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Previous evidence suggests that a disruptive stimulus presented during the delay interval of a delayed matching-to-sample trial increases the rate of forgetting by pigeons. However, disruptive events have generally been presented for a period of time proportional to the delay interval. Thus, the observed increase in forgetting may be the result of greater exposure to these events at longer delays than at shorter ones. This possibility was examined by comparing the effects of houselight illumination for the entire delay, half the delay, or a constant 1.5 sec of each delay on pigeons’ delayed matching-to-sample accuracy. Presenting the houselight for a period of time proportional to each delay (i.e., the entire delay or half the delay) impaired accuracy more at longer delays than at shorter delays. By contrast, when the houselight was illuminated for 1.5 sec, irrespective of delay length, there was a greater impairment in accuracy at shorter delays than at longer delays. Thus, the increased rate of forgetting previously reported in the literature may be the result of unequal application of a disrupting stimulus across delays.  相似文献   

Illumination effects during steady-state performance of discrimination tasks in animals have been well documented, whereas research on illumination effects during acquisition has been largely ignored. Exceptions to this rule are Wasserman’s (1973) autoshaping experiments and Maki’s (1979) successive discrimination experiment. The present experiment investigated the effects of illumination changes on acquisition of a conditional discrimination—delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS). Pigeons were used in a between-groups design which factorially varied house-light illumination, on or off, during the presentations of DMTS stimuli, the delay interval, and the intertrial interval (ITI). DMTS performance over five blocks of sessions was the dependent variable. The major result was the three-way interaction of sessions, the intertrial interval, and the DMTS stimuli. Constant illumination resulted in the highest discrimination ratios over the last four blocks of sessions. A constant dark condition did not differ from a condition with dark ITIs and illuminated stimulus presentations or from a condition with illuminated ITIs and dark stimulus presentations. The proffered explanation of these data emphasizes the disruptive effects of stimulus changes and Wasserman’s (1973) cue localization hypothesis. The loci of the stimulus change and cue localization effect are suggested to be either at the beginning of a trial or at the end of a trial. A pretrial account emphasizes the role of stimulus changes on the encoding of the sample stimulus, and a posttrial account emphasizes the role of stimulus changes during consolidation processing.  相似文献   

Previous research in directed forgetting in pigeons has focused on the effect of single forget cues (F-cues) interpolated within the retention interval in delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS). The present series of experiments focuses on the ability of a remember cue (R-cue) to cancel the effects of a previously presented forget cue both when the forget cue occurs within the retention interval and when the forget cue precedes sample presentation. In the first experiment, an R-cue decreased the effect of an F-cue within the same retention interval in successive DMTS if the R-cue immediately followed the F-cue, but not if the second cue was delayed until the end of the retention interval. In Experiment 2, the double-cue effect was extended to choice DMTS. In addition, when a novel stimulus replaced the R-cue in the double-cue probe trials, matching performance was not restored, indicating that through its conditioning history the R-cue had gained control over memory processes in a direction opposite to that of the F-cue. Experiment 3 presents evidence that presample R- and F-cues can also effectively gain control over matching performance. Matching to R-cued samples was superior to matching to F-cued samples. When F-cued samples were followed immediately by R-cues, matching performance was not restored to R-cue levels, suggesting differential encoding of the R-cued and F-cued samples.  相似文献   


The temporal discrimination hypothesis (TDH) of delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) stresses the animal’s ability to discriminate which choice-stimulus alternative has appeared most recently as sample. Thus, the emphasis is placed on discriminative processes, temporal in nature, rather than on the traditional trace or buffer storage mechanisms of short-term memory. Some of the predictions of the TDH were tested within the context of the DMTS task. Experiment I showed that the difficulty of sample-stimulus sequences could be predicted by the TDH. Experiment II showed DMTS performance to be an increasing function of the number of sample stimuli employed, a result predicted by the TDH, but not by a traditional proactive interference interpretation. The results demonstrate the importance of temporal discriminative processes in DMTS. The possibility for a simpler theoretical approach to memory, in general, is discussed.


