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The literature relevant to incentive contrast effects is reviewed, with emphasis on the data published since the reviews by Black (1968) and Dunham (1968). Contrary to the evidence available for the earlier reviews, the current literature indicates that positive contrast is a reliable phenomenon. Its occurrence is facilitated by use of a constant delay of reward, use of a long runway, or possibly by a shift while a negative contrast effect, resulting from a previous shift, is still present in the animals’ behavior. Positive contrast also occurs in consummatory behavior when sucrose or saccharin solutions are shifted. Conditions that are ineffective in producing positive contrast are reviewed, as are the effects of numerous variables on both successive and simultaneous contrast. In addition, positive and negative contrast effects resulting from shifts in delay or percentage of reward, contrast resulting from shifts in sucrose, saccharin, or ethanol solutions, contrast in choice behavior, and transsituational contrast are reviewed. The relationship of the data to several theoretical interpretations of contrast is also considered.  相似文献   

Contrast in consummatory behavior was investigated following repeated shifts from 32% to 4% sucrose. In Experiment 1, contrast in licking and in open-field measures of activity occurred following the second and third downshifts. In Experiments 2a and 2b, equivalent contrast effects occurred following the first and second downshifts in sucrose. In Experiment 3, negative contrast remained unabated following nine downshifts in animals shifted between 32% and 4% sucrose on alternate days. Similar results were found for five downshifts in animals shifted every 2 days. In both of these latter conditions, positive contrast occurred over the first few shifts and was then lost as the 32% control group reached asymptote. These data show that repeated negative contrast effects in consummatory behavior are robust and enduring and occur under several different sets of experimental parameters. The results are discussed in terms of reinforcement level and emotional interpretations of contrast effects, and the possibility was suggested that the causal mechanism of contrast changes with repeated shifts.  相似文献   

In a repeated shifts experiment four independent groups of thirsty rats received the following treatments: LSLS, LLLS, SSLS, and SSSS, with each letter denoting the magnitude (large or small) of sucrose reward received in each of the four phases of the experiment. While no negative contrast effect (NCE) was obtained in Phase 2, a very reliable positive contrast effect (PCE) was found in Phase 3. Moreover, a significant NCE was obtained in Phase 4. The results were explained in terms of the relative rather than absolute effects of reinforcement.  相似文献   

Multiple shifts in reward amount were given to rats in a straight runway. Both positive and negative contrast effects were observed. A positive contrast effect was observed, however, only if the shift from small to large reward occurred while the subject was evidencing a negative contrast effect. Implications for current conceptions of reinforcement contrast are discussed.  相似文献   

新一轮高校管理体制改革文件的实施,标志着教师职务聘任、绩效考核已成为我国高等教育改革和发展的必然趋势。随着实践的不断深入,教师职务聘任、绩效考核制度存在的不成熟、不完善之处逐渐体现出来。从教师聘任制度入手,结合不同高校在教师聘任制实施过程中存在的诸多现象,总结经验、分析问题,探讨如何充分发挥其激励作用,调动高校教师的工作积极性,加强高校师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

Pigeons' keypecking was reinforced by food on baseline schedules of multiple variable interval (VI) x VI x and on contrast schedules of multiple VI x VI y. Deprivation of food was varied by maintaining subjects at 75%, 85%, and 95% (+/- 2%) of their free-feeding weights. Positive and negative behavioral contrast were observed. The size of the contrast was not systematically altered by changes in deprivation. Positive and negative contrast were both larger later in the session than they were earlier. Within-session decreases in responding were steeper for the baseline than for the contrast schedules for positive contrast. Within-session decreases were steeper for the contrast than for the baseline schedules for negative contrast. These results were predicted by the idea that different amounts of habituation to the reinforcer during the baseline and contrast schedules contribute to behavioral contrast. The results show that contrast occurs under conditions that reduce the effect of the following component. The results support the assumption that positive and negative contrast are produced by symmetrical theoretical variables.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a successive negative contrast effect in licking was produced by shifting rats from 32% to 4% sucrose solution. Subsequent to the downshift in reward, the rats were tested for licking either a plain 12% sucrose solution or 12% plus a neutral flavor. Licking for the 12% solution was depressed in downshifted rats when a flavor was present, regardless of whether this flavor was novel or had been present in the shift solution. The results were interpreted in terms of an enhancement of neophobia by reward reduction.  相似文献   

激励系数:一个衡量薪酬激励性的新概念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内外大量成功的薪酬改革经验表明,基于绩效的可变薪酬体系对员工的激励效果最佳.文章在以往研究的基础上,提出"激励系数"这一衡量薪酬激励性的新概念,然后分析了激励系数的影响因素,最后给出了激励系数的合理推荐值,以期为企业的薪酬管理实践提供一些启示.  相似文献   

激励性评价是以激发学生内在的需要和动机,来促进学生自觉主动提高自身全面素质的价值判断活动,是促进每个学生发展的催化剂,师生交流互动的润滑剂。实施激励性评价要激励学生发挥优势智能领域;要善于引导和促进学生将优势智能领域的特点迁移到其他智能领域,特别是迁移到弱势智能领域中。  相似文献   

