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Development models have moved away from the simple export or imitation of western patterns towards local ownership and participatory approaches. This movement has brought with it increasing attention to the place of culture, ethnicity and language in development. In situations of high linguistic diversity, debate has concentrated largely on language choice and use in the formal educational system without reference to wider participatory processes of development in the community. Questions of language choice in both education and development are, however, crucial where local community languages have little written tradition and may have been considered of too little significance to develop. This article will review the major features of participatory development and ask how far similar processes have been or might be applied in promoting the use of local languages for such development. These questions will be explored in selected African contexts. How does intervention for language development dovetail with other kinds of development intervention? What is the interplay between the cultural basis of participatory development and the expression of ethnic identity through local languages? What lessons might be drawn from participatory development for community‐based processes of language development? How significant is the notion of empowerment with regard to the linguistic resources of a community? In conclusion, the article will argue that language development processes must figure prominently in participatory approaches to development multilingual environments and that attention to language must proceed along similar participatory lines.  相似文献   

This case study investigates the development of the understanding of constructivist theory among students in a Masters level elementary teacher education program within a particular course. The focus of the study is a seminar entitled ‘Advanced Seminar in Child Development’. The questions explored include: How do students’ ideas of teaching, learning and knowledge develop within the context of their experience in this course? How do they come to understand constructivism? What are their definitions of constructivism? What is the course of the development of this understanding? The nature of the students’ learning processes is examined through three sources of data: dialog journals, videotaped sessions and the instructor’s reflective teaching journal. The study looks both at student development and instructional practice to further understanding of how student‐teachers can learn to apply constructivist theory to their teaching and to understand the learning process, both within themselves and their students. Their development is placed in the context of Korthagen and Kessels’s model of teacher understanding and practice, and within a broader context of principles of practice that emphasize a belief in equity and social justice. The case illustrates how the way student‐teachers are taught theory can help them integrate their own ideas of learning and teaching with constructivist theory in order to think critically about their own practice in an ongoing developmental manner.  相似文献   

The authors draw on data from weekly e‐mail responses to a questionnaire completed by beginning teachers placed in one‐year, paid, internships. Interns were assigned mentors who responded every several weeks, also via e‐mail, to a questionnaire about the interns and their development. Data from 23 interns were analyzed. Seven themes were identified that capture various dimensions of intern development. To portray the nature, direction and complexity of intern development, each of the dimensions is conceptualized in terms of opposable orientations to the defining aspect of each theme. The authors use the dimensions and their related orientations to organize the data for discussion. Conclusions related to each dimension are situated within the wider research literature on teacher development, and some similarities and differences are noted between this group of interns and what is widely reported about beginning teacher development.

Table  相似文献   


This study explored the subjective experience of post‐high‐school development in four gifted individuals considered at risk because of significant underachievement, depression, or family stress. Conflict with parents was a dominant theme in the language of three of the subjects, and resolution of that conflict appeared to be associated with developmental task‐accomplishment and improved academic motivation and emotional health. The process of differentiating from parents included exploring identity, finding career direction, and struggling with autonomy issues during extended education. The developmental stories of these individuals, largely in their own words, are situated in one transitional developmental period, and the narratives allude to sexual abuse, sexual orientation, relatively early marriage, or depression.  相似文献   

This paper examines capacity development in education in fragile contexts. This is a current concern for donors and development partners, but there has been little work on the nexus between capacity, education and fragility. The paper examines the concept of fragility and the particular problems in education associated with fragile contexts. The key argument – and tension – is that the focus should be on restoring state functions, yet this may be in a context of severe difficulties for donor agencies or NGOs of aligning with the government. The paper outlines some of the choices to be made in deciding on a focus for capacity development in education, examining the levels for intervention (individual, organisational, cultural and political) and the different sectors (administration and education institutions). It provides examples of the different sorts of areas in capacity development in education arenas that would address specific features of fragility, but draws attention to the need for research and indicators of the different impact of these strategies. The paper concludes with an analysis of what appears to be necessary to ensure that capacity development efforts are sustainable.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between parent–child co‐viewing of television and the cognitive development of the child. Both survey and experiment methods were employed to determine the participants’ television viewing habits and their cognitive achievements after watching a pre‐recorded programme under different conditions. The participants were five‐year‐old pre‐schoolers from a childcare centre in Beijing, China. The findings show a positive relationship between parent–child co‐viewing of television and the cognitive performance of the child as far as a specific programme was concerned, but long‐term effects of parent–child co‐viewing on the general cognitive development of the child could not be established owing to the limitations of the study.

