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Delayed matching-to-sample performance by pigeons was interfered with by displaying a monochromatic annulus around the center (sample) pecking key. The wavelength of the annulus and its point of interpolation within a trial were varied to determine possible differential effects on matching accuracy. Experiment 1 showed that delayed matching was most disrupted when the interference stimulus (570 nm, 630 nm, or achromatic white) appeared during the delay interval of a trial. Little if any disruption occurred when the interference stimulus was present during the sample and choice periods. The spectral relationship between the chromatic interference stimuli (570 and 630 nm) and the sample stimuli (570 and 630 nm) did not consistently influence the degree to which matching accuracy was affected in any interpolation condition. Experiment 2 found a similar pattern of within-trial effects when the interference stimulus was simply a change from a white achromatic annulus to a chromatic one. This finding indicates that illumination changes, such as the popular houselight variation, are not necessary to produce interference in delayed matching to sample. Even with illumination held constant, however, performance was not differentially sensitive to the similarity between interference and sample stimulus wavelengths. It is suggested that other experiments showing similarity effects in interference of delayed matching to sample were conducted in such a way that subjects confused the interfering stimuli with the samples.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, three food-deprived pigeons received trials that began with red or green illumination of the center pecking key. Two or four pecks on this sample key turned it off and initiated a 0- to 10-sec delay. Following the delay, the two outer comparison keys were illuminated, one with red and one with green light. In one condition, a single peck on either of these keys turned the other key off and produced either grain reinforcement (if the comparison that was pecked matched the preceding sample) or the intertrial interval (if it did not match). In other conditions, 3 or 15 additional pecks were required to produce reinforcement or the intertrial interval. The frequency of pecking the matching comparison stimulus (matching accuracy) decreased as the delay increased, increased as the sample ratio was increased, and decreased as the comparison ratio was increased. The results of Experiment 2 suggested that higher comparison ratios adversely affect matching accuracy primarily by delaying reinforcement for choosing the correct comparison. The results of Experiment 3, in which delay of reinforcement for choosing the matching comparison was manipulated, confirmed that delayed reinforcement decreases matching accuracy.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were trained in a delayed conditional discrimination in which color and line cues jointly indicated trial outcome. These were either combined in advance of a retention interval (RI) or separately presented before and after the RI. The former procedure resulted in less forgetting over the RI, the difference increasing with longer RIs. In a second study, the line cue was presented redundantly before and after the RI, and then selectively omitted from either temporal location during probe tests. In general, the results indicated that the birds relied upon the line as a cue to a greater extent when it was compounded with the color in advance of the RI than when it was presented after the RI. The data support an interpretation based on anticipatory processing in working memory, which leads to better retention than retrospective remembering.  相似文献   

The results of experiments on learned helplessness in the appetitive situation have varied from facilitation to debilitating effects produced by exposure to uncontrollable food. The conditions under which the interference effect (debilitation) may occur were examined in the first three experiments, employing the triadic design. Sixteen sets of conditions were examined. The results suggested that the effect occurs when (1) subjects are preexposed to the manipulandum to be used in the test stage, by having it present during pretreatment with uncontrollable food, and (2) the manipulandum employed during pretreatment is absent during the test stage. Furthermore, under the reverse conditions (test manipulandum absent during pretreatment, and pretreatment manipulandum present during testing) and partial reinforcement of the response contingent subjects during pretreatment, the test performance of rats exposed to uncontrollability was facilitated. Experiment 4 confirmed the occurrence of the interference effect under the suggested conditions. Apparently inconsistent results of previous studies may be interpreted in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

In Stage 1, four groups of pigeons were given true discrimination (TD) and four groups were given pseudodiscrimination (PD) training along one of two dimensions orthogonal to wavelength. In Stage 2, all groups received single stimulus (SS) training with a wavelength cue compounded with the former S+ for four of the groups (two TD and Two PD) and with a novel stimulus for the other four (two TD and two PD). For all groups, the SS training was followed by a wavelength generalization test in order to assess the control acquired by the (incidental) wavelength cue during Stage 2. The presence of the former S+ should have blocked the acquisition of control by the wavelength cue leading to flat generalization gradients in the appropriate TD groups. To the contrary, however, these groups showed the sharpest wavelength gradients, i.e., rather than blocking, potentiation was found. One possible interpretation is that the superimposition of the previous S+ served as a reminder of previous TD training, thereby enhancing the transfer of an attentive set from Stage 1 to Stage 2. An alternative conditioning interpretation, suggested in a 1975 paper by Mackintosh, can also be extended to encompass these results.  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons were trained on many-to-one delayed matching in which samples of food and one hue were each associated with one shape comparison, and samples of no food and a different hue were each associated with a second shape comparison. When later tested with delays between sample and comparison stimuli, pigeons showed nonparallel delay functions, typically found with food and no-food samples (i.e., steeply declining food-sample delay functions, and relatively flat no-food-sample delay functions). Furthermore, the slopes of the hue-sample delay functions were similar to those on the food/no-food-sample trials. In Experiment 2, following many-toone delayed matching, when the hue samples were associated with new comparisons and then food and no-food samples replaced the hues, evidence was found for transfer of training indicative of the common coding of samples associated with the same comparison in original training. The transfer results suggest that the asymmetrical hue-sample functions resulted from the common coding of samples associated with the same comparison.  相似文献   

