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If you thought interviewing was only about an-swering questions,you've been missing thepoint.You've also been missing an opportunityto gather valuable information.Listening isone of the most underused skills in a job inter-view.Most candidates go into an interview think-ing about how they will answer the questions,andthey forget they are also there to learn about thejob and company.They fail to listen,observe andread between the lines.  相似文献   

Stuart 《海外英语》2003,(2):37-38
Hello,Mr.Stuart here once again with some more valuable IELTS Strate—gies.This time let:’s look at what you should do when you take theIELTS speaking module.The Speaking Strategies You NeedThe aim of this article is to familiarise you with the structure of theIELTS Speaking Test,to introduce a range of topics that may occur inyour interview and to provide help in answering questions about thesetopics.It will also suggest strategies to consider if you come acrossunfamiliar topics in the test.  相似文献   

When it conies right down to it, employers considering candidates for a job really only want to know two things: What do you offer in the way of education, experience and skills? What sort of job are you looking for? Do your career goals match the job that's available?One of the best ways to answer these questions is with an objective statement at the beginning of your resume. Simply put, an objective concisely tells prospective employers what you want in a job and what you can bring to an organization. You may have heard that some employers don't want to see an objective on your resume. It's true. But for every hiring manager who says something like this:  相似文献   

I would like you to think abont when you first decided to become a teacher, when you were a child, when you were in secondary school, or the circumstances moved you along and you suddenly found yourself in this career. That's what happened to me. I become a teacher by chance. When I was 18. I went to South America to visil some relatives. My uncle was a professor, and I was supposes to stay with them three months in  相似文献   

Summer is a time to exercise and keep fit.Ask yourself these quick questions and check your score below.How fit are you? 1.What is your pulse[脉搏]?Find your pulse in your wrist[手腕], count the number of beats[跳动] in one minute,Now  相似文献   

The time and effort you put into crafting your cover letter and résumé have finally paid off you've been asked to interview with a company you've been pursuing for months.But you only have a few days to prepare for this brief but monumental meeting.The pressure's on to prove to the hiring manager you're uniquely qualified for the position and would be an asset to the organization.……  相似文献   

Learn how to entertain yourself with thesefun activities. This month: twelve things tosay in an interview in order tocreate an "interesting" atmosphere.~ I never work in the afternoon, I' m too drunk.  相似文献   

(A)Every day we go to school and listen to teachers, and the teacherwill ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask youropinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the classwhat you have found out about these topics, remember that they must beable to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family con-versation or having a chat with friends——you are in a situation where alarge group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have…  相似文献   

Part one Ⅰ. Read the following passages and answer questions according to the requirements of each item. (35 points) A. The Bank Clerk Who hasn't dreamed of having so much money that it runs through the fingers like sand?The only way most of us could ever do this would be to work in a bank.If you start as a junior bank clerk,you will begin in the book-keeping department and you will have minor responsibilities connected with the handling of cheques.You will learn the routine of the branch and the banking industry as a whole.You will most likely be sent to the bank's school for special tuition.Within a short time,you may be working as a cashier,and then you will be handling the public's money.By the time you have worked your way up to the post of branch manager,you will have learned how to deal with customers and how to cope with the difficult ones.  相似文献   

许维扬 《海外英语》2011,(5):238-242
The purpose of this essay is to study whether the linguistic behaviour of adult women using hedging and tags as indicative of an intrinsically tentative gender identity or of the effects of male dominant position through analyzing daily conversations of the heterosexual couples.The small scale study employs the methodology,namely,recording spontaneous and natural spoken conversation from authentic interaction with the permission of the ten male-female couples.Digital record pen with an omnidirectional microphone are placed in the central living area of each couple’s home.Then discourse analysis provides data making it possible to support Fishman’s claim that women use tag questions and ’you know’ not because women are not being really sure of themselves,or are looking to the addressee for confirmation,but because men in a dominant position often refuse to take responsibility for the smooth conduct of interpersonal relations,women use tag questions and ’you know’ to elicit and maintain conversations.  相似文献   

个人陈述,也就是自我介绍。是面试或应聘不可或缺的一个环节。个人陈述做得好,能起到事半功倍的效果。那么,个人陈述应该包含哪些信息?有哪些注意事项?不妨来了解一下。  相似文献   

教学制度建设的理性与伦理规约   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学制度不仅是教学活动的一般前提与外在环境,也是直接地构成教学活动的一个重要内生变量。所以,教学制度建设既是教学改革顺利进行的保障,也是教学改革的题中应有之义。进行教学制度创新,加强教学制度建设,不能凭主观意志,随意而行,必须有科学的、正确的指导思想。我们的教学制度建设应该从实际出发,走自己的路。在教学制度建设的具体过程中,确立“推己及人”,“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”,“己所不欲,勿施于人”的“仁道”意识,真正做到以人为本、以人为目的。  相似文献   

尚为孩童之时,幸福来得就像拥抱一只小猫小狗那样容易。随着时光的流逝,今日的幸福早已物化,不再是自己对美好生活的享受,而是和赚钱联系在了一起。除了工资飞涨以外,似乎再也没有什么能够让我开怀,然而金钱却无法买得幸福。你的银行存款和你的薪水紧密相连,但幸福的存折全然取决于你自己。让我们直面它吧——除了自己,没有什么人能够让你感受到幸福。幸福是需要自己创造的。  相似文献   

朱劲  李下 《中学生英语》2002,(20):17-17
Are you happy? Do you want to be happy?Can you always he happy? Here are rome ways to make yourself happy.  相似文献   

Are you happy?do you want to be happy?can you always keep happy?here are some ways to make yourself happy.  相似文献   

Funny Dialogues     
A Manny:Do these stairs take you to the ninth floor? Danny:No,you have to walk by yourself.  相似文献   

家是一个让人放松的地方.一个让人放下一切、展示真实自我的地方。因此,无论走到哪里,家都是一个你想回的地方。因此,基本上所有的人都非常渴望拥有一个家。对于大多数美国人来说.家最重要的应该是舒适。  相似文献   

杨帆译 《海外英语》2012,(10):50-51,62
在过去。捕猎是很常见的事。因为这是人类的求生手段。如今。捕猎已成为一种休闲运动项目,对此。有人支持。有人反对。你是怎么看的呢?欢迎来信与我们分享。  相似文献   

近年来,国内很多景区和小区都种上了果树,如花圃的柿子树、公园旁的银杏林、路边的桃树等。尽管这些观赏类果树有的也会结果。可是它们并不是按照食用果树的要求管理。比如在病虫防治方面,用药时就没考虑食用。而且很多果树在路边常年受汽车尾气熏蒸,所以最好不要随便食用这些树的果实。  相似文献   

IF you fancy yourself as a globetrotting executive it makes sense to start as you mean to go on and hop on a plane to a business school. You can absorb a range of cultural experiences while gaining your MBA-what is more, it can be cheaper than studying at home.  相似文献   

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