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Visual scanning patterns of 6–13-week-old infants are derived from some 50 half-minute assessments in which the infants viewed static geometric figures. Measures include fixation dwell-times, saccade lengths, and the choices and sequences of saccadic targets. From the patterns of change across 3 age periods, it appears that as infants grow older an initial salience-guided scanning increasingly is replaced by volitional control over the choice of saccadic targets. The change tentatively is attributed to neural developments within later stages of the infant visual system.  相似文献   

The influence of arousal on visual attention was examined in 6.5-month-old infants (N = 42) in the context of a visual search task. Phasic increases in arousal were induced with brief sounds and measured with pupil dilation. Evidence was found for an inverted U-shaped relation between pupil dilation amplitude and visual orienting, with highest likelihood of a target fixation at intermediate levels of arousal. Effects were similar for facial stimuli and simple objects. Together, these results contribute to our understanding of the relation between arousal and attention in infancy. The study also demonstrates that infants have a bias to orient to human eyes, even when presented in isolation.  相似文献   

在谈话活动中引导幼儿深度学习是必要的。文章分析了深度学习的含义、在谈话活动中引导幼儿深度学习的必要性,在此基础上就教师如何在谈话活动中促进幼儿的深度学习提出建议:引导幼儿在深度学习中获得核心经验、支持幼儿在深度学习中丰富谈话的内容、以提问推动幼儿进行深度思考、拓宽谈话活动的机会。  相似文献   

With many features competing for attention in their visual environment, infants must learn to deploy attention toward informative cues while ignoring distractions. Three eye tracking experiments were conducted to investigate whether 6‐ and 8‐month‐olds (total N = 102) would shift attention away from a distractor stimulus to learn a cue–reward relation. While 8‐month‐olds showed evidence of increasingly selective attention toward the predictive cues, even when the distractors were highly salient, 6‐month‐olds shifted attention toward the predictive cues only when the distractors were equally (not more) engaging. These experiments suggest that attention in infancy is highly dependent on the relative weightings of predictiveness and visual salience, which may differ across development and context.  相似文献   

This article describes how visual methods, particularly photography, can be used in the context of careers education and guidance. It begins by acknowledging that this context is undergoing rapid change given the policy agendas of lifelong learning and social inclusion. However, although these policy agendas continue to emphasize the importance of self-knowledge in managing career development, this represents an area of continuing difficulty in terms of curriculum design and delivery. In recognizing this dilemma the article suggests that visual methods can provide careers educators, guidance practitioners, and their clients with the means to engage 'self' in the processes of career learning and planning.  相似文献   


This article describes how visual methods, particularly photography, can be used in the context of careers education and guidance. It begins by acknowledging that this context is undergoing rapid change given the policy agendas of lifelong learning and social inclusion. However, although these policy agendas continue to emphasize the importance of self-knowledge in managing career development, this represents an area of continuing difficulty in terms of curriculum design and delivery. In recognizing this dilemma the article suggests that visual methods can provide careers educators, guidance practitioners, and their clients with the means to engage ‘self’ in the processes of career learning and planning.  相似文献   

中国古典小说的核心是“讲故事”。小说与故事有密不可分的关系。故事可以定义为“事件”。这个事件,既可以是发生过的旧事或成例,也可以是现实在心理镜面上折射的幻影。中国小说的发展史就是一条如何讲故事的历史。这个过程经过了三个阶段:简单故事;复杂故事;美的故事。美的故事即以表现生活为指归,讲求叙事策略,重视本的自足性的现代小说在二十世纪的中国得到积极地呼应。但是。一些小说理论家过分强调形式的新奇,放弃“讲故事”这个小说区别于其他学题材的根本动机,忽视民族长久以来形成的欣赏习惯,从而正在逐渐地失去读和作家的双重关注。  相似文献   

Microcounseling techniques were used to conduct an experimental study. The objective was to train naive college students who were interested in counseling to assess clients' attitudes toward guidance tests. A correlation of .797 was obtained between clients' ratings of attitudes toward tests and the trainees' ratings of clients' attitudes toward tests. Findings were consistent with the results of other microcounseling studies. Individual differences among the trainees were noted and comparisons were made between the trainees' own ratings, judges' ratings, and clients' ratings of trainees. Lack of a control group imposes a serious limitation on interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

目前在我国,有越来越多的幼儿加入到了英语学习的大军中。对于幼儿学英语,社会上存在着赞成和反对两种声音。根据国内外的相关研究成果从生理、心理及认知角度指出了幼儿学习英语所具备的优势;教师应该好好利用幼儿的这种优势,采取科学有效的教学策略和方法,激发和培养幼儿学英语的兴趣,以保证其学习效果。为此,也介绍了唱歌、游戏、动画等调动幼儿英语学习的兴趣的有效教学方法。  相似文献   

