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两类ADHD儿童(伴多动ADHD和不伴多动ADHD型)在行为特征、学习表现、生理心理机制上存在差异,对于不同亚类型的ADHD儿童,教师应该采取不同的管理策略和教育方法,对伴多动的ADHD应以管理问题行为为主,采取行为矫正技术,而对不伴多动的ADHD的帮助应以提高其学习能力为主。  相似文献   

The aim was to examine the relationship between prosocial behavior and conduct problems, especially aggression, in early childhood. In Phase 1 of the study, teachers reported on 93 3–5-year-old children's prosocial behavior and psychological problems, using a screening instrument, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). In Phase 2, 65 parents completed the SDQ and were interviewed in depth, using a clinical interview, the Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA). Children with clinically significant symptoms of conduct disorder and ADHD were significantly less prosocial than other children. However, aggressive conduct symptoms were unrelated to prosocial behavior, once symptoms of ADHD were taken into account. The findings suggest that problems in regulating activity and attention interfere with prosocial development.  相似文献   

Many students with Attention‐Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) present with behavioral problems that are particularly evident in out‐of‐class settings (in the lunch room, on the playground, during field trips and special assemblies, etc). Barkley's (1997 Barkley, R. A. 1997. Defiant children: A clinician's manual for parent training. 2nd ed., New York: Guilford Press.  [Google Scholar]) technique has been known to help parents handle ADHD children's behaviors in out‐of‐home situations, and so its effectiveness to reduce problems in out‐of‐class settings was investigated with 65 teachers of male students previously diagnosed with ADHD. ANOVA revealed that Barkley's technique was effective in reducing the students' behavioral problems in out‐of‐class settings. This technique is easy to administer and school psychologists will likely find it useful in assisting teachers to handle ADHD students' behavioral problems.  相似文献   


This study scrutinizes strategies that teachers deploy when confronted by behaviour related to the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Over two years, ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in two inclusive classrooms in Denmark, and all instances of teacher initiatives addressing ADHD-related classroom behaviour were recorded. Six basic strategies recurred across teachers and classrooms. To maintain the instructional flow with the rest of the students and not continually stop, the strategy of ignoring the disruptive conduct of a diagnosed child is often used. This strategy has not previously been explored in classroom research on ADHD. This is probably because previous research has primarily focused on the singular child and the singular teacher, thus leaving the whole-class interplay and complex orientations of teachers unexplored.  相似文献   

文章介绍了近年来对多动症研究在五个方面的新进展:①名称更加具体化;②病程更加长期化;③诊断标准更加精确化;④研究方法更加科学化;⑤治疗方法更加多样化和综合化  相似文献   

This paper builds on sociological assumptions that teachers, schools and schooling may play an important role in the recognition and psychopathologization of particular boys as ‘difficult, disordered and disturbed’. The data draw on ethnographic work combined with video recordings of everyday classroom practices in a special educational needs unit with boys diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Drawing on ethnomethodological work on members’ understanding of social categories (MCA) combined with the related methodology of ‘doing difference’, the focus is on the local social process through which boys’ unruly behaviors are made sense of and treated as the grounds for shifting categorization practices. It is found that both teachers and boys orient to the institutional categories Teacher and Student in teacher–student interactions for the ordering of the classroom . The boys’ conduct is in these instances far from pathological but is meaningful in the sense that it provides local resources to resist teacher authorithy and display agency. Overall, the analysis highlights the complexity of locally accomplished identity practices – in terms of how institutional-, gender- and age-appropriate conduct meshes with diagnostic criteria – in the social identification of boys diagnosed with ADHD.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of preschool ADHD on linguistic and metalinguistic awareness and mental ability. Eight subscales of the Athina Test were administered to ADHD preschoolers and a control group. Results showed that ADHD preschoolers performed significantly lower than the control group in all tasks. The greatest difficulty for ADHD preschoolers was evident in the “phoneme synthesis” subscale, particularly with metalinguistic awareness. These results support previously reported findings that ADHD preschoolers have serious language deficits, which place them at risk for developing poor reading skills in primary school.  相似文献   