Only a limited number of species have been found capable of generalized matching-to-sample (MTS) after exposure to relatively few training exemplars. We trained a juvenile, experimentally naive California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) in MTS, using a pair of three-dimensional objects as samples. Successful matching to a criterion of 90% correct or better over 2 successive sessions was attained in 12 sessions (269 trials and 70 errors). Two subsequent “partial” transfer tests, in which each of the two training objects was paired with a novel test object, and four additional transfer tests, all with novel objects, were presented following training. An 80% performance criterion over 2 successive sessions was reached, or closely approximated, in from 2 to 4 transfer sessions for all transfer tests; errors to criterion tended to be reduced across the successive novel transfer tests and were as few as five during the final two tests; and performance on the first 48 trials of the last two novel transfers was not significantly different from a near-ceiling level baseline performance measure. Neophobic responses of the sea lion to new objects precluded an unbiased evaluation of immediate (Trial 1) transfer. The sea lion’s short-term memory for sample objects was also measured. Matching performance was maintained at a level of 78% correct responses or better for delays through to 45 sec after removal of the sample object. At a 58-sec delay, the longest tested, performance declined to 69% correct responses. These retention levels are only somewhat below levels reported for dolphins and nonhuman primates tested on visual delayed MTS, but they are above levels typically reported for pigeon subjects.  相似文献   

A bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with good underwater and aerial visual acuity was tested in visual matching-to-sample (MTS) paradigms. Attempts to train visual identity MTS directly, using two simple two-dimensional patterns as sample stimuli and as alternatives (comparison stimuli), met with little success, in keeping with previously observed difficulties of this auditory-specialized species for learning complex tasks utilizing simple visual materials. Pairing of each visual sample with a unique sound, to produce a compound auditory-visual sample, while retaining the two visual alternatives, resulted in the dolphin’s learning both auditory-visual symbolic matching and visual-visual identity matching. At 0-sec delay, performance with the auditory element of the sample alone was equivalent (76%) to performance with the visual element alone; performance with the compound was distinctly better (95%–98% correct). Testing with longer delays using the visual element alone resulted in successful matching through to a maximum delay of 34 sec. These results provided the first demonstration of delayed MTS in a dolphin using visual materials, and complemented other data showing the ready capability of this species for delayedauditory MTS. It appeared that the dolphin solved the visual MTS task by forming auditory codes to represent the visual materials, and that these auditory codes were eventually replaced with purely visual codes.  相似文献   

Task difficulty in delayed matching-to-sample tasks (DMTS) is increased by increasing the length of a retention interval. When tasks become more difficult, choice behavior becomes more susceptible to bias produced by unequal reinforcer ratios. Delaying reinforcement from choice behavior also increases both task difficulty and the biasing effect of unequal reinforcer probability. Six pigeons completed nine DMTS conditions with retention intervals of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 sec, in which reinforcer delays of 0, 2, and 4 sec were combined with ratios of reinforcer probabilities of .5/.5, .2/.8, and .8/.2 for correct red and green responses. Discriminability (logd) decreased with both increasing retention interval duration and increasing reinforcer delay. Sensitivity to reinforcement, the tendency for ratios of choice responses to follow unequal reinforcer probabilities, also increased as a function of both increasing retention interval and increasing reinforcer delay. The result is consistent with the view that remembering in DMTS tasks is a discriminated operant in which increasing task difficulty increases sensitivity to reinforcement.  相似文献   

