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金艳 《中国博物馆》2006,1(4):86-91
近代国家观念和公共意识的形成在中国社会近代化历程中所起的作用正受到广泛的关注。博物馆是近代社会中最重要的文化机构之一.促进了近代社会的一系列思想观念的改变。作为一个特殊的公共领域.博物馆对促进国家观念和公共意识这些重要观念的形成起了其它机构所不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代开始,有关中国近代公共领域的研究成果层出不穷。近代中国的公共领域并非单一整体,报纸构建的中介公共领域也有主流与边缘之分。近代上海小报在中国报刊史上占有重要地位。本文分析近代上海小报关于“驱逐棚户”问题的报道,发现小报构建了一个另类公共领域。通过定义新问题、纳入新角色、建构新话语等方式,近代小报将原本不在主流公众讨论范围之内的“私人问题”重新界定为“公共问题”,发挥着另类公共领域的功能。小报依赖煽动性的修辞,吸引更广泛的读者,建立、维系相似的文化认同,维护着边缘阶层的利益。  相似文献   

文人论政是中国近代知识分子的优良传统,近代中国报刊的发展使时评成为文人论政的轻骑兵.纵观中国新闻史,时评热多发生在社会转型期.社会问题多发,公民的参政意识增强,在报刊上形成公开讨论社会问题的公共领域,成为公共领域的主要担当.当代时评热发生在由计划经济向市场经济转型的历史时期,新媒体的高度发展、新闻娱乐化的大背景,导致了时评症结的出现.  相似文献   

陈淼 《新闻世界》2012,(3):95-96
公共领域,不仅是17-18世纪欧洲历史发展中的实在,也是一种理想的模式,是哈贝马斯对社会进行批判所使用的工具。哈贝马斯的公共领域概念,深刻,寓意丰富,是一个集思想内涵,社会意义和政治功效于一体的综合性概念。而以《时务报》为首的政论性报刊的繁荣,也促进了中国近代公共领域的最终形成。  相似文献   

在近代中国社会的社会思潮传播中,刚诞生不久的近代报刊成为传播的重要阵地,产生了重要的影响,主要表现为:中国近代史上的三次办报高潮与中国近代社会思潮传播的高潮叠加涌现;中国近代报刊造就了中国近代最早的公共领域,为社会思潮的传播提供了公共空间;中国近代报刊促进了中国传统知识分子的身份转型,客观上为近代社会思潮的传播扩充了新型传播主体;中国近代报刊的副刊对通俗文艺作品的传播为社会思潮的传播提供了"第二空间"。  相似文献   

袁德娟 《青年记者》2009,(16):110-111
公共舆论空间形成并在社会政治生活中发挥积极作用,是中国近代的重要特征之一。维新知识分子在时代的挑战中艰难构建起来的公共舆论空间,引领着中国近代公共舆论的发展,并对当时以及后来的政治和社会都产生了深远的影响。但综合考察近代公共舆论空间,就不难发现其存在着很大的缺陷。  相似文献   

公共领域,简单地说,就是指我们社会生活的一个领域。在这个领域里,像公共意见这样的事物能够形成,市民可以自由表达与沟通意见,以形成民意与共识。它是介于私人领域和个体权威之间的一个领域,是一种非官方公共领域,是各种公众聚会场所的总称,公众在这一领域对公共权威及其政策和其他共同关心的问题作出评判,呢发端于古希腊城邦广场,历经文艺沙龙、咖啡屋和书友会等近代公共领域,发展到资产阶级代表型公共领域的兴盛时期,最后在现代商业运作下日趋衰落。  相似文献   

杨希  张湾 《新闻世界》2012,(7):199-200
"公共领域"在哈贝马斯看来,代表的是一种介于国家与社会之间的公共空间,而报刊可以说是"公共领域最典型的机制"。本文主要是以黎烈文时期的《申报》副刊《自由谈》为例,探讨近代中国报纸副刊公共领域构建的时代背景、构建过程以及失败原因。  相似文献   

公共舆论空间形成并在社会政治生活中发挥积极作用,是中国近代的重要特征之一.维新知识分子在时代的挑战中艰难构建起来的公共舆论空间,引领着中国近代公共舆论的发展,并对当时以及后来的政治和社会都产生深远的影响.  相似文献   

中国近代报刊业的发展导致了史学"公共领域"的形成,同时也为古史辨提供了广阔的活动空间;近代史家的职业化走向亦是促进古史讨论的一个重要原因;职业性史家与报刊的结合意味着史学研究与现代传播机制结合的完成。  相似文献   

During the mid‐1980s political pressure upon Chinese journalists decreased, financial pressure upon their newspapers increased and photojournalism gained importance. This study compares the content of photographs in three ‘official’ and three hybrid ‘official‐commercial’ Chinese newspapers. Photographs were found to be less important in ‘official’ newspapers. Subjects and values of concern to government and Party leaders appeared more frequently in ‘official‐commercial’ papers. This study also shows that in a period of political and economic reform, diversity exists in photographic news content and that photographs frequently serve public interests.  相似文献   

