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The human performance technology (HPT) model suggests various interventions to meet organizational challenges. While the original model includes a matrix to match an intervention according to a performance analysis, accumulated experience and recent research show that there are several parameters that will influence the validity and effectiveness of the solution. This article offers a 360‐degree approach to support the use of a performance model that helps practitioners to select the proper HPT intervention according to key attributes that influence the solution. Successful implementation, such as target audience characteristics and work processes that are at the heart of organizational needs, are examples of the benefits provided by this approach. The model is based on research conducted by Gal and Nachmias (2011, 2012) concerning performance support solutions success factors in corporate settings. In addition, experiences gained by both authors as they implemented HPT solutions in large organizations are considered.  相似文献   

Results are reported from an empirical study of an interorganizational collaboration to prepare underrepresented students for elite postsecondary education and beyond. The LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) Program in Business is an initiative involving twelve U.S. universities, nearly forty multinational corporations, a federal government agency, and a nonprofit organization working together to introduce students to business education and careers in business. This article analyzes the conditions that give rise to the collaboration, its essential structural characteristics, and the consequences that flow from it.
David J. SiegelEmail:

David J. Siegel   is associate professor of Educational Leadership at East Carolina University. He received his B.A. from Wake Forest University, his M.Ed. from the University of South Carolina, and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His research interests center around the dynamics of cross-sector, interorganizational collaboration to promote social change.  相似文献   

When we think of conducting analyses with a performance view, we commonly lean toward tools like front end analysis, needs assessment, performance analysis, and several variations. Usually, this starts because of a performance problem or because of an anticipated new performance. What about existing training? We look to training evaluation in its various levels to determine whether people like it, learn from it, transfer it, and whether the organization is benefiting from it. This paper describes a scenario where existing training was occurring, people suspected it could be more efficient, and yet the individuals' performance was for the most part satisfactory. We wanted to determine where the training could be made more efficient, determine if there were other barriers to performance, and do this with valid and reliable data from a large workforce. The Coast Guard's Performance Technology Center was in its infancy and was given the permission to try out alternative methods of conducting its work. This article describes the lessons learned about the process, about the technologies employed, and even the logistics of carrying out a rather large‐scale effort in minimal time.  相似文献   

早熟收敛和后期收敛速度慢是标准遗传算法(SGA)的一对主要矛盾,给算法的优化效率造成很大影响,对操作算子及其遗传参数的确定实现自适应是解决该问题的有效方法。作者根据各操作算子及其参数的特征对选择、交叉、变异算子进行基于自适应策略的遗传优化设计,使算法很好地缓解了早熟收敛和后期收敛速度慢的矛盾,从而提高了优化效率。仿真结果表明,基于自适应策略的遗传算法比标准遗传算法具有更高的解精度和优化效率。  相似文献   

While the call for interdisciplinary studies has been loud and clear over the last decade or so, the number of interdisciplinary publications in sport sciences is rather limited. One of the reasons for this scarcity is the complexity of the research process itself. Still, the combination and integration of information from different scientific disciplines seems to be important to better explain how elite performance comes about. In this article, we focus on this issue and discuss the advantages of interdisciplinary research for understanding how elite athletes are able to achieve such high-proficiency levels. The first section provides an overview of the studies that investigated elite performance in sports. In the second section, we focus on the issue of interdisciplinarity and illustrate how the ecological–dynamical approach and the concept of dimensional reduction can be used to explain how elite performers cope with the complex nature of sport skills. In the last section, we present a research outline and some practical considerations that can be helpful for researchers who aim to study sport skills from an interdisciplinary perspective.  相似文献   

推行绩效预算管理模式 构建高校预算管理新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现行的高校财务预算管理机制存在不少问题,必须在高校推行绩效预算管理模式,以适应形势的发展要求,提高高校办学效益。建立高校绩效预算管理体制,主要应该从实现预算编制的科学化和规范化、强化预算执行的刚性管理和约束力、对预算资金进行集中管理和结算以及构建科学的目标管理体系等方面采取措施。  相似文献   

管理学科工科化与土地管理专业教学模式优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“管理学科工科化”教学思想是在管理学科与工程技术交叉融合协同发展过程中提出来的 ,是指将管理类学科与工程技术类学科的教学目标、教学内容、教学手段结合起来 ,走“工管结合”之路 ,培养管理与技术结合型人才。在土地管理专业课程教学中 ,为贯彻“管理学科工科化”的教学思想 ,应当根据本专业课程的特点 ,设计合理的土地管理专业课程教学目标、教学计划、教学任务、教学内容、教学辅助系统 ,以及教学评价体系 ,培养管理与技术结合型人才。  相似文献   

地方高校由于其自身的发展特点及历史原因,对管理人员的绩效考核存在着诸多的问题。运用分层考核、二元考核、二元激励及360度绩效考评反馈等方法建立科学合理的地方院校管理人员绩效考核模型将有助于解决这些问题。  相似文献   

数据库管理是数据管理的重要部分,是计算机学科的重要分支。数据库性能的好坏直接决定着数据库应用系统的运行效率。在阐述影响数据库性能的主要因素的基础上,结合实际探讨了优化数据库性能的一些策略,分析和比较了不同策略可能对数据库性能的具体影响。  相似文献   


