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"照着讲"和"接着讲"体现了教师不同的知识观.理性主义知识观和经验主义知识观陷入了客体对主体的牵制和绝对主义,因而是一种权威主义知识观;建构主义知识观和后现代主义知识观则倡导主体建构和批判反思,因而是一种批判主义知识观.从权威主义知识观向批判主义知识观的转型,消失了的教师的主体性也重新得到了回归.  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》颁布八年以来学者们对《纲要》进行了不同的解读。为全面深入领会和掌握《纲要》的精神及其对幼教实践的重要指导意义,笔者试从进步主义角度来解读。分析了进步主义的儿童观与知识观在《纲要》中的具体体现,表现在以儿童为中心的教育理念、知识的获得是幼儿参与活动构建的过程、提倡整合的综合课程以及活动教学等方面。并运用中国化的进步主义——陈鹤琴思想对《纲要》进行了解读。  相似文献   

每个教师必须正确看待自己的教育对象,必须与孩子建立良好的师生关系,这是搞好教育工作的前提。教师必须在学习、研究、实践的过程中逐步确立正确的儿童观。我们通过以下三个方面帮助教师树立正确的儿童观。一、创设学习条件,提高教师认识要帮助教师树立正确的儿童观,首先必须让她们通过学习提高认识。有的教师认为只要对孩子态度亲切和蔼,不体罚或变相体罚孩子,就是具有正确的儿童观;有的教师给孩子取了绰号,还认为这样做是喜欢孩  相似文献   

儿童观与教育问题儿童观,就是怎样看待和对待儿童的观点的总和。在中国,儿童观作为社会意识形态来看有其特殊性,特别是在家长的”子女观”和教育者心目中的“学生观”上,仍残留着大量的封建时代宗法制儿童观的影响。从实际上看,“子女观”在现实生活中表现为两种看来相互矛盾的观点:一是把儿童当“小奴才”看待,随意对孩子施加体罚、羞辱等肉体或精神虐待;二是把儿童当作全家的“小祖宗”看待,独生子女被奉为“小祖宗”的可能性更大。二者共同的本质在于,在  相似文献   

体罚是亲子关系研究领域中一个最有争议的话题,赞成体罚的研究者认为体罚不会对儿童的发展产生消极后果,而反对者认为体罚与儿童的道德内化、侵犯、心理健康、认知能力等都有密切关系。作者从体罚的效果、影响因素等方面对其进行了阐述。最后,指出以往的研究缺陷、值得进一步探讨的问题及展望。  相似文献   

当代中国若干教育理念的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、权威主义:创新教育的障碍权威主义教育理念在教育实践中的表现之一是形成了具有强烈权威主义色彩的教师观和学生观。对教师而言,因其在教育过程中所居地位优势以及自身拥有的知识优势而常常被异化为权威的象征,为此,身为“干部”的教师在与学生相处时被要求必须不苟言笑,时时保持威严,在教学过程中教师是“传道、授业、解惑”者,他应是知识的宝库,犹如一部百科全书,无论学生提出任何问题,都能给出正确答案。对学生而言,教师是真理的化身,他的说教永远正确。对于教师的教诲学生只能言听计从,而不可提出异议。任何对教师的不从,都是对权威…  相似文献   

1.体罚对儿童的社会行为有长期不良影响Gershoff综合分析了27项童年期的研究和4项成年期的研究,以找出体罚与儿童攻击性行为的关系。结果发现,父母体罚儿童与儿童攻击行为有  相似文献   

儿童观是教育理念的基础,儿童观的演变必然会导致教育理念的变革。历史上儿童观大致经历了由成人主义儿童观到自然主义儿童观再到人本主义儿童观的发展历程,相应地教育理念也经历了由按照成人的方式教育儿童到教育与儿童的身心发展相一致再到以学生为中心的变革。依据对儿童观发展规律的分析与推论,即将出现并已初见端倪的儿童观是复杂性儿童观,由此应采取丰富的富有弹性的复杂性教育。  相似文献   

