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识字是阅读和写作的基础,识字教学是小学低年级语文教学的重点和难点。识字教学的质量直接关系到语文教学的质量。识字教学是教师最头疼的问题,教学过程繁琐,分析乏味单调,且耗时低效。研究识字教学,探索出既减轻学生负担又提高识字质量的更科学、更艺术、更符合儿童认知特点的识  相似文献   

根据儿童认知发展理论将识字教学分为感知识字、规律识字、文化识字三个阶段。由于儿童在不同年龄阶段,认知发展的不同,对课程目标、教材、教法有不同的要求。  相似文献   

<正>识字是阅读的基础,识字教学在小学语文教学中起着举足轻重的作用。识字教学不仅仅是单纯地教学生认字,更需要我们在教学过程中引导学生掌握汉字的音、形、义之间的内在联系,即所谓的联系性识字。联系性识字在儿童已有经验的基础上,帮助儿童建立汉字音、形、义的多维联系,从而培养儿童主动识字的兴趣,提高儿童识字的效率,增强儿童热爱汉字的情感。那么,在日常教学中,教师应如何展开联系性识字教学呢?1.建立识字与儿童认知的联系。  相似文献   

小学低年级阶段是儿童识字的关键时期,如何提高小学低年级学生的识字效率。从儿童心理特征和认知特点入手,运用联想教学法激发学生识字热情、运用字理教学法提升识字教学内涵。  相似文献   

《义务教育语文课程标准》中指出:识字教学要将儿童熟识的语言因素作为主要材料,同时充分利用儿童的生活经验,注重教给识字方法,力求识用结合。传统的识字教学中,教师没有从学生的认知角度选择适合小学生的识字方式,而是让学生一遍遍地进行书写记忆,导致学生在识字时苦不堪言。新课标背景下,教师要采取适合学生认知发展的教学方式,增强识字教学的趣味性,调动学生识字的主观能动性,进而提高学生的识字效率。  相似文献   

一、背景 入学儿童用什么方法识字最有效,一直是语文教学界长期研究的一个重要课题。20世纪五十年代以后开展的集中识字、随课文分散识字、注音识字、韵语识字等多项实验,极大地丰富了语文识字教学的方法,为提高语文教学的效率作出了贡献。然而,随着教育事业的迅速发展,我国大部分地区特别是经济发达地区,学龄前儿童受教育年限和力度不断加大。2000年以后,我们连续3年对学龄前儿童的识字量进行测试,发现儿童学龄前的识字量有不断提高的趋势。  相似文献   

识字写字是阅读和写作的基础,是1—2年级的教学重点。教师在教学中,通过寓教于乐、激发儿童识字兴趣,有效提高学生的学习欲望;强化阅读、注重儿童识字的语言环境,为学生营造良好的学习氛围,增强其识字认知能力;巩固基础、重视儿童识字能力的深度扩展,带领学生走进生活,让学生在轻松的环境中提高整体认字水平,进而达到高效认字、识字的目的。  相似文献   

一、问题与思考据中外科学家的研究实验表明,中国的汉字是“复脑文字”,让儿童学习汉字,对儿童潜能发展有促进作用。识字益智被越来越多的重视早期教育的家长认可,他们想方设法教孩子识字,有些幼儿园也参与到早期识字活动中来。那么是不是认识汉字越多,孩子的潜能开发就越好?建国五十多年来,识字教学流派几十种之多,教学目标大都集中于识字效率,也就是只重视认知目标,而忽视甚至排斥情感因素。然而科学家通过实验开始认识到,情绪对儿童识字、阅读等认知能力的提高起着重要作用,有必要给予更多关注。最新的研究成果说明:一个人的成功不仅取决…  相似文献   

"识字是一切探求之第一步",可见识字的重要性.在教学中要遵循儿童的认知规律,引导学生主动识字、自主识字,并根据构字方法灵活运用,来体现识字教学的多元化,从而提高识字的效果,让识字教学变得更美丽.  相似文献   

众所周知,小学低段识字量大,学生识字难,教师教学也难。识字教学处理不好就显得乏味、效率低下。根据低年级儿童的心理认知特点,在识字教学中采用趣味识字法能让学生在愉悦的情境中,掌握好祖国的语言文字。  相似文献   

语文教学重视儿童文学的引入,不仅可以提升语文教学内容的文学性,还能丰富学生的文学鉴赏视野,提升学生的文学素养。文章分析儿童文学在语文教学中的地位,探讨儿童文学在语文教学中的应用策略,以促进儿童文学与语文教学的有效融合。  相似文献   