This research investigates the response of Hong Kong newspapers to the social change in the last two decades. It is found that Hong Kong newspapers are largely conservative, reconciliatory and non‐critical This pattern was remarkably stable in the last four decades. Although the newspapers shifted their focus from public services to civic and political issues in the last two decades, they were insensitive to the changing labour conditions. The newspapers’ geographical locus of attention was also stable over the years with little response to the changing world. The study finds that the newspapers in Hong Kong seldom criticized the Hong Kong or Chinese governments in. editorials, with the exception of the partisan newspapers whose attitudes varied with time and political stand.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates for the first time that a newspaper's political orientation is a principal factor used by readers to locate its position in the marketplace. The findings have concrete implications for editors and publishers in Southeast Asia, where newspapers are often aligned with political organizations. The study uses data collected in Hong Kong to create a perceptual map of Hong Kong newspapers. In Hong Kong, there are 25 dailies serving a population of 6 million. Newspaper readership is high. The newspapers span the political spectrum from ultra‐left to ultra‐right. When data were collected for this study, some newspapers were controlled by the Kuomintang of Taiwan, others by the Chinese Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. This study selected eight newspapers whose political orientations had been clearly established by previous research. Some 990 respondents estimated the distance between 28 pairs of newspapers. These ‘perception data’ were pure similarity/dissimilarity measures. Factor analysis and multidimensional scaling both reveal a clear political dimension to the resultant perceptual maps. The study also includes an overview of the contemporary partisan press in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

同为帝制王朝统治下情上达的形式,上书与报刊如何区分、两者关系如何,这一问题尚未得到系统解答.以报刊为基本史料,论文探究清季以降上书的形态递嬗,及其与报刊的关系特征.研究发现,报刊中的上书依据时序递嬗,呈现出勃兴、低落、迭起三个阶段性特点;上书与报刊的关系,以“关于上书的新闻”和“作为言论的上书”为特征;比较起来,上书与...  相似文献   

基于对辛亥革命时期海外创办中文报刊情况的搜索与梳理,以表格的形式浓缩提供海外报刊的信息,并对海外报刊创办的群体及活动特点进行介绍,重点说明海外华侨在创办报刊活动中给予的经济支持及发挥的网络、阵地与桥梁等重要作用,以此歌颂华侨的爱国之情并纪念辛亥革命的成功。  相似文献   

近代中国社会新闻的演进与价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国早期近代报刊的社会新闻量很少,只将近代西方社会新闻的理念辐射出来;鸦片战争后,随着近代报纸在国内的出现和发展,社会新闻成为报纸的重要内容之一,其内容取向显示出报刊幼年时期的价值取向——奇异内容、文学情境、政治倾向、教化内涵、真实缺失。  相似文献   

吴瑾 《图书情报工作》2011,55(19):18-96
清末社会,为考虑社会下层民众读书看报的问题,白话报刊如雨后春笋般不断涌现。维新时期国人自办的有5种,到1915年时全国大约出版170余种白话报刊。白话报刊的创办,为中国语言文化走向“言文合一”,为启发民智,提升民族、民权意识,促进辛亥革命成功发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   

By empirically investigating the political orientations of three conservative and two progressive newspapers in Korea, this study examined the source usage of these papers regarding the US beef imports issue. Results showed that while progressive newspapers took a more negative stance in reporting US beef imports than conservative ones, both papers together used sources that are more transparent more frequently compared to less transparent sources in order to build their political perspectives. At the same time, the information from more transparent sources was generally provided by more credible source categories in terms of source affiliations. These results imply that, regardless of political stances, Korean newspapers might have followed the journalistic norms that suggest using more transparent and credible sources than less transparent and credible ones. However, the authors also stress that conservative and progressive papers would have framed the story by purposely selecting favorable informants for their respective political stances, even if they originate from more transparent and credible sources, as ways of pushing for their own viewpoints.  相似文献   

冲突与宽容的言论生态——中美报纸言论版的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
言论版是现代国际报纸言论的一种发展成熟的形式。我国报纸近年来随着社会需求和自身的市场化运作 ,言论版也日渐成熟。中国报纸与西方发达报纸言论版的比较具有现实意义。本文通过对中国的报纸言论版实践与美国运作成熟的言论版的比较研究 ,试图归纳出报纸言论版的规律性、规范性及其特征。  相似文献   

中文报纸人机通用无号排序法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
将"中文期刊刊名汉语拼音首字母-全拼排序法"及国家新闻出版署报纸"类别代码"引入中文报纸的排序,实现了中文报纸报名排序的统一和分类排序的统一,以及中文报纸手工排序和计算机排序的统一;实现了中文报纸报名的计算机快速检索,将中文报名的计算机检索速度提高到了比用全拼检索一个汉字还要高的程度.  相似文献   

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