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The last few decades have witnessed unprecedented transformations in every sector of society, resulting from the explosive advancement of information and communication technologies. This drastic development has raised the hopes of citizens for better lives, in both developing and advanced countries, urging innovation in government to make it more competent. Due to e-business revolutions, governments around the world have applied similar principles and technologies to government by opening their websites for more efficient publication of information and more effective delivery of public services. While a government website is an important venue for citizens to participate in public affairs and decision-making processes, early e-government practices tended to overlook democratic purposes by focusing on the features of e-business and information systems. There have been increasing criticisms that e-government system design has focused mainly on the provider's perspectives. Reflecting on the theoretical implications of this, we argue that a government website should facilitate democratic processes involving not only information sharing and delivery of better public services, but also deliberation and coproduction. The purpose of this study is to probe into multidimensional features that enable government websites to fulfill their promises. Developing an integrative model for evaluating a government website, namely the Democratic E-governance Website Evaluation Model, we conducted a qualitative meta-analysis of four strands of literature: information systems, business, public administration, and democratic theory. Our study contributes to the literature by extending the purview of e-government website analysis beyond the question of citizens' acceptance and towards the issue of their engagement, bringing a stimulating view of citizens as active agents in governance, and it provides a holistic model for public authorities to improve their websites to facilitate democratic e-governance that helps to create more effective public outcomes.  相似文献   

The literature on e-governance has highlighted the potential of ICTs to enable good governance and socioeconomic development by leveraging stakeholders and resources within and outside the government to address specific challenges. A significant challenge in many developing countries is the inability of large segments of the population—particularly, the vulnerable poor—to receive and benefit from services or public provisions because they lack a means of formal identification. Various digital identity projects worldwide have attempted to address the problem through an umbrella approach dubbed identification for development (ID4D). However, little is known about how digital identity advances e-governance by enabling socioeconomic development through inclusion. This study examines the inclusion and developmental significance of digital identity by drawing on thematic analysis of secondary data from 40 published studies based on the empirical context of India’s Aadhaar—the world’s largest digital identity scheme which enables service delivery to over 1.2 billion people. From our analysis, we identify themes of digital identity and socioeconomic inclusion and develop a theoretical account of their relationship. The resulting framework contributes towards advancing e-governance for development by showing how digital identity might enable inclusion.  相似文献   

Public service availability and quality remain relatively low in the rural areas, particularly in developing countries. Microblog has been employed in the rural areas to enhance public services. We propose that by facilitating collaboration among public employees and enabling supervision of their services, microblog can help enhance the public service climate and improve public service performance in the rural areas. A research model is developed to evaluate the importance of microblog affordance and public service capabilities based on the service climate theory. Through surveying the grassroots public employees in 382 villages, we find that the collaboration and supervision affordances of microblog are important in leading to better public service climate. While the collaboration affordance of microblog has both direct and indirect effects, its supervision affordance effect is indirect through enhancing the content delivery and service fulfillment capacities. Furthermore, our additional analysis shows that public service climate can raise the service satisfaction of the rural citizens. The findings show that microblog adoption enhances public service climate in the rural areas where less attention is given. A set of important recommendations are provided to public administrators on how they can more effectively leverage on the emerging microblog technology in the rural context.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]公共图书馆健康信息服务对公众"身心健康"具有积极作用,探析国外公共图书馆健康信息服务项目的建设经验,可为我国公共图书馆开展健康信息服务提供重要启示。[方法/过程]通过调查 EIFL-PLIP国外公共图书馆健康信息服务项目,以 13个发展中国家和经济转型期国家的健康信息服务项目为切入点,分析国外公共图书馆健康信息服务项目在项目主题、项目对象、项目内容、项目效果、项目保障上的实践特点。[结果/结论]我国公共图书馆在健康信息服务方面应进行多元协作,获取外部支持并发挥引导作用;关注需求,考虑用户特点兼重视弱势群体;培养人才,制定培训计划以提升服务技能;打造内容,加强资源建设与丰富服务类型;转变理念,规划试点项目及提升服务形象。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 文化精准扶贫是彻底打赢扶贫攻坚战的重要举措。公共图书馆作为公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分,是文化产品和服务的主要提供者。现阶段需要深刻剖析公共图书馆自身现状和外界环境,为发挥其在文化精准扶贫中的重要作用奠定基础。[方法/过程] 运用SWOT分析法,对公共图书馆参与文化精准扶贫的优势、劣势、机会和挑战等要素进行系统分析,并通过内外因素交叉匹配形成不同的发展策略。[结果/结论] 公共图书馆应该积极承担文化精准扶贫重任,提高自身文化精准扶贫的参与意识,加强精准识别的相关调研与研究,并且要在扶贫资金上开源节流。  相似文献   

