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在新一轮国家基础教育课程改革中,新颁布的语文课程标准,在“评价建议”部分倡议创建和使用成长记录袋。笔者在所任教的班级进行了“写作成长记录袋”评价法的尝试,并取得一定的成效。“写作成长记录袋”是通过记录学生在写作方面的主要活动的成长记录来评价学生写作方面的学习表现,以反映学生写作方面的进步历程,增强写好作文的信心。它符合现代心理学对学习的研究,是一种新的评价范式。一、“写作成长记录袋”评定目的和意义“写作成长记录袋”是档案评定的一种类型,属于质性评价范式。“写作成长记录袋”评价的目的在于促进学生在原有水…  相似文献   

学生成长记录袋作为评价的一种理念与形式,通过汇集学生作品的样本,展示学生的学习和进步状况,以更好地发挥评价的导向功能、激励功能、自我反思的功能和记录成长的功能,从而达到由侧重甄别转向侧重发展的目的。作为质性评价典范之一的成长记录袋评价,从本质  相似文献   

从成长记录袋看质性评价实施存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新课程倡导的质性评价的方法主要有“成长记录袋”、“学习日记”、“情景测验”等,成长记录袋作为质性评价的有效方式之一正在中小学校推广。但是在实际应用的过程中却出现了一些问题,对质性评价的效果产生一定的影响。本文分析成长记录袋在实施过程中的问题并就这些问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

成长记录袋的创建与使用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
成长记录袋有意识地收集学生的作品或有关证据,以反映学生在某一领域的努力、进步与成就。任课教师创建和使用成长记录袋一般要经过明确目的和用途、对内容选择提供指导、明确学生角色、确定评分程序和标准、交流和使用等几个主要步骤。在当前的评价实践中,学校和教师还要注意谨慎选择成长记录袋的应用领域、将成长记录袋的应用与教学有机结合、给教师和学生足够的自主权并加强教师培训。  相似文献   

评价问题是新课改的焦点、瓶颈。如何重新认识评价的功能,改变以往单一、集权式的评价现状,让教师学生都能成为评价活动的获益者,使新的评价体系体现新的课程标准,规范新的教育教学,是所有课改人员共同努力探讨的问题。一年来的课改实验,我们在注重学生终结性评价的同时,更加注重了学生学习中的形成性评价,为突出学生全面发展而设立了成长记录袋,特别是在学科发展性评价方面做了有益的尝试。一、成长记录袋的设计成长记录的内容首先具体体现在记录袋的封面上,封面上的栏目由师生协商确定,具体设计如下:二、成长记录袋的使用成长记录袋的作用…  相似文献   

蒋学刚 《新课程研究》2009,(10):144-145
成长记录袋评价即档案袋评价,是课程标准倡导的新型评价方式,属于质性评价范式。它是以收集学生在学科学习中的作品与现实表现为判定学习质量的依据,融教育、教学、评价于一体的全面客观的资料档案,是新课程理念的具体体现。在语文教学中,笔者对小学生成长记录袋建设进行了深入的思考和探索。  相似文献   

成长记录袋评价法符合新课改所倡导的评价改革新理念,可以用来及时全面了解、评估与指导学生的心理成长。笔者在分析成长记录袋在学校心理健康教育中的作用的同时,明确界定了心理成长记录袋的涵义与特点,探讨了心理成长记录袋的创建与使用问题。  相似文献   

新一轮的课程改革对学生评价提出了新的要求,即以促进学生发展和素质提高为根本目的。成长记录袋评价作为一种质性评价有利于记录学生个人发展的过程,促进学生自我反思;有利于学生之间相互学习,并为其他评价提供依据。但是中小学生成长记录袋实施中也存在着一些问题,需要提出可行性解决方案,促进学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨“成长记录袋”在高职护理专业医用生物学教学过程性评价中应用的可行性和有效性。实践证明,在医学类职业学校医用生物学教学中使用“成长记录袋”评价是可行和有效的,学生乐于接受这种评价方式。“成长记录袋”评价是帮助职业学校学生养成良好学习习惯、激发学习兴趣、培养合作精神、发展自我评价和形成反思性学习的有效途径。  相似文献   

评价是新课程改革的瓶颈 ,在旧的评价体系指导下的新课改极易引发“新瓶装旧酒”之类的教育教学畸形现象的发生 ,因此改革旧的评价体系势在必行 ,改变单一的评价方式、评价学习结果和评价学习过程并重、适当引入质性评价方式等等这些理念得到了多数教育研究者的认同 .成长记录袋这种质性评价模式就是在我国新课改如火如荼进行的大背景下引入的 .1 成长记录袋的含义成长记录袋可以说是上世纪 80年代中后期出现的“评定改革运动”中所出现的一系列新型质性评价方式和手段中一颗耀眼的明星 ,在教育领域中 ,它最初是用于师资培训 ,2 0世纪 90年…  相似文献   

特殊教育需要评估贯穿特殊儿童教育安置和教育教学的全过程。家长参与评估对保证儿童接受合适的教育具有重要作用。英国在特殊教育需要评估方面形成了较为完整的保障家长参与的体系。家长在向专业评估人员提供信息,参与制定和修改个别化教育计划,请求并参与法定评估等方面发挥着重要作用。通过对英国特殊教育需要评估中家长参与的内容和特点做简单介绍,对我国家长参与特殊教育评估提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Active participation of parents in every step of their children with special needs’ education is crucial, and it begins with the educational assessment of the children. The parents experience with the professionals who are responsible of assessing children’s abilities might be crucial for the services that will be provided for the children with disabilities. The Guidance and Research Centers (GRCs) of Turkey are the key organisations for the services for children with special needs. This study focused on identifying the experience of the parents at the GRCs and applied qualitative research principles. The findings showed that the parents have reflected both positive and negative experience, but the majority focused on negative experiences. It might be drawn out that GRCs must be improved from several perspectives.  相似文献   

