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目的:2019年全球新型冠状病毒病肺炎(COVID-19)的爆发导致大多数辅助生殖技术(ART)治疗的暂停。然而,随着最近中国成功控制了大流行,公众迫切需要恢复全面的生殖保健。因此,本文讨论COVID-19大流行是否对女性生育能力和接受ART治疗的妇女的妊娠结局有任何不利影响。方法:使用中英文电子数据库进行了系统评价和荟萃分析。二分类结局总结为患病率和比值比(OR),连续结局总结为标准化均数差(SMD),置信度为95%。使用Stata/SE 15.1和R 4.1.2评估偏倚风险和亚组分析。结论:结果显示,与COVID-19前接受ART治疗的妇女相比,COVID-19大流行后接受ART治疗的妇女在临床妊娠率(1.07,0.97~1.19;I2=0.0%)、流产率(0.95,0.79~1.14;I2=38.4%)、胚胎冷冻保存率(2.90,0.17~48.13;I2=85.4%)和卵母细胞冷冻保留率(0.30,0.03~3.65;I2=81.6%)等方面没有显著差异。该评价为妇科医生提供了额外的证据,以指导在COVID-19...  相似文献   

目的:孕期妇女暴露于室外空气污染与子代不良出生结局的发生风险有关,但是结果仍然有争议。本研究旨在定量评估这种相关性并探讨异质性的来源。创新点:报告了三种不良出生结局和七种污染物之间的联系,进行了一系列的亚组分析和敏感性分析。同时,考虑了之前荟萃(meta)分析中未涉及到的气象因素的作用。此外,首次使用系统回顾偏倚风险(ROBIS)工具评估相关领域meta分析的偏倚性。方法:收集已发表的评估室外空气污染与低出生体重、早产、小于胎龄儿关系的病例对照研究或队列研究,具体的纳入标准和分析方法已在PROSPERO网站(CRD42018085816)提供。本研究评估了混合效应和异质性,进一步进行了亚组分析和出版偏倚分析,并采用ROBIS工具评估总体的偏倚性。结论:这项系统回顾和荟萃分析是在低偏倚风险下完成的。结果发现高浓度的空气污染暴露与子代不良出生结局的发生风险有关,且研究间异质性较大。不同的暴露测量方式等亚组分析在一定程度上解释了异质性来源,但仍需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

本综述总结利用中草药治疗癌症恶病质的临床前研究及其潜在的机制,是首个针对中草药治疗癌症恶病质动物模型成效进行系统性回顾评价的研究。本文通过检索PubMed、EMBASE、Allied and Complementary Medicine Database以及Web of Science四大代表性的资料库(检索时间至2016年12月),就中草药治疗癌症恶病质的随机对照动物试验进行系统性回顾分析,并采用CAMARADE评分清单进行质量评价。分析结果显示:在十四项中草药及其化合物中,除了姜黄素外其他如黄连、黄连素、病得灵、清暑益气汤、黄芩、补中益气汤、六君子汤、橙皮苷、苍术呋喃烃、十全大补汤、小柴胡汤、知母及黄柏等都已被证实可以通过抗炎、调节神经内分泌途径、调节泛素蛋白酶体系统或蛋白质合成来改善癌症恶病质的症状。因此,利用中草药治疗癌症恶病质是一种有效的方法。然而该结论尚需要有更详细的分子机制和活性化合物的实验研究验证。  相似文献   

目的:评估射频消融术(RFA)和肝切除术(HR)治疗乳腺癌肝转移(BCLM)的效果。创新点:首次采用meta分析的方法,精确评估RFA和HR治疗BCLM的效果,解决不同研究产生不同结论的矛盾。方法:系统收集截止到2017年3月所有与RFA和HR治疗BCLM的效果相关文献,评价文献质量、提取数据并计算癌症预后相关指标的优势比(OR)及其95%置信区间(CI)。结论:HR比RFA对于提高BCLM患者生存率有更大优势;RFA并发症少、可重复、患者术后住院时间短,具有明显微创优势。对于不适合行切除治疗的患者可考虑行RFA治疗。  相似文献   

骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)已成为严重威胁全球中老年人骨健康的重大公共卫生问题。肠道菌群(gut microbiota,GM)的改变与维持骨量和骨质量有关。然而,相关研究结果仍存在很大争议,目前尚没有研究对肠道菌群和骨质疏松间关系进行过系统评价和荟萃分析。本研究通过对骨质疏松症患者和健康人群之间肠道菌群差异的既往16S rRNA基因测序结果进行系统评价和荟萃分析,以期为未来个体化预防和治疗骨质疏松症提供新的临床参考。这项观察性的荟萃分析显示,肠道菌群的改变与骨质疏松症之间存在关联,并且一些优势菌群的变化可能存在地域差异。  相似文献   

目的:评估新型口服抗凝药物在心房颤动患者中胃肠道出血和颅内出血的风险。创新点:首次用网络meta分析的方法评估新型口服抗凝血剂在心房颤动患者中胃肠道出血和颅内出血的风险。方法:我们搜集了20个随机控制试验共91 671位使用抗凝、抗血小板药物或安慰剂的房颤患者。采用贝叶斯网络meta分析,使用马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法模拟了比值比(OR)和95%置信区间(CI)。结论:通过与贝叶斯模型的间接比较证实,阿司匹林+氯吡格雷相比安慰剂大大增加房颤患者胃肠道出血的风险(OR 0.33,95%CI 0.01~0.92)。华法林与新型口服抗凝药物相比,大大增加了颅内出血风险,其中与依度沙班30 mg相比OR 3.42,95%CI 1.22~7.24,与达比加群11 mg相比OR 3.56,95%CI 1.10~8.45。我们进一步排名发现胃肠道出血风险最低的新型口服抗凝血剂是阿哌沙班5 mg,颅内出血最低的是阿哌沙班5 mg、达比加群110 mg和依度沙班30 mg。  相似文献   

为了深入挖掘天线平行T形薄壁件结构焊接装配特性之间的关联映射关系,考虑焊接方向、焊接夹具夹持和释放时间、固定约束和焊接顺序等因素,采用有限元仿真进行焊接特性分析,揭示焊接特性之间的映射关系.同时,采用广义回归神经网络(GRNN)、小波神经网络(WNN)和模糊神经网络(FNN)等机器学习算法,预测薄壁件焊接的多重特性,以反映其变化趋势和映射关系的正确性.与广义回归神经网络和小波神经网络的预测结果相比,采用模糊神经网络方法所预测的焊接变形、温度和残余应力值的相对误差最大的均值分别小于4.8%、1.4%和4.4%.结果表明,采用模糊神经网络方法预测的焊接特性结果优于其他2种方法.此外,针对不同焊接工况下的变化分析结果亦表明,焊接变形、温度和残余应力之间在某一时间段确实存在相应的关联映射关系.  相似文献   

全球范围内的鸡品种基因库中涵盖了数量庞大且多样化起源的多种品系,不过这个数量正逐渐减少。本研究采用了大规模的全基因组分析,探究了49个种群的复杂分子结构、遗传变异性以及详细结构组成。这些种群来自于欧洲(如俄罗斯、捷克共和国、法国、西班牙、英国等)、亚洲(如中国)、北美(如美国)和大洋洲(如澳大利亚),代表了世界各地的鸡品种。我们使用Illumina 60K单核苷酸多态性(SNP)芯片对品种进行了基因型分析,然后进行了生物信息学分析。这一分析包括了杂合子/纯合子统计、近交系数和有效种群大小的计算,以及连锁不平衡的评估和系统发生树的构建。通过多维缩放、主成分分析和ADMIXTURE辅助全球祖先分析,我们探索了每个品种种群和亚群的遗传结构。此外,还进行了总体的49个种群的系统发生分析,并提出了一种精细化的鸡品种形成演化模型,其中包括蛋、肉、兼用型和混合的品种。利用现代基因组方法对家禽养殖中的遗传资源进行如此大规模的调查,不仅对于普遍了解家鸡遗传学的角度具有重要意义,而且对于进一步发展家禽育种中的基因组技术和方法也是至关重要的。总而言之,对来自全球基因库的有发展潜力的鸡品种进行全基因组SNP基...  相似文献   

