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内隐学习是人们无意识获得刺激环境中复杂知识的过程。内隐学习与语文教学相结合是语文课程改革中一条全新的思路,其目的是通过研究教学过程中缄默知识在教师和学生之间的传递和转化,找到一条适合汉语阅读、表达、思考的有效途径。文章从内隐学习的特征出发,结合具体的教学案例,从阅读、表达和思考三个方面来探索将内隐学习与语文教学相结合的方法。其中,在阅读方面,着重强调语法规则的抽象和人文素养的培养;在表达方面,着重强调自由表达、产生式表达和迫选式表达三种方法;在思考方面,着重强调自由扩散和逐层深入两种思考模式。内隐学习与语文教学相结合既丰富了内隐学习的研究内容,也为语文教学提供新的视角。  相似文献   

语言社会化范式是上世纪八十年代发展起来的全新语言研究视角。这一范式摆脱了传统语言研究过度偏重心理认知的束缚,探讨了语言学习中的社会文化影响因素,从语境、认知和身份三个方面探讨语言习得的社会化过程。作为语言研究的重要领域,二语习得研究也开始受到语言社会化范式的影响,开辟出新的学术空间。从语境、认知和习得者身份三方面将语言社会化范式引入二语习得研究具有创新意义,推进了二语习得研究社会化转向的发展。  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined whether approaches to learning moderate the association between home literacy environment and English receptive vocabulary development. The Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (2003 cohort) was used for analysis. Latent growth curve modeling was utilized to test a quadratic model of English receptive vocabulary development. Results showed that children's approaches to learning significantly moderated the influence of home literacy environment on English receptive vocabulary development. Post hoc probing of the simple slopes demonstrated that children with more positive approaches to learning and lower levels of home literacy environment had a higher English receptive vocabulary trajectory. The implications of the study results for early literacy interventions are discussed. Practice or Policy: Findings from this study may have implications for early educators who aim to improve Head Start children's language competencies by targeting home literacy environment and approaches to learning. At a preliminary level, the study findings suggest that positive approaches to learning may compensate for a limited home literacy environment. Because positive approaches to learning can facilitate learning in other domains, for instance, language learning, this information may be useful for early educators in terms of promoting positive learning attitudes and predispositions toward learning.  相似文献   

内隐学习是指无意识地获得刺激环境中复杂结构和规则的学习方式,具有自动性、抽象性、理解性和抗干扰性,它适用于语言习得、运动技能的掌握、社会态度的形成、道德教育和艺术才能的培养等结构不良的学习领域。内隐学习突破了外显学习的研究范式,对学习理论的变革具有积极意义。  相似文献   

This appreciation of Wittrock's contributions to educational psychology suggests that his 1974 article describing generative learning theory was remarkably prescient. In that article Wittrock set the stage for the subsequent paradigm shift from cognitive to constructivist approaches to instruction. Furthermore, his suggestion that schools were the most appropriate contexts for testing learning principles is widely shared among contemporary educational psychologists; it is noteworthy that Wittrock also urged testing these principles in training sites. Finally, Wittrock also emphasized the importance of transfer, prior learning, and the interaction of student characteristics and instructional methods in his generative learning approach, themes that are as important 35 years later as they were when the article was first published. These considerations and Wittrock's dedication to the profession confirm that he was the complete educational psychologist.  相似文献   

教育作为培养人的活动,具有不可预见性和不确定性,是复杂性研究的重要领域。复杂性思维的非线性、整体性、自组织性、开放性特征为研究教育的复杂性提供了新的范式。在复杂性思维范式下,通过对生成性目标复杂属性分析,为生成性目标的建构提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

英语语法研究大体经历了从借鉴到描写到解释三个阶段。通过对早期规定语法、描写语法、转换 -生成语法和系统功能语法的历史演变与发展过程的分析和阐述 ,以说明在现代语法研究和我国英语教学中应把语法运用放在首位 ,培养学生在交际活动和与自然语言接触中运用语法规则的能力  相似文献   


This review, written to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Journal of Science Education, revealed a period of changes in the theoretical views of the language arts, the perceived roles of language in science education, and the research approaches used to investigate oral and written language in science, science teaching, and learning. The early years were dominated by behavioralist and logico-mathematical interpretations of human learning and by reductionist research approaches, while the later years reflected an applied cognitive science and constructivist interpretations of learning and a wider array of research approaches that recognizes the holistic nature of teaching and learning. The early years focus on coding oral language into categories reflecting source of speech, functional purpose, level of question and response, reading research focused on the readability of textbooks using formulae and the reader's decoding skills, and writing research was not well documented since the advocates for writing in service of learning were grass roots practitioners and many science teachers were using writing as an evaluation technique. The advent of applied cognitive science and the constructivist perspectives ushered in interactive-constructive models of discourse, reading and writing that more clearly revealed the role of language in science and in science teaching and learning. A review of recent research revealed that the quantity and quality of oral interactions were low and unfocused in science classrooms; reading has expanded to consider comprehension strategies, metacognition, sources other than textbooks, and the design of inquiry environments for classrooms; and writing-to-learn science has focused on sequential writing tasks requiring transformation of ideas to enhance science learning. Several promising trends and future research directions flow from the synthesis of this 25-year period of examining the literacy component of science literacy - among them are critical listening and reading of various sources, multi-media presentations and representations, effective debate and argument, quality explanation and the role of information and communication technologies/environments.  相似文献   

