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A review of the history of working memory (WM) studies finds that the concept of WM evolved from short-term memory to a multi-component system. Comparison between contemporary WM models reveals: (1) consensus that the content of WM includes not only task-relevant information, but also task-irrelevant information; (2) consensus that WM consists of phonological and visuospatial components; (3) consensus that short-term memory storage is a function of WM; (4) disagreement as to whether an independent executive control is a necessary WM component; and (5) disagreement as to whether the control function is active or passive. Methods for measuring WM differed across studies with a preponderance of various dual-tasks; little psychometric work has been done on these measures. Correlational studies supported a close relationship between WM and measures of fluid intelligence and science achievement, but we found no experimental studies on the impact of WM training on science achievement. Finally we suggest how WM research findings may be applied to improve fluid intelligence and science achievement.  相似文献   

许多研究表明工作记忆与智力,注意与智力,工作记忆与注意之间都存在着密切的联系。然而,不同的研究得出不同的结论:工作记忆与选择注意之间具有显著相关,而与维持注意相关不显著:一般液态智力与维持注意相关显著,而与选择注意相关不显著。本研究对这方面的实证研究进行总结分析,得出工作记忆、注意与一般液态智力之间的关系与其所选用的测试材料及其所应用的注意评定测验有关。  相似文献   

研究以小学四年级(10岁),初中二年级(13岁),高中二年级(16岁)的学生为被试,测试了个体智商、简单反应时、感知活动中复杂反应时、短时记忆活动中复杂反应时.并考察了它们的相关性。研究结果表明:(1)从总体上看,各个加工任务过程中的反应时与智商密切相关。(2)不同任务过程中反应时与智商的关系有各自特点。首先简单反应时与智商的相关系数较复杂反应时与智商的相关系数小;其次,感知过程中的复杂反应时与智商的相关系数较短时记忆过程中复杂反应时与智商的相关系数小。(3)中小学生的反应时与智商的相关性具有一定的年龄特征,随年龄的增长,反应时与与智商的相关程度逐渐减小,变化情况呈先快后慢趋势。  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between executive functioning and its connection to working memory and adaptive functioning can inform planning and employment efforts. This study explored the relationship between memory and adaptive functioning with a sample of Autistic youths/young adults. Participant mean age was 21.3 (SD = 3.0). Of the 22 participants, 17 were male, and 19 white, non-Hispanic/Latina/o/x. All but one lived with their parent(s). Participants were administered a full battery assessing cognitive ability (WAIS-IV), memory and executive functioning (WMS-IV and DKEFS), autism symptomatology (ADOS-II), and adaptive functioning (SIB-R). A multivariate lasso regression model was used. Memory, especially as measured on the WMS-IV, was found to be significantly related to adaptive functioning and autism symptomatology. There appears to be continuing evidence that memory is highly related to adaptive functioning and autism symptomatology. Interventions involving auditory and immediate memory could be helpful in promoting more mutually effective social interactions necessary for positive employment outcomes.  相似文献   

采用智力培养的教学模式 ,在一年的教学干预中 ,使学生整体的智力水平获得显著提高 ,使学生在相应的教学干预方向下的智力分数获得显著提高 ,使学生的学习成绩获得显著提高 ,智力类型是对学生智力的一种质的描述 ,在较短的教学干预时间中 ,难于显著改变  相似文献   

认知神经心理学预测要去了解一复杂的系统,最好的方法就是去观察当某一零件过程抛锚时,发生了些什么.文章大量利用了这一原理,通过检验记忆被自我疾病所影响的方式和记忆失调对自我的危害,可以发现自我创造记忆和记忆如何提供了自我感.  相似文献   

This study examined whether notions of intelligence tend to maintain a group’s social-educational identity. A sample of academically and vocationally educated parents were asked to give their opinions of a statement proposing that a theoretical university education enables people to gain a deeper understanding of most matters. It was found that only among the academic parents, support for the statement tended to amplify endorsement of a general, individualised and essentialistic representation of intelligence.  相似文献   

浅谈斯腾伯格的"成功智力"理论与教育实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的智力观局限于学业智力,仅能预测学生的学业成绩,难以预测学生在生活及事业上的成功。在此背景下,斯滕伯格提出成功智力。成功智力由分析性智力、创造性智力和实践性智力构成,这三方面的协调和平衡能够在教育实践方面促进个体智力的发展。  相似文献   

Gardner的多元智力理论自问世后在教育领域带来广泛而深刻的影响。运用多元智力理论可以用经验、表达、整合的形式来训练学生 ;可以在全校范围内改革课程 ;可以创新出六种新的课程类型 ;可以利用网站内容为不同智力风格的学生设计学习活动  相似文献   

报告了对娄底师专数学专业学生进行“数学能力与智力测试”的基本情况,在此基础上,分析了被调查对象在这方面的不足,并提出了一些初步的改进意见。  相似文献   

在经济改革与发展的过程中 ,“诚信”已经成为社会民生普遍关注的问题。我们认为 ,诚信与否其实反映了企业组织传播与管理过程中的一种伦理智慧。当然 ,这种智慧需要通过制度设计、文化建设、组织决策与学习等多种途径的整合规范才能发挥其积极作用  相似文献   

情感智力作为影响人事业成功与否的重要心理因素,日益受到人们的认可和重视。如何培养大学生的情感智力,审美教育是一有效途径。审美教育对大学生身心健康成长具有积极意义。  相似文献   

建筑智能化系统专业教学综合实验创新基地的研究与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以培养学生综合素质和创新能力为目标,将专业综合实验室建设与企业共建产、学、研基地和利用教学实践环节,开展创新训练相结合,应用系统集成技术,开发建设将通信网络实验系统与建筑设备综合管理实验系统有机结合的综合实验操作平台,体现最新发展趋势,并可随技术发展动态更新.  相似文献   

用情绪智力量表、气质量表研究了410名大学生的情绪智力和气质类型及其二者的关系。结果显示:男生在黏液质上的得分显著低于女大学生;不同气质类型大学生的情绪智力具有显著的差异,胆汁质和多血质得分越高的大学生,其情绪智力也越高。  相似文献   

针对学校数学教育的实际,通俗简明介绍了情绪、情绪智力和情商的概念及其有关理论,并对这些概念、理论在数学教育中应用的途径和方法进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

大学生情绪智力、成就动机及学业成绩量化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用情绪智力量表(EIS)、成就动机量表(AMS)等随机调查的方式探究是否担任过学生干部、是否独生子女对大学生情绪智力、成就动机、学业成绩方面的影响及情绪智力与成就动机、学业成绩之间的关系.其结果表明:担任过学生干部的同学情绪智力水平显著高于未担任过学生干部的同学;是否独生子女对情绪智力没有显著影响;大学生情绪智力和成就动机显著正相关,和学业成绩不存在显著相关.  相似文献   

This study analyses the relation between disruptive behaviours and the emotional abilities of children in primary education. To do this, disruptive behaviour and emotional abilities were evaluated in 1422 pupils aged between 6 and 12 years of age at 11 education centres using EQIjv. No relation was found between disruptive behaviours and age, but one was found for sex and emotional abilities. Boys presented more disruptive behaviours than girls. However, there was a significant relation between disruptive behaviours and the general index of emotional intelligence. The most related abilities were stress management and interpersonal relations. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

群智能算法是一种新兴的演化计算技术,它已经成功地被运用于许多领域。实践证明,群智能方法是一种能够解决许多全局优化问题的有效方法。本文介绍了群智能理论的产生和发展过程,并着力阐述群智能理论中的两个主要算法(粒子群算法和蚁群算法)的算法思想以及研究现状。  相似文献   

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