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B - Paraquat (PQ), a highly effective herbicide, is widely used worldwide. PQ poisoning can cause multiple organ failure, in which the lung is the primary...  相似文献   



To report on three patients with paraquat (PQ) intoxication surviving after combined therapy with hemoperfusion (HP), cyclophosphamide (CTX), and glucocorticoid.  相似文献   

Objective: To review the efficacy and safety of rituximab therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods: We searched for randomized controlled trails and observational studies that evaluated the effect of rituximab based on the systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI), British Isles lupus assessment group index (BILAG), urine protein levels, and the prednisolone dose, and had adequate data to calculate the mean, standard deviation (SD), and 95% confidence intervals, and to systematically review and meta-analyze observational studies with fixed effects model or random effects model. Results: We included 2 randomized controlled studies and 19 observational clinical studies. We summarized the data from the 19 observational studies, analyzed the heterogeneity of the literature, and then used fixed effect model or random effect model for statistical analysis. The SLEDAI, BILAG, and urine protein levels and the prednisolone dosage were decreased after rituximab treatment, and the decreases in the BILAG, urine protein levels, and the prednisolone dose were found to be significant (P<0.05), when compared with baseline level. Rituximab’s adverse effects generally could be controlled with an effective dosing regimen. Conclusions: Although there are still controversies about rituximab’s treatment on SLE, but our study had showed that rituximab had favorable effects on refractory lupus. The long-term efficacy and safety of rituximab require further study.  相似文献   

In this article we review the literature on attachment patterns in institutionalized children and then perform a meta-analysis on data from 10 attachment studies involving 399 children in institutional settings. We computed the overall attachment distribution of secure, insecure, and disorganized rates and explored the effect of a set of moderating variables (i.e., country of institutionalization, attachment assessment procedure, age at entry, and age at assessment). To overcome bias related to the small number of studies, we conducted both classical and Bayesian meta-analysis and obtained comparable results. Distribution of children's attachment patterns was: 18% secure, 28% insecure, and 54% disorganized/cannot classify. Compared to their family-reared peers, children living in an institution were found to be at greater risk for insecure and disorganized attachment, with a similar medium effect size for both distributions (d = 0.77 and d = 0.76, respectively). The following moderating variables were associated with insecure attachment: representational assessment procedures (d = 0.63) and Eastern European countries of origin (d = 1.13). Moderators for disorganized attachment were: Eastern European countries of origin (d = 1.12), age at institution entry before the first birthday (d = 0.93), and age at assessment under three years of age (d = 0.91). Implications for child development and policies are discussed.  相似文献   



To clarify the association of IL-6 polymorphisms and periodontitis, a meta-analysis of case-control studies and a systemic review were conducted.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of grade retention has a long history, yet, has seen an upsurge during the last decade. In this study, we review 84 recent, methodologically sound studies estimating effects of retention in grades K-12 on repeaters' and nonrepeaters' development, in a variety of countries across the world, disentangling grade and age comparison results. Based on vote counting analysis and three-level metaregression analysis we find grade retention to have an average zero effect, indicating that repeaters and non-repeaters seem to show a similar development, on average. At the same time, we find grade retention effects to differ according to some specific effect and study characteristics. More specifically, grade retention seems less effective in countries applying a mixture of grade retention and tracking to tackle student heterogeneity, and when repeaters are compared with non-repeaters of the same age. Conversely, grade retention seems more effective in countries using strategies such as ability grouping, setting, and streaming to deal with student heterogeneity. Positive effects also seem to arise when studying students' psychosocial functioning, when investigating short-run effects, when comparing repeaters with their younger non-retained grade-mates, and when evaluating effects via a regression discontinuity method.  相似文献   