The short-term memory for sounds of the bottlenosed dolphin was tested using symbolic, identity, and probe forms of the delayed matching-to-sample (DMS) task. The forms differed in the number (one or two) or nature (symbolic or identity matches of sample sounds) of postdelay test stimuli available as memory retrieval cues. Although symbolic DMS was difficult to learn, the final performance level was approximately equal to that for identity or probe DMS. On all tasks, the dolphin’s responses were above 80% correct through to delays of 90 sec and, in some cases, through to delays of 180 and 240 sec, the “limits” being governed mainly by the dolphin’s reluctance to continue being tested at long delays. Encoding of sample stimuli into their learned symbolic representation was hypothesized to have reduced symbolic DMS to a recognition memory task, resulting in the observed equivalence of performance with the other two recognition memory tasks. The probe DMS results, unlike those for identity or symbolic DMS, showed no significant proactive interference effects from samples of prior trials. Instead, proactive interference was traceable to the probe value of the prior trial. Overall, the auditory DMS data for the dolphin were functionally similar to results reported for monkeys tested on symbolic, identity, and probe visual DMS tasks.  相似文献   

Four experiments assessed the role of reinforcement expectancies in the trial spacing effect obtained in delayed matching-to-sample by pigeons. In Experiment 1, a differential outcome (DO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct comparison responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct comparison responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. While matching accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group, both groups showed an equivalent decline in accuracy as the intertriai interval (ITI) duration was decreased. However, within the DO group, ITI duration affected performance on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but not on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. In Experiment 2, delay interval (DI) duration was 5, 10, or 15 sec and accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group at all DI durations. In addition, accuracy decreased similarly on high- and low-probability-of-reinforcement trials for the DO group as DI was increased. In Experiment 3, all birds were studied under DO conditions and ITI duration was manipulated along with DI duration. At the short DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had a detrimental effect on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but no effect on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. At the long DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had detrimental effects on both types of trials. In Experiment 4, unsignaled ITI reinforcers disrupted accuracy when the DI was long and when the ITI was short. The applicability of scalar expectancy theory to these data is discussed.  相似文献   

Delayed simple discriminations are typically retained more accurately over longer delays by pigeons than are delayed conditional discriminations (e.g., Honig & Wasserman, 1981). In two experiments, we investigated the extent to which trial outcomes contribute to this difference by comparing performances when all trials ended with food reinforcement versus when only half of the trials did. Experiment 1 showed that when food was presented on all trials, contingent upon either pecking or not pecking the test stimulus, levels of retention and rates of forgetting were comparable for these two tasks. By contrast, Experiment 2 showed better retention of delayed simple than delayed conditional discriminations when half of the trials ended with food and the other half in extinction. Furthermore, delayed simple discriminations were retained more accurately with food versus no-food outcomes than with food at the end of every trial, whereas the reverse was true for delayed conditional discriminations. These findings indicate that retention differences between these tasks are another instance of the differential outcomes effect.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between children's prior knowledge of spoken and written discourses and how this influences their attempts at examination writing. Particular emphasis is given to task demand in examination questions and how frequently this fails to acknowledge how prior knowledge might be realized in response to the question. School writing has specific genres of its own, genres which, although they may partially mirror genres found outside school, are nonetheless very specific. A significant factor in school genres is they emphasize an asymmetric power relationship between the teacher and the writer, with the teacher not only knowing the conventions of the genre, but often also acting as the determiner of the title, and as the arbiter of the finished piece of writing. Moreover, children whose home background has socioculturally prepared them for production of written genres are advantaged over those with different cultural and meaning‐making resources available to them.  相似文献   

When differential outcomes follow correct responses to each of two comparison stimuli in matching to sample, relative to the appropriate control condition, higher matching accuracy is typically found, especially when there is a delay between the sample and the comparison stimuli. In two experiments, we examined whether this differential-outcomes effect depends on using outcomes that differ in hedonic value (e.g., food vs. water). In Experiment 1, we found facilitated retention when a blue houselight followed correct responses to one comparison stimulus and a white houselight followed correct responses to the other, prior to nondifferential presentations of food. In Experiment 2, we found facilitated retention again when a blue houselight followed correct responses to one comparison stimulus and a tone followed correct responses to the other, prior to nondifferential presentations of food. The results of both experiments indicate that the differential-outcomes effect does not depend on a difference in hedonic value of the differential outcomes, and they suggest that outcome anticipations consisting of relatively arbitrary but differential stimulus representations can serve as cues for comparison choice.  相似文献   

Pigeons were first trained on many-to-one delayed matching in which pairs of hue and line-orientation samples were associated with individual comparison stimuli. They were then trained to match two of the original samples (either hues or line orientations) to new comparisons, after which 2-sec delays were inserted between the samples and comparisons. In testing, the remaining samples were presented as interpolated stimuli during the delays. When the interpolated stimulus had been associated with the same comparison as the sample in many-to-one matehing, performance was significantly more accurate than when it had been associated with a different comparison. This finding adds to the evidence that samples sharing common comparison associations are commonly coded.  相似文献   

