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Librarians who teach one-shot library instruction classes (one-time, one- to three-hour classes to students who are assumed to be novice researchers) are often torn between two pedagogic approaches: a “critical mass” pedagogy emphasizing a minimum amount of databases that must be introduced with little time for student searching, and a “use-oriented” pedagogy emphasizing the introduction of one or two databases, with the instructor providing adequate time for the student to hone their search skills through in class work time that provides for interaction with the librarian. Drawing from the learning theory of Brian Cambourne, we compare the two pedagogic approaches and argue that a use-oriented approach is a better match to Cambourne's Conditions of Learning, but that without certain preparations of and expectations from the student, librarians will struggle with both approaches in these one-shot library instruction sessions.  相似文献   

One can think of one-shot library instruction sessions as a way to introduce the academic library's resources to first-year students to help them with their research. These classes can also be thought of as an opportunity to “sell” the entire library and its resources to the student. This article will propose suggestions that can be adopted by library instruction librarians based on the recommendations and practices of business marketing practitioners and entrepreneurs who depend on one-shot “selling” meetings to convince their audience to “buy” their wares.  相似文献   


BEGGARS &; THIEVES: LIVES OF URBAN STREET CRIMINALS. Mark S. Fleisher. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. xiv + 332 pp. Glossary, extensive bibliography, index. ISBN: 0-299-14774-6 (paper), $16.95. Reviewed by Karen Hovde.  相似文献   

In this article, three librarians from Santa Fe College, the community college winner of the 2015 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award, share their successful work in information literacy instruction. While the ACRL award is given for overall achievement, this article focuses upon their creative and varied approaches to instruction, incorporating a wide blend of strategies to reach students across the college. Beginning with targeted approaches to virtual instruction, including broad use of the flipped classroom model, and building in active learning techniques, the librarians at Santa Fe College have built an instruction program that could serve as a model to community college libraries across the country.  相似文献   

Website attributions were measured as one way of evaluating the efficacy of the “one-shot” library session. Survey results indicated support for single session information literacy instruction in that participants exposed to a librarian classroom visit reported that they would be significantly more likely to have used library databases, checked out a book, asked a librarian for help, and to predict that they would ask a librarian for help at a later time. Results also indicated that students who reported a classroom librarian visit may have engaged in more systematic or complex processing to evaluate websites in that they considered more attributes and took less time to make better judgments about the quality of sources.  相似文献   

This article describes a project using a student-created LibGuide in conjunction with a literature review assignment for a research course. This collaborative project between a librarian and a professor of International Education was designed and implemented as an avenue for teaching information literacy and to encourage use of library resources. The methodology for the assignment is presented, and the results of the project are discussed in terms of the final products and student reviews. Implications for the use of student-created LibGuides in academic institutions and future directions for this project are presented.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):323-336

In 1995, the Duke University Libraries began an instructional program designed to reach all first-year students. Starting as a general library orientation, this program, through trial and error, has evolved into a two-session program, which incorporates many library instruction techniques, including active learning exercises, and consistently receives high marks. Based on the Duke University Libraries' experience, the authors propose strategies for developing a successful bibliographic instruction program for freshmen.  相似文献   

What is the value of library services and resources in the college classroom? How do library instruction and collections contribute to academic teaching and learning outcomes? A chemistry instructor, instruction librarian, and technical services librarian collaborated to answer these questions by combining chemistry education and information literacy pedagogy to assess student learning. The authors developed curriculum units that teach information literacy skills and scientific literature research in a General Chemistry Laboratory course for Honors students. Their study extends beyond examining library instruction and collections assessment in isolation. Rather, their research protocol intends to contribute to student learning outcomes assessment research. The authors propose that an embedded, mixed-methodology, and longitudinal approach can be used to collect data and assess outcomes in terms that describe and measure the value of library services and resources.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):309-322

