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王希杰新近出版的《修辞学通论》,提出了全新的修辞学理论体系——四个世界的理论体系,实现了现代修辞学理论探索的重大转向。这种理论体系有系统性和科学性,并具有十分突出的三个特点:即范畴和关系的统一,对象观和方法论的统一;描写与解释的统一。  相似文献   

周恩来所坚持的社会主义是生产力和生产关系统一的社会主义,是从政治、经济、文化三者统一的角度,从目的和手段统一的角度,从效率与公平统一的角度去逐步消灭剥削、贫困和愚昧,最终达到共同富裕的社会主义。周恩来为实现这种社会主义理想提出了关于不断进行社会改革,全面促进社会生产力发展,全方位对外开放的许多观点,并成为后来的邓小平理论的雏形。  相似文献   

严静 《学语文》2015,(2):48-49
针对当前古诗文教学的这种现状,我们重新提出朗读这一综合性、实践性很强的语文教学法,在朗读教学过程中实现工具性与人文性的统一。  相似文献   

从统一身份认证的设计角度出发,提出了一个基于LDAP的统一身份认证的实现框架,实现对用户进行统一管理、统一认证和统一授权.  相似文献   

在俾斯麦的领导下,近代德国通过王朝战争实现了统一。这种统一不是普鲁士单纯的领土扩张,而是德意志民族的统一,更是资本主义经济发展的必然。俾斯麦在统一过程中发挥了重要的作用  相似文献   

试论实现中职教育向高职教育的跨越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中职学校向高职学院过渡是学校的质的飞跃.如何顺利地实现这种飞跃,跳出中职学校的管理和教学模式,提升高职学院的管理水平,实现高等教育的普遍性和职业教育的特殊性的统一,笔者通过调查发现问题,并在研究的基础上提出对策和建议.  相似文献   

针对高校数字图书资源的整合需求,文章提出了基于门户技术的数字图书资源整合思路,这种门户技术符合国际标准和工业规范,具有代码和应用的可重用性,通过对整合技术框架的分析,并结合深圳职业技术学院的实例,讨论了利用门户,LDAP,WebServices等技术实现资源整合技术的方案,实现统一身份认证和资源整合。  相似文献   

罗伊·巴斯卡的批判实在论隐含着一种关于科学的"多层统一"的观念。在本体论和方法论两个层面上,这种"多层统一"观既批评了以物理科学为范本的传统的科学统一观,又批评了过于强调主观意图与局域性历史情境等因素并否定统一的科学整合观。从而,这种"多层统一"观提出了阐明科学统一问题的第三条进路。  相似文献   

高校稳定是社会稳定的范畴之一。当前,高校无法回避影响其稳定的内外部因素,这些因素与高校维护稳定的追求构成高校稳定工作的根本性矛盾,要处理和解决这种矛盾,必须首先从理论认识这种矛盾在高校稳定工作体系中呈现出来的普遍性和特殊性,这就需要高校稳定工作在管理层面实现应然性与实然性的统一;在知行层面实现认识和行为层面的统一;在发展层面实现时效性与长远性的统一。  相似文献   

统一场论自爱因斯坦于1923年提出至今,已有70年的探索过程。在此期间,科学家们已实现了其中的部分统一,即完成了弱电统一理论,并接近实现电、弱、强相互作用的统一,真正实现四种相互作用的大统一还有相当一段距离,根据已有的研究成果,人们相信四种相互作用的大统一在不久的将来会实现的。实现引力、电磁、弱、强四种基本相互作用的统一,将为辩证唯物主义关于世界的真正的统一性在于它的物质性这个科学论断提供科学的证明。同时也将证实康德于1781年提出的关于各种自然力都源于共同  相似文献   

It is complicated to design a computer simulation that adapts to students with different characteristics. This study documented cases that show how college students’ prior chemistry knowledge level affected their interaction with peers and their approach to solving problems with the use of computer simulations that were designed to learn electrochemistry. Students with different prior knowledge levels were found to use different approaches to solving problems with the use of computer simulations. In particular, the cases showed that students with a high level of prior knowledge tended to use the equations and formulas to accomplish the learning tasks and then use the computer simulations to confirm their predictions. Students with a low level of prior chemistry knowledge used the computer simulations as the main resources to accomplish their tasks. Considerations of individual differences and the integration of learning materials were suggested for further research on instructional use of computer simulations.  相似文献   

