学习任务上的表现较好。(2)公立幼儿园学龄前儿童在学习方式以及基本范畴和上位范畴上好于私立幼儿园的学龄前儿童。(3)朝鲜族和汉族学龄前儿童在学习方式的准备上不存在显著差异。(4)留守学龄前儿童学习方式和规则学习上显著低于非留守学龄前儿童。  相似文献   

Young children, ages 5–6 years, develop first beliefs about science and themselves as science learners, and these beliefs are considered important precursors of children's future motivation to pursue science. Yet, due to a lack of adequate measures, little is known about young children's motivational beliefs about learning science. The present two‐part study explores the motivational beliefs of young children using a new measure—the Young Children's Science Motivation (Y‐CSM) scale. Initial measurement development involved a thorough literature review of existing measures, and an extensive piloting phase until a final instrument was reached. To establish scale reliability, measurement invariance as well construct and criterion validity, the final instrument was administered to a new sample of 277 young children, age 5–6 years, in northern Germany. Results reveal that children's motivational beliefs can be empirically differentiated into their self‐confidence and enjoyment in science at this young age. Older children were more motivated in science, but no significant gender differences were found. Importantly, children in preschools with a science focus reported significantly higher science motivation. This finding stresses the importance of early science education for the development of children's motivational beliefs science.  相似文献   

儿歌对学前儿童的影响是长远和深刻的,但是,要想提高它的有效性,前提是要培养和激发学前儿童学习儿歌的兴趣,兴趣能使学前儿童对感兴趣的事物予以优先的注意和愉悦的情绪。因此,本文通过探究儿歌的特点,提出一些培养儿童学习儿歌兴趣的策略。  相似文献   

The mutual exclusivity bias in children's word learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nearly every recent account of children's word learning has addressed the claim that children are biased to construct mutually exclusive extensions, that is, that they are disposed to keep the set of referents of one word from overlapping with those of others. Three basic positions have been taken--that children have the bias when they first start to learn words, that they never have it, and that they acquire it during early childhood. A review of diary and test evidence as well as the results of four experiments provide strong support for this last view and indicate that the bias develops in the months following the second birthday but does not gain full strength or become accessible to consciousness until sometime after the third birthday. Several studies also show that, after this point, it can still be counteracted by information in input or by a strong belief that something belongs to the extension of a particular word. The full body of evidence is compatible with the view that mutual exclusivity is the default option in children's and adults' procedures for integrating the extensions of new and old words. We present several arguments for the adaptive value of this kind of bias.  相似文献   

Lessons from television: children's word learning when viewing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study investigated if preschoolers can learn novel words when viewing television and if the learning is influenced by age or type of word. 61 preschoolers, ages 3 and 5, were assigned to either an experimental or control group. They viewed a 15-min television program, featuring 20 different novel words, 5 each in the 4 categories of object, action, attribute, and affective-state words. Comprehension was tested before and after viewing. The experimental group performed better than the controls for object, action, and attribute words. 5-year-olds were more accurate than 3-year-olds and gained relatively more from the experimental condition. The easiest words to learn were object and attribute words. The results are relevant for studies of media effects and accounts of preschoolers' "fast mapping" of new words.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the effect of three different presentation modes in children's vocabulary learning with a self-guided multimedia programmes. Participants were 135 third and fourth grade children who read a short English language story presented by a computer programme. For 12 key (previously unknown) words in the story, children received verbal annotations (written translation), visual annotations (picture representing the word), or both. Recall of word translations was better for children who only received verbal annotations than for children who received simultaneously visual and verbal annotations or visual annotations only. Results support previous research about cognitive load in e-learning environments, and show that children's learning processes are hindered by limited working memory. This finding implies a challenge for multimedia programmes designed for children and based on self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

This report examines 174 young children's language outcomes in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, the first randomized trial of foster placement after institutional care. Age of foster placement was highly correlated with language outcomes. Placement by 15 months led to similar expressive and receptive language test scores as typical age peers at 30 and 42 months. Placement from 15 to 24 months also led to dramatic language improvement. In contrast, children placed after 24 months had the same severe language delays as children in institutional care. Language samples at 42 months confirmed that placement after 24 months led to lower expressive skill.  相似文献   

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