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增值评价就是以学生的学业成就为评价依据,通过相关的统计分析技术,把学校对学生发展的影响从诸多相关因素中分解出来,考查学生在前后两次学业成就测评期间的进步幅度,以及学校、教师等对学生学业成就教育的“净”影响。  相似文献   

教育公平是当今世界各国努力追求的目标之一。田纳西州增值评价系统(TVAAS)是当今世界最成熟和完整的增值评价系统之一,它具有全州所有3-12年级学生连续多年的成绩数据,以学生多年成绩的进步为评价的基础,采用先进的统计技术,追踪学生学业成绩的变化,估计学校和教师对学生成绩进步的"净"效应,对学校和教师进行较公平的评价,对我国教育评价的改进具有较高借鉴价值。因此,本文就TVAAS进行介绍,并提出关于我国教育评价改进的建议。  相似文献   

增值评价主要是以学生的学业成就进步幅度为评价依据,通过相关的统计分析技术,将学校对学生发展的影响从诸多相关因素中分解出来,从而实现对学校教育教学效果“净”影响的评价。  相似文献   

美国教育评价专家布卢姆曾经指出,一所高质量的学校应该是“能够使学生实际的学习进步大于根据其起点水平所可能取得的进步”。而这种基于学生进步幅度的学校评价正是学校增值评价的根本目的,即一所成功的学校是对学生的进步有增值作用的学校。  相似文献   

TVAAS是美国田纳西州创立的增值性教师评价方式,其核心特征是以学生成绩增幅衡量教师效能。TVAAS考虑到学生的原有基础与进步幅度,引导教师关注学生的成长状态。但是,TVAAS仍然存在分数价值导向、评价过程缺乏透明度以及无法为非测试型教师创造公正合理的成长分数等问题。学生成长档案袋评价是田纳西州增值性评价的新发展,它以学生作品为依据,以教师自评为基础,以同行评审为矫正,为非测试型教师提供了一个更为真实与个性化的评价经历。TVAAS与学生成长档案袋评价模式互为补充,使每位教师都能获得基于自身教学实际的个人增值(individual growth)。  相似文献   

高德品 《上海教育》2015,(Z1):70-71
教学效果的齐次马氏链分析着眼于过程,重视“历史”。因此,它比起其他教学评估的方法更符合具有紧密联系的教学过程的实际情况,它具有本身特有的优点,且易于程序化。增值评价主要通过追踪学生在一段时间内学业上的变化,考察学校或教师对学生学业成绩影响的净效应,进而实现对学校或教师效能较为科学、客观的评价。利用增值评价结果作为对教师年度绩效考评的依据,有助于避免因分班不均造成的班级差异对教师绩效评价的不公平性,有利于激发生源质量较差  相似文献   

朱浩然 《文教资料》2011,(13):174-176
教师教育是关系到教师质量的一个大问题,在教师教育上我国逐渐开启了教师教育大学化的进程。在教师教育大学化后如何评价这些大学里的"师范生",特别是在学业方面如何对他们进行评价是一个新课题。本文从教师教育大学化的内涵入手,着眼于影响学生评价的新因素分析,最终落实到具体学业评价标准探讨上,以为大学办教师教育后的学生评价特别是学业评价方面提供有益参考。  相似文献   

正我国的教育评价肩负着检验学生学业质量,选拔人才,考核教师、学校绩效等重要使命,在过去的几十年中,积累了很多宝贵的经验,但仍然存在着一些弊端。首先,各级各类大规模教育考试的成绩被普遍用来作为评价学生、教师及学校教育成果的唯一标准,从而导致了对分数片面、盲目的追求。由于目前最主  相似文献   

以某区域21所小学的样本为例,探讨区域增值评价的实施策略。借助多层线性模型,将前测成绩和两次后测成绩进行平均分、增值分等多重对比,进而测量学校教学质量提升幅度,考查并评价学校或教师对学生学业成绩影响的净效应,其评价结果更能体现教师教学努力的程度和学校教学效能的水平。探讨增值评价运用给区域教育发展带来的“增值效应”,并为进一步运用评价结果促进学校及师生发展提出建议。  相似文献   