The last decade has produced an explosion in neuroscience research examining young children's early processing of language that has implications for education. Noninvasive, safe functional brain measurements have now been proven feasible for use with children starting at birth. In the arena of language, the neural signatures of learning can be documented at a remarkably early point in development, and these early measures predict performance in children's language and pre‐reading abilities in the second, third, and fifth year of life, a finding with theoretical and educational import. There is evidence that children's early mastery of language requires learning in a social context, and this finding also has important implications for education. Evidence relating socioeconomic status (SES) to brain function for language suggests that SES should be considered a proxy for the opportunity to learn and that the complexity of language input is a significant factor in developing brain areas related to language. The data indicate that the opportunity to learn from complex stimuli and events are vital early in life, and that success in school begins in infancy.  相似文献   

Writing samples of children in grades one through three were collected in two midwestern elementary schools using the Picture Story Language Test. Each story was scored for productivity, syntax, and level of abstraction. Results indicated that performance in all aspects of written language improved with age. A second study was conducted to compare the writing of normal children who were average readers in grades one through three with learning disabled children who were reading at comparable levels. The results indicated no significant differences in productivity but there were differences in syntax. Problems were noted particularly in morphology. Further observations indicated the learning disabled poor readers also had more problems with handwriting and spelling than average readers.  相似文献   

随着语言学理论的发展,范式转换已经成为现代语境问题研究发展的主导方向,也是现代语境理论发展的宗旨和实质。这种转换要求从根本上打破传统的语境研究模式,表现在:在研究对象上,从言内语境到言外语境;从语境构成上从一元语境到多元语境;在语境特征的认识上,从静态语境到动态语境;在语境的存在方式上,从预设状态到生成状态。深入探讨现代语境研究的范式转换,不仅可以使我们深入理解语境研究的主题、特点及发展趋势,而且对于语言理解、言语交际、语言教学的也具有重大意义。  相似文献   


This article assesses the position of post-colonial societies within a neoliberal paradigm through an analysis of the role of language in education and the importance of adequate academic preparation for social development. Generally, teacher–student interactions constitute the foundational substance of learning processes. Since education revolves around language, omitting the way language affects classroom instruction amounts to omitting a key factor that might impede or facilitate education. Because these interactions tend to happen around textbooks, and given that textbooks are often ideologically saturated, an analysis of interactional patterns and textbook discourses may help to assess how the education system can improve students’ academic development and the external efficiency of the system. The article makes the case for post-colonial societies to define strategic visions that are in concert with their specific needs, as opposed to being strangled into grand narratives such as neoliberalism that may be counterproductive for the growth of their societies.  相似文献   

中国外语教育技术学研究离不开国外计算机辅助外语教学(Computer-Assisted Language Learning,CALL)研究的借鉴和启发。从库恩范式(Paradigm)概念出发来理解CALL的发展,计算机辅助外语教学自诞生的那一刻起,外语教学的范式就开始部分地发生转换了。机助外语教学从整体上,就是一种自觉的、有意识的、技术化外语教学的范式转向。信息技术与外语课程的生态化整合使CALL研究从辅助技术蜕变成新型的学科教学论——外语教育技术学。  相似文献   

儿童发展是衡量学前教育有效性的重要维度,基于多层线性技术的增值评估模型是探讨学前教育有效性的重要方法。本研究采用追踪研究设计,运用增值评估模型,以来自上海12所幼儿园的665名儿童为研究对象,重点探讨在控制个体和家庭背景因素后,班级质量对儿童各领域从中班到大班发展增值的影响。结果发现,教师自我感知的教研支持度对儿童语言与早期阅读领域的发展增值影响显著,并对语言与阅读起始水平低的儿童的语言与阅读发展影响更大。"新手-成熟"的班级教师组合对儿童语言与早期阅读、学习品质两个领域的发展增值具有显著影响。班级互动质量对儿童认知发展增值的影响非常显著,并对学习品质起始水平高的儿童的学习品质发展影响更大。班级语言与早期阅读质量对认知起始水平低的儿童的认知发展有更大影响。个人护理常规质量对儿童社会性情感发展增值的影响非常显著,并对学习品质起始水平低的儿童的学习品质发展有更大影响。为促进儿童全面健康发展,不仅需要以家庭教育为基础,充分发挥家庭教育资源和学习环境的重要作用,而且需要幼儿园以过程性质量为核心,营造温暖、轻松、持续支持的互动与学习环境,注重在一日生活中培养儿童各方面的品质,同时应以结构性质量为保障,发挥师徒制教师组合的优势,构建持续有效的教研制度,尽力提升教师质量。  相似文献   