侯田印 《中学文科》2007,(5):106-106
我国《未成年人保护法》明确规定:“学校、幼儿园的教职员应当尊重未成年人的人格尊严,不得对未成年学生和儿童实施体罚、变相体罚或者其他侮辱人格尊严的行为。”但无论在过去和现在,一些地方和学校仍有对学生实施体罚或变相体罚的现象,甚至还酿成一些事故。笔者试就教师体罚学生的原因与对策略谈管见。  相似文献   

传统上对权威主义的理解是从权威者和服从者的关系来进行概念界定的,认为权威主义缺乏现代意义上的民主,更多体现的是权威者个人的价值观和意志,认为权威主义与现代民主制度是相违背的.然而从政治学角度考察,权威主义是一种统治结构和统治方式,而不是专制、暴政和独裁的代名词,权威主义与民主是并行不悖的,其最终目标仍然是实现民主.俄罗斯从独立之初醉心于西方民主到近期对权威主义的呼唤绝非偶然.就俄罗斯的历史和现实而言,权威主义也许正是其通往民主和国家复兴的桥梁.  相似文献   


The author examined corporal punishment practices in the United States based on data from 362 public school principals where corporal punishment is available. Results from multiple regression analyses show that schools with multiple student violence prevention programs and teacher training programs had fewer possibilities of use corporal punishment, whereas schools that served a greater percentage of ethnic minority students and special education students had a 2.1 times greater and a 1.8 times greater likelihood of use corporal punishment, after controlling for students’ problem behavior and school characteristics. Policy implications for an equal implementation of corporal punishment practice were offered.  相似文献   

BackgroundCorporal punishment is a commonly used form of disciplinary technique. Sanctified parental attitudes of corporal punishment have been found to be a significant predictor of parental use of corporal punishment in previous research, while little is currently known about the reciprocal relations between parental use and their attitudes of corporal punishment.ObjectiveThis research aimed to examine the reciprocal relations between mothers’ and fathers’ use and attitudes of corporal punishment in China.MethodsData were collected on a total of 320 Chinese father-mother dyads with their children (10–11 years of age at baseline) through convenience sampling techniques at two time points, one year apart. Parents completed self-report measures of mothers' and fathers' use and attitudes of corporal punishment. Children completed self-report measures of parental corporal punishment.ResultsThe cross-lagged analysis indicated that parental attitudes of corporal punishment in a given year predicted their use of corporal punishment in the subsequent year both for mothers (β = 0.15, p < .01) and fathers (β = 0.10, p < .05), while their corporal punishment in a given year did not predict their attitudes of it in the subsequent year (βs < 0.11, ps > .05).ConclusionsFindings indicate that the reciprocal relations do not emerge, with only attitude-behavior effects being evident for both mothers and fathers, while behavior-attitude effects were not present. Findings in the present study highlight the importance of changing both mothers’ and fathers’ favorable attitudes toward corporal punishment when conducting appropriate prevention intervention to decrease its use.  相似文献   

This study examined how a range of physical punishment measures, ranging from mild corporal punishment to physical abuse, are associated with cognitive performance, school engagement, and peer isolation over a 3- year span among 658 children initially observed between the ages of 8 and 14. Physical punishment was captured in three groups: mild corporal punishment, harsh corporal punishment, and physical abuse, and both caregiver- and child-reported punishment measures were considered. After accounting for socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, only Ninitial exposure to physical abuse was significantly associated with declines in cognitive performance. However, all forms of physical punishment were associated with declines in school engagement, and harsh corporal punishment was associated with increased peer isolation. Our findings were relatively consistent regardless of whether physical punishment was reported by the child or caregiver. Overall, our findings suggest that the prevention of physical abuse may enhance children's cognitive performance, but that alone may not be sufficient to ensure children are engaged and well-adjusted in school.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between parental harsh discipline (psychological aggression and corporal punishment) and adolescents’ externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors and the moderating effects of adolescents’ perceived normativeness of harsh discipline in Chinese society. Using a sample of 1158 Chinese middle-school students, our findings revealed that parental harsh discipline was associated with high levels of adolescent externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Adolescents’ perceived normativeness of psychological aggression buffered the association between parental psychological aggression and adolescents’ internalizing problem behaviors, whereas their perceived normativeness of corporal punishment buffered the association between parental corporal punishment and adolescents’ externalizing problem behaviors. The findings from the current study highlight the importance of considering how adolescents’ perceptions may influence the effects of parental harsh discipline on adolescent adjustment.  相似文献   