一个有文化自觉和文化使命感的政府,必然会明确其在根文化传承与创新中的地位和作用,充分发挥政府的职能作用,集中力量加强文化的保护与建设,以历史发展的眼光遏制短期政府行为,以战略的规划理清城市发展前景与功能定位,以凸显文化特色来挖掘城市文化内涵与潜力,以传承和创新来推进文化的发展与提升,以体制和政策来规划引导文化的未来走向与发展路径。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of students with autism are being educated in mainstream schools. However, outcomes for students with autism are poor when compared to typical students and students with other developmental disabilities. In order to better understand facilitators and barriers to success at school for students with autism, research into the attitudes of key stakeholders, educators, parents, people with autism, to inclusion in mainstream schools for students with autism, was reviewed. Key themes emerging included attitudes to inclusion, the characteristics of autism and social communication in particular and interaction with the school environment, and consequent student problem behaviour. Level of knowledge and understanding of school staff emerged as the primary issue with all stakeholders identifying the need for more training. Other support needs identified included the need for structural support, resources and funding. Parents, in particular, identified the need for a collaborative approach to the education process. The findings highlight the need to translate theory into practice to increase capacity in schools to provide effective educational programmes for students with autism.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of the support services on the test anxiety of students and/or their ability to submit assignments in each of the two disability groups, those with vision impairment and those with intellectual disability, who were placed in specialist and mainstream educational settings in South Australia. Interviews were conducted with 14 students with vision impairment and 9 students with intellectual disability, as well as a total of 10 parents and 8 teachers. The findings unfolded that the support services were found to influence positively the test anxiety experienced by students with vision impairment and/or their ability to submit assignments, but appeared to help students with intellectual disability to a much smaller extent. These findings have implications for mainstream teachers and school support staff working with students with vision impairment and those with intellectual disability, to determine what type and kind of support works for these students and helps them to alleviate their test anxieties.  相似文献   

Students with autism may struggle to develop the academic skills necessary for success in school and beyond. Understanding and improving academic skills performance requires appropriate measurement approaches. One such option that has been minimally studied with students with autism is curriculum-based measurement (CBM). Coinciding with the need to study different approaches to academic skills measurement for students with autism was the global pandemic which forced a shift to remote service delivery with little warning. While some autistic students struggled with this shift, others thrived, raising questions about how to further support students with autism in virtual formats. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of using remotely administered CBM for autistic students by studying both the practicality and acceptability of this approach. Five students with autism (Grades 2–5) participated in this pilot study, completing reading, math, and writing CBMs at three time points. Student behavior and assessor fidelity were collected to examine practicality; assessor ratings of usability provided insight regarding the acceptability of the approach. Results indicated that remotely administered CBM is feasible for some students with autism: all participants completed the study tasks with minimal behavioral difficulties, and assessor ratings of acceptability were high.  相似文献   

The importance of storytelling in social, cultural and educational contexts is well established and documented. The extension of storytelling to people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) has in recent years been undertaken with an emphasis on the value of sensory experience and the context storytelling provides for social interaction. The present study builds on earlier curriculum orientated research with a view to describe patterns of social and story‐oriented interaction during storytelling. The stories dealt with sensitive topics raised by family carers who wished the young person with PIMD to understand. Behavioural observation during storytelling sessions explored changes in engagement while semi‐structured interviews with parents and professionals explored the extent to which the experience had benefitted the young person with respect to the sensitive topic. Positive changes in engagement with the story were shown for seven of the eight participants. For six of the seven, a parent and a professional agreed that the outcome of the experience positively enabled the participant to cope better with the sensitive topic. The specific multi‐sensory storytelling factors leading to these outcomes are discussed, as is the issue of proxy reporting and determining the nature of understanding in people with PIMD.  相似文献   

合并高校二级学院的党组织在党建工作中要增强大局意识,处理好与校党委的关系;增强协作意识,处理好与学院行政的关系;增强“班长”意识,处理好与班子成员的关系;增强表率意识,处理好律己与“律人”的关系,有效地发挥政治核心和保证监督作用,创新性地开展各项工作。  相似文献   

“以德治国”是历史的必然与时代的要求。德治与法治相辅相成,不可偏废。要正确认识并发扬“德治”传统,加强社会主义道德建设,必须正确认识并处理好古之“德治”与今之“德治”和“德治”与“法治”这两对关系,从而建设适合中国国情与时代特点的社会主导道德,形成并完善建立在“法治”基础上的社会主义新型德治。  相似文献   

Successful implementation of inclusive practices depends mainly on teachers' attitudes towards children with special needs and their inclusion, and teachers' willingness to work with children with special needs in their classrooms. Experiences teacher candidates have during pre‐service stage might influence their perceptions towards children with disabilities and their inclusion. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of two special education courses on (1) preschool teacher candidates' general attitudes towards inclusion, (2) their willingness to work with children with significant intellectual, physical and behavioural disabilities within inclusive classroom settings and (3) their level of comfort in interacting with children with disabilities. A four‐part survey was administered to participants four times throughout the study, once before and after each course. The survey package included (1) a demographic information form, (2) the Opinions Relative to the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities Scale, (3) an adapted version of the Teachers' Willingness to Work with Children with Severe Disabilities Scale and (4) the Interaction with Children with a Disability Scale. The results showed that both special education courses positively influenced teacher candidates' attitudes, willingness and comfort levels. However, impact of the second course focused on helping teacher candidates learn and apply instructional strategies to work with children with disabilities in inclusive classrooms was much larger. Implications of the study findings in relation to future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The views of experienced educational practitioners were examined with respect to the terminology used to describe children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), associated problems and the impact of speech and language difficulties in the classroom. Results showed that education staff continue to experience challenges with the range of terminology used to refer to the children's needs. Terms used to refer to difficulties with speech were least familiar to the respondents. Difficulties were noted in distinguishing between children with SLCN and children where English was an additional language. Respondents indicated a variety of additional difficulties experienced by the children. Literacy difficulties were reported to be more prevalent in children with language difficulties, while levels of bullying and anxiety were reported to be higher in children with speech problems. Respondents reported that tools for identifying speech and language difficulties and procedures for accessing effective resources are required.  相似文献   

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