增值评价不同于以往基于学生学业横断面数据的评价,而是采用纵向数据的设计,连续追踪学生不同时间内的学业进步程度,以此作为衡量学校绩效的依据.它本质上是一种发展性评价,有利于引导学校关注每个学生的学业发展,促进因材施教,对我国现阶段教育评价改革具有重要价值和意义.本文首先介绍了增值评价产生的缘起、概念和特点以及增值评价的基本模型和方法,并对国内增值评价研究应用现状进行了述评.然后基于上海PISA2009和PISA2012的数据构建两种增值评价模型,发现增值评价结果与传统评价方式有很大不同.同时,通过对两种增值模型的评价结果对比分析,发现模型的选择对增值评价结果有一定的影响,选择的模型不同评价结果也有所不同.本文的研究有利于人们增加对增值评价模型的认识,推动增值评价在我国的研究和应用.  相似文献   

The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System determines the effectiveness of school systems, schools, and teachers based on student academic growth over time. An integral part of TVAAS is a massive, longitudinally merged database linking students and student outcomes to the schools and systems in which they are enrolled and to the teachers to whom they are assigned as they transition from grade to grade. Research conducted utilizing data from the TVAAS database has shown that race, socioeconomic level, class size, and classroom heterogeneity are poor predictors of student academic growth. Rather, the effectiveness of the teacher is the major determinant of student academic progress. Teacher effects on student achievement have been found to be both additive and cumulative with little evidence that subsequent effective teachers can offset the effects of ineffective ones. For these reasons, a component linking teacher effectiveness to student outcomes is a necessary part of any effective educational evaluation system.  相似文献   

The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) has been designed to use statistical mixed-model methodologies to conduct multivariate, longitudinal analyses of student achievement to make estimates of school, class size, teacher, and other effects. This study examined the relative magnitude of teacher effects on student achievement while simultaneously considering the influences of intraclassroom heterogeneity, student achievement level, and class size on academic growth. The results show that teacher effects are dominant factors affecting student academic gain and that the classroom context variables of heterogeneity among students and class sizes have relatively little influence on academic gain. Thus, a major conclusion is that teachers make a difference. Implications of the findings for teacher evaluation and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers make a difference in student academic growth. Students from low-income, minority communities attend schools with less resources and less qualified teachers than students in wealthier communities. The Race to the Top (RTTT) policy by the U.S. Department of Education has attempted to address the achievement gap based on SES and the disparity in the quality of teachers between communities. The policy stipulates that teacher effectiveness be determined, in significant part, by student growth measures and supplemented with multiple observation-based assessments. The emphasis placed on student outcomes to indicate teacher effects has served to link teacher evaluations with teacher effectiveness. This review article examines the reported benefits and critical responses to the use of a prominent student growth measure, the Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS), in terms of its implementation as an evaluation tool of teacher effectiveness in low-income, minority schools. Models of observational teacher evaluations, taking into consideration common attributes of effective teachers in low-income schools, are presented as supplemental measures to provide more in-depth information to interpret value-added analyses and to minimize possible misinterpretation of student growth data or the misclassification of teachers’ effectiveness for teachers in low-income schools. Information obtained from a combination of evaluation measures can be used to identify both effective and ineffective teachers, to target areas in need of improvement to increase teacher effectiveness, and to make decisions concerning the equitable distribution of effective teachers, especially for students who are most in need.  相似文献   

The Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) has for several years used the largest longitudinally merged database of student achievement data in the USA. to generate estimates of school system, school, and teacher effects on indicators of student learning in a number of subjects, including reading comprehension. A Learning Information System (LIS) (not to be confused with an Integrated Learning System) is a formative, curriculum based, criterion referenced assessment delivered and scored by computer, which provides detailed feedback in different forms for different stakeholders. The Accelerated Reader (AR) LIS for reading comprehension of real ("trade") books captures the data for each student on the length and difficulty of each book, and the student's percent correct response on the assessment. It aims to help teachers promote and manage effective reading practice. AR data on 62,739 students from grades 2 to 8 in Tennessee schools was merged with the TVAAS teacher effects database, and relationships between these independently obtained measures explored. This illuminated some factors in teacher management of the quality and quantity of student reading practice which could be causative in improving reading comprehension, and the impact of implementation integrity of the LIS.  相似文献   

