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There is an apparent tension between Immanuel Kant's model of moral agency and his often-neglected philosophy of moral education. On the one hand, Kant's account of moral knowledge and decision-making seems to be one that can be self-taught. Kant's famous categorical imperative and related 'fact of reason' argument suggest that we learn the content and application of the moral law on our own. On the other hand, Kant has a sophisticated and detailed account of moral education that goes well beyond the kind of education a person would receive in the course of ordinary childhood experience. The task of this paper will be to reconcile these seemingly conflicting claims. Ultimately, I argue, Kant's philosophy of education makes sense as a part of his moral theory if we look not only at individual moral decisions, but also at the goals or ends that these moral decisions are intended to achieve. In Kant's case, this end is what he calls the highest good, and, I argue, the most coherent account of the highest good is a kind of ethical community and end of history, similar to the Groundwork 's realm of ends. Seen as a tool to bring about and sustain such a community, Kant's philosophy of moral education exists as a coherent and important part of his moral philosophy.  相似文献   

外国文学教学中的德育问题是一个复杂的系统问题,需要运用比较文学的理论方法,从跨学科和跨文化的视角来整体认识和衡量。在具体实践过程中,需要采用平等对话的态度去寻求外国文学中道德因素与中国道德传统的交流和汇通,用整体的、历史的眼光把握其中的德育因素,才能有效地结合社会主义德育要求的实际,推进高校外国文学教学中的道德教育。  相似文献   

主体性是现代教育理念中的重要概念,发挥学生主体性既是现代教育所倡导的模式和手段,也是现代教育追求的目的。对高校的德育而言,发挥学生主体性和培养其主体性意识是增强德育实效性的重要手段,也是体现德育实效性的重要方面。因而从发挥学生主体性的角度来考察高校德育课教学情况,指出所存在的问题,并提出相应的增强实效性的途径。  相似文献   

A series of recent speeches, articles, and books have outlined a radical perspective on physical education derived from critical theory, feminism, and postmodernism. This radical discourse has been particularly critical of what it describes as positivistic approaches to research and technocratic views of teaching and curriculum. This article outlines our concerns with this literature, including (a) polemical presentations and vitriolic language, (b) zero-sum arguments that polarize, (c) cartooning, (d) a lack of evidence to defend assertions, and (e) assumptions that it alone occupies high moral ground. We acknowledge that the radical literature has not only brought moral issues to the ongoing forum among physical educators but has also had a direct, positive influence on our work. Areas where we might engage in a collegial discourse include the nature of the subject matter called physical education, the basis underlying a moral perspective on professional work, and the nature of teaching skill development.  相似文献   

高校德育是高等教育的灵魂,重视德育则是社会主义高等教育本质在德育工作实践中的具体体现。卓有成效地抓好高校德育工作,不仅可以确保大学生坚定正确的政治方向,而且也是张扬大学生个性、培养大学生健全人格的有效途径。在分析高校当前德育的现状及其成因的基础上,提出文化视野下的高校德育建设的具体途径与措施,以期进一步提高高校德育工作的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to reconstruct two counter-intuitive Aristotelian theses—about contemplation as the culmination of the good life and about the impossibility of undoing bad upbringing—to bring them into line with current empirical research, as well as with the essentials of an overall Aristotelian approach to moral education. I start by rehearsing those essentials. I then illustrate the two theses and their counter-intuitive ramifications by dint of three life stories of imaginary persons. Subsequently, I offer a reconstruction of Aristotle’s theses which, while going beyond the textual evidence, remains faithful to core elements of his moral and educational theory. I finally bring some considerations from the current literature on self-change to bear on this Aristotelian reconstruction, arguing that the effects of bad upbringing can be undone through contemplative activity. I also elicit some implications of the proposed argument for contemporary moral education and schooling.  相似文献   