Cette étude a examiné le rapport entre la co‐vision de la télévision du parent et l’enfant et le développement cognitif de l’enfant. Des méthodes d’enquête et d’expérience ont été utilisées pour découvrir les habitudes des participants quand ils regardent la télévision et leurs accomplissements cognitifs après avoir regardé un programme pré‐enregistré dans des conditions différentes. Les participants étaient des élèves de cinq ans du cours préparatoire d’un centre d’assistance à l’enfance à Beijing, Chine. Les résultats montrent un rapport positif entre la co‐vision de la télévision duparent et l’enfant et la compétence cognitive de l’enfant en ce qui concerne un programme ­spécifique, mais les effets à long terme de la co‐vision de la télévision du parent et l’enfant sur le développement cognitif général de l’enfant n’ont pas été établi dû aux limitatios de l’étude.

Este estudio examinó la relación entre la co‐visión del padre y niño de la televisión y el desarrollo cognoscitivo del niño. Fueron empleados métodos de estudio y experimentales para descubrir los hábitos relacionados con mirar la televisión de los participantes y sus logros cognoscitivos después de mirar un programa previamente grabado bajo diversas condiciones. Los participantes eran pre‐escolares de cinco años de un centro de cuidado de niños en Beijing, China. Los resultados demuestran una relación positiva entre la co‐visión de la televisión por padre y niño y el funcionamiento cognoscitivo del niño por lo que concierne un programa específico, pero los efectos a largo plazo de la co‐visión del padre y niño en el desarrollo cognoscitivo general del niño no pudieron ser establecidos debido a las limitaciones del estudio.  相似文献   

Kindergarten teachers in Hong Kong are blamed for not putting child‐initiated learning theory into practice. Their competence is challenged. An earlier study (Li, 2003 Li, YL. (2003). Roadblocks to educational reform: investigating knowledge and practice of Hong Kong kindergarten teachers. International Journal of Educational Reform, 12(3): 217229.  [Google Scholar]) suggested that the professional development of kindergarten teachers was limited by their inability to extend thinking beyond their own personal concerns so that the needs of the children were not the major determinant of their classroom practice. It was argued that to confront and modify the teachers' personal beliefs the presence of models, action research and joint collaborative activity were the keys. This report was a follow‐up study of a school‐based project, providing opportunities for teachers to engage in collaborative investigation of school curriculum and of pedagogical innovations. In this study, the practice and belief of a group of around 60 teachers were tracked during their participation in the project and the merits of peer coaching, mentoring and collaborative teamwork were examined. Classroom observations and semi‐structured interviews (40–60 minutes) were adopted as the main research procedure. Teaching records, videoed teaching episodes and feedback on project workshops were sources of data collected for triangulation. The findings of the study suggest that collegiality holds some promise for change in teachers' practice, though questions concerning the constancy of change are of concern.  相似文献   

An ICT strategy and an implementation plan for teacher education were created in a co‐operative process. Visions and expectations of staff members and students were registered by questionnaires and by making notes during sessions in which the strategy was created. Thereafter, an implementation document, where the staff development programme and plans of how to develop ICT infrastructure and to integrate ICT to teacher education, was created. A large programme for staff ICT skills development was implemented and a new infrastructure (a new domain and websites etc.) was developed over a two‐year period. On the basis of staff self‐evaluation data, staff ICT skills developed substantially and ICT use as part of teacher education grew more versatile. On the basis of our experiences and the data collected during the project, a list of properties needed for a successful staff development project is given.

Une stratégie TIC et un plan de mise en ?uvre relatifs à la formation des enseignants ont été mis en place dans le cadre d'un processus coopératif. Les visions et les attentes des membres du personnel et des étudiants ont été répertoriées au moyen de questionnaires et en prenant des notes lors des sessions durant lesquelles la stratégie a été mise en place. Après cela, un document de mise en ?uvre portant sur le programme de développement du personnel et sur les plans visant à améliorer l'infrastructure TIC et à intégrer les TIC dans la formation des enseignants a été rédigé. Un programme extensif portant sur le développement des compétences en matière de TIC du personnel a été mis en ?uvre et une infrastructure nouvelle (nouveau domaine, sites Internet etc.) a été développée sur une période de deux ans. Sur la base des données d'auto‐évaluation du personnel, les compétences TIC du personnel ont connu une amélioration substantielle et le recours aux TIC dans la formation des enseignants est devenu plus varié.

