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本研究运用人格结构特征理论对在线讨论中的一些质量问题进行了分析和研究,从而发现学习者人格结构特征在远程学习中所产生的作用,并描述了提高在线讨论质量应注重的方面:创设和谐友好的氛围,使学习者获得精神归属感;创设沟通交流的环境,使学习者将主观需求与客观现实相协调;创设在线讨论行为规范,使学习者产生自我约束意识。本研究希望能为在线讨论质量评价提供一种新的视角。  相似文献   

本文讨论了"潜水者"这一群体存在的原因,分析了他们的学习过程和效果,并对教师应采取何种策略提高其在线学习效果进行了讨论,以期为远程教学提供一些参考借鉴.  相似文献   

在线讨论是开展网络学习的重要场所。为了指导有效在线讨论活动,掌握在线讨论的特点和规律,了解在线讨论参与者的活动及行为,研究者通常采用质性分析方法,对在线讨论的内容(帖子)进行分析。在过去20余年的时间里,研究者为探索在线讨论对参与者的影响做出了大量努力,提出了诸多编码表,并成为分析在线讨论的有效工具。通过对其中比较有影响的编码表及其应用价值进行深入分析,旨在为采用质性方法分析在线讨论提供可供参考的依据,以更好地发挥在线讨论促进学习者成长的影响和作用。  相似文献   

虽然异步交流已经成为在线协作的重要途径,但是在实际交流过程中,往往无法组织起深入地协作,在线的讨论也经常流于表面。为进一步研究在线异步交流的交互特征,该文以《网络远程教育》在线课程的交互文本作为研究对象,构建了一个针对在线协作的分析框架,从认知、元认知、交互、参与和社会等5个维度探讨了交互的特征,分析了在线异步交流过程中存在的问题,并对如何组织在线异步交流提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

在线讨论中帖子的自动评价与监测是一个极具挑战的研究主题。文章从信息论的视角,提出了在线讨论中帖子的信息量计算方法,并采用自回归单整移动平均(Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average,ARIMA)模型,开展了面向在线讨论的时间序列建模实验,得到最优化的ARIMA(5, 2, 5)模型。实验结果表明,ARIMA(5, 2,5)模型能够正确描述在线讨论中帖子信息量的未来变化趋势并给出波动范围,且其预测的准确性优于基准模型。文章探索了面向在线讨论的时间序列建模方法,以期降低监控在线讨论质量的时间成本,并为研究在线讨论质量评价方法提供新的视角。  相似文献   

本文是一项关于研究生层次网络课程的研究结果报告。作者使用内容分析法(content analysis)来解析课堂学生和老师之间的讨论记录,以探索性别、对话风格和平等参与之间的关系,还进行了网上实时课堂观察并调查了参与者对在线讨论的看法。来自于所有资源的调查结果并没有显示出在线讨论中任何重大的性别差异。被调查者一致认为班级表现出的讨论和交流方式他们可以接受。然而,学生们的整体对话风格有很多不同之处。参与者使用一些互动方式多于其他方式,比如说,交换信息多于商议和争论。鉴于协商对学习的好处,建议教师们通过让学生在网上合作解决问题的方式来鼓励在线讨论中的有意义协商。  相似文献   

应用“边际效益”理论和“零库存”原则,对DVD在线租赁问题中的采购和配送问题进行了一些有益的讨论和探索;引用吸引率的概念,建立了相应的数学优化模型;应用α-算法、利用数学软件求解,并给出了DVD在线租赁问题中的采购和配送方案;对DVD在线租赁、网站收费策略给出新模型.  相似文献   

基于问题解决的在线讨论倍受重视并逐步普及。在线讨论中教师适时的干预和引导对讨论质量有很大的影响。文章在没有教师参与的情况下,通过观察学习者基于问题解决在线讨论的过程,结合序列分析法和量化内容分析法对在线讨论记录进行编码分析,进一步了解学习者在讨论中出现的行为模式和知识建构的水平,探讨在线讨论过程中可能出现的局限性,为教师的指导和干预提供有效的策略,以期提高在线讨论的质量和学习者解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