幼儿成长记录袋是通过收集幼儿作品来促进幼儿在知识、技能、态度、情感、价值观等方面协调发展的一种新型的质性评价方式。近年来,人们对幼儿成长记录袋的认识逐渐趋于理性化,对其评价法的评判也由价值分析转向对问题的审思。但幼儿成长记录袋也存在一些误区,如功能异化、标准化程度低、可操作性不足等,仍有待改进。  相似文献   

A qualitative research project was carried out to explore the views of children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers about one aspect of educational psychology practice: the dynamic assessment of cognitive skills. The research was carried out in a highly diverse and inclusive borough in East London, by Nicola Lawrence from Hounslow Educational Psychology Service, and Sharon Cahill from the University of East London. The views of nine children were sought through semi‐structured interviews regarding the process of dynamic assessment, supported with tools and techniques to facilitate discussion. The views of eight parents and seven teachers were also sought, through semi‐structured interviews and focus groups, regarding the psychological reports produced from dynamic assessment. Of the original findings acquired through thematic analysis of the data, those pertaining to the perceived impact of dynamic assessment of cognitive skills are reported. Dynamic assessment was reported to impact positively upon the child's emotional well‐being, self‐perceptions, approach to learning and social relationships, both directly, and through the subsequent intervention of parents and educators. Dynamic assessment, as well as providing instructionally useful information for parents and teachers, encouraged them to move beyond locating the problem within the child, to reconceptualising their special educational needs in context. As a result, parents and teachers became more positive and optimistic about the child, the current situation and the child's future. Dynamic assessment impacted upon the child's holistic needs, parenting and the development of inclusive practice in the classroom. It is concluded that from the perspective of service users, dynamic assessment forms a worthwhile and valuable part of educational psychology practice.  相似文献   


In the context of the North Rhine-Westphalian school reform towards an inclusive education system, this article problematises the practice of categorisation. Our research aims to investigate the assessment of special educational needs (SEN) and thereby enrich the discussion of the relation between inclusion and diagnostics. For this study, we interviewed 14 SEN investigators and five decision-makers. We discuss the results on the basis of a qualitative content analysis and against the background of Fleck’s concept of thought styles. We mainly found inertia in special education traditions, expressed in the use of intelligence tests, the dominance of SEN teachers in the assessment process and the lack of participation of parents and pupils. We conclude that it is necessary to reform the SEN assessment rules. At the same time, we see major challenges in transforming existing thought styles into a more flexible and decategorising approach.  相似文献   

随着特殊教育政策重点转移以及融合教育的发展,特殊需要幼儿评估逐渐由诊断性评估转向发展性评估。在这一背景下形成的美国加利福尼亚州幼儿发展评估工具以进程监控为目的,通过多元动态的方式评估特殊需要幼儿关键领域能力的发展。在评估目的、内容、方式和人员方面各具特点,体现出融合教育背景下特殊需要幼儿发展评估的趋势:监控特殊需要幼儿的进步与发展;多元动态评估方式;评估与教育(干预)实践相结合。  相似文献   

现代教育评价强调要在日常教育教学中发挥评价的激励和发展功能,学生成长记录袋正是适应这种要求的一种质性评定方法。本文以国内外成功经验的基础,介绍了学生 成长记录袋的理论背景与主要特征,并探讨了通过行动研究推进这种方法的具体策略。  相似文献   

The importance of parental choice, and parents' participation in educational processes, continue to be highlighted in strategies, acts and policies around the world. Partnership with parents is given an even higher profile in relation to educational opportunities for children with special needs. Yet many trainee teachers have only limited understandings of the impact on family life of a child with special needs; are uncertain how best to work with parents; and are not confident about the choices that parents may wish to make for their children.
In this article, Chris Forlin, Visiting Professor at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Treena Hopewell, MEd student at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, report the responses of a group of fourth year trainee teachers after listening to the story of a mother of a child with high support needs. Their discussion focuses on three themes emerging from the reflective comments written by the trainee teachers after the session: empathy, understanding and personal growth. Chris Forlin and Treena Hopewell review the value of this approach as a means of establishing in trainee teachers a greater desire to work more collaboratively with parents and family members. They also provide excerpts from the mother's story to enable readers to experience the passionate spirit of the storyteller; to further appreciate the needs of parents; and to understand their desire for greater participation in decisions regarding their children.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the use of portfolios for learning and professional development in Higher Education (HE). Recent research findings related to learning and assessment help to contextualize the study. The use of portfolios for summative assessment and development of teaching and reflective practice dominates the literature. What is lacking is research that provides insights into how a portfolio for learning can be used in HE to develop understanding into one’s own learning, assessment and professional practices. The action research findings related to portfolio use for learning purposes identified in the three case studies include: the importance of establishing the purpose of the portfolio; the impact of portfolio use on the approach to learning, to teaching and to professional development; the changes to professional practice brought about as a result of the learning; and the need to consider issues related to ethics and confidentiality.  相似文献   

我国特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育诊断评估是特殊需要儿童教育的起点,也是特殊需要儿童教育质量的保障。本文对近十年(1997-2006)国内关于特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究成果进行分析、梳理、总结、概括,探讨国内特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究现状及发展趋势,从而为我国特殊需要儿童的诊断评估的发展、完善提供借鉴。目前我国特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估研究反映出四个特征、六个问题与六个发展趋势。  相似文献   

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