Two pigeons performed a matching-to-sample task in which a color, a line orientation, or both, might appear on the sample. Stimulus control by (attention to) the color and line components of a compound sample was measured when (a) either component might be relevant (i.e., appear as a comparison stimulus on that trial), and (b) when only one component was relevant. Degree of stimulus control by a given component of the compound sample was higher when only it was relevant than when either component might be relevant. Because the matching-to-sample task separated sample inspection from response choice, interpretation of the results in terms of response competition was ruled out. Because the training procedure led to shifts in stimulus control by the components of the compound sample, explanation of previous matching-to-sample results in terms of reduced perceptual clarity of compound samples was also ruled out. Thus, variations in stimulus control by components of the compound sample were interpreted as showing shifts in attention to the components of the compound sample.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in a two-choice delayed matching-to-sample task with red and green hues. A brief postsample cue (a vertical or horizontal line) signaled whether the comparison stimuli would be presented or omitted on each trial. Comparison stimuli were always presented following the remember (R) cue, but never following the forget (F) cue or no-cue trials. One group of birds, the differential outcome (DO) group, received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. The effect of postsample cues was greater for the DO group than for the NDO group. Relative to the NDO group, the DO group displayed higher accuracy on R-cue trials and lower accuracy on F- and no-cue trials. Both tendencies contributed to the enhanced cue effectiveness obtained in the DO group. The results indicate that outcome expectancies are subject to maintenance rehearsal, which comes under the control of postsample R and F cues. They also suggest that maintenance rehearsal may be easier to sustain under DO conditions than under NDO conditions when a memory test is anticipated, but that it may be easier to terminate maintenance rehearsal under DO conditions when a memory test is not anticipated. The results are inconsistent with the assumption that the rehearsal of outcome expectancies is automatic.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined within-session changes in responding during discrimination procedures. In Experiment 1, rate of responding changed significantly within sessions during symbolic delayed matching-to-sample tasks when the delay between the stimulus and the choice period was short (1–5 sec), but not when it was long (8–12 sec). The percentage of responses that were correct did not change within sessions. In Experiment 2, response rates increased and then decreased within sessions during both S1 and S2 when successive discrimination procedures provided high, but not low, rates of reinforcement. Discrimination ratios sometimes increased within sessions. These results question two potential definitions of attention as explanations for within-session changes in response rates. They are more compatible with explanations based on concepts such as arousal, satiation, habituation, and interfering responses.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine the effect of sample duration (0.1, 2, and 4 sec), delay interval (.03, 4, 8, 16, and 32 sec), and type of stimulus (color and shape) on the matching performance of rhesus monkeys. In Experiment 1, the 15 possible delay-duration combinations were randomly presented in blocks of 15 trials. In Experiment 2, each duration was held constant and the five delays randomly presented. Then each delay interval was held constant with the three durations randomly varied. Matching performance increased as sample duration increased (ps < .01 and .005), while length of delay did not significantly affect performance. The type of stimuli paired in the matching test significantly affected performance (ps < .05 and .10) with the shape/shape choices leading to the poorest performance. Stimulus discriminability and amount of training with brief sample durations were implicated as significant determinants of matching performance.  相似文献   

Four experiments assessed the role of reinforcement expectancies in the trial spacing effect obtained in delayed matching-to-sample by pigeons. In Experiment 1, a differential outcome (DO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct comparison responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct comparison responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. While matching accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group, both groups showed an equivalent decline in accuracy as the intertriai interval (ITI) duration was decreased. However, within the DO group, ITI duration affected performance on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but not on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. In Experiment 2, delay interval (DI) duration was 5, 10, or 15 sec and accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group at all DI durations. In addition, accuracy decreased similarly on high- and low-probability-of-reinforcement trials for the DO group as DI was increased. In Experiment 3, all birds were studied under DO conditions and ITI duration was manipulated along with DI duration. At the short DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had a detrimental effect on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but no effect on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. At the long DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had detrimental effects on both types of trials. In Experiment 4, unsignaled ITI reinforcers disrupted accuracy when the DI was long and when the ITI was short. The applicability of scalar expectancy theory to these data is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, we compared directly pigeons’ short-term memory of temporal and visual stimuli in a delayed matching-to-sample task. The sample stimuli consisted of red and green lights presented for 5 and 30 sec, followed by a retention interval and blue and yellow comparisons. For subjects in the visual group, duration was irrelevant and the color of the sample was the conditional cue. For animals in the temporal group, color was irrelevant and duration of the sample was the conditional stimulus. The results showed that acquisition of the matching task was faster and accuracy was higher in the visual than in the temporal group. More importantly, memory of either sample generally declined at a similar rate when the duration of the retention interval was increased and when the intertrial interval was reduced. Taken together, the results indicate that with 1–8-sec retention intervals, short-term memory for temporal stimuli is similar to that found with color-visual samples. The findings are discussed in terms of retrospective and prospective processing.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined transfer of differential outcome performances to new choice responses in pigeons. Experiments 1A and 1B showed that new responses trained off a matching-to-sample baseline readily substituted for the choice alternatives in differential outcome matching, provided that they shared the same outcome associations as the alternatives they replaced. Experiment 2 showed that comparison responses trained on baseline, but in a task in which their different outcomes occurred equally often following each sample (viz., one-to-many matching), substituted for the choices in a standard, differential outcome task. Experiment 3 showed, somewhat surprisingly, that the choices in the latter task were likewise effective substitutes in one-to-many matching. These results pose separate challenges for standard two-process theory and for the bidirectional account of differential outcome performance, and they suggest other cues that pigeons may use to predict outcomes.  相似文献   

