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Dr Mary Wilson, chairman of the Schools Council working party on special education and until recently staff inspector for special education with the ILEA, describes the Council's work in special education  相似文献   

John Moore is senior phase inspector for special educational needs, Kent County Council. Good planning, he writes, is 'the most important and essential feature of successful differentiation'.  相似文献   

The Department for Education's policy for inspecting schools neglects the need 'to develop a coherent special educational policy for an area or to develop efficient services which support schools'. John Fish, a former staff inspector for special education, HM Inspectorate, assesses the new arrangements for schools' inspection by OFSTED which begin in September.  相似文献   

Main sections of the report on children in school are discussed by Dr Mary Wilson, co-director of the Schools Council project on the education of disturbed pupils and ex staff inspector for special education, ILEA  相似文献   

警察督察队伍是“扫雷队、排险员”,能够排查工作漏洞,为监狱监管安全再上一道保险,再加一道屏障。监狱警务督察的内容涉及到狱政、教育、生活卫生、行政、政工、后勤等方面。积极建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风过硬、乐于奉献的警务督察队伍,做到监督有力、督察到位、现场处置、后续跟进,是提高警务督察水平的关键,直接影响着警务督察的实际成效。  相似文献   

Projects focused on Improving the Quality of Education for All (IQEA) have been running for ten years. The Nottinghamshire special schools IQEA project is the first to draw schools exclusively from the special education sector. In this article, John Beresford, IQEA's research officer; Hilary Stokes, co-ordinator of the Nottinghamshire special schools IQEA project; and John Morris, secondary inspector and IQEA co-ordinator for Nottinghamshire LEA, briefly outline the philosophy in which IQEA is grounded. They discuss the particular challenges encountered in a special schools project and illustrate responses by providing a case study of one school's engagement in the project. The article concludes with a tentative assessment of the benefits that participation in the project has brought to the special schools and units involved.  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的状态观测器设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过实例介绍了一种用MATLAB设计状态观测器的方法,并且用SIMULINK对设计的状态观测器进行数字仿真,仿真结果表明所设计的状态观测器能很好地对状态进行估计.  相似文献   

通过对我国现行督学聘任政策的全面细致分析,揭示其在当前督学管理实践中凸显的诸多弊端。因此,必须尝试构建新的督学聘任政策,其基本内容包括政府成为督学聘任的统一主体、实行督学资格制度和职级制度、对督学予以行政编制等,从而以新的督学聘任政策来规范对督学队伍的管理,促进督学队伍的专业化建设,提高教育督导工作的权威性:和实效性。  相似文献   

通过对我国现行督学聘任政策的全面细致分析,揭示其在当前督学管理实践中凸显的诸多弊端。因此,必须尝试构建新的督学聘任政策,其基本内容包括政府成为督学聘任的统一主体、实行督学资格制度和职级制度、对督学予以行政编制等,从而以新的督学聘任政策来规范对督学队伍的管理,促进督学队伍的专业化建设,提高教育督导工作的权威性和实效性。  相似文献   

以往研究范式是把恢复盐务稽核机关和稽核制度作为南京国民政府放弃反帝立场、继承北洋政府衣钵的标志。事实上,南京国民政府曾同列强进行过坚决的斗争,并成功收回盐政主权。南京国民政府恢复盐务稽核机关和稽核制度,主要为提高盐政效率,而改造后的盐务稽核机关已彻底为我所用,不再是列强控制中国盐政的工具。  相似文献   

巡抚制度是明代的一项重要的行政制度,在整个国家的政治中发挥着重要的作用。本文通过对明代巡抚制度的历史考察,论述了巡抚制度的特点和巡抚的职能和历史作用。虽然明代巡抚始终是以中央特遣官的身份出现,二不是正式的地方官,但明代巡抚制度的演变却为清朝正式把巡抚设为地方官提供了历史依据。  相似文献   