教学海报作为教学工具,运用于小学科学课堂教学中,既能直观呈现儿童科学研究思维历程,又能用于科学数据整合,发展儿童科学研究思维。本文探索教学海报在课前、课中、课后的运用,促进儿童的全面发展和科学素养的养成。  相似文献   

蒙台梭利教具有很强的教育功能,在特定的环境中使用,对幼儿思维能力培养具有重要作用。文章阐述从学习过程性发展幼儿数学学习观,对幼儿使用数棒、大数字卡的学习过程进行分析,以充分发挥蒙台梭利教具的作用,培养幼儿数学学习能力,提升幼儿数学素养,促进幼儿全面发展。  相似文献   

赵瑛 《天津教育》2021,(5):130-132
幼儿音乐教学,就是对幼儿的审美能力的培养。教学实践当中,幼儿教师可以利用现代化的教学手段,采取科学有效的“互动课堂模式”,营造良好的教学氛围,激发幼儿学习音乐的兴趣;采取灵活多样的教学方式,充分发挥城乡课程资源的优势互补,全面提高幼儿的音乐素养,为他们将来进一步发展奠定良好的基础。在欣赏音乐的过程中,幼儿教师应帮助幼儿领悟音乐所要表达的情感世界,使幼儿真正把握音乐的内涵意义,从而全面理解音乐作品。  相似文献   

The increasing involvement of fathers in active parenthood raises questions concerning their parenting style. This study compared mothers and fathers in their writing interactions with their young children, exploring how parents' writing guidance related to children's early literacy. Mothers and fathers of 51 kindergarteners were videotaped separately at home while writing words with their child. Video analysis assessed measures of parental guidance specifically in the writing process and guidance measures that characterised teaching interactions in general. Children's early literacy was assessed. A family style of guidance emerged, where a parent's guidance resembled the spouse's. Moreover, both parents' guidance correlated significantly with children's early literacy. Still, mothers scored higher than fathers on both the writing and the more general guidance measures. The study suggests that encouraging both parents to write with their children, while supplying them with productive methods for guidance, can enhance children's literacy competencies.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of the final phase of a 5-year longitudinal study with 168 middle- and upper middle-class children in which the complex relations among early home literacy experiences, subsequent receptive language and emergent literacy skills, and reading achievement were examined. Results showed that children's exposure to books was related to the development of vocabulary and listening comprehension skills, and that these language skills were directly related to children's reading in grade 3. In contrast, parent involvement in teaching children about reading and writing words was related to the development of early literacy skills. Early literacy skills directly predicted word reading at the end of grade 1 and indirectly predicted reading in grade 3. Word reading at the end of grade 1 predicted reading comprehension in grade 3. Thus, the various pathways that lead to fluent reading have their roots in different aspects of children's early experiences.  相似文献   

张丽莲 《成才之路》2021,(15):66-67
在英语教学中,教师要加强对农村留守儿童的关注,准确了解留守儿童的家庭情况以及学习水平,通过创新词汇教学的方式来调动他们学习词汇知识的热情,使他们能够对新授词汇展开自主建构,掌握更多的词汇知识。文章主要对加强英语教学提升留守儿童词汇素养进行探讨,以提升学生的词汇素养。  相似文献   

In 3 second-grade classrooms within diverse educational settings, the theory of culturally responsive teaching was utilized in combination with the strategy, Text Talk. Text Talk is a strategy generally used with young children during read-alouds to foster oral language and comprehension. Culturally response teaching builds on students' prior experiences and knowledge. Together, the use of Text Talk and culturally responsive teaching provides a gateway to support young children's literacy.  相似文献   

This article investigates the possible role of children's literature in the education of adult learners of English. This three-year study on adult learners of English from the People's Republic of China shows that children's literature can be effective in teaching linguistic skills such as pronunciation practice and improving language acquisition. Using and reading children's literature is an initial step to developing literary competence, critical thinking, increasing knowledge, and multicultural understanding as well as exposing learners from developing countries to effective innovative educational methodology. Despite the limitations of children's literature—identification with child protagonists—it paves the way to developing literacy in adult literature.  相似文献   

Booksharing is often considered one of the most important activities parents can do to promote young children's early literacy skills. However, there is relatively little research on the style and nature of booksharing in Latino homes. This study examined the relation between maternal booksharing styles and low-income Latino children's subsequent language and literacy development. Eighty Latino Head Start four-year-old children and their mothers were audiotaped while they shared a wordless children's picture book together in their home. Six months later, children's emergent literacy ability was assessed. Results of a cluster analysis identified three types of maternal booksharing styles which had differential predictive power over children's literacy longitudinally. Results are discussed in terms of improving culturally appropriate research, practice and policy for early childhood and family literacy programming designed to meet the needs of young Latino children and their parents.  相似文献   

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