New Public Management and bureaucratic models fail to acknowledge the value of peer-to-peer cooperation between citizens as a resource for public service support. Social media enable citizens to create environments for sharing information about public services in Communities of Public Service Support. The success of this model for public service support depends on the availability of communities, the level of active participation, and the information content. This paper presents an empirical study of virtual communities of expats in The Netherlands. Our analysis shows that there is a wide variety of virtual expat communities with a high level of participation and valuable content. We conclude that virtual communities play an important role in public service support since they facilitate social learning between citizens.  相似文献   

Public sectors are utilizing AI-based self-service technology (SST) at an accelerating rate, given its potential for improving work efficiency and user experience, reducing service costs, and relieving human workloads. However, there is a limited understanding of the factors influencing citizens' user experience when services supported by AI-based SST are provided. Thus, with insights from the Consumer Value Theory, this paper aims to explore the factors that are important to AI-based SST user experience and the conditional role of trust in government. The on-site survey of 379 citizens in a public service center in China indicates that user experience positively relates to personalization and aesthetics and negatively associates with perceived time spent on the AI-based self-service machines. In addition, the results suggest that citizens with more trust in government are more likely to have a pleasant experience coming from AI-based SST's personalization and aesthetics. Public managers should ensure that the AI-based SST is aesthetically appealing and should be able to personalize the delivery of the right contents to the right person at the right time. Furthermore, they should always prioritize cultivating more trust from citizens to achieve a more positive user experience.  相似文献   

This study examines channel choice and public service delivery in Canada, comparing e-government to traditional service delivery channels such as the phone or visiting a government office. Factors studied include the digital divide, the nature of the citizen interaction with government, public service values, and satisfaction with services received by citizens. These factors are used to determine whether they impacted choice of channel and satisfaction with that channel. This study, through logistic regression of a public opinion survey of Canadian residents, found indications suggesting a digital divide in accessing e-government; found that government websites were most commonly used for information purposes, while the phone was most commonly used to solve problems. In regards to citizens' satisfaction, the apparent digital divide was bridged when females and older Canadians were more satisfied with their contact with a government website. In addition, a positive experience with service delivery and positive public service values lead to greater website satisfaction. The results of this study imply that the phone is a more effective service channel for solving problems, and the website is more effective for getting information. Therefore, governments need to provide multiple contact channels for citizens, depending upon their task at hand, while ensuring consistency of information and service response across channels. Creating a positive experience for citizens when they received a service translates into a more satisfied experience with e-government.  相似文献   

信息障碍成为影响农转城新市民城市融入的一个重要因素.论文从社会权利的视角分析了新市民的信息障碍成因在于:土地权利贫困和社会保障权利贫困,社会公共基础设施建设不足引起的公共渠道贫乏,社会关系网络的贫困等.论文通过对这些障碍成因的分析,旨在为农转城过程中新市民的融入问题提供破解途径,使新市民共享主流社会信息资源及社会服务.  相似文献   

This study addresses whether e-government influences the level of corruption control in a cross-country view. To that end, it examines the influence of e-government service maturity on corruption control considering international-level political, economic, and cultural differences. The path analysis on the relationships among various global indicators reveals that e-government service maturity contributes to controlling corruption, and national culture moderates the anti-corruption effect of e-government. Cross-country disparities in political, economic, and cultural conditions influence the variation in the impact of e-government on corruption control. While convincing evidence that affluent democracies can control corruption more effectively than other countries is presented, an examination of cultural moderation finds that national cultures characterized as having unequal power distribution and uncertainty avoidance have a decreased anti-corruption effect of e-government.  相似文献   