Eine ICT‐Strategie und ein Realisierungsplan für die Lehrerausbildung wurden in einem kooperativen Prozess aufgebaut. Visionen und Erwartungen der Personalmitglieder und der Studenten wurden durch Fragebögen und Erfassung von Notizen in den Sitzungen ermittelt, in denen die Strategie erarbeitet wurde. Danach wurde ein Realisierungsdokument erstellt, das das Personalentwicklungsprogramm und die Pläne zur Entwicklung der ICT‐Infrastruktur und zur Integration der ICT in die Lehrerausbildung beinhaltete. Es wurde ein umfangreiches Programm für die Entwicklung der ICT‐Kenntnisse des Personals realisiert und eine neue Infrastruktur (eine neue Domain und Websites usw.) über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren entwickelt. Aufgrund der Selbstbewertungsdaten des Personals entwickelten sich ihre ICT‐Kenntnisse wesentlich und die Anwendung der ICT als ein Teil der Lehrerausbildung wurde vielseitiger.

En un proceso cooperativo se han creado una estrategia de TIC (Tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación) y un plan de implementación para la formación de profesores. Se han registrado los puntos de vista y las expectativas de los miembros del personal y de los alumnos mediante cuestionarios y tomando notas durante las sesiones en las que se creó la estrategia. Posteriormente, se redactó un documento de implementación, con el programa de desarrollo del personal y los planes sobre cómo desarrollar la infraestructura de TIC e integrar las TIC en la formación del profesorado. Se implementó un programa más grande para el desarrollo de las aptitudes en TIC del personal y se desarrolló una nueva infraestructura (nuevos dominio y sitios web, etc.) en un período de dos años. Sobre la base de los datos de la autoevaluación del personal, las aptitudes en TIC del personal se desarrollaron considerablemente y el uso de las TIC como parte de la formación del profesorado fue más versátil.  相似文献   

Very few English secondary schools now include ‘Comprehensive’ in their titles, and political enthusiasm for comprehensive schools is hard to detect. According to David Skelton of Policy Exchange, politicians, like anthropologists, have often ‘investigated them, read thoroughly about them and even visited them, but they don’t really understand them’. Drawing on a variety of source materials, this article discusses the early comprehensive schools movement, the period of intensive circulars and legislation in the 1960s and 1970s and the subsequent waning of interest in comprehensive schools as a policy topic. At the heart of the discussion is a focus on politics and politicians at both the national and local levels, with close reference to some key personalities of the post-war period. It is argued that the story of comprehensive schooling in England needs more balance and that we should look to the present generation of politicians and historians to provide this.  相似文献   

The importance of developing effective learning strategies and motivational beliefs has been widely acknowledged as a way of meeting the demand to acquire lifelong learning capabilities for successful functioning as professionals in the ‘information age’. The study reported in this paper examined the learning orientations and strategies of prospective teachers as well as their assessment preferences and compared them with those of in‐service teachers. The Motivated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Assessment Preferences Inventory (API) were used to test the hypothesis that in‐service teachers will exhibit a deeper approach to learning and assessment due to their constant engagement in meaningful learning experiences. The results confirmed the hypothesis and their implications for teacher education programmes were then discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to explore how academic self‐concept and implicit theories of ability are related to four self‐regulation strategies—motivation/diligence, concentration, information processing, and self‐handicapping. The hypothesis is that academic self‐concept and an incremental theory of ability are (1) positively related to motivation/diligence, concentration, and information processing strategies, and (2) negatively related to self‐handicapping strategies. On the basis of inventories 168 teacher students and 60 sport students (a total of 178 females and 50 males) were scored on academic self‐concept, incremental and fixed theories of ability and the four self‐regulation strategies. Multiple regression analysis was used for each self‐regulation strategy as dependent variable, and with academic self‐concept and the ability theories as independent variables. Results revealed that an incremental theory had, as predicted, a positive relation with motivation/diligence and concentration, but had only trivial relations with information processing and self‐handicapping, whereas a fixed theory had only the predicted relation with self‐handicapping. As hypothesised, a high academic self‐concept was positively related to motivation/diligence, conception, and information processing and negatively to self‐handicapping. The findings may indicate that, in order to promote meta‐theoretical processing and prevent student from self‐handicapping, it is important to strengthen academic self‐concept, and to foster an incremental conception of ability among students.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of four electronic portfolio curricula on pre‐service and beginning teachers' self‐ratings of their professional development (n = 207), using a 34 item electronic Portfolio Assessment Scale (ePAS). Three formative portfolios, A, C and D, had teacher development as a primary objective and used participants' narrative reflections on students over a 2–3 month period. One summative portfolio, B, assessed teacher accountability through participants' analyses of professional teaching standards concerning students during 1–2 week teaching units. Factor analyses of the ePAS assessments for each portfolio and all four combined yielded the same five factors concerning professional outcomes: overall teacher development, including reflective skill (F1), an understanding of assessment roles (F2), an understanding of backwards planning (F3), the benefit of analyzing student work (F4) and the benefit of teacher peer collaboration (F5). For F1, F3 and F5 the means of the formative portfolios A, C and D were significantly higher than those of portfolio B. No differences were found among the portfolios concerning the benefits of analyzing student work (F4). The researchers concluded that formative portfolios that focused on teacher development better supported professional outcomes than did the summative accountability portfolio. It was concluded that portfolios should not be used for the summative accountability of teachers.

