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山东省人大常委会近日面向社会公布了《山东省义务教育条例(草案)》,其中规定“在职教师不得从事有偿家教活动”,但就在几天之后。浙江省传出消息,该省人大常委会拟立法有条件放开有偿家教。一个省份立法禁止,另一个省份则欲立法规范并有条件放开,在职教师能否进行有偿家教的问题再次成了热门话题。  相似文献   

广东省茂名市教育局日前下发《关于禁止在职教师从事有偿家教活动的规定》,进一步加大对在职教师从事有偿家教活动的整治力度。  相似文献   

对于中小学存在已久且屡禁不止的有偿家教问题,陕西省安康市教育局日前出台“十不准”规定,严厉禁止公办在职教师从事有偿家教。  相似文献   

在职教师从事有偿家教是一个很敏感的话题,不满者甚多,赞同者不乏其人。教育部曾明确表示:坚决反对在职教师利用职务之便进行有偿家教。各地教育主管部门甚至各校也频频出台禁止有偿家教的狠话狠招,但最后效果都不甚理想。禁止有偿家教,笔者认为应综合治理。切实提高教师的各项待遇。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》明文规定:依法保证  相似文献   

"有偿家教"引起了社会和学术界的广泛关注与争论,许多地方教育行政部门也发文禁止在职教师从事"有偿家教",然而禁令仿佛没有效果,"有偿家教"依然火爆。学术界也对"有偿家教"进行了批判与反思,然而并没有提出切实可行的解决方案。应当采取何种有效、合理的策略应对"有偿家教"成为亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

陈英凤 《湖北教育》2009,(12):51-52
为进一步加强教师职业道德建设.规范教师职业行为,西安市教育局日前下发通知.严禁公办学校在职教师从事有偿家教活动、私自在校外社会力量办学机构兼职、兼课。近年来.有偿家教在很多人的反对下,成了“过街老鼠”,甚至被提到违法的高度!可这对教师公平吗?在我看来,禁止有偿家教治标不治本,不仅无助于有偿家教的治理,而且涉嫌侵害教师的合法权益!  相似文献   

山东省人大常委会近日面向社会公布了<山东省义务教育条例(草案)>,其中规定"在职教师不得从事有偿家教活动",但就在几天之后,浙江省传出消息,该省人大常委会拟立法有条件放开有偿家教.  相似文献   

日前,岳阳市教育局出台《岳阳市教育局关于严禁中小学在职教师有偿家教家养行为的规定》,坚决叫停教师有偿家教。针对以往个别教师在双休日从事有偿家教家养、有偿补课、有偿办班等职业行为,该市教育局作出规定,严禁中小学教师从事有偿家教家养、有偿补课、有偿办班等活动,情节严重者予以记大过、开除留用、开除公职等处分。同时,还专门设立了监督举报电话。  相似文献   

邓玉文 《考试周刊》2010,(21):210-210
家教成为有偿服务行为.引起了广泛的社会的关注,特别是在职教师进行有偿家教引起了很大的社会反响。本文旨在分析“有偿家教”产生的原因,倡导理性对待“有偿家教”问题,建议从立法层面规范“有偿家教”。  相似文献   

“有偿家教”引起了社会和学术界的广泛关注与争论,许多地方教育行政部门也发文禁止在职教师从事“有偿家教”,然而禁令仿佛没有效果,“有偿家教”依然火爆。学术界也对“有偿家教”进行了批判与反思,然而并没有提出切实可行的解决方案。应当采取何种有效、合理的策略应对“有偿家教”成为亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 359 in-service teachers, this study examines Japanese teachers' attitudes toward inclusive education and their self-efficacy for inclusive practices. The results indicate that although teachers’ sentiments toward disabilities were generally positive, the teachers had some concerns about implementing inclusive education in their classroom. The overall level of self-efficacy was relatively low in the Japanese sample compared to that of other countries, particularly in relation to managing problematic student behavior. Self-efficacy regarding managing behavior and collaboration was related to overall attitudes toward inclusive education. The findings can enable useful insights in developing pre-service and in-service teacher education.  相似文献   

Tutors Talking     
What do form tutors say about tutoring? For this special edition of the journal, focusing on tutors, I contacted some experienced tutors for some insights into the role. I asked them to respond to four questions.  What do you enjoy about being a form tutor?  What, in your experience, are the most significant problems you face in your role as form tutor?  What do you think your students get from you as a form tutor?  What advice would you give to a new teacher who is taking on the role of form tutor?Their positive and engaging responses reinforce how the care they give to the young people is a significant part of their work as teachers.  相似文献   