Observations and student perceptions are recognised as important tools for examining teaching behaviour, but little is known about whether both perspectives share similar construct representations and how both perspectives link with student academic outcomes. The present study compared the construct representation of preservice teachers’ teaching behaviour as perceived by trained teacher observers and students. It also examined the predictive power of both measures of teaching behaviour for student academic engagement. The theoretical framework of teaching behaviour used in this study is based on evidence-based research derived from empirical teacher effectiveness research. The study was part of a national project that included 2164 students and 108 teachers in The Netherlands. Results suggest that, although observations and student perceptions of teaching behaviour shared similar theoretical considerations, the construct representations seemed to differ to some extent. Furthermore, although both perspectives are significant predictors of student academic engagement, student perceptions appeared to be more predictive of their perceived academic engagement than observations. Implications for research on learning environments and teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The evaluative dimensions students used in assessing their academic self-concept were correlated with judgmental dimensions students utilized in evaluating teachers by means of a stepwise multiple regression analysis. All students evaluated themselves as students in terms of academic skill and ability, interpersonal effectiveness, and quality of scholastic involvement. College students also evaluated themselves on self-confidence and style of intellectual inquiry, while high school students evaluated themselves on their tolerance. All students judged teachers on the dimensions of student/teacher rapport, communicative style, instructional style, and stimulation. Dimensions of student academic self-concept were significantly related to students' judgments of teaching: student interpersonal effectiveness was found to be the most significant overall predictor of high school students' attitudes toward teachers, whereas a student's assessment of his academic abilities was the major predictive variable among college students. Student sex was not a significant predictor of students' attitudes toward teachers except for the dimension of student/teacher rapport among college students, with females rating teachers significantly higher on this dimension than males.  相似文献   

实证研究表明:良好的课堂互动关系对学生学业成绩的提高有显著的作用,教师丰富的人力资本、教学资质和良好的教学组织与管理环境对改善课堂教学互动质量有一定的作用。基于这一研究,本文认为学校物质资源并不是改善学生学业成绩的唯一因素,教学过程中一些软的因素,尤其对师生教学互动质量的改善,对学生学业成绩的提高和学校效率的改善有积极的作用,这对物质资源缺乏的农村学校显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative supply of teachers has a significant influence on student academic performance. Based on the samples collected from four provinces and municipalities in China for the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018, this study analyzes the effects of the supply of teachers on the academic performance of 15-year-old students through a hierarchical linear model (HLM) as well as a quantile regression model. The study has found that the shortage of teachers and the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree significantly affect student academic performance, and the supply of teachers with higher degrees has a decreasing marginal benefit on student academic performance; its best marginal benefit on student academic performance is achieved when the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree reaches about 75%. For students in different academic performance subgroups, the marginal benefit of an increase in the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree in schools is higher for “top students” than for “students with learning difficulties.” In terms of the difference between urban and rural areas, the shortage of teachers in rural schools is more prominent than that in urban schools, and teachers with higher degrees tend to cluster in core cities. The marginal benefit of an increase in the proportion of teachers with a master’s degree is higher for improving student academic performance in rural areas. Therefore, it is recommended to design a policy of differentiated compensatory earnings for rural teachers, and efforts should be enhanced to promote programs for supporting high-quality teachers. In addition, the allocation of teachers should follow the principle of “differentiated equity,” and more differentiated teaching strategies should be adopted for students with different academic abilities.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the degree to which Korean middle school students perceived their teachers to be credible made a difference in the effectiveness of teachers’ persuasion as a source of students’ academic self‐efficacy. In the contexts of both general school learning and a specific subject of Korean language and literature, social persuasions by teachers were a significant predictor of student self‐efficacy. Students’ academic self‐efficacy, in turn, was a significant predictor of students’ expected final examination scores. Although perceived teacher credibility did not predict student self‐efficacy directly, it interacted significantly with teacher persuasion in the prediction of student self‐efficacy, as determined by the latent interaction analysis. Consistent with Bandura's assertion and our hypothesis, students reported stronger academic self‐efficacy as they perceived the teachers who delivered the social persuasion to be more credible.  相似文献   

In this study, the researchers examined the effectiveness of a reflective model of peer mentoring in the professional growth of early‐career science teachers. The study was carried out over one academic year with three beginning secondary science teachers. The public school teachers in this study reported that participation in peer mentoring provided a support mechanism through which they developed confidence in risk‐taking and experienced professional growth. Results indicate teachers gained insight into each of the four broad domains of teacher responsibility that were measured, including specific issues relevant to curriculum structure, managing student behavior and classroom safety, utilizing new instructional approaches and negotiating relationships with various stakeholders as part of their professional responsibilities. This study has relevant implications for teacher education and provides a model for peer mentoring that could be considered for implementation as a means of initial support to beginning science teachers.  相似文献   

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