随着我国对教育事业重视程度的不断增加,各个阶段的教育事业不断发展,高职院校作为为我国社会主义现代化培养专业化人才的基地也在近几年内实现了突飞猛进式的发展,招生人数也在不断扩大。但是随之而来的一些问题也不得忽视,学生管理工作面临这诸多挑战。本文以现代高职院校学生管理工作存在的问题为切入点,细致分析现代高职院校的学生管理工作现状,并对目前高职院校学生管理工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

大学生档案是个人档案的基础,是大学生就业、择业、用人单位筛选人才的重要依据。笔者根据高校学生档案工作的现状及存在问题,对高校学生档案管理方法进行初步探讨,旨在提高大学生档案管理的工作效率,促进大学生的就业。  相似文献   

The present study examined whether ADHD children exhibit low verbal IQ (VIQ) and distinguishable test profile on the Verbal comprehension (VC) and Freedom from distractibility (FFD) factors, and whether gender influences their verbal abilities. At the Laboratory of Neuropsychology of the Department of Special Education, University of Thessaly, WISC‐III verbal scales were administered to 69 ADHD children (50 boys and 19 girls) and controls who were matched for age and sex. Mean scores for all WISC‐III verbal scales, VIQ, VC and FFD of ADHD children were significantly lower than controls. FFD was found lower than VC and it correlated statistically significantly with VC in ADHD children. No gender differences were found among ADHD children.  相似文献   

作为现代管理方式之一,参与式管理被证明能够在企业中取得良好效果。在高校学生管理工作中引入参与式管理,可以促进学生主体意识的提高,自觉主动地承担责任,培养学生自强、友爱、平等的精神,提高高校学生管理的效率和效果。  相似文献   

Inappropriate, aggressive and disruptive behaviour in the classroom can be detrimental to child and teacher well-being. This study involved a longer-term evaluation of the Incredible Years Teacher [Classroom Management] programme (IYTP) undertaken mainly within disadvantaged schools in south-west Ireland. The IYTP is designed to strengthen teacher classroom management competencies. Eleven teachers, who had previously participated in a group-randomised control trial (RCT), took part in a 12-month post-baseline follow-up assessment. Psychometric and observational measures were administered to assess teachers when interacting with children (n?=?217) in their classes. Qualitative data were collected from a sub-sample of teachers to explore their perceptions of programme impact and utility. The quantitative results showed some significant improvements in teachers’ classroom management, although few changes were recorded on teacher-child observation measures. Qualitative findings indicated continued implementation of proactive disciplining strategies and higher levels of teacher self-efficacy. These results suggest, albeit tentatively in view of the study limitations, that the IYTP can benefit teacher classroom management, as well as teacher well-being, particularly within disadvantaged schools where behavioural problems tend to be more prevalent. The IYTP could prove useful in improving teacher competencies and the classroom environment in the longer term, although a need for further research is indicated.  相似文献   

绩效考核是现代人力资源管理的重要内容之一。科学合理地应用绩效手段对学生进行全面、客观、准确的绩效管理,在充分考虑其可行性的基础上,把优秀学生干部评选、学生奖学金、助学金的确定与其绩效考核成绩直接挂钩,把个人与集体的目标紧密结合,对高职院校管理水平的进一步提升有着特别重要的意义。本文主要研究的是高校学生绩效管理量化考核指标及其在高校学生绩效管理中的实际应用。  相似文献   

教师如何管理注意力缺损多动障碍儿童   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
注意力缺损多动障碍 (简称ADHD)不仅是导致儿童成绩落后的主要原因之一 ,而且也是破坏课堂纪律主要因素 ,由于教师以面向正常学生传授基础知识为主要任务 ,对注意力缺损多动障碍的理解和矫正并不擅长 ,经常采用说教和批评的常规方法 ,难以取得成效。教师应辨别注意力障碍 ,运用行为矫正技术来管理这类障碍学生  相似文献   