基于问题解决的在线讨论过程探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于问题解决的在线讨论倍受重视并逐步普及,在线讨论中教师适时的干预和引导对讨论质量有很大的影响.本文在没有教师参与的情况下,通过观察学习者基于问题解决在线讨论的过程,结合序列分析法和量化内容分析法对在线讨论记录进行编码分析,进一步了解学习者在讨论中出现的行为模式和知识建构的水平,探讨在线讨论过程中可能出现的局限性,为教师的指导和干预提供有效的策略,以期提高在线讨论的质量和学习者解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

动态在线讨论:交互式学习环境中的深层学习   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了在远程教育中进行面向深层学习的动态在线讨论的一个框架。该框架建立在信息、方法和认知等三个普遍性过程的基础上。在本框架中进行动态讨论的结构包括三种在线讨论的类型,即灵活的同伴、结构化的主题和协作性任务讨论。该框架在一门有关教学多媒体设计的在线研究生课程中使用过两个学期。创建动态讨论的策略是为了促进不同学习者之间的在线交互,并有助于设计能实现有效交互的任务。学生通过设计的任务产生了接受性学习,在此基础上促进了适应性学习,并且激发了他们促进深层学习的认知能力。该框架及动态讨论的策略提供了一个在线学习环境,在这样的环境中学生的学习超越了既定的课程目标。  相似文献   

The results presented in this study represent only one of four assigned discussion board activities from only one course. However, these results are not atypical of the amount or nature of student engagement in successive discussion board assignments to these same 23 graduate students. By the final of the four on-line discussions, student engagement did decrease slightly, but still remained well above the assigned requirements. Also, similar patterns of high frequency of student involvement were found in other courses using the same type of on-line discussion board assignments. An additional anecdotal observation was completed by the course instructor; after the first on-line activity had been completed and the students re-convened on campus for class, class members appeared more comfortable and more engaged during in class discussions. In summary, the results of this study indicate that specific types of on-line instruction are capable of developing learning communities among on-line learners and creating a satisfying learning experience.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of on-line discussion as a medium for learning in a pre-service teacher education program. As part of an Education Studies course student teachers engaged in a discussion of issues related to technology and equity in schools. The design of the task and the subsequent analysis of the on-line text were part of a research project investigating whether and how communications technology can be used to integrate and extend the learning of teacher education students. The main argument developed in the paper is that through the on-line activity distinctive sets of writing practices were created. These practices enabled students to make connections between the often disparate parts of teacher education programs—theory and practice, campus and school, research and experience.  相似文献   

As more and more on-line resources are becoming available, finding ones suitable for specific educational purposes is becoming increasingly difficult. Not only must the subject matter be appropriate and the content be accurate, but the resources must also match the educational level and background of the user. Once a suitable Web site, graphic, applet, or other resource has been located, additional problems must be faced if it is to be integrated into a learning environment. There might be software incompatibilities, legal issues, and questions concerning how it will interface with other components. This article offers a non-technical introduction and overview of metadata, an important and fascinating part of the solution to these problems. It gives the definition and examples of metadata, shows how metadata can help non-experts search for on-line resources, and explains how metadata can assist in the use and re-use of on-line pedagogic materials. It ends with a discussion of learning object metadata, the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee standard that has recently been accepted by the major pedagogic metadata efforts.  相似文献   


This article explores the growing interest in the use of asynchronous text-based discussion to support the professional development of teachers and other occupational groups. It describes a post-degree course in which teachers, lecturers and librarians at local schools and colleges used on-line forums to share and reflect on their professional knowledge. The particular focus of the article is on the experiences of forum participants and the opportunities which on-line discussion provides for their professional learning. The discussion in the article is developed around an extract from a forum and focuses on the initiating of on-line discussion, what participants might learn by taking part, and the style of contributions. The article suggests that electronic forums have huge potential for developing professional knowledge in that participants have opportunities to articulate ideas, have access to other information and other viewpoints and can seek clarification from colleagues. However, the process of discussion is not straightforward. Participation cannot be easily structured, contributors may prefer different styles of messages and text-based communication may not be appropriate for some kinds of discussion. On-line discussion is then valuable and complex.  相似文献   

