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2004年12月25日,国家教育部正式颁布的《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》(以下称《标准》),规定了中小学教师的教育技术能力标准。教师良好的教育技术能力将为教学思想、教学方法、教学形式和课程体系带来新的改变,为教育注入了新的活力。在基础教育改革的推动下,作为山东省东部欠发达地区的临沂市积极进行了教学改革,包括教师的多媒体教学改革。为了解高中多媒体教学情况,笔者走访了临沂三中、临沂四中、临沂四中分校(乡镇高中)、临沂师院附属中学等几所高中,对各学校多媒体教室的设备情况、教师的“多媒体教学观”、“多媒体教学技能”、“学生对多媒体教学的认识”等问题进行了调查。  相似文献   

多媒体教学的评价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多媒体教学作为一种与传统教学有巨大不同的教育方式,受到了教育工作者的关注和研究。但目前,关于如何正确、有效地评价这种新型教育方式的教学质量和效果的问题,仍然是多媒体教学中的一个难点。当前,如何建立一个行之有效的评价模型成为多媒体教育工作者的一项重要课题。本文基于多媒体教学本身的特点和要求,设计了多媒体环境下的教学评价模型,从评价的对象、方式、要素和过程等几个方面对多媒体教学的评价进行了介绍。  相似文献   

随着计算机和多媒体技术的发展,多媒体教学作为一种常用的教学方式正在迅速发展和普及,及时对高校多媒体教学中存在的问题进行探讨,势必将为提高高校的教育质量带来益处。本文主要从教育者、教育管理和教育内容等几个基本因素对高校多媒体教学中存在的问题及原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决对策,以期能够对提高高校多媒体教学及其管理的水平和质量提供参考。  相似文献   

随着计算机和多媒体技术的发展,多媒体教学作为一种常用的教学方式正在迅速发展和普及,及时对高校多媒体教学中存在的问题进行探讨,势必将为提高高校的教育质量带来益处。本文主要从教育者、教育管理和教育内容等几个基本因素对高校多媒体教学中存在的问题及原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决对策,以期能够对提高高校多媒体教学及其管理的水平和质量提供参考。  相似文献   

随着教育教学改革的不断深化,多媒体教学的比例不断增加。与此同时,多媒体教学理念认识模糊、教学设计欠科学和教学质量监控缺位等突出问题却在一定程度上制约了多媒体教学效果的实现,通过树立正确的多媒体教学观,重视和强化教学设计,加强多媒体教学评价等措施有利于多媒体教学水平的提高。  相似文献   

随着现代科技的发展,运用多媒体教学成了教师们的一种时尚。就语文课而言,多媒体教学为语文美育教学提供了契机,为“创新教育”提供了新思维,因而备受语文教师的青睐。新的尝试必然带来教学的新气象,也引来更具现代色彩的评价与认同,在一番“热”中,有必要对多媒体教学的优劣,做一些冷静的思考。  相似文献   

大学物理教学现代化的现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着现代教育理论和教育技术的飞速发展,学习方式正在发生着根本性的变化,校园网的普遍建设和开通、多媒体教学的广泛应用,不仅大大改变了理论课的教学模式,而且也为象物理实验这样具有很强实践性课程的教学模式的改革带来机遇。如何发挥计算机及网络等在物理教学中的作用,如何通过多媒体教学手段促进教学现代化,自然成了广大物理教育者特别关注并积极探索和研究的问题。  相似文献   

大学多媒体教学存在的问题及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,随着以通信技术和计算机技术为核心的现代信息技术的迅猛发展,教育技术得到加强并与教学理论的革新相结合,带来了教育思想上的变革。比如,国家教育管理信息系统建设、中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET)、西部大学校园计算机网络建设工程等。由此引发了一场我国大学教学领域的“数字化革命”。和传统教学方式比较,多媒体教学在大学教学中的优势不言而喻。然而,因为尚处于探索阶段,问题与不足也日益凸现。如何进一步优化和完善多媒体教学,使之更好的为大学教学服务,是我们当前面临的一个主要任务。  相似文献   

本文通过论述多媒体教学的特点,分析目前多媒体教学的现状与问题,提出高等职业教育多媒体教学评价指标体系构造的方法和构建模型,进而提出多媒体教学评价设计方法。  相似文献   