Gifted children and adolescents can display behavioral characteristics similar to those exhibited by children and adolescents who have been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), leading to potential issues with misdiagnosis. The overlapping characteristics between giftedness and ADHD are often seen as anecdotal or to only exist in theory, such as that explained by Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration and his notion of overexcitabilities. There is a paucity of empirical data to support this perceived relationship between ADHD and overexcitabilities. This study provides empirical support for a relationship between ADHD and overexcitabilities within a sample of gifted adolescents. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers play an important role in the diagnosis and management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There are no published studies on Indian teachers’ knowledge of ADHD. In the present study, the aim was to assess knowledge and misperceptions about ADHD among schoolteachers in Mumbai. A total of 106 teachers from 12 English-medium schools completed the Knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorders Scale and a demographic questionnaire. Overall, the teachers lacked adequate knowledge of ADHD, with only 49% of the responses being correct. Repeated measures ANOVA results indicated that the teachers’ scores on the three subscales of the measure were significantly different (F = 7.96, p < .01), with the score being highest on the symptoms subscale. In conclusion, teachers in Mumbai need training on general information and treatment of ADHD, with a focus on correcting common misperceptions that they have with regards to ADHD.  相似文献   

浅谈多媒体教室管理与维护   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
随着高校多媒体教室日益普及,管理和维护的问题日渐突出.本文从设备、人员和制度方面阐述了多媒体教室应如何管理和维护以及今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore what happens to young people labelled as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) after they have been excluded from mainstream class and placed in a special class. More specifically, we focus on how a specific disability identity is locally accomplished and ascribed to a girl placed in an ADHD class containing only boys. Data are drawn from the communication books that regularly passed between the parents and teachers, and from ethnographic work in a special class for children aged 7–12 years diagnosed with ADHD, during a period of one school year. We draw on ethnomethodology, especially membership categorisation analysis, when investigating unfolding trajectories of shifting identifications during a school year. The detailed analysis reveals that the girl is accomplished as capable of managing her life in school at the beginning of the year, but by the end is constructed as disabled and identified as a typical ADHD girl in very subtle ways in the teacher's communication with the parents. Furthermore, our analysis highlights how the process of exclusion and social identification of the girl as a typical ADHD girl is mutually constructed and achieved across classroom activities in everyday schooling contexts.  相似文献   

Education is a fundamental human right, however unfortunately not everybody has the same learning opportunities. For instance, if a student has hearing impairments, s/he could face communications barriers in the classroom, which could affect his/her learning process. APEINTA is a Spanish educational project that aims for inclusive education for all. This project proposes two main accessible initiatives: (1) real-time captioning and text-to-speech (TTS) services in the classroom and (2) accessible Web-learning platform out of the classroom with accessible digital resources. This paper presents the inclusive initiatives of APEINTA. Also an evaluation of the into-the-classroom initiative (real-time captioning and TTS services) is presented. This evaluation has been conducted during a regular undergraduate course at a university and during a seminar at an integration school for deaf children. Forty-five hearing students, 1 foreign student, 3 experts in captioning, usability and accessibility, and 20 students with hearing impairments evaluated these services in the classroom. Evaluation results show that these initiatives are adequate to be used in the classroom and that students are satisfied with them.  相似文献   

The impact of teachers on their students’ academic achievement continues to be an area of inquiry. One area not fully explored is the relation between teachers’ behavior and classroom management (CM) skills, student motivation, and student achievement. We examined these relations using a multi‐level structural equation model. Data included Behavior Management subscale scores of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System for 247 fourth and fifth grade teachers, indicators of academic motivation, and end‐of‐year state standardized mathematics assessment results for 4,847 students from the National Center of Teacher Effectiveness Main Study. The results indicate teachers’ CM skills have a significant direct effect on student motivation and a significant indirect effect on students’ math achievement, suggesting that students in classrooms of teachers with better CM are more motivated to learn math and have higher math achievement scores. This underscores the importance of helping teachers increase their use of evidence‐based classroom management techniques.  相似文献   

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