思想政治教育的本质是一种人文关怀,肩负立德树人重任的高校德育更应努力凸显这一特质。近年来,对话作为一种新的教育理念正逐步向高校德育领域渗透。对话德育的缘起有其深厚的理论和现实背景,其中包含着深刻的人文关怀意蕴。人文关怀视野下的对话德育建构,可从对话理念人本化、对话关系伙伴化、对话场域生活化、对话文本人文化和对话方法人性化等五个路向进行。  相似文献   

In the light of some recent transformations in higher education, a moral governance of university teachers is starting to emerge, suggesting a decrease of professional autonomy. By drawing on the idea of Gilles Deleuze’s ‘clinical analysis’, the aim of this article is to re-problematize the increasingly common moral image of students’ problems in the light of these recent developments in higher education. The first part of the article focuses on students’ victimization, which is followed by an analysis of the rhetoric and practice of transparency. The third part investigates the relationship between widening participation and the entry of the market model in higher education. The findings suggest that university teachers could benefit from applying a holistic, self-reflective perspective – as a contrast to many policymakers’ reductive individual perception. This perspective enables two practices: (1) the critical ethos concerned with the limits and potentials of professional identity and (2) the political mobilization of university teachers as a profession.  相似文献   

我国高校的公民教育在伦理方面以培养公民伦理并通过大学德育进行道德教育,但现实中大学德育的效用并不高。究其原因就在于大学德育的"知行脱节":道德行为不能达到道德认知和行为规范的要求。站在伦理学高度看,人与人相处所存在的行为准则有多种,但是对于普通人来说,能以最基本的"底线伦理"——"不为恶"原则为行为原则就是实现了道德行为,遵循此原则就是从基本道德行为做起进而逐步达到公民伦理要求。大学生公民同样需要从"底线伦理"的行为准则做起以达到公民伦理的高层次要求。因此,要提升大学德育的效用就需要以"底线伦理"为基础进行道德行为约束,以达到"知行统一"的德育目标。高校基于"底线伦理"才可呈现高效用的大学德育的可能世界。  相似文献   

涂尔干的贡献之一体现在对道德的研究。他在对人的心态的考察中提出了著名的道德三要素:纪律精神、牺牲精神、自律精神。道德要素论虽然有一定的局限性,但它的理论意义和实践意义受到重视。道德要素论不仅批判了传统的道德教育,而且在道德教育实践中对大学生行为习惯的养成、爱国热情的激发和学业的提升具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

通过对人的全面发展内涵的理解,阐述高校德育与人的全面发展的内在逻辑关系:人的全面发展理论奠定了高校德育的理论基石;高校德育是实现人的全面发展的重要途径;人的全面发展与高校德育的辩证统一。  相似文献   

全媒体时代下大学生德育生成的逻辑样态发生了巨大变化。生成哲学认为,世界万物是永恒的发展变化和动态生成,在生成哲学的价值理性范导下,大学德育蕴含先验概念和认知图式的双重建构过程,德育生成的价值建构与意义阐释并非混沌无序状态,而是遵循德育生成的逻辑框架。"符号认同"德育生成愿景是价值判断的同质逻辑和事实判断的异质逻辑的有机统一,大学生"符号认同"的德育生成要统摄于德育符号"编码-解码"的生成机制和运作逻辑中,并在大学德育活动中建构着动态生成的效能方式和意象性的符码关系。现实运作中的德育出现了"非线性"偏移的"本源性危机",浮现出外在严苛与内在虚妄的价值偏移,极端情况下会导致大学生德育实施的价值悬置和实践流弊。全媒体视域下"符号认同"的德育实践需要大学在境遇权衡过程中采取有效的生成理路,并形成大学场域中"政治-符号-德育"的生成共同体,最终趋向于大学德育的"异托邦"。  相似文献   

德育的“道德性”范畴是成立的,德育并不具有天然的道德合理性,应该对德育进行“道德性”追问。这种追闺既是时代的要求,也是德育发展本身的内在需要。道德性审视作为一种特殊的视角有助于德育理论与实践的更深层次的分析与构建,只有道德的德育才能培养出道德的人。  相似文献   

