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宋毅 《海外英语》2013,(22):233-235
Death is a common theme of literature and most of writers eulogize noble death to heaven and belittle some souls to heaven.Emily Dickinson,the great American poetess,wrote more than 600 poems about death and immortality with her unique ideas.The paper will analyze Emily Dickinson’s unusual belief about death from her poems and the influence of her growing environment on her.  相似文献   

侯银华 《海外英语》2011,(15):189-190
T.S Elliot’s the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is just Prufrock’s inner monologue revealing that he was ripped apart by the struggle within him between his sense and his sensibility. According the analysis of the whole song, we can find that the speaker is a vacillating person, his character leads to his tragedy. His hesitation brings him the deepest misery and suffering.  相似文献   

谢琼 《双语学习》2007,(12M):225-226
The United States of America is the only super country on the globe. She attracts many people from different countries, cultures and races. It seems that everyone who comes to this country can make his own life, even a better life than before. The article discusses several values of Americans which are generally regarded as the basic and important ones. These values did, does and will help people in the USA to have a prospective future.  相似文献   

WAN Hai-yan 《海外英语》2014,(13):184-185,187
The peculiar images,the boat and the sea,often recur in the poems of Emily Dickinson,the great American poet,which well reflect her internal conflicts,the conflicts between being an autonomous woman and being a passionate yet submissive woman.In her poems,the sea is a symbol of the male-dominated society or an individual man.While the little boat is the epitome of Dickinson:sometimes it wants to be strong-willed and clear of its destination,sometimes it just wants to moor in the sea and enjoy the calmness.The paper tends to reveal the psychological struggle of Emily Dickinson and show the whole image of her as an individual through the analysis of the images of boat and sea in Dickinson’s poems.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze the tragedy of Emily in A Rose for Emily from Foucauh's Spatiality through probing into the split of Emily's personal space and public space. As a result. it reveals that the interruption of socialization is the root of her miserable life,which is of some help for a new understanding of the novel.  相似文献   

<正>It is well-known that language is the carrier of culture,which is always changing with the development of society.English and Chinese are quite different that the former is in Indo-European language family while the latter belongs to Sino-Tibetan language family.However,why we make comparative study of these two languages?That is because we would like to seek something in common to advance the communication of English countries and  相似文献   

With the development of the society,the traditional translation method can't meet the requirements of college English. This paper presents a new English teaching model——New translation-comparison model. It's hoped to provide some useful reference for those who dedicate to English teaching and research.  相似文献   

As one of Shakespeare's the four famous tragedies,Hamlet is the most remarkable one. This article aims to analyze the tragedy aspects in Hamlet from the aspects of plot,character and conflict. In Hamlet,it described a disordered world where there was discrepancy in ideality and reality,and also a world with strong self-consciousness,which reflected the main parts uncertainness and complication in the period of Renaissance.On behalf of humanists,Hamlet confirms human's value and dignity,and also the wisdom and power,but faced with the evil reality,all his dreams are destroyed completely. He just gets the spiritual victory with the cost of his life. As the mitigation of the time,Hamlet shows that it is destined for humanists to fail and result in tragic life.  相似文献   

张媛 《海外英语》2012,(16):203-205
Images of flowers frequently appear in Emily Dickinson’s poems. Through employing these charming images Dickinson re vealed her unique view on a lady’s virtues. She praised the precious virtues of being modest, brave, firm, selfless, and responsible.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of the post method pedagogy and the teaching practice,this paper proposes a new teaching model,the self-correction model,and explains it from the point of view of linking theory.  相似文献   

张莉 《海外英语》2012,(6):211-212
This essay mainly discusses the attitude that modern ladies should preserve towards love since people treat love and divorce as less seriously as before.It reveals the idea that to be reserved in front of love should be considered by nowadays people according to analyzing the characteristic of the female image,Jane Bennet,in Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice.  相似文献   