Dans cette étude nous avons comparé les effets de quatre programmes scolaires à portefeuille électronique sur les autocritiques que des enseignants débutants ont faites de leur développement professionnel (n = 207). Nous nous sommes servis d'une échelle d'évaluation à portefeuille électronique de 34 points (ePAS). L'objectif principal des trois portefeuilles formatifs A, B et D était le développement de l'enseignant. Pour y parvenir nous avons employé des réflexions narratives sur les élèves pendant une période de deux à trois mois. A travers un portefeuille sommaire, B, nous avons évalué la responsabilité des enseignants au moyen des analyses que les participants ont faites des normes de l'enseignement professionnel des unités d'apprentissage d'une à deux semaines. Nous avons conclu que les portefeuilles formatifs qui se concentraient sur le développement des enseignants ont mieux soutenu le rendement professionnel des jeunes enseignants.

Este estudio compara los efectos de cuatro portafolios electrónicos curriculares sobre las auto evaluaciones de profesores antes de que comiencen a ejercitar la enseñanza y de profesores que inician su desarrollo profesional (n = 207), utilizando 34 ítemes de la escala de Portfolio Assessment (Valorización de Portafolios) (ePAS). Tres portafolios formativos, A, C y D, tienen como objetivo principal el desarrollo de la enseñanza usando las reflexiones por escrito de los participantes sobre estudiantes en un período de dos a tres meses. En un portafolio de síntesis, B, se valora la responsabilidad de los profesores. Durante una unidad educacional de una a dos semanas, los participantes evalúan métodos de enseñanza y, a través de este análisis, valoran la responsabilidad de los profesores. Se concluye que los portafolios formativos que se enfocan en el desarrollo de la enseñanza facilitan de mejor manera el resultado del desarrollo de los profesionales jóvenes.

Diese Arbeit vergleicht die Wirkungen von vier Lehrplänen im Bereich elektronischer Portfeuilles auf die beruflichen Selbstbewertungen von werdenden und neueingetretenen Lehrkräften. Verwendet wird ein elektronisches Portfeuillewertungssystem (ePAWS) von 34 Punkten. Die Entwicklung der Lehrer ist die primäre Absicht von drei formativen Portfeuilles, A, C und D, in denen die Teilnehmer ihre Selbstbeobachtungen über zwei bis drei Wochen aufgeschrieben haben. Die Verantwortlichkeit von Lehren wird in einem zusammenfassenden Portfeuille B eingesschätzt, durch eine Beurteilung von lehrberuflichen Maßstaben der Teilnehmer in Bezug auf Studenten im Verlauf einer ein‐ bis zweiwöchigen Lehreinheit. Bewiesen wurde, daß die formativen Portefeuilles, die sich auf Lehrentwicklung konzentrierten, die Weiterentfaltung von neueingestiegenen Lehrkräften besser fördern.  相似文献   