桑哲 《现代语文》2006,(11):4-6
近些年来低龄化创作问题受到社会和教育界的普遍关注,有些中小学生甚至放弃正规教育,选择“精英”教育之路,各方面有关专家对这种现象是如何评价的呢?记就这个问题,录音采访了国内部分知名专家。这些专家,既有学评论家、语教育家、知名作家,也有教材编、一线特级教师等,他们的评价角度、观点等既有相通之处,又各有特色,希望能给大家带来一定的启发和借鉴。(以被采访姓氏拼音为序编排)  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that many students solve chemistry problems using only algorithmic strategies and do not understand the chemical concepts on which the problems are based. It is plausible to suggest that if the information is presented in differing formats, the cognitive demand of a problem changes. The main objective of this study is to investigate the degree to which cognitive variables, such as developmental level, mental capacity, and disembedding ability explain student performance on problems which: (1) could be addressed by algorithms or (2) require conceptual understanding. All conceptual problems used in this study were based on a figurative format. The results obtained show that in all four problems requiring algorithmic strategies, developmental level of the students is the best predictor of success. This could be attributed to the fact that these are basically computational problems, requiring mathematical transformations. Although all three problems requiring conceptual understanding had an important aspect in common (the figurative format), in all three the best predictor of success is a different cognitive variable. It was concluded that: (1) the ability to solve computational problems (based on algorithms) is not the major factor in predicting success in solving problems that require conceptual understanding; (2) solving problems based on algorithmic strategies requires formal operational reasoning to a certain degree; and (3) student difficulty in solving problems that require conceptual understanding could be attributed to different cognitive variables.  相似文献   

This study analyses whether the primary school mathematics textbooks from two Spanish publishers show a varied instructional diet of addition and multiplication problems at different levels of complexity. To do so, it analyses the problems in all the primary grades by the publishers Santillana and SM according to two levels of complexity: (a) procedural (number of steps needed to solve the problem); and (b) semantic/mathematical (addition or multiplication structures, with their different subtypes). The results show that: (a) these problems are so simple that the books themselves cannot be regarded as a sufficient tool to teach students to solve the more complex problems; and (b) if we compare them with previous studies, the design of the problems has hardly changed in 10 years. These results show that the variety of problems in books should be expanded both procedurally and semantically/mathematically, and teachers should be given assistance to compensate for these shortcomings when using these textbooks in class.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations between executive functioning problems, emotion regulation difficulties, and risk for perpetrating child physical abuse (CPA). It was hypothesized that: (a) poor executive functions (i.e., working memory problems and inhibition/switching problems) would be associated with higher levels of emotion regulation difficulties and CPA risk; (b) emotion regulation difficulties would be positively associated with CPA risk; and (c) emotion regulation difficulties would partially explain the association between executive functions (i.e., working memory problems and inhibition/switching problems) and CPA risk. To examine these predictions, a sample of 133 general population parents (31% fathers) completed self-report measures of CPA risk, emotion regulation difficulties, working memory problems, and a performance-based measure of inhibition/switching skills. Results revealed that executive functioning problems were linked with emotion regulation difficulties, which in turn were associated with CPA risk. Moreover, emotion regulation difficulties explained the relationship between executive functions (working memory, inhibition/switching) and CPA risk. The final model accounted for 41% of the variance in CPA risk. Although additional research is needed, the present findings suggest that enhancing parents’ executive functioning and teaching them effective emotion regulation skills may be important targets for CPA prevention efforts.  相似文献   


We studied the referral for special education records of children and youth to identify the problems for which referrers said pupils needed help. Coders examined 382 forms used by two school systems and recorded demographic information and referrers' statements describing individual pupils' difficulties. We found that (a) 69% of the referrals were for boys, (b) regular classroom teachers alone initiated 74% of the referrals and contributed to another 5%, and (c) over two‐thirds of students referred were in earlier grade levels, particularly kindergarten (16%), first (26%), second (15%), or third grade (11%). Problems most likely to be described on referral forms were general academic problems (found on 35% of referrals), reading problems (31%), and attention problems (23%) other problems such as fearfulness (2%), visual‐perceptual difficulties (1%), and depression (1%) were rarely included. Factor analysis of the referral reasons revealed five common types of referrals, some of which interacted with gender and level of students. The factors described problems in written language, externalizing behavior, internalizing behavior, overactivity, and sensory problems. The results of this study should help focus preservice and inservice preparation of teachers in addressing problems that are likely to cause pupils to be referred. In addition, combined with other findings, the results indicate regular education teachers' level of tolerance for pupils' problems.  相似文献   

Division-With-Remainder (DWR) problems are particularly complex, as suggested in many studies. The purpose of this work was to establish whether students’ difficulties in DWR problems came from an inadequate initial representation or from an inadequate final interpretation of the numerical answers, and whether remainders could be grouped into two blocks depending on the kind of answer, either directly matching the terms of the division or not. Forty-five Spanish secondary students, aged 12–13, were requested to solve two Types of Division Situations (i.e., Equal Groups and Comparison), each one involving four Types of Remainder (i.e., Remainder-Not-Divisible, Remainder-Divisible, Remainder-as-the-Result, and Readjusted-Quotient-by-Partial-Increments). Our data showed that: (a) the selection of the correct solution procedure depended on the Type of Division Situations, being easier in Equal Groups than in Comparison problems; (b) correct interpretations were higher than the percentages reported in other researches; and (c) success in problems whose answers were the quotient or the remainder was higher than in Readjusted-Quotient-by-Partial-Increments problems. The results obtained suggest that students’ difficulties originate in the initial representation of the DWR problems and that it would be more adequate to refer to the difficulty of Readjusted-Quotient-by-Partial-Increments problems in particular, rather than to the difficulty of DWR problems in general.  相似文献   