规范高校图书馆视觉导向系统设计的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了视觉导向系统在高校图书馆文化品牌塑造中的重要作用,并分析了高校图书馆视觉导向系统设计中存在的问题,提出了图书馆规范视觉导向系统设计的必要性,对规范高校图书馆视觉导向设计的原则和方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The present experiments tested bilingual infants' developmental narrowing for the interpretation of sounds that form words. These studies addressed how language specialization proceeds when the environment provides varied and divergent input. Experiment 1 (= 32) demonstrated that bilingual 14‐ and 19‐month‐olds learned a pair of object labels consisting of the same syllable produced with distinct pitch contours (rising and falling). Infants' native languages did not use pitch contour to differentiate words. In Experiment 2 (= 16), 22‐month‐old bilinguals failed to learn the labels. These results conflict with the developmental trajectory of monolinguals, who fail to learn pitch contour contrasts as labels at 17–19 months (Hay, Graf Estes, Wang, & Saffran, 2015). Bilingual infants exhibited a prolonged period of flexibility in their interpretation of potential word forms.  相似文献   

幼稚产业是指为一国经济发展计划所促进但缺乏竞争力的产业,为帮助成员方建立和发展幼稚产业,WTO/GATT协议在自由竞争规则之外遵循情势变更原则订立了幼稚产业保护条款,允许成员方在关税和数量限制等方面对幼稚产业进行保护。中国具备援引该条款的条件,但援引该条款只是权宜之计,经济发展的根本仍在于深化改革,提高综合国力和产业竞争力。  相似文献   

Developmental Change in Infants' Responses to Stress   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infant stress responses to a well-baby physical examination and inoculation were observed longitudinally at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. In general, there were cortisol increases over base to the procedures. Cortisol level and cortisol response decreased with age. These data indicate a developmental shift in adrenocortical functioning between 2 and 6 months of age. Further evidence for this shift was seen in the stability of individual responses between 4 and 6 months of age. Individual differences in both cortisol and behavioral responses showed the most stability between these 2 ages. Moreover, diurnal variation in baseline cortisol level was present only at 6 months of age. While a sizable minority of infants showed stress-related cortisol decreases to the procedures at a given age, there was no evidence for cross-age consistency in individual infants showing these cortisol decreases.  相似文献   

区角游戏是幼儿园游戏的重要组成部分,它给予幼儿很多的自主性,幼儿在接受游戏“邀请”时,心理上处于一种亢奋的状态,因为它给予了幼儿一个身心愉悦和自由的空间。区角游戏从开始的选择到结束的整理,幼儿都是以一个主人翁的姿态穿梭其中,因此从某种意义上来说,幼儿的自主性在区角游戏中是最能得以体现的,但事实却并非如此。  相似文献   

高校德育中的大学生婚恋观教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
处在社会转型时期大学生的价值观和思维方式发生着剧烈变化,传统的道德规范受到了强烈冲击,而新的道德规范尚未完全建立。在这一特定的转型时期,高校德育尤其是大学生婚恋道德观教育正经历着前所未有的困惑。分析大学生失范的婚恋观,有针对性地引导和培育大学生健康高尚的婚恋观具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Infants watched an experimenter retrieve a stuffed animal from an opaque box and then return it. This happened twice, consistent with either 1 animal appearing on 2 occasions or 2 identical-looking animals each appearing once. The experimenter labeled each object appearance with a different novel label. After infants retrieved 1 object from the box, their subsequent search behavior was recorded. Twenty-month-olds, but not 16-month-olds, searched significantly longer for a second object inside the box when the labels were both proper names than when they were 1 count noun followed by 1 proper name. The effect was not significant when proper names were replaced by adjectives. Twenty-month-olds' understanding of meaning distinctions among several word categories guided their object individuation.  相似文献   

幼儿攻击性行为的家庭预防策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
攻击性行为指人因为欲望得不到满足,采取有害他人、毁坏物品的行为。幼儿攻击性行为常表现为打人、骂人、推人、踢人、抢别人的东西(或玩具)等。幼儿的攻击性行为一般在3岁至4岁出现一个高峰,以后逐渐减少。家庭教育不当是滋生幼儿攻击性行为的温床。所以在家庭中,家长对幼儿进行正确的教育和引导,可以有效预防和减少幼儿的攻击性行为,也有利于幼儿的心理健康发展。  相似文献   

2 large independent cohorts of preterm infants ranging between 32 weeks and term were given a neurobehavioral assessment (the NAPI) that measures, among other things, individual differences in excitation management. This assessment, which has high test-retest reliability and developmental and clinical validity, presents each infant with an identical sequence of events. Infant reactions to the standard stimulation provided by this assessment were used as measures of differential excitability. The results showed that over a period of weeks, preterms were highly self-consistent in their reactions. Highly reliable individual differences between infants were also seen. The self-consistencies and individual differences were independent of the infants' prior medical complications. With very few exceptions, these results replicated over the 2 independent cohorts. The individual consistencies and differences in excitation management found in this study might predispose children to later differences in temperament.  相似文献   

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