流行语之所以流行,是因为其经过构式化,以构式流行语形式进入到语言体系中。流行语构式化的主要机制是模因,模因指文化基因,它因模仿传播而生存。人类社会的主流文化、时代思潮、特殊表达等信息构成潜势模因,是流行语形成的首要因素。这些潜势模因在语言信息加工过程中通过模因触发机制形成强势模因,进入语言网络体系,网络节点之间的联系呈自然的类型层级关系,其语言信息的复制和传播呈梯度演化。流行语在复制传播过程中由句群组成类构式,即体现构式化的概括本质,也体现出构式化的图式性、能产性和词汇组构性特征。  相似文献   

A content analysis of 46 early learning standards documents developed by state-level organizations and available for review in January 2005 was conducted to determine the specific areas of development addressed within the standards documents. The authors contend that this type of analysis is important because early learning standards that define expectations for children's learning and development prior to kindergarten entry are, in essence, a reflection of how states are conceptualizing children's readiness for school. Results suggest that early learning standards have emphasized the language and cognitive domains, and that specific areas within domains of learning and development, such as physical fitness, relationships and reading comprehension have been addressed relatively less often. Standards developed under the leadership of the state departments of education emphasized social–emotional and approaches toward learning domains less than standards developed under the leadership of other agencies. The authors suggest that the content of the early learning standards reflects a number of different factors, such as the views of persons involved in developing the standards, and in some cases may not be consistent with the research literature on children's early learning and development. Implications for the standards development process and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Just-in-time teaching and peer instruction are two student-centred approaches that have been widely employed in various science subjects but seldom in language classrooms. This research proposed a flipped learning model through technology-enhanced just-in-time teaching and peer instruction and investigated the effectiveness of this model in promoting English learning. Two groups of upper intermediate EFL learners participated in the study and learned in two different flipped learning modes, one with the newly proposed approach and the other with the conventional flipped learning approach. The results showed that the proposed model outperformed the conventional model in promoting the development of students’ writing skills, motivation, and tendency of critical thinking. The use of an assessment-centred tool (e.g. EDpuzzle) for interactive videos and cloud-based tools for real-time collaboration (e.g. Padlet and Google Docs) assisted in creating scaffolded learning experience, sharing culture, and opportunities of peer instruction for students in the flipped classroom with Just-in-time teaching and peer instruction. Such results implied that our flipped learning model is very conducive to language learning, and it is advised to be employed more widely in various language learning classes.  相似文献   

针对探究式教学过程形式化、生成性价值鲜有体现等问题,借助智慧课堂在动态数据采集、分析、反馈方面的优势,以探究流程为主要脉络,在探究活动设计中引入生成性教学理念。从学情诊断、目标设定、情境创设、活动开展、评价实施、拓展迁移6个方面提取要素,并结合智慧课堂课前、课中、课后3个阶段对探究式教学活动进行重构,以期增强探究活动的生成性和动态性,为探究式教学活动开展提供参考。  相似文献   

Infants' language exposure largely involves face‐to‐face interactions providing acoustic and visual speech cues but also social cues that might foster language learning. Yet, both audiovisual speech information and social information have so far received little attention in research on infants' early language development. Using a preferential looking paradigm, 44 German 6‐month olds' ability to detect mismatches between concurrently presented auditory and visual native vowels was tested. Outcomes were related to mothers' speech style and interactive behavior assessed during free play with their infant, and to infant‐specific factors assessed through a questionnaire. Results show that mothers' and infants' social behavior modulated infants' preference for matching audiovisual speech. Moreover, infants' audiovisual speech perception correlated with later vocabulary size, suggesting a lasting effect on language development.  相似文献   

论中国英语教育的发展思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,英语教育的发展应化解三个焦点:把英语定位为外语并拟订分层目标,让学习者根据自己的需要"各奔前程",教学内容回归到英语语言,注意抓住核心知识、控制相关知识和掌握不同学段的教育要求;教学途径多元化,外语教学途径本身无先进落后之分,教学者具体采用什么途径,应取决于学习者学习英语的目的和学习环境。  相似文献   

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