高校科技成果转化制度包括法律层面的规制性制度与伦理层面的规范性制度。道德经济关注的是经济活动如何影响道德价值观和规范,以及这些规范如何反过来影响经济活动。高校科技成果转化制度是一种规范科技成果所有权和知识生产行为的道德经济制度,影响高校知识生产过程中的社会关系,不仅激发研究成果的转化,而且也明确了研究成果转化过程中权利和责任的分配。本研究通过论证高校科技成果转化制度的道德经济性质,展示了道德经济概念在当代大学变革研究中的相关性,从而有助于高等教育研究的推进。基于道德经济视角,高校科技成果转化制度与实践需要完善奖酬激励与分配正义机制,深化科技成果所有权归属制度改革以及协调开放科学与知识产权保护之间的平衡关系。  相似文献   

大学生婚恋观与高校德育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
婚恋观作为一种观念形态,是人们对恋爱、婚姻和性的问题的一种基本的看法和态度,随时代变迁而发生变化。大学生的恋爱问题随着大学生中恋爱现象的日益普遍,当代大学生对恋爱和婚姻的认识及态度,对高校德育是一个挑战。通过对云南省高校大学生婚恋观的调查,我们可以看到:当代大学生择偶标准较为理性,注重个人品质;恋爱婚姻指向性不太强,婚姻信任度不高;对“性”的态度更为开放和宽容。我们认为,当代大学生婚恋观的特点提醒高校德育工作者:对于大学生的恋爱现象和行为决不能简单的回避或漠视,而是应采取相应的得力措施,来消除其不利因素和影响。  相似文献   

This article presents a moral orientation that can serve as a commonly shared foundation for developing moral consciousness in (postmodern) multicultural democratic societies. To this end, I distinguish between two prevailing generic views of moral education—‘thin’ and ‘thick’—and claim that the tensions between them contribute to the sense of crisis of moral education (and public schooling in general). I begin by showing these tensions through a discussion of representatives of each side of the thin–thick dichotomy, as well as through Lickona’s integrative account. After discussing the complications of each view, I present PARTS—Postconventional Authentic Relation-to-Self—as a normative perspective that is able to reconcile the two generic views. I show the merits of PARTS by discussing the notions of moral judgement and motivation.  相似文献   

高等教育伦理研究是高校成为受人尊重大学的重要保证。如何确立高等教育的最终价值,确立高校与社会、高校内部各要素之间的伦理关系,拓宽高等教育职业道德研究视野,实现高校应有的德性是高等教育伦理研究的主要问题。对高校教育目的、内容、功能、方法进行伦理校正,高等学校如何促进高等教育制度公正、公平,高校德性实现的具体路径。则构成了高等教育伦理研究的主要内容。发现、证明、证实高等教育发展的伦理概念和命题并构建逻辑化、系统化的理论是高等教育伦理研究的基本方法。  相似文献   

通过对2007年以来有关高校创业教育的文献进行分析发现,国内的研究成果主要集中在五个方面:创业教育的内容、存在的问题、途径、模式、政策与大学生就业及德育的关系。从而总结得出高校创业教育研究方面呈现的趋势和特点,最后提出今后研究的重点。  相似文献   

转型期大学生信仰问题的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信仰是人类的精神动力和精神支柱。信仰问题是人的精神世界的核心问题,也是制约人类人生观成熟发展的一个关键因素。当前高校大学生的思想道德状况总体上呈现积极、健康、向上的良好态势,但由于受社会转型期出现的一些消极社会现象、道德失范现象的影响,部分大学生在信仰方面也出现迷惘,空虚现象。在社会转型期,必须大力加强大学生的思想政治工作,健全并完善高校道德信仰教育体制,引导大学生坚定科学正确的信仰。  相似文献   

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