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教师专业标准及其达成:以中国为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廓清教师专业的内涵、标准及其达成状况,关乎教师教育改革发展大计。专业即专门性职业,成熟专业的标准是:运用专门的知识与技能,强调服务的理念和伦理,经过长期的培养与训练,需要持续的学习与进步,享有有效的专业自治,形成坚强的专业团体。拿上述标准检视,当前教师专业正处在迈向成熟专业的途中。中国的教师教育起步较晚,与发达国家相比,教师专业化尚处在低中级阶段。新世纪的中国教师教育,需要以教师专业化为改革取向,比照着教师专业标准的要求,从理念意识、政策体制、教师个体三个层面予以整合策划,进行全面、协调、优良的改革。  相似文献   

成人教育教师专业化是提高成人教育教师素质和成人教育教学质量的重要保证,也是成人教育专业化的重要组成部分。成人教育教师专业化程度较高的英国,在成人教育教师专业化过程中采取了制定规章制度、设立教师专业标准和资格标准、构建教师培训体系和教师专业组织等策略。英国成人教育教师专业化的策略为我国成人教育教师专业化在规章制度、教师专业标准、教师培训体系和专业组织等方面的改革与发展提供了有益的借鉴,有利于加速我国成人教育教师专业化的进程。  相似文献   

加拿大安大略省教师学院在教学专业道德标准和教学专业实践标准的基础上,构建了基于标准的专业化学习框架,帮助教师开展持续的专业化学习,提高专业化程度,改善教育教学质量。教学专业道德标准、教师专业实践标准和教师专业化学习框架共同构成了教师的专业实践基础,描绘出安大略省教师专业的目标、原则和愿景。对于我国构建基于教师专业标准的教学专业化学习框架,促进教师专业发展,有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

陈金菊 《高教论坛》2012,(2):126-129
近年来,国外教师专业标准被大量引介、运用于国内教师专业化的研究。本研究对我国学界移植国外教师专业标准的状况进行了分析,分别从教师专业性的判断、专业标准的选择、专业标准的应用以及研究方法和研究取向等方面分析此类应用的利弊得失,发现国外教师专业标准在我国的移植和应用总体表现出重国际性、轻文化性的倾向,本土化研究不够。  相似文献   

教师专业发展概念与内涵探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
只有深刻理解专业、专业特点、教师专业化,才能明确教师专业发展的概念与内涵。教师专业发展主要是指在认可教师是一门专业的前提条件下,教师按照专业标准不断提升自身的专业水准。其内涵主要包括职业专业化、专业发展标准、教师的专业知识、专业能力和专业品质。教师专业发展是一个动态的实践过程。教师专业化是教师专业发展的目标。  相似文献   

以成熟专业的标准来衡量,我国的小学教师专业还没真正达到专业化的程度。通过对佛山城区小学教师的专业发展状况进行调查,发现影响小学教师专业化发展的主要障碍,即知识结构比例失调、师德问题危机潜伏、进修培训脱离实践、专业自主权受到限制、教师组织力量薄弱、教师资格证制度不够完善。  相似文献   

专业分工促进了专业化,教师的专业发展带来了教师专业化,形成了教师的专业化标准:专业知识与技能应用、职业伦理、专业自主、专业联盟。在这些标准下,广西高职高专院校教师专业化的特点应当主要体现在:面向地方、面向企业、工具性语言的应用和民族心理资源的影响等诸多方面。  相似文献   

教师专业化是国际教育改革的新潮流和发展目标,国际组织和发达国家制定系列化的教师专业标准,推进了教师专业化发展进程,成为提高教师专业素质的战略。专业标准以教学为中心,从"专业理念与师德""专业知识""专业能力"三个维度构架了幼儿园和中小学教师专业化的基本内容,明确一名合格教师的道德坐标、知识坐标与能力坐标。  相似文献   

美国《教师专业化基准大纲》的解读与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国<教师专业化基准大纲>是"全美教师专业基准委员会"制定的用于考察检验教师专业化基准的著名文件.它在专业职责、专业品质、专业能力等方面对教师的专业化基准提出了明确要求.认识解读此文件的学术精神与专业标准,对于推进我国教师专业化进程有着借鉴意义与启发价值.  相似文献   

职业院校教师专业能力标准体系是衡量职业院校教师专业化水平的标准,在保持教师自觉的职业规范和成熟的专业技能技巧,促进教师专业化发展方面发挥着重要作用。因此,建立适合职业院校的教师专业能力标准体系十分必要。职业院校的教师专业化发展及专业能力标准要突出实践性强的特点,而“零缺陷”理论、知识与能力驱动理论和系统理论则是支持其能力标准体系构建的核心理论。  相似文献   

走向专业化的教师形象既是教师作为专业者的时代诉求,又是对传统教师形象的反思和重构。要真正领会教师专业形象的意蕴,需要在形象专业和专业形象、政策形象和自主形象、理想形象和现实形象等相关范畴中进行正确的抉择。教师专业形象的深入阐释在认同教师作为教学专业者身份、凸显教师专业形象现实性和规范教师专业发展路径等方面将发挥举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