Several emerging economies have embarked on a path of digitization to provide lean governance through platform-based applications. Platforms and ecosystems can play vital roles in the proliferation of technologies, which can facilitate a digital transformation of society aimed at equitable and efficient service delivery to citizens. Despite being innovative, citizen-centric, and citizen-inclusive, such platforms has been observed to be rare in emerging economies. Our study assesses the factors that lead to the intention to continue to use these platforms, with the objective of establishing a revised approach to better governance through these platform-based services. A conceptual framework is proposed, based on an integration of various models, and tested using primary data from citizens subscribing to platform-based government services. The results indicate that a continuous availability of such services has better predictive power for the continual-use intention. A unique contribution of the study worth highlighting is the significance of the factor, “sovereign structural assurance,” a pre-requisite for strengthening the degree of control. Based on this study's findings, it is recommended that platforms should invest in controls for structural assurance. These interventions can serve as contrivances that create a sustainable model for such services. A successful convergence of the factors would accelerate the government services by transforming the public service landscape.  相似文献   

Under pressure to fight corruption, hold public officials accountable, and build trust with citizens, many governments pursue the quest for greater transparency. They publish data about their internal operations, externalize decision-making processes, establish digital inquiry lines to public officials, and employ other forms of transparency using digital means. Despite the presence of many transparency-enhancing digital tools, putting such tools together to achieve the desired level of digital transparency, to design entire government systems for digital transparency, remains challenging. Design principles and other design guides are lacking in this area. This article aims to fill this gap. We identify a set of barriers to digital transparency in government, define 16 design principles to overcome such barriers, and evaluate these principles using three case studies from different countries. Some principles apply to projects, others to systems, yet others to entire organizations. To achieve digital transparency, before building and deploying digital solutions, government organizations should build technological and institutional foundations and use such foundations to organize themselves for transparency. The proposed design principles can help develop and apply such foundations.  相似文献   

E-Government projects are currently service oriented, focusing on the implementation and diffusion of digital public services through one-stop points of access for citizens. E-Government strategic plans are political, directed at cost and time minimization during the execution of public services, and they do not take into account citizen needs or public administration operating procedures. Although these plans have led to the development of projects that have succeeded in cost and time savings for both citizens and public administration, surveys conducted around the world show that users evaluate digital public services and do not hesitate to return to traditional methods rather than using digital channels to transact with the public administration again; neither would they recommend the use of digital services to others. This article presents collaborative and participatory tools and methods designed to exploit the knowledge and experience of public servants in the improvement and execution of custom and non-automated public services. Collaborative tools can succeed in the development of real one-stop shops for e-Government, while on the other hand they can encourage both citizens and civil servants to participate in the e-Government era.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the state of the interactive environment in the context of developing countries and relates this to the library and information service (LIS) professionals' ethos on freedom of information. It highlights the role of LIS professionals in adaptive integration of the concept of “leap-frogging,” in support of the struggle for equal access to information for citizens. Drawing from the literature of developed countries, the paper then focuses on ethical issues to which LIS professionals in developing countries need to be sensitized. It encompasses freedom of information, copyright and privacy of information. It concludes by recognizing the need for the reinforcement of education on ethical issues for LIS professionals in developing countries and the role of library associations in sensitization efforts.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the state of the interactive environment in the context of developing countries and relates this to the library and information service (LIS) professionals' ethos on freedom of information. It highlights the role of LIS professionals in adaptive integration of the concept of “leap-frogging,” in support of the struggle for equal access to information for citizens. Drawing from the literature of developed countries, the paper then focuses on ethical issues to which LIS professionals in developing countries need to be sensitized. It encompasses freedom of information, copyright and privacy of information. It concludes by recognizing the need for the reinforcement of education on ethical issues for LIS professionals in developing countries and the role of library associations in sensitization efforts.  相似文献   