This research aimed to examine the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment and the role of parents’ attitudes toward corporal punishment in the transmission processes in Chinese societies. Based on social-cognitive theory, it was hypothesized that parents' attitudes toward corporal punishment would mediate the transmission of corporal punishment. Seven hundred and eighty-five fathers and eight hundred and eleven mothers with elementary school-age children (data collected in winter 2009) were recruited through convenience sampling techniques. The Chinese version of Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) and Attitude toward Physical Punishment Scale (ATPP) were used as the main assessment tools to measure parents' corporal punishment experiences in childhood, current use of corporal punishment and attitudes toward corporal punishment. Findings revealed that the strength of intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment was strong and parents' attitudes toward corporal punishment played a mediating role in the continuity of corporal punishment for both fathers and mothers in China. The findings highlighted the role of attitudes in the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment within the Chinese cultural context and also suggested the need for intervention programs to focus on modification of maladaptive attitudes toward what is appropriate and effective discipline.  相似文献   

This article examines secondary school teachers’ perceptions of corporal punishment in India. Although it has been banned in Indian schools, various types of corporal punishment are still used by teachers. It has been mainly used as a mechanism for controlling disciplinary problems in schools. Based on a pilot study of 160 secondary teachers, the result of the research reveals that teachers still perceive corporal punishment as an effective method of controlling indiscipline in class. However, some teachers state that corporal punishment is ineffective in deterring students from misbehaving. Corporal punishment is not a good method to maintain discipline. Adopting harsh methods indicates a lack of proper training in managing students in a classroom situation and a poor understanding by the teachers of students’ mental states. An awareness program for secondary school teachers about the effects of corporal punishment on children is needed. The solution is proper training for teachers and student-teachers in the use of counseling to manage behavioral problem. Also full-time counselors can be appointed in schools.  相似文献   

体罚一直是各国立法的热点和难点问题,我国经历了百年废除体罚艰难,到如今却仍举步维艰。基于对传统文化同情的理解,深刻领会他国对于体罚问题的观点和价值判断后发现,我国体罚制度从实体制度到程序规制的整体缺失是我国体罚权论争的结症所在。为了巩固废除体罚的成果,我们势必要思考如何定纷止争;如何在实现禁止体罚的同时,不削弱教师的管理权。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To bring to the attention child maltreatment professionals the potential for primary prevention of physical abuse of ending or reducing corporal punishment by parents. METHOD: The October 1999 special issue of Child Abuse & Neglect on "A National Call to Action: Working Toward the Elimination of Child Maltreatment" was reviewed in relation to coverage of corporal punishment by parents. RESULTS: Corporal punishment was not mentioned in any of the nine articles. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of research showing that corporal punishment is a major risk factor for physical abuse and research showing the wide prevalence and chronicity of corporal punishment suggests that the "National Call For Action" should include steps to end use of corporal punishment as a mode of discipline.  相似文献   

It appears that Sweden and the United States may be a study in contrasts regarding the sanction and use of corporal punishment on children. A 1979 study of American parents noted that 81% of them employed corporal punishment with children. A different study done in Sweden in 1978 noted that only 26% of parents used corporal punishment with children. What points to the differences in these parenting patterns within the two countries? In addition, a 1977 U.S. Supreme Court case entitled Ingraham vs. Wright ruled that “schools are empowered to carry out corporal punishment.” This court case involved two high school boys in Florida who had been repeatedly struck with wooden paddles. In contrast, Sweden had statutes which prohibited corporal punishment of children in their secondary schools as early as the 1920s. In 1957, the country passed a law which defined corporal punishment as unacceptable for small children in the schools. Then, in 1979, the Swedish government passed a statute prohibiting corporal punishment by parents. Are there differences in the way the two countries view law and its uses? Or, do the cultures sanction violence in general or just violence against children in different ways? This article examines some of the similarities and differences found in American and Swedish treatment of children and proposes what appear to be extreme differences in the way the countries and their people approach corporal punishment.  相似文献   

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