An attempt was made to formulate a theoretical framework of leadership forces in school organisations, which includes bureaucratic linkage, cultural linkage, tight coupling and loose coupling. Two instruments, the School Values Inventory (SVI) and the Teachers' School Life Questionnaire (TSLQ), were created and developed for this study to assess the administrative values espoused by principals and teachers' feelings about school life. Based on data collected from 1395 teachers from a randomly selected sample of 39 secondary schools in Hong Kong, the four scales of leadership forces in secondary schools were confirmed. Findings show that cultural linkage and loose coupling were the most effective leadership forces to bind people together within schools, tight coupling the next, but the use of bureaucratic linkage was controversial.  相似文献   

企业管理激励机制解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了激励理论、激励机制的概念、分类与作用,并针对新华书店的激励机制进行了现状的分析,并提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

The role of incentive learning in instrumental performance following a shift in the degree of water deprivation was analyzed in three experiments. In Experiments 1A and IB, rats trained to perform an instrumental action reinforced with either sucrose or maltodextrin solutions when in a high-deprivation state were subsequently shifted to a low-deprivation state and tested in extinction. This within-state shift in water deprivation reduced instrumental performance only when the animals had been exposed to the reinforcer in the low-deprivation state prior to instrumental training. In Experiment 2, a concurrent training procedure was used to assess whether the change in the value of the reinforcer brought about by preexposurewas mediated by the contingency between the instrumental action and the reinforcer. Preexposure to the reinforcer under the low-deprivation state produced a selective reduction of the performance of the action upon which it was contingent during training when testing was conducted in extinction following a shift from the high- to the low-deprivation state. These experiments provide evidence that animals have to learn about the incentive value of a reinforcer in a particular motivational state through exposure to the reinforcer in that state.  相似文献   

In three experiments the sensitivity of instrumental responding to revaluation of the instrumental outcome in the absence of experience with the revalued outcome was examined. Hungry rats were trained to make one response for food pellets and a different response for sucrose liquid. In Experiment 1, these responses were tested in extinction when the animals were either thirsty or hungry. A significant preference for the sucrose-trained response was observed in the test conducted under thirst but not in that conducted under hunger. In Experiments 2 and 3, the effect of experience with sucrose under thirst on the magnitude of this preference was explored. Following training of the instrumental responses in Experiment 2, half of the animals received presentations of sucrose while they were thirsty; the other half received sucrose while they were hungry. In Experiment 3, the same design was used but these sucrose presentations were made contingent on an instrumental response. Also in Experiment 3, the specificity of the sucrose-response preference to a shift to thirst was examined by testing under increased and decreased levels of hunger. The results of those experiments indicated that the sucrose-response preference is exhibited only under thirst and that exposure to the sucrose under thirst only marginally enhanced that preference. These findings suggest that instrumental responding may be modified by changes in the value of its outcome in the absence of experience with the revalued outcome.  相似文献   

Rats received pairings of two stimuli with reward noncontingently in the Skinner box. During noncontingent pairings, the bar was immobilized. For Group CC 100% of the presentations of both stimuli were rewarded (S1 ±, S2 ±), for Group PP 50% of the presentations of each stimulus were rewarded (S1, ±, S2±), and for Group PC one stimulus was followed by reward on 50% of its presentations, while the second stimulus was followed by reward on 100% of its presentations (S1 ±, S2 ±). A fourth group received the stimuli and reward nonpaired. In a subsequent rewarded test phase, the response facilitating effects of the stimuli were evaluated. In the test phase all groups that received reward paired with S1, and S2 performed better in the presence of S1 and S2 than the group for which the stimuli were not paired with reward. For groups that received the stimuli paired with reward, a difference due to schedule of reward occurred when schedule of reward was varied within Ss (Group PC), but not when varied between Ss (Group PP vs Group CC). The specific form of this finding was that Group PC’s performance in the presence of S2 ± was more vigorous than its performance in the presence of S1 ± and was more vigorous than the performance of Groups PP and CC to S2. Group PC’s performance to S1 ± did not differ from that of Groups PP and CC to S1.  相似文献   

中国古代赐姓对于激励机制的运用既有"得"又有"失"的一面。"得"表现为精神激励与物质激励相结合、正激励与负激励相结合、实行目标激励法等激励基本原则在赐姓中的体现;"失"表现为激励缺乏连续性、公平性、适度性等问题在赐姓中普遍存在。  相似文献   

当代大学生思想政治教育激励机制存在诸多弊端,如激励方式单一、范围小、忽略学生个性等。针对现有激励机制的不足,提出按需激励、双向激励、目标激励、奖罚激励等改进措施。从物质与精神两方面满足学生需要,发掘学生个性,激发学习动机,调动行为积极性,进而提出在该机制具体实施过程中还需要把握“以人为本”的原则、适度原则和公平公正原则。  相似文献   

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