国际教师专业标准的三种模式及启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教师专业化是国际教师教育发展的必然趋势.从某种意义上说,教师专业化既是一种目的,是教师教育所要追求的目标;也可以说是一种过程,即培养教师使其达到专业所要求标准的过程,而教师专业标准的模糊或缺失必然导致教师专业化发展方向的迷失.本文主要围绕国际上三种模式的教师专业标准,分析其内容及主要特征,在此基础上,提出我国建立教师专业标准的政策建议,以全面提高我国教师培养培训的质量.  相似文献   

The framing of teaching standards within restrictive managerial or collaborative democratic ideologies impacts significantly on initial teacher education. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore teacher educators’ (n = 13) perspectives on beginning teacher standards for physical education teacher education in Ireland. Teacher educators favoured a standards-based approach to support consensus within the profession and clear expectations for beginning teachers. They suggested that provision of quality assurance through increased accountability and regulation could enhance the status of the profession based on a democratic ideology of teacher professionalism. The potential of standards to foreground a particular ideology of teacher professionalism is discussed.  相似文献   

美国国家专业教学标准委员会(NBPTS)是美国权威的中小学优秀教师认证机构,它制定了中小学各学科优秀教师专业标准,建立了优秀教师评估体系,极大地提高了美国基础教育的教师素质。这对我国教师专业化发展有着重要的借鉴意义,我们应充分认识教师素质在课程改革中的重要性,建立科学合理的教师评价机制,走以标准推动教师专业化发展之路。  相似文献   

This study makes a contribution to the development of empirically based, domain-specific teaching standards that are acknowledged by the professional community of teachers and which, therefore, have a good chance of being successfully implemented and used for professional development purposes. It was prompted by the resistance on the part of many teachers to the one-size-fits-all teaching standards imposed on them from above. We, therefore, looked for an alternative and canvassed teacher opinion about what makes an excellent literature teacher. Because our standards will be used to evaluate the profession, we also wished to know to what extent teachers satisfy (or would like to satisfy) their own ideal, and which factors influence their professional development. Contrary to earlier studies, we found that the professional community of literature teachers hold widely shared ideas about what constitutes excellence in their profession. We also found that almost 40% felt that their own level of professionalism fell far short of excellence, but that their professional growth was primarily hampered by external, contextual factors. If the government wishes to promote teacher ‘excellence’, the infrastructure for professional development will need to change so that teachers can acquire the knowledge and skills embodied in the teaching standards.  相似文献   

为了进一步提升教师教育的质量,建立教师队伍高标准资格框架,奠定教师持续性专业发展的坚实基础,不久前,英国学校培训与发展署颁布了新修订的《合格教师资格标准与教师职前培训要求》,对职前教师培养提出了新的规定性要求.该文件取代了2002年以来实施的现行的标准和要求,并将于2007年9月付诸实施.文本拟就此次修订的背景与过程、新的标准与要求内容作一简要说明与分析,以期对我国提供有益的启示与借鉴.  相似文献   

澳大利亚全国职前教师教育鉴定制度述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴定制度是教师教育质量保证和提高的有效机制.为了进一步提升教师教育的质量,建立教师队伍高标准资格框架,奠定教师持续性专业发展的坚实基础,前不久,澳大利亚教学与领导协会建立了一套全新的由毕业生标准和培养标准为基础的职前教师教育鉴定制度,以保证教师教育机构培养出合格胜任的新教师.文本勾勒了澳大利亚全国鉴定制度主要背景,对其基本框架和鉴定标准作了简要说明,并就该鉴定制度作了简要的分析.  相似文献   

In a world where governments increasingly attempt to impose regulation on all professional activities, this paper advocates that professional standards for teachers be developed ‘by the profession for the profession’. Foucauldian archaeology is applied to two teacher standards documents recently published in Australia, one developed at national governmental level and the other by geography teachers through their professional associations. The excavation reveals that both students and geography teachers themselves are better served when teachers assert their own definition of professionalism and thus reclaim their professional territory, rather than being compliant with generic governmental agendas. Whilst we use Australia as an illustrative example, our findings are applicable to all other countries where governments attempt to impose external professional standards on the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Talks of education transformation to improve the quality and outcomes of education in Malaysia culminated in the articulation of standards for teachers. The all new Malaysian Teacher Standards (MTS) launched in 2009 is to establish ??high competency?? standards for the teaching profession and to increase the status of teachers in Malaysia. This article briefly describes the standards that concern teachers and teacher educators alike. It is proposed that there are three challenges to the standards system that teacher educators may face. First, on transforming ingrained beliefs, values and biased perceptions of teaching that student teachers bring to the teaching institution. The second centers on the rhetoric-reality gap of the MTS itself, while the third challenge involves the actual training of teachers. Given these three challenges, this article also outlines several avenues for teacher educators to consider as they set out to better understand and re-design teacher education programs in this standards-based era of educational transformation. The discussion of the challenges and the proposed resources to meet the challenges are by no means exhaustive or acts as a conclusion but rather to create awareness for further discussion and analysis of the implications proposed in this article.  相似文献   

刘旭 《中学教育》2010,(2):43-46
目前我国义务教育阶段教师流动呈现出一种不合理的状态,具体表现为教师外部流失、教师内部流失以及教师流动纠纷。从教师自身进行剖析,试图在法律上通过制定教师工资标准、明确教师职业性质、规范聘任制度来保障中小学教师的合理流动。  相似文献   

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