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<正>Animal Farm and 1984 are the two best known novels written by George Orwell,who was believed to be a socialist.Both of the two books are aimed at showing us the harm of the dictatorship and totalitarianism.Animal Farm tells a story about animal revolution.At first,it was a great revolution under the guidance of Old Major’s thought,all animals rose up against the farmer,Mr.Jones and establish their Animal Farm.However,  相似文献   

In Animal Farm,Napoleon and his assistants use the technique of political propaganda to cheat other animals so that other animals will be docile and support his dominion.In current society,political propaganda is still an important part of politics in a country.This paper has analyzed Animal Farm from the aspect of the technique of political propaganda and pointed out the modern significance of the technique.  相似文献   

《动物庄园》与《一九八四》是奥威尔的反极权主义小说,一直仅被视作反苏反共反斯大林,这种误读与曲解有其深刻的时代历史原因。《动物庄园》讽喻历史上无数次革命起义所经历的循环模式;《一九八四》既是现代极权社会的真实写照,也是对其未来发展的预言。这两部小说反映出作者对自法国大革命以来整个世界范围各种形态的现代极权社会更宏大深入的思考。  相似文献   

本文就一年生黑麦草在安徽农师院附属实验牧场试种情况,研究其在凤阳地区栽培的生育特点。结果表明,此草基本适应凤阳地区的地理环境及气候。  相似文献   

乔治·奥威尔的代表作《动物庄园》将政治创作与艺术创作融为一体的一部政治寓言体作品,被誉为20世纪最杰出的反乌托邦小说之一,揭露了当时极权社会的黑暗面.本文将从故事的主要人物“猪”的外貌、智力和阶级地位三个方面来阐释小说的荒诞性,揭露极权主义的本质.  相似文献   

《动物农庄》中采用了大量的象征手法并颇具特色。简单的语言因之而被赋予了神奇的暗示意义,激发了读者的无限联想。文章从三个方面研究《动物农庄》的象征意义:主要动物的象征意义,事物的象征意义,情节的象征意义。  相似文献   

研究对比了英国作家乔治.奥威尔的《动物农场》与中国作家张爱玲的《秧歌》,发现两位作者均思考了人的生存境况,并号召弱者争取自己的温饱权。然而两位作者在对"饥饿"的描述上采取了截然不同的方法,映射出了他们在文学风格上面的差异。  相似文献   

乔治·奥威尔是20世纪最著名的政治小说家之一。他的两部政治讽喻小说《动物庄园》和《1984》向人们描绘了一幅幅生动形象的极权社会的图景。两部小说都反映了反极权主义的主题。这篇文章主要针对这两部小说进行重新解读,重点分析小说中极权社会的统治方式,指出语言在政治中的强大的力量。  相似文献   

杨梅CHENG  Jing 《海外英语》2016,(15):158-159
Animal Farm succeeds in establishing George Orwell's position as a master in literature with its profound moral and hidden but killing sarcasms.And it has been translated into many languages around the world,arousing heated response.So far,there are seventeen versions in China.However,the academic studies focus on the significance of its literary value and political aspects,paying little attention to the systemic study of its translations.The thesis chooses the versions of Rong Rude and Fu Weici and compares them from lexical,syntactical and discourse aspects.Through the comparative study,the author finds out that the two translators apply different translation strategies.Rong tends to adopt foreignization strategy,while Fu is inclined to apply domestication strategy.  相似文献   

"农家乐"旅游作为第一产业和第三产业有机结合的新型农村产业形态,对解决城郊地区的"三农"问题做出了重大贡献。它以农业、农村、农事作为载体,以本地资源为基础,是顺应城乡消费新趋势而逐渐发展起来的农村新型产业。但是,"农家乐"在其发展过程中仍然存在许多不容忽视的问题。为了更好地发展这种新型产业,文章将首先介绍"农家乐"的国内外发展情况,从中总结经验教训,以更好地为当前我国"农家乐"发展所借鉴和学习;其次具体分析"农家乐"开发经营中主要存在的环境问题和管理规划问题;最后提出"农家乐"未来发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

乔治·奥威尔是反乌托邦文学的代表作家,他的代表作《动物庄园》和《一九八四》,借虚幻世界对极权主义展开猛烈抨击,深刻揭露黑暗的社会现实。奥威尔所诠释的虚幻世界既立足社会,又以此为基础实现横向和纵向的延伸,勾勒出虚幻世界的立体画面,形成强烈的透视效果,使得虚幻背后的真实、政治极权与争取自由的矛盾一览无余。其政治寓言历经时代的跨越,向世人证明了极权主义的最终结果。  相似文献   

