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The transition from primary to secondary school can be a period of anxiety for many children. Although most schools have developed systems to ease this process, it has been argued that the emphasis is often on administrative and organisational procedures. In contrast, children and parents are typically more concerned with personal and social issues. It may be that such concerns have received insufficient attention in the past. This paper employs theoretical perspectives from the literature on resilience and self-esteem to examine key aspects of the process of transition from the perspective of the individual child. It is argued that for some children at least, transition can be legitimately considered ‘a challenge of living’ because of the social and personal messages which are received from a range of experiences within a concentrated period of time. The nature and source of these messages are discussed, and some implications for practitioners suggested. It is argued that in order to help vulnerable individuals cope with, and even benefit from, the period of transition, we need to focus more on the way social and personal experiences are interpreted at this time.
D. J. MillerURL: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/fedsoc/staff/dmiller

Research Findings: It is clear that disasters negatively affect both adults and children. Yet there is little research examining the mechanisms whereby some people are negatively affected by disasters whereas others are resilient to these negative effects. Family functioning and child characteristics might be factors that influence the impact of disasters on young children. We tested this premise in a sample of 118 children living in an area affected by a Category 3 hurricane, with 47 of these children participating before and after the hurricane. Results indicated that disaster experiences and emotion regulation are predictors of adjustment following natural disasters. Findings also suggested that the effects of disaster experiences on children’s adjustment are sometimes indirect through their impact on parental depression and parent hostility. Practice or Policy: These findings indicate that working to minimize the likelihood of parent–child separations during disasters could reduce the negative effects of disasters on children. In addition, promoting better emotional regulatory abilities in young children may help them to be more resilient when experiencing natural disasters, and providing parents with the support they need to more effectively parent may also decrease the likelihood that children will experience adjustment difficulties following disasters.  相似文献   

The Urban Review - This study sought to explain student success at an Early College High School. Guided by previous research on Early College High Schools as well as by the construct of educational...  相似文献   

The sense of independence is the ability to stand by yourself, to do things on your own. You trust yourself. You know you are the necessary part, the important part that makes up1 the world.  Sometimes you may say to yourself, "Why, I can't stand on mys…  相似文献   

Some Pe0Ple(l)that seals are the fairies of the sea and日ho记d notbe killed.“In the kin酗om of the Seals,’15 12、English fairy sto钾byDonald A Machenzie.It tells of a seal huntel(3)wounds a seal.Theseal swims away(4、the hunter,5 knife still(5)baek.That  相似文献   

Assessment is a critical issue in the teaching andlearning of mathematics. For many students, theassessment is still one that is based on a behaviouristapproach where discrete facts and skills are tested,where grading and ranking are the primary goals.Kilpatrick argues that an alternative vision isnecessary for today's classrooms. The challenge is toproduce an assessment practice that does more thanmeasures a person's mind and then assign a mindtreatment. We need to understand how people cometo use mathematics in different social settings and  相似文献   

This article tries to make an analysis of the song"Touch of Love"sung by Jacky Cheung,the king of pop singer in Hong Kong,from three aspects:person system,mood system and cohesion system based on the theory of systematic-functional grammar so as to deepen the understanding of the lyrics of this English song and improve their connoisseurship of English songs by the features embodied in the process of the discourse analysis of this piece of the song.  相似文献   

《封神演义》是明朝中叶一部较优秀的神魔小说。作品包含了三教合流互相渗透的文化内涵,其文化内涵具有一定的模糊性。然深究其思想内涵,则其文化内涵的模糊性中,儒家传统的思想,特别是宋明理学是文本中的主导思想。文章试从社会文化基础、作者的文化心理及小说文化本身等层面,对造成这种现象的原因进行分析。  相似文献   

<正> English is spoken throughout the continent of North America,in the British Isles, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and is also the most important of the languages of colonization in Asia,Africa and Oceania. In addition it is the language of commerce,and the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionInrecentyears,theNi-MHbattery,akindofnewtypesecondarybatterydevelopedonthebaseofrechargeableNi-Cdbattery,hasattractedtheattentionofmostcustomersintheworldduetotheirexcellentperformancessuchashighpowerdensity,verygoodcyclability,highspecificcapacityandlessenviron-mentalimpact.Currently,theNi-MHbatteryiswidelyusedasapowerforportableelectricdevices,electricvehicles,portablevideos,andsomeimportantsmallapplications[1-3].Nickelhydroxideiscommonlyusedastheactivematerialfornickelposit…  相似文献   