The present study explored whether first and second order cognitive holding power perceived by children in mathematical classrooms, fluid intelligence, and mathematical achievement predicted their performance on standard problems, and especially realistic problems. A sample of 119 Chinese 4–6th graders were administered the word problem test, the cognitive holding power questionnaire, and Raven's standard progressive matrices. Results showed that: (1) children's fluid intelligence and general mathematical achievement significantly predicted their performance on both realistic and standard problems, however, second order cognitive holding power predicted their performance on realistic problems but not standard problems; (2) the relationship between first order cognitive holding power and children's correct answers to realistic problems was mediated by second order cognitive holding power; (3) children's performance on standard problems was significantly better than that on realistic problems, and children's performance on both types of problems improved with their grades.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of Working Memory (WM) in developmental reading problems, considering: 1) The operationalization of WM; 2) The unique contribution of WM to reading; 3) Domain-general or -specific explanations of decoding and reading comprehension deficits; and 4) The capacity of WM constructs to distinguish between reading disabilities and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is concluded that: 1) Significant problems operationalizing working memory measures remain; 2) No clear unique role for WM is evident in longitudinal studies of reading acquisition; 3) Existing evidence concerning the domain-specificity or generality of WM problems is hard to interpret given problems in identification and sampling of poor readers and operationalization of WM constructs; 4) Further work is required to specify the nature of WM problems in samples of poor readers, as distinct from other co-occurring problems such as ADHD. Additional research is suggested to address these issues more fully.  相似文献   

Monitoring accuracy, measured by judgements of learning (JOLs), has generally been found to be low to moderate, with students often displaying overconfidence, and JOLs of problem solving are no exception. Recently, primary school children’s overconfidence was shown to diminish when they practised problem solving after studying worked examples. The current study aimed to extend this research by investigating whether practising problem solving after worked example study would also improve JOL accuracy in secondary education. Adolescents of 14–15 years old (N = 143) were randomly assigned to one of five conditions that differed in timing of JOLs, whether practice problems were provided, and timing of the practice problems provided: (1) worked examples – JOL, (2) worked examples – delay – JOL, (3) worked examples – practice problems – JOL, (4) worked examples – practice problems – delay – JOL or (5) worked examples – delay – practice problems – JOLs. Results showed that practice problems improved absolute accuracy of JOLs as well as regulation accuracy. No differences in final test performance were found.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out concerning arithmetical problem solving in children. Three between sujects variables were manipulated. All problems followed the same underlying pattern with an initial state (Ei), two additive transformations (T1 and T2), and a final state (Ef); yet the unknown state concerned either Ef (S1 problems) or Ei (S2 problems). The order of introducing the transformations was counterbalanced: either state first (O1 order) or transformations first (O2). Finally, the question was located either at the end of the problem (Q1) or at its beginning (Q2). One hundred and ninety two subjects (64 six, eight, and ten year-olds) were submitted to 8 different problems of the same type. The difficulties of the numerical series were tentatively controlled on an atempt to render the computations roughly «proportional» to ages. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were conducted. Results show that: a) Problems with final state unknown (S1) are solved more easily and early, whereas problems with initial state unknown (S2) are better solved as the children grow older. b) Introducing the transformations first (O2) and placing the question at the beginning of the problem-text (Q2) yields better performances c) The procedures used to solve the problems are clearly dependant on the wording of the problems. An interpretation is proposed which takes in account both the knowledge available in L.T.M. and the limitations of working memory.  相似文献   

In this study, structural equation modeling was used to examine the mediating role of resilience and self-esteem in the relationships between psychological maltreatment-emotional problems and psychological maltreatment-behavioral problems in adolescents. Participants were 937 adolescents from different high schools in Turkey. The sample included 502 female (53.6%) and 435 male (46.4%) students, 14–19 years old (mean age = 16.51, SD = 1.15). Results indicated that psychological maltreatment was negatively correlated with resilience and self-esteem, and positively correlated with behavioral problems and emotional problems. Resilience and self-esteem also predicted behavioral problems and emotional problems. Finally, psychological maltreatment predicted emotional and behavioral problems mediated by resilience and self-esteem. Resilience and self-esteem partially mediated the relationship between psychological maltreatment-behavioral and psychological maltreatment-emotional problems in adolescents. Thus, resilience and self-esteem appear to play a protective role in emotional problems and behavioral problems in psychologically maltreated individuals. Implications are discussed and suggestions for psychological counselors and other mental health professionals are presented.  相似文献   

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