对奥威尔的研究主要停留在他的两部政治讽喻小说《一九八四》、《动物农场》上,而对这两部政治寓言式的传世小说的过渡性作品《上来透口气》却关注甚少。奥威尔在这部小说中熟练的运用了象征手法,深化了小说的主题。通过鱼和炸弹这两个蕴含丰富的象征意义的对立形象,揭示了第一次世界大战前后两个时期英国社会在性质上的显著差别和剧烈变化,也反映了第二次世界大战爆发前夕英国的混乱局势和精神危机。  相似文献   

乔治·奥威尔是英国著名的政治讽刺小说家,他以反对极权主义和追求自由著称,其代表作《1984》和《动物农场》是两部享誉国际的反乌托邦小说。奥威尔对中国90年代自由主义作家王小波有重大影响,影响主要体现在对于理性和自由的追求及其文本中对于想象和黑色幽默的运用等方面。但二者的艺术追求也存在很大差异,王小波发展了奥威尔的反面乌托邦写作模式,并追求诗意浪漫和繁复多变的小说艺术形式,形成了自己的独特风格。  相似文献   

浅析生态旅游背景下的“农家乐”开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"农家乐"是新兴的一种旅游形式,在部分地区"农家乐"旅游存在对环境资源的污染和破坏以及无规划的开发,对农村生态环境造成了负面影响。借鉴生态旅游理念,"农家乐"开发要重视科学规划,充分考虑区域生态环境承载力;重视社区参与,维护社区居民利益;针对农家乐旅游者和从业人员开展多种形式的生态旅游理念教育,促进"农家乐"旅游可持续发展。  相似文献   

文章针对国有农场改革发展问题,以金华市石门农场职工家庭农场经营模式为例,进行了比较细致的调查研究,分析了制约国有农场发展的症结所在,并就国有农场深化改革提出了比较系统化的思路、对策与措施。对国有农场的改革与发展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

英语中的动物词语除了字面意义外,还有丰富的文化内涵,运用到生活实践中很有实用价值。用动物词语作比喻,效果形象生动;通过动物词语,可以了解英民族的社会生活,了解英民族的思维方式,避免跨文化交际中的误会;动物谚语为我们的生活提供有益启示,还为语法学习提供例析。  相似文献   

An examination is reported of the effect of differences in reading strategies on the construction of meaning from novel length text. Following a brief review of psychological theory relevant to the question of how particular strategies could constrain meaning construction, specific differences are hypothesised in relation to Orwell's classic tale, Animal Farm. The results of an experimental examination using post‐graduate Diploma in Education students as subjects, and multidimensional scaling as the analytic technique, support the contention that reading strategies are important in the construction of differential meanings. The educational implications of the results are discussed in relation to the change in school practice from teacher‐directed reading to students reading more books but on their own or in small groups, without direct teacher intervention.  相似文献   

Abstract Following a brief review of research using multidimensional scaling as a measure of literary perception, it is proposed that the technique provides one possible route to an illumination of Bransford & Johnson's (1973) idea that when people understand a text they create a model within which events described in the text might reasonably occur. Two hypotheses are proposed and tested. First, that models are constructed, in memory, of the inter‐relationships and cross‐relationships of character attributions made in accordance with those themes understood in reading a piece of work of novel length. Secondly, that similar models are constructed from viewing a feature length film. Orwell's (1945) Animal Farm, the book and the film (Halas & Bachelor, 1955), were selected as content because of their known distinctive structures. Results support both hypotheses. They also support the earlier work of Bisanz (Bisanz, La Porte, Vesonder & Voss, 1978) concerning the validity of multidimensional scaling for representing mental organisations of the thematic structure of short stories, extending their results to the reading and viewing, respectively, of a novel length book and film. Two related issues concerning the possible effects of medium of communication on modelling and the educational implications of modelling are discussed.  相似文献   

关岭化石群国家地质公园是全国著名的三叠纪化石基地,化石藏量大、品种多、形态完整,被誉为古生物的"动物坟场"。作为国家级科普教育基地,公园正在发展成为集教学、科研、科普和旅游于一体的重要场所。文章分析了关岭化石群国家地质公园旅游资源的特点和开发优势,提出了旅游开发的措施。  相似文献   

林地与普通土地相比更多地承担着维护公共利益的义务,具有重要的生态功能。由于在对林地利用过程中受到《森林法》、《野生动物保护法》、《农业法》等诸多相关法律限制,林地地役权有着与传统地役权不同的性质与特征。林地地役权作为一种新型的物权形式,目前《物权法》未对其作出相关规定。云南是林业大省,构建科学的林地地役权是使林地资源得到有效利用与保护的关键所在。  相似文献   

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