Objective: To clarify the association of IL-6 polymorphisms and periodontitis, a meta-analysis of case-control studies and a systemic review were conducted. Material and methods: We performed a literature search using PubMed and Medline database to May 2009, with no restrictions. We also reviewed referebces from all retrieved articles. Six case-control studies involving 1093 periodontitis cases and 574 controls were selected for meta-analysis to assess the purported associations between IL-6 polymorphisms and the risk of periodontitis. IL-6 -174 G/C and -572 C/G polymorphisms were included in the present meta-analysis, and the association between IL-6 -6331 T/C polymorphism and the risk of periodontitis was adequately reviewed as well. Results and conclusion: The present meta-analysis indicates that the IL-6 -174 G allele could not modify the risk of chronic periodontitis, but increased the risk of aggressive periodontitis. And -572 C/G polymorphism is associated with the pathogenesis of periodontitis, including chronic periodontitis or aggressive periodontitis.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment has well-documented long-term, adverse effects on mental health, but it is not clear whether there are gender differences in these effects. We conducted a systematic review to investigate whether there are gender differences in the effects of maltreatment on adult depression and anxiety. Medline, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Lilacs were searched for relevant studies published up to May 2016. Eligible studies included population-based studies (with a cohort, case-control or cross-sectional design) which assessed maltreatment during childhood or adolescence (≤18 years) and its association with major depression or generalized anxiety disorder (DSM/ICD diagnostic criteria) in adulthood (>18 years) separately for females and males. Meta-analysis was performed to estimate the association between each exposure and outcome using fixed and random effects models. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were estimated separately for women and men and compared. Five studies of physical and sexual abuse were included in the meta-analyses. These provided twenty-two effects sizes estimates (11 for men, 11 for women) for associations between physical/sexual abuse and depression/anxiety. Exposure to each kind of abuse increased the odds of depression/anxiety. Associations were larger for women than for men, however, these gender differences were not statistically significant. Physical and sexual abuse in childhood/adolescence are risk factors for depression/anxiety in adulthood and the effect could be larger for women; however, currently there is insufficient evidence to definitively identify gender differences in the effects of maltreatment.  相似文献   

This meta-analytic review examines the association between childhood sexual abuse and risky sexual behaviours with sub-group analyses by gender. Systematic searches of electronic databases including MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, and PsycINFO were performed using key terms. We used a priori criteria to include high quality studies and control for heterogeneities across eligible studies. The review was registered with PROSPERO and used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The final meta-analysis applied fixed-effects model to generate pooled odds ratio (OR). Subgroup analyses were conducted to identify potential methodological moderators. The meta-analysis included 8 eligible studies (N = 38,989, females = 53.1%). The overall syndemic of risky sexual behaviors at adulthood was 1.59 times more common in childhood sexual abuse victims. There was a similar association between childhood sexual abuse in general and subsequent risky sexual behaviors in both females and males. However, in cases of substantiated childhood sexual abuse, there was a greater odds of risky sexual behaviors in females (OR = 2.72) than males (OR = 1.69). The magnitude of association of childhood sexual abuse and risky sexual behaviors was similar for males and females regardless of study time, study quality score and method of childhood sexual abuse measurement. There were nonsignificant overall and subgroup differences between males and females. Childhood sexual abuse is a significant risk factor for a syndemic of risky sexual behaviors and the magnitude is similar both in females and males. More research is needed to explore possible mechanisms of association.  相似文献   

Understanding emotions in technology-based learning environments (TBLEs) has become a paramount goal across different research communities, but to date, these have operated in relative isolation. Based on control-value theory (Pekrun, 2006), we reviewed 186 studies examining emotions in TBLEs that were published between 1965 and 2018. We extracted effect sizes quantifying relations between emotions (enjoyment, curiosity/interest, anxiety, anger/frustration, confusion, boredom) and their antecedents (control-value appraisals, prior knowledge, gender, TBLE characteristics) and outcomes (engagement, learning strategies, achievement). Mean effects largely supported hypotheses (e.g., positive relations between enjoyment and appraisals, achievement, and cognitive support) and remained relatively stable across moderators. These findings imply that levels of emotions differ across TBLEs, but that their functional relations with appraisals and learning are equivalent across environments. Implications for research and designing emotionally sound TBLEs are discussed.  相似文献   

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