In New Zealand there is an increasing trend for people with prior occupational experiences to enter secondary teaching. At a time when the media is continually questioning the status and capability of the teaching profession, we explore what or who motivates people to change their occupational paths and enter the teaching profession. Our sample of 68 newly qualified change‐of‐career teachers reported multiple factors related to their decision to pursue teaching. The matrix of reasons involved a range of “push and pull” factors related to previous work and family experiences, values and task expectancies. Three cluster groups of teachers – “Looks Good”, “Time is Right” and “Teaching is Me” – were developed to illustrate the relative influence of different combinations of reasons. We looked at how these teachers' motivations and prior experiences impacted on early and long‐term career expectations and intentions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the rationale and principles that guided the design and development of PARENTS, a multimedia case‐based environment. Following a development research approach, the tenets of constructivist learning, and the advantages of case‐based instruction, we developed a multimedia program in which we utilized and incorporated the findings of the longitudinal study Ecologies of Parental Engagement (EPE). EPE focused on parents in high‐poverty urban communities and the roles they play in elementary schools that are active in implementing reform‐based science education. The main purpose of the multimedia program PARENTS was to help preservice science teachers to explore and reflect on themes of parental engagement in high‐poverty urban school settings. In this paper, we present the design and conceptual framework behind the first prototype of PARENTS.

Conception et développement d'un environnement multimedia sur l'implication des parents fondé sur des études de cas

Le but de cet article est de présenter le raisonnement et les principes qui ont orienté la conception et le développement de PARENTS, qui est un environnement multimedia fondé sur des études de cas. En suivant une approche “recherche et développement”, les principes de l'apprentissage constructiviste et les points forts de l'enseignement basé sur les études de cas, nous avons mis au point un programme multimedia dans lequel nous avons utilisé et intégré les résultats d'une enquête longitudinale – Ecologies de l'Engagement Parental (EPE). EPE a porté sur les parents se trouvant dans des communautés urbaines très pauvres et sur le rôle qu'ils jouent dans des écoles élémentaires engagées dans la mise en ?uvre des réformes de l'enseignement des sciences. Le but principal du programme multimedia PARENTS était d'aider les enseignants de sciences en formation initiale à explorer et à réfléchir sur la thématique de l'engagement parental dans les écoles se trouvant dans des zones urbaines de grande pauvreté.

Entwurf und Entwicklung eines multimedia Fall‐ basierten Umfelds auf das elterliche Engagement

Dieser Beitrag soll die Gründe und Prinzipien aufzeigen, die zu Entwurf und Entwicklung von PARENTS, einer Multimedia‐Fall‐basierten Umgebung, geführt haben. Nach der Entwicklung eines Forschungs‐Ansatzes auf den Grundsätzen des konstruktivistischen Lernens, und dem Berücksichtigen der Vorteile fall‐basierter Anweisungen entwickelten wir ein Multimediaprogramm, in dem wir die Ergebnisse einer Langzeitstudie – Ecologies of Parental Engagement (EPE) – nutzten und einfügten. EPE ist auf Eltern in städtischen Gemeinden mit großer Armut ausgerichtet und auf ihre Rolle, die sie in Grundschulen mit reformbasiertem naturwissenschaftlichem Unterricht spielen können. Der Hauptzweck des Multimediaprogramms PARENTS war, in Ausbildung befindlichen Lehrern für Naturwissenschaften zu helfen, auf dem Gebiet des elterlichen Engagements in sehr armen städtischen Schulbereichen zu forschen und zu reflektieren.

Diseño y Desarrollo de un entorno multimedia basado en estudios de casos sobre el compromiso de los padres

El propósito del presente artículo es de presentar los fundamentos y principios que han orientado el diseño y desarrollo de PADRES, un entorno multimedia basado en estudios de casos. Siguiendo una metodología de investigación y desarrollo y también los principios del aprendizaje constructivista así como las ventajas de la instrucción basada en estudios de casos, hemos desarrollado un programa multimedia en el cual hemos utilizado y integrado los resultados de una encuesta longitudinal – Ecologías del Compromiso de los Padres (EPE). EPE trata de esos padres que viven en comunidades urbanas muy pobres y del papel que desempeñan en las escuelas primarias que se han comprometido a poner en práctica las reformas de la enseñanza de las ciencias. El objetivo principal del programa multimedia PADRES (PARENTS) era de ayudar a los futuros profesores de ciencias para explorar y reflexionar sobre la temática del compromiso paterno en las escuelas ubicadas en zonas urbanas extremamente pobres.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design, development and evaluation of an experimental two‐way video teletraining (VTT) system consisting of two classrooms equipped with audio and video equipment and linked by a land line to enable two‐way audio/video communication. A US Navy instructor delivered instruction in person to the originating classroom and electronically to the remote classroom. Findings were that student attitudes and performance on examinations were comparable in originating and remote classrooms. Students at the remote classroom were more likely to comment on deficiencies of the VTT system and were particularly sensitive to audio problems. Instructor acceptance of the VTT system was high. Cost analysis indicated that using the VTT system was more costly than sending an instructor to a remote site but that VTT can be less cosdy than sending students to the instructor.