程丽恒 《双语学习》2007,(11M):222-223
At the beginning of seven century B. C, as the conflicts between vassals were getting fierce, a bodyguard with force and courage was needed by the monarch of feudal China. Then stabber - the first type of the hanger - on of an aristocrat appeared. They served and protected their master. At the state of war they could lead soldiers to fight. At zero hour, they even threw themselves into the breach to save their master. Later came the Warring State Era - a multinational era. It became popular for aristocrats to maintain hanger - on of an aristocrat. Such as Gentleman Mengchang in the feudal state of Qi,[第一段]  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a comparative case study examining the implementation of the mathematics strand of the Key Stage 3 Strategy in two contrasting schools—one using setting and whole‐class teaching, the other incorporating mixed‐ability grouping and individualised learning. A number of ‘outcomes’ of implementation are considered, including teachers' and students' experiences, changes in pedagogic practice and students' attainment. Whilst both schools achieved highly in relation to similar schools, higher attainment gains between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 in the school using setting/whole‐class teaching were associated with increasing student disaffection and dependence on teachers. In contrast, the attainment gains at the school using individualised learning were associated with increasing enthusiasm and independence. The mixed picture of outcomes and their complex interconnections suggest that evaluations of implementation resting on attainment‐based outcomes are problematic in terms of longer‐term aims of increasing the proportions of students choosing to study mathematics and developing the skills of independent learning.  相似文献   

The dialogue of this paper operates at two levels. First, it seeks to rethink the various perspectives on social justice evident in the academic literature, reviewing what is collectively known about it and where current thinking is taking and/or should be taking us. Second, it reports on research concerning the schooling of students with disabilities or, more accurately, research concerning the practices of teachers in relation to the inclusion of students with disabilities within ‘mainstream’ classrooms. These two discussions come together through their collaborative interest in recognizing social justice when they ‘see’ it; the data from the research are used to inform the theory it illustrates and the theory is used to explain teachers' practices. In this critical sense it is more than a dialogue, with its parts dialectically related. The paper's critique also extends to questioning whose interests are served (and whose are not) by various social justice perspectives and their applications to schooling. It concludes that ‘a critical theory of social justice must consider not only distributive patterns, but also the processes and relationships that produce and reproduce those patterns’ (Young 1990: 241).  相似文献   

亲爱的孩子,跟坏心情说再见吧,即便你英语老犯错,即便你最近考试不好。记住我们的话吧,孩子。英语不是那样难的,学英语确实有方法,英语用处多多,英语没有偏见,喜欢所有的孩子。我们也喜欢所有的孩子。从现在起,我们将告诉你英语是怎么回事,以及怎么学会它。我们想要你体会到学英语的乐趣。  相似文献   

Turn of the TV     

Top of the World     
香港影星黎明和张曼玉主演的《甜蜜蜜》是一部很受观众欢迎的电影。在电影里,黎明扮演的黎小军对教他烹饪的师傅说,他将来要在纽约最高的大厦的顶层开一家饭店,取名TOP OF THE WORLD。看到这里我不禁拍案叫绝,因为top of the world有两层含义:一为“世界之巅”的意思,  相似文献   

ypisin.5 maps of peptide mass fingerprints(PMF) were obtained and 3 proteins perhapers had influence on cisplatin-induced cell-growth inhibition.Conclusion:Reference 2-DE maps of A2780 and A2780/DDP proteome treated with 5μmol/L and 20μmol/L cisplatin are established and the significa  相似文献   

The task of this article is to carry out a synthetic analysis of the concept of the educational marketplace as it is used in the popular discourse of education reform so as to unpack what has become a commonsensical idea in American politics. It is a conceptual framework that has opened an ever-expanding sovereign space in the American state for the colonization of a public institution by the private sphere by means of public policy. The results of this analysis suggest that the reform policies associated with the concept of the educational marketplace are ineffective in raising average student achievement, have a high probability for generating significant social costs, and are a manifestation of an articulation of power now in ascendancy in the United States.  相似文献   

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