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安阳阳 《华章》2007,(7):101
As for Chinese ESL (English as a second language) learners, one of the major problems in English learning is their poor performance of spoken English. Among various factors that improve spoken English skills, it is believed, learning strategies play an important role in acquisition of oral English. Beginning with the learning purpose and style of spoken English, this paper discusses the application of socioaffecrive, cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies in Chinese ESL learners' acquisition of spoken English.  相似文献   

虽然英语教学越来越重视口语及其交流意义 ,但同时却或多或少地忽略了语言的重要形式———语法。本文分析了长达 2 0 0分钟的公外大学生的口语录音语料 ,发现将近一半的语言产出中有不同的语法错误。语法掌握得不牢靠、语法错误的频频出现严重影响了学生进行口语交流的自信心和积极性。因此 ,本文建议在英语语言教学中应重新重视语法教学 ,以帮助学生更好地交流。  相似文献   

动机是影响英语口语学习的重要因素。动机研究的先驱者Gardner和Lambert把学习动机归为两大类,即融入性动机和工具性动机。学习动机与口语学习成绩、态度和策略有着千丝万缕的联系。在英语口语学习中,工具型动机比融合型动机的作用更大。  相似文献   

刘军  牛慧 《海外英语》2012,(16):112-115
In the present competitive society, English becomes more and more important, and how to master English becomes one popular topic for everyone. English is a communicative tool, however, traditional teaching method used in English teaching is not very suitable, and the traditional teaching is very boring and inefficient. The traditional teaching does not give students a real world situation to practice their English speaking and it does not cultivate their learning interests. This phenomenon continued in the students English learning for many years, and students can not use the English to communicate in their daily life. This phenomenon appears in oral English teaching in college schools as well, In order to solve the problems, the paper firstly describes the problem of English spoken teaching in college schools in Chi na. And then it analyzes the performance of problem and the cause of problems. The aim is that we find the problem and deficiency of Eng lish spoken teaching in college schools and use Role play as an effective way to solve these problems. Moreover, how to uses the role play specifically in the spoken English teaching, So that the role play can help teacher change traditional teaching method, enhance students’ oral communication ability, cultivate the students’learning interests and improve spoken English teaching in colleges.  相似文献   

文章从当前大学生口语现状出发,探讨适合学习者口语自主学习的分级测试题,以帮助他们更好地了解自己的口语水平。口语测试包括对语言能力、语用能力和交际策略能力的考查。测试的结果应给学习者提供其交际能力方面的详细描述与测评,有利于学习者有针对性地练习提高。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的发展和世贸组织的加入,我国人民与外国人的接触越来越多,良好的英语使用能力就尤为重要了.然而,目前我国大学生的英语口语水平参差不齐:来自城市的大学生语音面貌要好一些,那些来自于农村地区的大学生英语口语水平普遍较差,这对于他们在大学里学习英语以及日后就业会产生一定程度的不利影响.本文旨在探讨农村地区学生英语口语差的成因以及解决方法.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展及世界经济的全球化,社会对非英语专业学生的口语能力提出了更高的要求。目前大学英语口语教学中存在教学内容实用性不强、与所学专业课程相脱节等问题,应充分利用ESP理论指导大学英语口语教学,对现有的大学英语口语教学进行改革。以梧州学院为例探讨ESP理论指导下的大学英语专业化口语教学的实施策略,以提高学生的专业化口语应用能力。  相似文献   

ARCS动机模式与英语口语教学的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国经济的迅猛发展,国际商务交流谈判日益频繁,英语口语在国际商务交流中发挥着极其重要的作用。如何提高学习者英语口语交际能力已成为当前英语教学中一个亟待解决的问题的。基于此,将ARCS动机激励模型应用于英语口语教学,探讨如何将模型整合于教学的相关问题。教学实践证明该模型应用极大地激发了学生英语口语学习的动机。  相似文献   

外语教学和第二语言学习的一个重要目标就是培养流利的口语表达。然而,学习者的口语中大量词汇化和非词汇化的填充性停顿在很大程度上影响了口语的流利性。采用基于中国学习者英语口语语料库(COLSEC)的方法,对学习者口语中非词汇化填充词的种类、频率和分布进行了研究,探寻非词汇化填充词的在口语表达中的功能,旨在为英语口语教学提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