This paper reports on participation within on-line forums. The focus is on asynchronous text based discussion within small groups of learners following a learning event or course. Participation is a key issue within such forums and research was carried out into adult learners' experiences within three case studies. Learners were positive about the forums in which they took part but participation was less than many would have liked. This paper describes the constraints on participation and outlines three patterns of participation—non participation, quiet participation and communicative participation. Discussion focuses on the communicative leaner—someone who participates regularly in forums and in ways which are broadly welcomed by others in the group. A profile of the communicative learner is developed in which the importance of fluency, coherence and informality is highlighted. The paper summarises the issues associated with on-line participation and their implications for supporting communicative participation.  相似文献   

在线教学的基本活动和教学法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在线教学与教室教学的目的虽然相同,但因施教环境的差异,其适用的活动形式也有不同。本文对网络在线教学活动的九种基本形式进行了分析归纳;就其灵活组织、混用这些基本活动,组成一套能有效达成教学目标的教学法开展了深入研究,将在线教学的环境分为同步进行的实时教室及异步进行的讨论园地两大类,并汇集国内外研究文献及实务报告中各种常用教学法子以说明。  相似文献   

During the on-line conference, Applications of Technology in Teaching Chemistry, June 14-August 20, 1993, the topic What Chemists (or Chemistry Students) Need to Know About Computing generated considerable discussion. In this paper some of the key points of the discussion are collected and integrated with information from the literature. The key points developed here include: the computer as a tool for learning study, research, and communication; hardware, software, computing concepts and other teaching concerns; and the appropriate place for chemistry computer usage instruction. Some suggestions for access, implementation, and extent of implementation of useful skills for the chemist and chemistry student are given in the paper. The papers, graphics, discussion streams, and related materials from the on-line conference have been archived. Information on retrieving these documents and the documents themselves can be obtained through anonymous ftp: inform.umd.edu, Path: /Educational Resources/Faculty Resources and Support/Chemistry Conference (CHEMCONF).  相似文献   

语码转换作为网络交际的突出特点引起了语言学家们的广泛关注。虽然对语码转换的社会语言学研究由来已久,却大多停留在日常交际中,对诸如网络语言的电子语篇语码转换研究却少之又少。拟从社会语言学的角度,结合网络语言的特点,分析影响网络语言语码转换的因素以及网络语言语码转换的功能。  相似文献   

Colleges and universities are increasingly using information technologies to enhance the learning environment. Many educational institutions offer Internet-based on-line courses in an effort to meet the educational needs of students. The primary goal of this research was to determine if there is a relationship between students' preferred learning environment (i.e. face-to-face or on-line) and their learning style. The secondary goal was to determine if there were any differences in the academic success of students in the face-to-face versus on-line sections. Participants were adult (ages 22+ years), non-traditional computer science students given the option to take a face-to-face lecture-based or an on-line Internet-based computer science course. Results revealed that computer science students in the face-to-face learning environment were more likely to have the Assimilator learning-style, whereas computer science students in the on-line Internet-based learning environment were more likely to have the Converger learning-style. Student academic success did not reliably differ as a function of learning environment selection. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of learning style characteristics of computer science students, learning styles and gender differences and implications of student academic success in on-line vs face-to-face environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Creating a virtual community among learners in a course or program can increase student retention and satisfaction. Although community colleges are increasingly turning to on-line learning experiences for students, doctoral programs in community college leadership (CCL) can model the blending of different learning modalities. Using face-to-face experiences, two-way compressed video, on-line information posting, and synchronous and asynchronous on-line discussions, the CCL program at Colorado State University creates community among its doctoral students. A vignette is presented to illustrate the life of one of these doctoral distance students and to detail the uses of the various learning modalities. The article concludes with a discussion the three main types of support necessary for empowering students and keeping them connected in their community: multiple communities support, multiple meeting spaces support, and multiple systems support. The serendipitous result of this experience has been seeing doctoral students return to their respective community college campuses and use this blending of on-line modalities to serve their own students.  相似文献   

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