The subject working group appointed to advise the Secretary of State on modern foreign languages in the National Curriculum reported in July and its recommendations for attainment targets, programmes of study and statements of attainment were published in October in its final report. Gwen Thomas, lecturer in French studies, Reading University, and Ruth Nichols, senior inspector for special education, Berkshire Education Authority, summarise and comment on some of the recommendations and relate them to local practice.  相似文献   

危机预警系统是一种前瞻性的心理危机管理系统,是危机干预的前奏。通过总结国内高校的健全心理危机预警体制,分析危机预警体制存在的不足,提出建立发展性的特殊学生档案、探索心理危机爆发因素、设立班级心理巡视员、构建立体心理健康教育模式四点创新性建议。  相似文献   

通过对特钢800产线退火炉HJ10型火焰检测器电路原理的分析对电路改进,解决火焰检测器经常损坏的问题.  相似文献   

教育督导工作的顺利开展,是以强而有力的督学队伍为基石的,督学在督导工作中起着至关重要的作用.然而,当前督学队伍存在的问题较多,弊端逐步暴露出来,包括部分督学人员政策水平低下、队伍老化、任职要求不高、人员数量不足、工作作风不良、合作交流不够和专业化水平不高等七点不足.这些问题都成为21世纪初教育督导工作的巨大隐患,迫切要求我们加强对这方面的研究,去除这些阻碍督学队伍发展的绊脚石.  相似文献   

督学责任区制度是教育督导制度的重要组成部分,各主要发达国家的教育督导制度都包含督学责任区制度这一内容.近年来在我国开始推行这一制度的过程中,既借鉴了国外的有益经验,又形成了我国自己特色,进行自己的创新,特别是湖南省在督学责任区建设方面卓有成效.通过调研,我们发现湖南省督学责任区制度方面主要有三种模式:异地集中办公模式(醴陵模式);驻校模式;分离模式.督学责任区制度在学校常规督导、规范办学行为、开辟家长反映意见途径等方面发挥了积极作用,但也存在着督学责任区职能定位、人员专业化和模式的合理性等问题.  相似文献   

督学起源于我国中古时期,历朝历代统治者对此都十分重视,并积累了大量的经验。现代督学责任区概念的提出始于2004年,经过几年的实践,由教育部于2012年向全国推广。这一制度具有激励与制约,监督、检查、评估、指导,发现问题、解决问题等功能,是加快推进教育治理体系与治理能力现代化的必要途径,是实现现代教育督导完整功能的客观要求,需要从合理划分区域、严格选聘督学、完善工作制度、提供条件保障、科学考核评价等方面加强建设。  相似文献   

介绍了上海大学在实验室队伍建设中设置实验技术总监岗位的背景、思路和做法,包括设岗、待遇、职责及实践的情况,提出了关于实验技术总监的两个关键词:关键、领先。  相似文献   

A bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) demonstrated the ability to select the matching object in a matching-to-sample task after listening to another dolphin inspect the sample object via echolocation. The listener was prevented from inspecting the sample himself. In Experiment 1, with objects familiar to both dolphins, the listener’s performance was significantly better than chance. In Experiment 2, objects familiar to only one of the dolphins were used. On these trials, the listener’s performance was significantly better than chance only when the inspecting dolphin made a correct choice. Analysis of the listener’s responses when the inspector made an error demonstrated that this contingency was not due to the listener’s matching the inspector’s response, but was apparently due instead to inadequate information in the echo. The results suggest that the listener was able to “eavesdrop” on echoes produced by the inspector’s clicks and derive characteristics of the sample object.  相似文献   

舆论监督的乏力,是由于公众和传媒的知情权、安全保障权等相关权利不能实现,加上法律对此的预防和补救不力。因此,要健全和完善舆论监督所需的权利保障体系,给舆论监督营造良好的法治环境。本文对此发表了自己的看法和见解,并吸收了“怀疑权”“有错推定”等新观点。  相似文献   

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