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观赏植物是指供人类观赏利用的一大类植物。它们以其优美的形姿、艳丽的花朵、丰硕的果实、形态各异的技叶,给人以美的享受,从而丰富人类的生活。野生观赏植物是指尚未被利用的一大类观赏植物。野生观赏植物的突出特点是“野”,在当今返朴归真、回归自然的浪潮冲击中,其野味般的形姿、纯朴的山林情趣、浓郁的自然色彩倍受人们的喜爱。观赏植物中有的是  相似文献   

牛心朴子是一种分布广、用途多的沙生植物资源。其植株提取液含有大量生物碱,具有抗癌和防癌作用;花期又是很好蜜源,有“沙漠蜜库”之称;民间用作绿肥具有杀虫作用,可合成植物农药。  相似文献   

野生植物牛心朴子的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛心朴子是一种分布广、用途多的沙生植物资源。其植株提取液含有大量生物碱。具有抗癌和防癌作用;花期又是很好蜜源,有“沙漠蜜库”之称;民间用作绿肥具有杀虫作用,可合成植物农药。  相似文献   

野生植物资源苦豆子的开发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
野生植物苦豆子是西北荒漠地区广泛分布的一种植物,其具有广泛的用途,具有防风固沙、改良土壤、养蜂采蜜,又是很好的饲用植物,其提取的苦参碱可做保健品、化妆品、药品等多种生物产品,具有很高的开发价值。  相似文献   

十字花科野生植物资源的利用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概述了野生的十字花科植物-诸葛菜、蓝花子、海甘蓝和播娘蒿的开发和利用,并对上述资源应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

野生植物HJ能提取出独特的生物活性物质:丰富的蛋白质、维生素、不饱和脂肪、矿物质及微量元素;含有18种氨基酸(包括8种人体必需氨基酸、二种婴幼儿必需氨基酸)、多种维生素(VitC、E、β—胡萝卜素含量丰富)、多种重要矿物质和具有抗癌作  相似文献   

陕西省汉中地区孕育了丰富的野生植物火棘资源。火棘具有园林观赏、水土保持、保健美容、食用和药用等作用。采用科学的繁殖栽培技术.扩大其苗木生产,合理开发利用火棘资源,既能有效促进汉中地区野生植物火棘种质资源的保护,又能变资源优势为商品优势,解决劳动力密集地区农村剩余劳动力的就业压力。  相似文献   

西藏计有国家重点保护野生植物药材10种,包括植物种类13种,其中属二级保护1种,三级保护12种,隶属于9科10属。目前,对高原药用植物濒危状况缺乏研究,对具有重要经济价值的药用植物资源的现状了解不足。西藏药用植物资源过渡采挖现象严重,其脆弱性随医药需求量增加而增加。建议尽快开展科学研究,采取深入、科学的保护措施。。  相似文献   

本文综述了油菜种子处理方法及其优缺点。  相似文献   

西藏野生荨麻的药理活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活水平的提高,野菜越来越受到人们的青睐。为进一步开发西藏野生荨麻资源,本文对西藏野生荨麻的药理活性进行了研究。结果是:荨麻95%乙醇提取物和荨麻水提取物具有一定抗流感病毒的作用;荨麻水提取物在1g提取物/kg体重的剂量下,具有降低正常小鼠空腹和餐后血糖的作用,经常食用西藏野生荨麻,对人体健康非常有益。  相似文献   

中国樟科植物的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 From the study of the geographical distribution of Chinese lauraceous genera and species, we may concludely obtained some results as follows:      1)  Lauraceous family is a pantropical one in distribution, sometimes it may be reached to the subtropical or temperate zone.  There are 18 genera in China natively. Among them 17 genera are of the tropical distribution-pattern.  The tropical Asia dis- tribution-pattern, i.e. Indo-malaysian distribution-pattern, is the nucleus of Chinese lauraceous flora.  Only 1 genus is of temperate distribution-pattern, i.e. the East Asia- North America distribution-pattern. From the analysis of the primitive forms and the concentration of species in these genera, we may regard that:  a)  All genera of the tropical distribution-pattern were originated at Gondwana in the past period.  South- western and Southern China may be the birth-land of some genera of tropical distribu- tion-pattern because it was the northern boundary of Gondwana in the past period. b)  The genus of temperate distribution-pattern may be originated in the montane region of Western or South-western China.       2)  Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Sichuan are the provinces having laura- ceous species in abundance. But the provinces having lauraceous endemic species in abundance are Yunnan, Guangdong, Taiwan,, Guangxi and Sichuan. In general Chinese lauraceous plants are distributed mainly in south-western and southern parts of China. The southeastern and southern parts of province Yunnan are of great abundance in lauraceous species or endemic species.  The species amount of lauraceous species in these two parts of Yunnan is 67.3% of the total species amount of the lauraceous flora in that province.  It may be explained by the fact that a) where it is of existence of primary forest, b)of great specific endemism in the rocky region and c)  the passway in migration of lauraceous plant from east to west or reverse.      3)  The great similarity of lauraceous flora  between  Yunnan  (especially  its western or north-western part) and Xizang (especially its southern or south-eastern part), as well as between Guangdong and Guangxi, may be exhibited by the background in perfect harmony of each own flora with environment in the past period.  The en- demism of lauraceous flora in Taiwan and Hainan is manifest from the standpoint of island's isolation.  But the latter is of a more manifest one, because it is situated at the southern latitude and is more adaptive to the development of lauraceous plant.       4)  The deciduous species of lauraceous plant which are the principal elements in the flora of subtropical or temperate zone, are mainly of inland distribution-pattern. Their geographical distribution are more concentrated  at  the  montane  region  of Western or South-western China.  Where it may be the birth-land of the subtropical or temperate lauraceous species, or even of the whole temperate flora.      相似文献   

E.A. Bell 《Endeavour》1980,4(3):102-107
Plants synthesise a large number of amino acids which they do not incorporate into their proteins. Some of these amino acids are toxic to, or physiologically active in organisms to which they are normally foreign. Such organisms include bacteria, fungi, other higher plant species, insects, domestic animals and man. In plants which synthesise them these compounds may act as storage materials; deterrents to, or toxins in potential predators; and perhaps also as inhibitors of growth in competing plant species. A knowledge of the distribution of nonprotein amino acids has proved to be of value in establishing evolutionary relationships between different species and higher taxa of plants.  相似文献   

利用林芝不同生长期的幼嫩蕨菜,进行了护绿保脆保鲜试验和若干种制品加工研制。结果表明:通过对蕨菜进行各种处理,制成盐渍蕨菜、蕨菜干、蕨菜罐头、即食品蕨菜等系列加工产品完全可行。并通过本文给我区林下资源开发提供蕨菜产品加工工艺。  相似文献   

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