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Four seminars on the theme “Current Concerns of National Associations for Higher Education” were organized by the Higher Education Group at the University of Toronto in February 1976. We give below a summary of the work and conclusions of these meetings.  相似文献   

本文系统地介绍了当前变分不等式和相补问题理论研究中的某些问题及进展。  相似文献   

政府与家庭的教育经费分担:寻求适当的平衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尽管在大多数国家 ,政府仍然有望承担教育的主要费用 ,但政府将和家庭、社区和其他社会团体及个人共同分担资助教育经费的责任。本文通过数据比较 ,考察一些国家中政府和家庭分担教育费用的情况。关注的重点是初等和中等教育 ,文中成本的概念包括直接成本和机会成本 ,其中一部分具体讨论到家庭课外补习。与此同时 ,文中还着重讨论了国际机构政策倡议的变革 ,成本分担的替代选择以及在寻求政府和家庭之间教育经费分担平衡时所必须考虑的主要因素  相似文献   

Rituals provide opportunities for teaching and learning meanings of communal life and ways of enlivening it. Moreover, rituals serve as a pathway for learning to see God and to hear God through the peoples of God. This article explores key attributes of rituals of Christians in Zimbabwe Africa which constitute teaching and learning material and through which God is seen and heard through Zimbabwean Christians. Attention is also given to African concepts of time for ritual life and approaches useful in preparing for cross-cultural participation in rituals.  相似文献   

1965年美国“初等与中等教育法”是美国教育史上的重要立法,内容涉及“贫困”和“种族歧视”两大社会问题,因而在其制定和实施过程中党派之争、种族利益之争以及其他各种力量之间的较量和冲突表现得十分明显。该法案的出台及实施过程展示了权力的制衡、积极的自由这样一些美国社会教育决策的基本特点。  相似文献   

A project in the 7th and 8th grades aimed at providing the best possible school conditions to promote development of the abilities of children aged 13–14. The children's activity was founded on two main psychological and pedagogical principles: adequate motivation, and individual differentiation. The children's development was monitored by means of intelligence and personality tests. The main results were as follows: there was a pronounced improvement in the performance tasks, but no significant development in verbal tasks; the role of inner motives had greatly increased but the pupils had become more tense and impatient by the end of the school year. Necessary alterations in the project are outlined.  相似文献   

The budgetary decentralization of higher education in the United Kingdom calls for individual institutions and units within them to take increasing responsibility for raising their own funds. The author, who argues that higher education institutions must derive an increasing proportion of their budgets from the marketing of their products goes on to explain how this can be done. To begin with, the nature of marketing and of market research must be well understood, and the legitimacy of the marketing process itself must be accepted by all the members of the university community. It is then necessary to do a marketing audit so as to establish what a given institution has to sell and what its outside environment wishes to buy. Flexibility on the part of the seller with regard to type, level, duration, and scheduling of courses is very important. It is also necessary to be able to persuade the potential buyer that he wants to have what the seller has to offer. At this point, however, the author cautions the reader as to the dangers of some seven market myths as applied to higher education and the dangers of oversell. He concludes that with prudence higher education can be marketed to the satisfaction of all concerned with results which avoid the “unhappy paradox” that the marketing of higher education is both essential and disastrous.  相似文献   

Until the recent radical transformations got underway in the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, the USSR as a whole was making important strides in favour of the facilitating of scientific and research‐oriented careers for women. Because the economic dislocation of the current period has induced male scientists in particular to leave the academic world for commercial enterprises or to emigrate to foreign countries, the feminization of higher education and higher education‐related research seems to be all the more increased. The Russian government, so far as it is specifically concerned, is committed to improving the working and professional conditions of scientific workers of both sexes.  相似文献   

本文给出了素数和素数对计数问题的几个公式,在此基础上,证明了Goldbach问题和孪生素数问题。  相似文献   

日本国立大学的法人化:现状与课题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过长达三年的争议与论证,87所日本国立大学法人于2004年春开始起步运作。时至今日,法人化改革已迈过第一年的旅程。2005年夏秋之际,各国立大学法人分别公开了各校的财务状况报表。与此同时,国立大学法人评估委员会也根据各法人提交的6年中期发展规划中的第一年度业绩报告书,发表了对各国立大学法人的评估结果。这使我们不仅深刻地体会到法人化改革的现实,同时也逐渐清晰地观察到需要在今后解决的诸多问题。这其中既有意料之中的问题,也有不少出乎我们意料在改革过程中不断呈现出来的新问题。在法人化改革即将跨入第二年度的这一时点, 本文旨在对国立大学法人化改革的现状及其所面临的课题展开分析与探讨。  相似文献   

研究采用问题解决作业单和认知作业分析法考察了71名高中生解决学科问题时的图式归纳和迁移情况。结果表明:(1)在问题结构相同的情况下,增加问题表面相似性能促进问题解决迁移;(2)近类比条件有助于同一学科领域问题的迁移,而远类比条件可能更有助于跨学科领域问题的迁移;(3)近类比条件下,图式归纳水平对学科问题迁移的影响不大,远类比条件下,较高的图式归纳水平有助于学科问题解决的迁移。  相似文献   

Behaviourally challenging pupils are a permanent feature of the education culture in the United Kingdom. The realisation that this is not a temporary phenomenon is an important ‘re‐definition’. The problem should be seen as part of normal provision.

Permanent exclusions from school are rising. Causes of behaviour leading to exclusion should not be assumed to originate within the child. Re‐definition requires recognition of their difficulties.

’Market economy’ and stretched resources militate against the ability of schools to implement recommended measures. There are issues for decision‐makers at all levels including targeting resources. Projects show exclusion is costly and damaging. The funding of preventative schemes would enable teachers to teach and not deny pupils their educational rights.  相似文献   

意境论现代转化的历史是消解中国化的历史,它开启了以西方思想质料与话语规则创建诗学的现代之路。但是这条中国现代诗学之路未能完成,甚至迷失了方向。创建中国现代诗学需要重新回到现代问题,需要重启汉语诗学。  相似文献   

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