When pigeons are trained on a delayed conditional discrimination with presence versus absence samples and tested with delays, a bias to choose the comparison associated with the absence sample is observed with increasing delay. Additionally, when the samples consist of food versus no food, this trial-type performance difference is reversed on short-delay trials: a bias to choose the comparison associated with the presence sample develops with delay testing. This reversal in comparison bias at short delays has been attributed to a preference produced by backward associations between the hedonic samples and the nonhedonic choice stimuli. In the present experiment, we tested an alternative hypothesis, that the short-delay comparison bias is produced by proactive interference—in particular, from reinforcement obtained on the previous trial—by including a group trained with reinforcement on only half of the trials with a correct response. According to the proactive interference account, this group should have shown a smaller short-delay comparison bias than would the typical 100% reinforcement group. Instead, consistent with a backward-association interpretation, the magnitude of the short-delay comparison bias shown by the 50% group was significantly greater than that shown by the 100% group.  相似文献   

The effects of reinforcement on delayed matching to sample (DMTS) have been studied in two within-subjects procedures. In one, reinforcer magnitudes or probabilities vary from trial to trial and are signaled within trials (designated signaled DMTS trials). In the other, reinforcer probabilities are consistent for a series of trials produced by responding on variable-interval (VI) schedules within multiple-schedule components (designated multiple VI DMTS). In both procedures, forgetting functions in rich trials or components are higher than and roughly parallel to those in lean trials or components. However, during disruption, accuracy has been found to decrease more in rich than in lean signaled DMTS trials and, conversely, to decrease more in lean than in rich multiple VI DMTS components. In the present study, we compared these procedures in two groups of pigeons. In baseline, forgetting functions in rich trials or components were higher than and roughly parallel to those in lean trials or components, and were similar between the procedures. During disruption by prefeeding or extinction, accuracy decreased more in rich signaled DMTS trials, whereas accuracy decreased more in lean multiple VI DMTS components. These results replicate earlier studies and are predicted by a model of DMTS from Nevin, Davison, Odum, and Shahan (2007).  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 12 pigeons were given eight sessions of VI single stimulus training with a color in a particular context followed by eight sessions of similar training with a line angle in another context. On the next day, half of the subjects were tested for wavelength and angularity generalization in each of the two contexts, a procedure that was thus consistent with training for one dimension and inconsistent for the other. The subjects made significantly more responses to each training stimulus under the consistent context condition, but there was no difference in absolute or relative generalization slopes. In Experiment 2, 12 pigeons were trained as in Experiment 1, but during generalization testing they were exposed to both contexts sequentially. Under the consistent context condition, the subjects responded more to the two training stimuli and yielded sharper absolute and relative wavelength generalization gradients: Under the inconsistent context condition, responding to the training wavelength was substantially disrupted. Thus, under appropriate testing conditions, contextual control over both the amount and the selectivity of responding can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Two sets of experiments examined how differential outcomes affect conditional stimulus control by the samples in delayed matching-to-sample. Pigeons were initially trained on symbolic delayed matching with reinforcing outcomes that were either differential or nondiffereatial with respect to the samples. In one set of experiments, the outcome manipulation involved different (p = 1.0 vs. 0.2) versus the same (p = 0.6) probabilities of food; in the other, food and no-food outcomes were used. Following initial acquisition and mixed-delay tests, the matching procedure in each study was discontinued while the samples were nondifferentially reinforced with the same probability of food, or with food and no food, respectively. When later retested on delayed matching with those nondifferential outcomes, birds initially trained with different reinforcement probabilities matched at the same levels of accuracy as those trained with the same probability. By contrast, birds initially trained with food versus no-food outcomes showed lower levels of matching accuracy than their nondifferential controls. Subsequent transfer tests showed that matching performances by the differential birds in both studies had been originally cued in part by differential outcome expectancies. Apparently, the expectancies based upon different probabilities of food provided a source of conditional stimulus control that did not compete with the samples. By contrast, the expectation of food versus no food reduced (overshadowed) sample-stimulus control.  相似文献   

This study presents evidence that adaptation to colored light alters the apparent hue of subsequently presented stimuli in pigeons. During training, right and left keypecks were reinforced following responses to colored and nominally achromatic slides, respectively. During test sessions, subjects continued to observe and report on the two classes of slides while 6-min components alternated, such that the experimental chamber was illuminated with either a green flood lamp or a nominally white bulb. The proportion of right keypecks following achromatic slides was much higher during green components than during white components, indicating that the achromatic slides appeared more like the chromatic slides.  相似文献   

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