A review of education literature reveals a pedagogical shift away from linear, step-by-step, instruction toward a fostering of critical thinking and information literacy through active student participation. This conceptual change reflects advances toward cooperative and participatory learning in education. In addition to the students learning more when they are engaged and thinking, we are invigorated as instructors and our tendency toward burnout is reduced or alleviated. This article discusses how those bibliographic instructors who only have one teaching computer in the instruction room can involve the students in their own learning. The author shares ways to conduct a fifty-minute bibliographic instruction session in which all of the students are intellectually engaged in the research process, actively participate in the problem solving of on-line searching, and have fun in a library. Once the students are given agency in the bibliographic instruction session, they begin to develop the critical thinking skills essential to mastering the tools and methods of library research.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the Library and Office of Institutional Research at a public college measured the relationship of an online information literacy module in the learning management system with student success metrics in a first-year experience course. Specifically, the authors examine the relationships of an online instruction module, online module completion status, library use sessions, and student success metrics, such as semester grade point average (GPA), one-year retention, and academic standing. The results suggest that students who participated in the online information literacy module had better student outcomes than those that did not participate in the module. Research assignment grade and library use sessions are found as significant predictors of student semester GPA and one-year retention, controlling for high school GPA, student characteristics, and utilization of student support services. Practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study extends instructional communication research on extra-class communication (ECC) by presenting an integrative analysis comparing the explanatory utility of student- and instructor-oriented reasons for student engagement in frequent ECC. Results from 495 college students suggested that student-oriented reasons, specifically the relational and functional student motives, were the only significant, positive predictors of students’ perceptions of frequent ECC engagement. Other student motives (excuse making, participation, sycophancy) and perceptions of instructor approachability did not significantly predict perceived frequency of ECC engagement.  相似文献   


At the School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison, librarians and clinical faculty are working collaboratively to produce Web-based learning modules.

The collaboration resulted in four Web-based learning objects, including a virtual tour of the library Web site and three assignment-centered tutorials. Modules are short (15 minutes), focused on specific learning objectives and easily accessible on- and off-campus. They are embedded in an online course environment and free librarians to provide more customized instruction to classes upon request.

This poster presentation will demonstrate sections of the four modules, detail the development process, and explain how modules currently support School of Nursing curriculum andoutline implications for future development.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):77-88
Principles of learning and instructional theories are discussed and related to the challenges and problems of instruction in library user education. A suggested model of library instruction is outlined along with the strong recommendation that librarians be aggressively active in promoting information literacy before library instruction begins. Being knowledgeable and keeping abreast of new theories and principles of learning and acting upon these principles will improve instruction. Librarians must realize that information literacy is a "process" and cannot be accomplished in one lecture.  相似文献   

Two librarians analyzed nursing students’ performance on an information literacy assignment to determine how they could change their instruction to better assist the students in comprehending the material. After identifying major areas of difficulty, including the use of search techniques, they revised both the instruction and the assignment, closing the loop by utilizing their assessment data. Next, they analyzed those results to evaluate the effectiveness of their changes and to make further improvements, thus demonstrating the iterative nature of instruction and assessment. The evidence-based instruction cycle of teaching, assessing, and revising should be repeated frequently to keep the assignment fresh and relevant.  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(1-2):147-163

In an attempt to gauge the effectiveness of their information literacy program, librarians at Stephen F. Austin State University began comparing average course grades in course sections that receive IL instruction to grades in sections that do not. The results varied, revealing no clear benefit to information literacy instruction. We discuss possible explanations for inconsistent results and suggest improvements to this methodology that may make it more effective.  相似文献   


Beginning in July 2002, the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill underwent an 11 million dollar renovation. During three phases of the renovation, parts of the collection were inaccessible to patrons. In order to continue to make the library's collection available, library staff created a paging system. Patrons submitted requests for needed library materials using paper and electronic forms and library staff retrieved the requested items. The paging service was modified three times based on prior experience. Patrons were generally satisfied with the service. The renovation ended in December 2004.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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