Accuracy on even-numbered trials was assessed as a function of (1) the relation between the sample on the immediately preceding trial and that on the current trial and (2) the length of the intertrial interval (ITI) that intervened between odd- and even-numbered trials. A relatively long interval intervened between pairs of trials in the clustered-dyads procedure, whereas this interval was equal to the ITI in the massed-trials procedure. Both procedures revealed an intertrial agreement effect in that accuracy was higher when the sample on the immediately preceding trial was identical rather than opposite. A decrease in the magnitude of this effect at longer ITIs was apparent only in the clustered-dyads procedure. The insensitivity of the intertrial agreement effect to variations in ITI in the massed-trials procedure may reflect floor effects and the carryover of memory from multiple prior trials that mask the true magnitude of the intertrial agreement effect at short ITIs.  相似文献   

Pigeons’ pecks to the two elements of spatially separated compound samples were observed during matching-to-sample performance. An attentional biasing procedure was used in which the birds were tested on a subset of the information contained in the sample (either one of the two dimensions or one of the two sample key locations) for a large number of sessions. This procedure resulted in a greater proportion of sample pecks to the positively biased (tested during biasing) sample attribute. Increases in accuracy on the positively biased attribute as well as decreases in accuracy on the negatively biased (not tested during biasing) attribute were also found. However, not all of the shifts in matching accuracy could be explained by the shifts in pecking behavior.  相似文献   

Delayed matching-to-sample was used to study the effects of sample presentation time and spaced repetition upon delayed matching accuracy in one stumptail monkey and three squirrel monkeys. It was found in Experiment 1 that presenting the sample stimulus for 0.5 sec led to lower matching accuracy than was the case with longer presentation times of 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 sec. Experiments 2 and 3 investigated the effects of temporally spacing the presentations of the sample stimulus. It was found that spaced repetition led to a deterioration of performance relative to massed repetition. These results are similar to the findings of experiments with pigeons and are contradictory to several previous experiments with monkeys or apes which found no effect of presentation time and a facilitative effect of spaced repetition. It is suggested that the use of monkeys inexperienced in short sample duration matching and tested in operant chambers using a limited set of noncomplex stimuli may be responsible for the discrepancies between these results and those of other experiments with primates.  相似文献   

We propose a methodology for evaluating educational performance, from a multilevel perspective. We use partial frontier approaches to mitigate the influence of outliers and the curse of dimensionality. Our estimation considers idiosyncratic variables at the school, class, and student levels. Our model is applied to a sample of students in fourth year of primary school in urban schools in Chile. Results are in line with previous findings that less than 30% of the variance in students’ educational attainment is attributable to their schools. Results also corroborate that a model considering only student-level variables yields high inefficiencies not attributable to school management, but rather to inadequate resource-endowment policy. Therefore, when disregarding specific variables concerning the resources allocated to the schools, the performance of those schools is undervalued, largely because inefficiencies caused by suboptimal resource endowments or difficulties arising from the socioeconomic environment are instead attributed to poor school management.  相似文献   

Results of directed-forgetting research with pigeons are difficult to interpret because of alternative nonmemorial accounts of performance decrements and important procedural differences from comparable research with humans. Prior research has noted the absence of directed forgetting when artifacts have been removed (e.g., nonreward following forget cues and differences in response patterns on remember and forget trials in training). In this article, it is argued that, in human directed-forgetting research, presentation of a forget cue allows for the reallocation of memory maintenance to items to be remembered. In the present experiment, true directed forgetting is found when nonmemorial performance decrements are eliminated and forget cues allow for the reallocation of sample memory to test-relevant cues.  相似文献   

In trial-unique delayed matching-to-sample the animal must (1) remember the item given as the sample, and (2) subsequently distinguish it from a second item to make a match. With rather short delays, even very well trained monkeys continue to make errors on this task. The question is whether these errors arise as a consequence of poor memory per se, or whether inadequate memory makes the sample difficult to distinguish from the alternative. This question was examined using pairs of items presented on multiple occasions. The role of sample was systematically interchanged between the items forming a pair. Errors were found to be well correlated between trials in which the same item served as sample, but essentially uncorrelated when those trials were compared with trials having the other item as the sample. For example, if A and B were paired items, results of trials in which A was selected as the sample were well correlated with other trials using A as the sample (run on other days); however, trials using A as the sample were uncorrelated with trials using B as the sample, even though the comparison pair (A and B presented together) was identical. These results suggest that the monkeys’ errors are not dependent on the distinguishability of the comparison pair, despite a “faded” memory on which to base the distinction.  相似文献   

In two experiments, immediate feedback defined as feedback following the completion of a 40-item multiple-choice test and delayed feedback (received 48 hr later) were examined in a simulated classroom situation with college students. As defined, delayed feedback was not superior to immediate feedback, as would be predicted by the delayed retention effect. Also, feedback in the form of correct answer only was superior to correct answer plus distractors lending partial support to the frequency theory of recognition memory. In addition to not finding the delayed retention effect, an analysis of errors in experiment two did not support the interference—perseveration hypothesis as an explanation for the type of error committed following immediate feedback.  相似文献   

Directors of early childhood programs wear many hats in the performance of their job responsibilities. One of the most important is that of providing leadership through effective supervision of staff. Promoting positive and helping relationships among the staff yields confident, motivated caregivers who want to provide quality care and education for young children.Diane M. Kohl is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Family Development at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.  相似文献   

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