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With the increase in cultural and economic globalization and technological advancements, the very nature of communication has become more fluid. As a result, communication practices move past defining socio-cultural identity to become intercultural capital from which a more constructive bi-cultural identity can emerge. This study compares immigrant and transnational migrant multiliteracies at the transitional age of pre-adolescence, comparing both global and socio-cultural types. The study utilised ethnographic collective case study observation of three Nepalese families in the United Kingdom. The year-long study comparatively investigated; what types of multiliteracies do immigrant and transnational pre-teens participate in? And do these multiliteracies better enable constructive identity through intercultural capital? The research utilised 150 hours of ethnographic observation, meta-historical narratives and semi-structured interviews with three case study families who were transnational Gorkha and immigrant Nepalese in the U.K. Moreover, the study newly categorized three types of multiliteracies relevant to both transnational and immigrant pre-teens: those that are transnational, global cultural and peripheral ritualised multiliteracies. Findings from this article revealed that while pre-adolescences transnationals participated in transnational cultural and globalized multiliteracies, immigrant pre-teens partook predominately in globalized multiliteracies.  相似文献   

《Popular Communication》2013,11(4):253-272
This study provides a narrative analysis of documentaries on the History Channel that treat historical episodes as possible conspiracies. The analysis approaches these programs in terms of ritual, collective memory, and narrative theory. Conspiracy programs present unresolved historical episodes in which conflicting interpretations vie for dominance. It is argued that the content and structure of these programs, as well as the way they promote narrative ambiguity, provide a window into the construction of historical reality. In doing so, the programs act as a ritual cessation of the assumptions that govern predominant modes of thinking about history. Linear, conclusive narratives give way to timeless, figural open-endedness. As part of a larger genre of conspiracy texts, these programs may be emblematic of a perceived fiat of powerful groups to transgress the moral and logical bounds that structure everyday reality.  相似文献   

Minhe Hui Ethnic Autonomous County, located in the east of northwest Qinghai Province, used to be a critical pathway linking Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and central China. Over the sweep of Chinese history, Minhe County has evolved into a community for different ethnic communities to inhibit together. The county consists of 14 ethnic groups, mainly including Han, Hui, Tu and Tibetan who believe in Buddhism, Lamanism, Taoism and Islam respectively. There are many Buddhist temples in Minhe, a…  相似文献   

周岩壁 《寻根》2020,(2):9-12
在20世纪,天花峰回路转,实现了“历史的终结”。1967年,世界卫生组织发起消灭天花的运动。1977年,最后一例自然发生的天花患者,在索马里出现。1980年,世界卫生大会正式宣布:天花被完全消灭,天花病毒在自然界已不存在,只有在世界各地的一些实验室中保存有天花病毒,以备意外之需。我们以天花在河南省的情况为例。1958年,郾城发现河南最后一例天花病人。1962年后,河南按免疫程序进行划片种牛痘,预防天花。世界卫生组织宣布天花消灭后,河南停止使用牛痘疫苗。  相似文献   

张研 《寻根》2003,(4):111-113
中国历史上的移民,与同为迁徙人口的流民不同。流民又称游民,指不断流动、没有在迁徙地定居的人口;或已在迁徙地定居,却长期得不到官方承认、未在迁徙地落户入籍的人口。流民的迁徙流动多是零散、无明确目的的个  相似文献   

汪涌豪 《寻根》2003,(4):32-37
侠产生得很早,在春秋末、战国初已很活跃。其时,随周天子天下共主地位的丧失和奴隶制度的瓦解,整个社会的急剧转型带来了社会成员的结构性变动,使得士阶层一下子失去依靠,成为流离失职之人(见苏轼《游  相似文献   

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