浅谈非英语专业学生的口语教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着日益加深的全球化趋势,对于非英语专业的学生来说,英语口语将扮演着越来越重要的角色。目前在课堂规模不断扩大而课堂教学时间十分有限的现况下,要提高非英语专业学生的口语水平,我们必须实现口语教学模式的创新。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the presence of English word spellings facilitates children’s oral vocabulary learning. Whether a similar orthographic facilitation effect may exist in Chinese is interesting but not intuitively obvious due to the character writing system representing morphosyllabic but not phoneme-size information, and the more direct semantic-orthography mapping but less consistent orthography and pronunciation correspondence in Chinese. The current study aims to examine whether semantic and phonological information provided by character radicals affects oral vocabulary learning of Chinese children. Twenty-four second graders studied made-up associations between 12 spoken labels and pictures accompanied either by accurate phonological information characters, misleading phonological information characters, or no orthography. Half of phonologically accurate or misleading characters were semantically accurate or misleading. Pictures prompted recall of spoken labels without orthography present on tests. Results showed that exposure to characters which accurately represent sounds and meanings during learning did not enhance recall of the spoken labels compared to no orthography in early trials. But exposure to characters, which misrepresent sounds and meanings, significantly impeded vocabulary learning compared to no orthography.  相似文献   

The task-based approach has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Unlike the traditional language teaching approach, which puts much emphasis on the teaching and learning of language forms and skills, it regards the language process as one of learning through doing, emphasizes the central role of meaning in language use and insists that students should learn more effectively if they are fully engaged in a language task. However, due to the lack of an appropriate language environment and limited time for English study, Chinese students may not make as much progress as expected in the unconscious internalization of authentic language by focusing primarily on meaning. In fact the meaning of a language can not be separated from its form. The accurate expression of meaning depends on the proper use of language form. Therefore, in the application of the taskbased approach, we should not neglect the study of language form. This paper analyses the causes for Chinese students' low spoken English proficiency, describes the theoretical foundation and actual practice of the task-based approach, discusses its implications for teaching oral English and makes some proposals for its appropriate application.  相似文献   

With the development of economy and culture, the interaction between countries is increasingly closer; English communication is becoming more and more important. But, the oral English teaching in China tends to have some disadvantages, how to change the present situation of college English teaching is particularly important. Aimed at these questions, this article analyses the deficiency of the current spoken English teaching, and put forward rational suggestions.  相似文献   

大学生英语口语动机类型分析与英语口语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机是影响英语口语学习的一个关键因素。本文对大学生英语口语学习动机类型进行了分析,并对在教学中如何通过激发学生的口语学习动机,促进学生学习英语口语的积极性,从而有效地提高学生的英语口语水平提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着经济和科技的迅猛发展,流行文化对当代大学生产生了非常重要的影响。作为文化载体的英文原声电影在带给学生视听方面的享受和冲击的同时,也激发了他们对学习英语的兴趣以及调动起他们要说一口流利英语的主观愿望。本文探讨了原声电影相比于传统的英语音像资料的优势,和如何利用原声电影优化高职英语口语教学。指出把原声电影运用到高职英语口语教学中时可能遇到的问题,提出笔者的见解。以期对越来越关注学生交际能力的中国高职英语口语教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

英语语调教学现状与对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
英语语调是说话者用以表情达意的重要手段,在口语中没有语调就没有句法。英语语音固然重要,但同语调相比.语调更重要。中国学生学习英语语音.主要问题不但仅在于发对单个音素.而更在于读好语调,而恰恰是如果语调读不好.听起来就不象英语。本文对语调的重要性、我国英语语调教学的现状以度如何进行语调教学进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

本文从语言心理学、认知语言学和二语习得研究入手,对英语口语的词句隐喻意义、知识类型、学习环境、流利性、语音和听说等方面进行了论述。通过对英语口语在我国的发展状况、其特征以及学习策略的分析,让英语学习者对英语口语有一个充分了解的前提下,运用正确有效的学习策略,从而对英语学习者的英语口语的水平提高有所帮助。  相似文献   

在英语教学中,加强英语的口语教学,对培养学生的口语交际起着重要作用。教师的口语教学对英语教学也有大的帮助,它能激发学生英语学习的兴趣,调动学生自觉运用口语的积极性,进一步培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。  相似文献   

大学生在注重英语口语的同时却相对忽视了写作中的重要要素与技能。中国英语学习者的写作中常常出现各种各样的问题。在严格区分口语和书面语的特征的基础上,本文旨在通过收集语料来分析非英语专业大学生英语写作中的口语化特征及其产生的可能性原因来指导英语写作,增强英语学习者的语言实际应用能力。  相似文献   

口语表达能力是外语学习者实现外语交际功能的重要指标,而大学英语教学的难点也是口语表达。错误分析理论是第二语言学习研究的一个重要组成部分,它对二语学习者所犯的错误进行全面系统的分析和研究,有利于我们有的放矢地开展并改进语言教学。因此,通过对学生口语表达中常见的错误进行分析并提出纠错策略,对提高大学英语口语教学质量,促进学生口语水平和交际能力的形成有重要意义。  相似文献   

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