The research described was performed under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Technology. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors, are not official, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Navy department.  相似文献   

Assessment of auditory comprehension is necessary for therapeutic clinical intervention as well as remedial and special education services. In this study, the Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language‐Revised (TACL‐R), developed by Elizabeth Carrow‐Woolfolk in 1985 Carrow‐Woolfolk, E. 1985. Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language‐Revised, Allen, TX: DLM Teaching Resources.  [Google Scholar], was translated and adapted for use in the Lebanese culture. The adapted test was administered to 350 Lebanese children aged 3:0–9:11 selected on the basis of grade and school type. Norms were reported for each age and grade level. Reliability analysis showed that the adapted test provides consistent, stable and precise estimates of auditory comprehension ability. The test's construct validity was examined using several indices. In addition, evidence for concurrent validity was provided by examining the relationship between scores on the adapted test and teachers' ratings of students' language abilities. Obtained results were compared with those on the TACL‐R and were discussed in terms of their practical implications. Recommendations for further research were proposed.  相似文献   

Recently, the importance of ill‐structured problem‐solving in real‐world contexts has become a focus of educational research. Particularly, the hypothesis‐development process has been examined as one of the keys to developing a high‐quality solution in a problem context. The authors of this study examined predictive relations between young adolescents' metacognition, prior domain knowledge, and hypothesis‐development performance in a computer‐supported environment. Data were collected from 11‐ and 12‐year‐old Korean students (N = 101). A hypothesised model in predicting hypothesis‐development performance was evaluated using structural equation modelling. Both metacognition and prior domain knowledge significantly predicted young adolescents' hypothesis‐development performance. Implications and limitations of the present study and issues, including the experimental design, are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers' self‐efficacy (SE) in their classroom management capabilities is thought to be an important factor in teachers' overall judgements of their teaching SE. Low SE in classroom management has been linked to teacher attrition and burnout, and reduced student learning outcomes. This article provides the first comprehensive review of classroom management as a factor in the construct of teacher SE. Twenty‐five peer‐reviewed articles published from 1984 to 2009 that reported on the use of SE scales containing at least one novel classroom management self‐efficacy (CMSE) item were reviewed. The validity and reliability of CMSE scales and items were found to be very good, with classroom management items pertaining to maintaining order and control the most frequent category included. Approximately one in four items in the SE scales reviewed was CMSE item, and, in general, CMSE items were not linked explicitly to classroom management research or contemporary psychological or philosophical approaches.  相似文献   

This article emphasizes the need to encourage undergraduate students to develop arguments, which involves enhancing their analytical skills and capacity for critical thinking, across disciplines regardless of level. It argues that these skills, required by the Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) benchmarks, are developed not by instruction but by engaging with the philosophic process that leads to the deep learning. This process of learning is based on a dialectical approach, viewing dialogue with colleagues, primary texts and written assignments, as central to developing an inductive argument and a critical perspective. This article proposes an analytical framework to analyze the extent to which a tutor is facilitating the development of argument. It suggests that while, if required one must provide students with explicit guidelines about this process, nevertheless this practice is problematic because of the inherent tension between explicit teaching and deep learning, which facilitates the acquisition of these analytical skills.  相似文献   

This paper deals with English teachers who work with deaf and hard‐of‐hearing (D/HH) students. In France deaf students are required to attend foreign language classes – mostly English classes. The purpose is not to teach them British sign language (BSL) or American sign language (ASL), but written and/or spoken English. Indeed, sign languages are distinct from spoken languages and differ from country to country: there is no universal sign language. English teachers of the deaf are mostly hearing people. They work either in mainstream or special schools. Most of them have no specific qualifications. In this context, they are faced with the tremendous challenge of how to adjust their teaching to their students’ impairment and at the same time develop the latter's knowledge and skills in English. In order to analyse teaching practices in English classes, questionnaires, interviews and in‐class observations in several special and mainstream schools were conducted. Findings show that different teaching strategies are used in order to make English lessons accessible to D/HH students: teachers have to adapt their teaching language and also use written and visual supports to accommodate D/HH students. Obviously teacher training needs to be improved.  相似文献   

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