Action research is characterized by a new paradigm of empowering teachers to monitor their own practices in a more autonomous manner with a vision of challenging and improving their own techniques of teaching through their own participatory research. Yet in spite of this apparently radical shift in the function of the teacher from the constant consumer of scientific theories to a researcher, as envisioned, the concept of action research as an in-service teacher education strategy has not received due attention in practice. For this reason, the presented case study was undertaken to examine whether the notion of action research by teachers was a viable option for in-service teacher development in a highly centralized education system. More specifically, this paper sought to answer whether teachers have any vision of what they can achieve with action research, whether there is scepticism on the part of teachers about the effectiveness and feasibility of action research as practice-based undertaking, and whether there are inherent structural problems that preclude teachers from undertaking such a role. Three English Language Teaching teachers were involved in this action research. The findings indicate that teachers, being capable of carrying out action research, were quite positive about action research and hopeful for overcoming some inadequacies in their educational environment, making it an asset for personal-professional development despite a highly centralized education system.  相似文献   

青年教师的培养与成长是影响高校师资队伍建设的重要因素。许多专家和学者在青年教师培养方面作了深入的思考与探索,其中以青年教师导师制最为普遍。福建省M校也在青年教师导师制方面进行了实践。本文以M校的实践为研究对象,介绍青年教师导师制的内涵及必要性,详细说明其实施策略,阐述实施导师制的效果。  相似文献   

Novice teachers need support if they are to survive the reality of school. A web of relationships involving members of the school community, mentors outside the school community and a university tutor has been shown to be an effective way of providing this assistance. This article describes an extended web of assistance offered to a group of 11 teachers retrained to teach science. As they made the transition to science teaching these teachers identified a need for guidance and support in learning about a new subject and a new school environment. In some cases the school community was able to provide this guidance and support but in other cases the retrained teachers were met with scepticism by their fellow teachers and needed assistance from other sources. The extended web of relationships they accessed included district consultants provided by the employer, mentors located outside of the school, fellow graduates and a university tutor. All retrained teachers were also assisted in their development as reflective teachers by the production of a portfolio. The addition of an online component to the portfolio, allowing the sharing of ideas between the retrained teacher and the university tutor coordinating the program is proposed as a valuable component of the mentoring network.  相似文献   

This study is about examining beginning teachers’ needs in relation to helping primary school children with mild learning difficulties. Both pre-service and in-service teachers were approached to assess their experience and needs in this area. In common with previous work in Ireland and internationally, beginning teachers were found to have problems with children in some difficulty, in relation to providing differentiated programmes to children, and with children who presented behaviour problems. While some steps can be taken to remedy these issues in the pre-service education of teachers, it is argued that these issues are best remedied for beginning teachers in an induction programme with support in their schools.  相似文献   

Teachers beliefs about their ability to affect students’ performance is an important part of professionalism. This study compared 725 Hong Kong and 575 Shanghai primary in-service teachers on their teacher efficacy. Two Chinese versions of the 12-item Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale were used in this study since some wordings of the Hong Kong version of the Scale (HK-TSE) were different from the Shanghai version (STSE) as a result of cultural differences. Basically, the Shanghai teachers reported significantly higher efficacy than did the Hong Kong teachers. After reviewing these quantitative results, 86 follow-up questionnaires from Shanghai in-service teachers who also participated in the first part of this study were collected. Results of this qualitative part showed that the three most commonly cited factors for the contribution of teacher efficacy were: respect and confidence placed in them by students and parents, the training they received from universities and the experience they gained from daily teaching practice. Though Hong Kong in-service teachers had lower efficacy scores than the Shanghai counterparts.  相似文献   

Longer in-service courses for teachers are giving way to skillsbased training. There are many criticisms of this trend but not so many studies to assess the effectiveness of the two contrasting types of training. Sebba and Robson (1987) evaluated some of the shorter intensive courses. Dr Judith Watson, Department of Special Educational Needs, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, assesses the effects of a one-year course on their professional development as seen by teachers taking part.  相似文献   

All children are now entitled by law to receive a broad and balanced curriculum relevant to their individual needs. There are fears that the learning needs of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, many of whom are seen as disruptive, may not be met unless the needs of theirteachers are also met through appropriate in-service support and training. The Elton Report recommends training in classroom management to reduce the problem of disruption. Gerda Hanko, in-service tutor, special educational needs, examines what kind of in-service provision in the management of pupils' behaviour may be considered appropriate to meet the needs of difficult-to-teach pupils.  相似文献   

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