This article describes one approach to teaching Information Management (IM) at honours degree level that the authors helped develop and deliver at Napier University Business School, namely 'Information Challenges' . Information Challenges provides a flexible framework upon which to teach the diverse and rapidly changing area of IM, as well as learning about current thinking and practice from leading academics and practitioners from industry and commerce. This article identifies the main areas of study within the field of IM and explores the main teaching and learning methods that were adopted and implemented within the Information Challenges approach. The main lessons learnt from developing and applying the Information Challenges approach will be highlighted, along with a number of issues that may emerge in the future.  相似文献   

主要探讨了高等学校开设《数学模型》课程的重要性,《数学模型》教学的方式方法,学生应当如何学习《数学模型》以及怎样准备参加数学建模竞赛等。  相似文献   

数学建模是培养学生应用数学能力,培养学生的创造性的一种重要手段,介绍了数学建模的基本概念、方法步骤,并通过实例说明数学建模的过程。  相似文献   

Companies and other organizations should not underestimate the severity of threats to their information. Small companies and organizations expose themselves to risk in believing that their data are not of interest to cybercriminals. Information security is not just a technical issue, given that technology interventions alone will not provide adequate solutions to the information security needs and challenges of organizations. Because of this, organizations should approach information security in a systematic way. Organizations should implement interventions that supplement technical interventions and provide a systemic plan of action to protect themselves against threats to information security. This article provides an overview of these types of interventions that have been established in the literature.  相似文献   

高校实践教学注重实习实践的实效性,为保障实习的有序开展,高校、实习企业、实习生,从多角度考量实习内容实习工作成果。现代企业管理重视对人才的管理和考评,建立健全完善的绩效考评激励机制是每个企业健康发展的保障。大学学习与就业岗位工作间的衔接通过实习完成,在实习阶段接受企业管理,明确绩效管理体系,熟悉各项管理方式流程,对加强大学生就业能力,提升专业知识技能针对性有重要作用。让学生参与到企业绩效管理中,同时与实习工作管理密切结合,切实达到实习目的。  相似文献   

Condition 1 showed that employees recorded high percentages of completed tasks; and task performance was shown to slightly improve. At that point in the project, recording accuracy was at it's highest level. Condition 2 illustrated a continuance of high employee records of completed tasks but also showed that actual task performance considerably increased so that there was greater self-recording accuracy. Then, during Condition 3, actual task performance increased more so that it even more closely reflected self-recorded measures. Each of the steps discussed thus far could be sufficient individually to facilitate accurate self-recording and task performance gains, although each appeared to have gained additional strength by being collectively applied. The cost of the present organizational intervention was very low. The costs included material duplication costs and approximately 30 minutes of management time per day. Management time was used to make concession observations (management records), compute performance data, and provide feedback to the employee. Employees worked the same number of hours as in Baseline. Based on this breakdown, the approximate weekly cost of this project was about $30.00. The total cost could be reduced further, perhaps, by monitoring less frequently and reducing the frequency of feedback sessions as employee performance stabilized at higher levels. Thus, the longer this project would run, the less expensive it might become. The steps implemented during this project might easily be applied to other jobs that produce easily observable outputs and could also be applied to other work settings. Future research efforts that would identify cost-effective ways to stimulate and maintain high levels of accurate self-recording might provide today's managers several options that could all yield accurate data for organizational management. Other research efforts centered on specific analyses of participatory standard setting, peer reinforcement, and self-reinforcement for task performance could provide additional insight into the areas of job analysis and employee productivity. Lastly, increased knowledge about the long term effects of self-recording could be gained through future research methods that first established high recording accuracies and task performance levels, then evaluated maintenance procedures for these methods. Implications of successive research studies which clearly show that employee performance can be improved by rewarding performers for accurate self-recording could be profound.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了"智商-成就差异模式"用于鉴别学习障碍存在的问题,而后评述了一种新的评估模式,即干预反应模式的内涵及其特点,并对其核心成分——课程本位测量的编制方法、特点及其应用进行介绍,以期对我国开展相关的研究和教育实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - The functions of teaching and research in higher education institutions (HEIs) are being reassessed, with particular emphasis on the contribution they make to...  相似文献   

Appropriate model specification is fundamental to unbiased parameter estimates and accurate model interpretations in structural equation modeling. Thus detecting potential model misspecification has drawn the attention of many researchers. This simulation study evaluates the efficacy of the Bayesian approach (the posterior predictive checking, or PPC procedure) under multilevel bifactor model misspecification (i.e., ignoring a specific factor at the within level). The impact of model misspecification on structural coefficients was also examined in terms of bias and power. Results showed that the PPC procedure performed better in detecting multilevel bifactor model misspecification, when the misspecification became more severe and sample size was larger. Structural coefficients were increasingly negatively biased at the within level, as model misspecification became more severe. Model misspecification at the within level affected the between-level structural coefficient estimates more when data dependency was lower and the number of clusters was smaller. Implications for researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

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