Death in the Woods is one of the famous novels of Sherwood Anderson, who is a distinguished writer in America, and now it still wins great popularity in the whole world. In this novel, the author depicts the protagonist Mrs. Grimes' miserable life incisively. This paper endeavors to analyze the female character in the patriarchal society from the following two perspectives—social background and marriage life, and naturally comes to the conclusion that the protagonist Mrs. Grimes finally died because of the oppression of the patriarchal society.  相似文献   

乔燕 《海外英语》2012,(21):179-181
This short essay gives a general introduction and analysis of one of Hemingway’s short stories-In Another Country.By depicting the physically injured soldiers in a hospital in Milan because of the war,the story shows the damaging psychological and physical effects of World War I,which will never been recovered.It also examines people’s disillusionment of old faiths and views of the world,and their courage to face the tragedy and reality.  相似文献   

丁瑾 《海外英语》2014,(21):189-191,201
Arthur Miller was considered as the most famous dramatist in America after the World War II, and his representative work Death of a Salesman was recognized as the best play in America during the post-war years. It was also considered to be one of the best three plays in the history of American drama; with A Streetcar Named Desire and Long Day’s Journey into Night.Through the failure of two generations, this play addressed the painful conflicts within one family, and it also tackled greater issues regarding to Americans’ national values.As an average person, Willy Loman had experienced hopes and pains, struggles and frustrations as well as dreams and disillusions, at last he chose to commit suicide. Based on the existent materials, the predecessor’s researches as well as her own thinking, the author of this paper gives a brief analysis of the leading role’s tragic fate, which mainly elaborates three important stages of Willy Loman’s tragic life: disillusion of the American Dream, the abandonment and the betrayal, aiming to decode the root of Loman’s tragedy from the perspectives of society, family and the protagonist’s character. In conclusion, the paper tries to explore Arthur Miller’s inner world and the resources of his creation as far as possible, hoping to give readers of this paper certain inspiration.  相似文献   

Arthur Miller was considered as the most famous dramatist in America after the World War II, and his representative work Death of a Salesman was recognized as the best play in America during the post-w...  相似文献   

张梅 《海外英语》2012,(7):222-224
Emily Dickinson,one of the most celebrated American poets,writes nearly 1800 poems during her lifetime.Her poetry,a flower rooted in Puritanism,expresses the poetess’s love for life,mediation on nature and religion,and longing for beauty and truth.Along with Walt Whitman,Dickinson is regarded as the pioneer of American modernistic poetry.However,studies on such a great poet are mainly from the perspective of literary criticism,and few of them are from the linguistic approach.This thesis will give a detailed analysis of one of her poems in the perspective of deviation,so as to reveal her unique stylistic features.  相似文献   

What do we teach English for? For Language itself? Definitely not. Language is a means of communication. So it is no good teaching English all about its grammar rules and long lists of words without using it in real communication. Very often we have many students,who bave studied English for 6—10 years and acquired a vocabulary of thousands of individual words and a good mastery of hundreds of grammar rules but can not use them as a means of communication.  相似文献   

王维博 《海外英语》2012,(24):209-211,218
Zhuangzi is the masterpiece of Zhuangzi, and Walden is the masterpiece of Henry David Thoreau. This paper intends to study the similarities of Zhuangzi’s and Thoreau’s outlooks on life by analyzing Thoreau’s origin with Taoism and the absorption from Taoism in Walden. By making a large amount of analysis and comparison of the texts in these two works, the paper comes to such a conclusion: both Thoreau and Zhuangzi advocate to simplify people’s material life and to seek voluntary poverty; they are willing to enjoy the solitude and pursue the spiritual independence and freedom; they prefer to return to nature, live harmoniously with nature and therefore reach the realm of"unity of heaven and humanity". They pay more attention to human existence and their spiritual state. In the complicated modern society, people devote themselves to seeking a materially rich life. However, they do not attach enough importance to spiritual richness. As a result, the whole human society is facing a serious spiritual crisis in modern times. Thoreau’s and Zhuangzi’s outlooks on life can lead people to go through various difficulties of life and guard the pure land of the heart.  相似文献   

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