Delivering public services to citizens via the Internet is the basic goal of E-government. Although websites are becoming essential elements of public e-services in local public administration in China, little is known about their efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the actual status of Web-enabled public services to citizens in municipal e-government implementation in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight categories of public services to citizens delivered through the Internet have been identified in the websites of the 14 local municipal governments. These public services include birth, marriage, domicile register, education, social security, public utility, health and traffic. Using the methodology of service maturity, this study evaluates the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in the Yangtze River Delta. The results of this study show that almost all city governments are shifting from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm to the e-government public service paradigm, albeit with significant differences in public e-services level in these cities. At present, e-government public services to citizens in almost all the cities studied are mostly limited to on-line presentations of government information with a low degree of development of interaction and on-line transaction. The municipal governments and policymakers in the near future will have to strengthen the interactivity of their websites with citizens and improve the on-line transaction level in order to deliver citizen-centric public e-services.  相似文献   

Delivering public services to citizens via the Internet is the basic goal of E-government. Although websites are becoming essential elements of public e-services in local public administration in China, little is known about their efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the actual status of Web-enabled public services to citizens in municipal e-government implementation in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight categories of public services to citizens delivered through the Internet have been identified in the websites of the 14 local municipal governments. These public services include birth, marriage, domicile register, education, social security, public utility, health and traffic. Using the methodology of service maturity, this study evaluates the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in the Yangtze River Delta. The results of this study show that almost all city governments are shifting from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm to the e-government public service paradigm, albeit with significant differences in public e-services level in these cities. At present, e-government public services to citizens in almost all the cities studied are mostly limited to on-line presentations of government information with a low degree of development of interaction and on-line transaction. The municipal governments and policymakers in the near future will have to strengthen the interactivity of their websites with citizens and improve the on-line transaction level in order to deliver citizen-centric public e-services.  相似文献   

E-governance, with reference to the relationship between the individual and the state, develops in dense networks of human and technological actors. However, mobilization of information technology in e-governance is not a straightforward instantiation of such ambitions but rather a tinkering process in which actors and their interests are combined and transformed. In this paper we examine this idea by investigating the development of a Swedish national public healthcare portal representing a complex, multilevel, and political environment. In this endeavour, the principle of symmetry from Actor-Network Theory and an event-based approach in the analysis play important roles. We show that the development process involves envisioning the future (even if vaguely), implementing concrete ideas about technological functionality and platforms, reconciling diverse interests, prioritizing and framing political concerns and breakdowns, and working toward realization of abstract goals. In this process, the technological actors play a role as important as that of the human actors. The paper concludes that e-governance relationships emerge that rest upon socio-material pragmatics influenced by political transformations that are often unanticipated.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to e-government research by presenting a review and discussion on how digitalization of public services has affected the interaction between citizens and government. We argue for a conceptualization and critical reflection on the nature of the underlying interaction between citizens and public officials - the public encounter - that digital public services are developed to support. We apply a qualitative and hermeneutic approach and illustrate that digital public services change public encounters concerning when, where, and how interactions occur, what each actor does, and the skills required of them. By relating these changes to emerging digital technologies (e.g. data mining, machine learning, sensor technology, and service automation), we illustrate that while these new technologies carry the potential to further digitalize service provision and fulfill the democratic goals of digital government, authorities can apply the same technology to restrict, control, and surveil citizens. Based on a critical discussion on what digitalization might entail for society, we identify problem areas arising from this development and propose a research agenda for understanding this phenomenon further. We raise questions and ethical concerns regarding accountability and reskilling of citizens and public officials as public service provision becomes citizen self-service.  相似文献   

Effective e-government creates an environment for citizens to have greater access to their government and, in theory, makes citizen-to-government contact more inclusive. Our research examines two distinct but related measures of e-government effectiveness, namely the online service index and the e-participation index, both reported in the 2010 e-government survey conducted by the United Nations. We analyze the impact of political structure, public sector performance and policy initiatives on both indices in more than 150 countries. Our multiple regression analysis shows that there is greater e-government capability in countries that have more effective public sector governance and administration, and policies that advance the development and diffusion of information and communication technologies. More democratic institutions and processes, however, appear to have a negative impact on e-government. In addition, countries that practice effective governance and promote competition in the telecommunications sector demonstrate more extensive provision of e-participation. These results suggest that the path to e-government leverages different strategies depending on a nation's political structure, and that authoritarian countries may be utilizing e-government to maintain the status quo.  相似文献   

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