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  The present paper concerns itself with three Composite genera of the tribe Cynareae  (subtribe Carduinae), Vladimiria Ilj., Diplazoptilon Ling and Dolomiaea DC., all ranging  throughout the Sino-himalayan region,  These genera have in the past always been as-  sociated with the Eurasiatic genus Jurinea Cass., though there is hardly anything that  can indicate such a relationship. Jurinea, according to the conception of Iljin, is a clearly  deliminated natural genus, while the three genera now in question are all closely allied to  Saussurea DC., being quite remote from Jurinea in the corolla forms,  the structure  of  receptacle and pappus, and also in the morphology of pollen grains.        Vladimiria was founded by Iljin, based on  Jurinea  salwinensis Hand.-Mzt.  The  genus is a close relative of Saussurea from which it differs chiefly in the usually many  seriate pappus which are composed of scabrous or partly barbellulate bristles.  As a re-  sult of our study, a tentative scheme of classification is here proposed, in which Iljin's  original generic concept has been amplified to include a dozen of species previously re-  ferred to Jurinea by Franchet, Diels, Anthony and Handel-Mazzetti from  the  flora  of  south-western China and adjacent countries.  Two sections, namely,  sect. Sorocephalos  Ling and sect. Vladimiria (Saussurea sect. Carduella Franch., Mazzettia Ilj.), are being proposed.       Diplazoptilon, a new monotypic genus based upon Jurinea picridifolia Hand.-Mzt., is here proposed.  It occupies an intermediate position between Vladimiria and Saussurea with a closer affinity to the former, from both of which  it is,  however,  distinguished chiefly by the biseriate pappus with equal plumose bristles.                          Dolomiaea, a natural genus early founded by De Candolle on the basis of the Hima- layan D. macrocephala DC., was considered by Bentham and Hooker f. as not different from Jurinea, a treatment having being followed since by most botanists  of  the past. But, as mentioned above, its relationship with Saussurea is obvious.  It seems to differ from that genus in the two to many seriate pappus, consisting of numerous barbellulate bristles, and in the short style branches.  In view of its affinity with  Saussurea rather than with Jurinea, the generic status of Dolomiaea should be maintained accordingly.  As construed above, the genus is now represented by about 5 species, most of which werepreviously referred to Jurinea by different botanists.  相似文献   

一、目前,国务院及有关部门对科技企业有哪些规定? 科技企业是我国科技体制改革和经济体制改革的产物。早在1987年10月国家科委、国家工商行政管理局发布了《科技开发企业审批登记暂行办法》,1990年2月25日又发布了《关于加强科技开发企业登记管理的暂  相似文献   

本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对豹子花属Nomocharis 6种植物和百合属Lilium 4   种植物的花粉形态与外部特征作了较系统的比较研究,其结果如下:  1.豹子花属植物花粉的   萌发孔均为单沟(远极)型,根据其外壁结构及表面纹饰的特点,可分为基柱网纹型和网纹   型,结合外部形态特征推断,可能存在由基柱网纹→网纹的进化趋势。 2.百合属植物花粉   的萌发孔多为单沟(远极)型,稀为2一3孔型,然而,其中外部形态极为相近的小百合集合群与   尖被百合在花粉形态上表现出较大的差异,这一事实为研究百合科花粉的演化提供了线索。豹   子花属与百合属花粉虽在表面纹饰上存在区别,但从外部形态上,该属的一些种类与百合属极  为相近,反映出二属之间存在着较为紧密的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

After having examined all specimens of the genus Prenanthes L. of Compositae in the Herbarium of Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, I find that the classic concept on the genus Prenanthes established by G. Bentham in 1873 has not been held exactly by some of Euro- pean, American, Japanese and Chinese botanists. For example, W. B. Hemsley, S. T. Dunn, A. Franchet, S. Kitamura and C. C. Chang placed plants from China which belong to other groups into the genus; I also find that the classic concept of the genus is not clear.  The present paper makes a revision not only on the classic concept of the genus, but also on its concept assumed by the above-mentionded botanists.      With the combination of numerous (25-35), white or yellow ligular florets, numerous ribs of achenes, Prenanthes alba L. (Nabalus albus (L.) Shih, comb. nov.) is distinctly different from Prenanthes purpurea L., which has the combination of purple, few (5-15) ligular flo- rests and few ribs of achenes.  Nabalus Cass., as a genus established early (1825) by H. Cassini, should be restored.  It is not reasonable to treat Nabalus as a subgenus (E. B. Babcock et al. 1947) or a section (S. Kitamura, 1956) or as a synonym (G. Bentham, 1983) of the genus Preanathes L.       The present author recognizes seven species in the new revised genus  Prenanthes L.  in China, 4 of which are described as new.  In the genus Nabalus Cass.  only one species, N. ochroleuca Maxim., is distributed in Northeast China.       As Lactuca melanantha Franch. (1895), Prenanthes henryi Dunn (1903), P. glandulosa Dunn (1903), Lactuca triflora Hemsl. (1888) (it was transferred to Prenanthes L. by C. C. Chang in 1934), Prenanthes formosana Kitam. (1934) and P. wilsoni Chang (1934) all have campanulate involucres, purple phyllaries, purple dorsi-ventrally compressed achenes, longitu- dinal rids 6-9 on each side of achene truncate and beakless at its apex and pilose tubes of co- rollae, they should be placed neither into the genus Prenanthes with obtusely tri-or pentagonous, subterete achenes and glabrous tubes of corollae, nor into the genus Lactuca with beak achenes. Besides the above-mentioned species misnamed by some of foreign and Chinese botanists, 6 other species also have the same structure in achenes and corollae.  Evidently, they fall into a new genus with the name Notoseris Shih.       The new genus Notoseris Shih of the tribe Lactuceae of Compositae seems to be more re- miniscent of Lactuca L. than of Prenanthes L. emend.       All the 12 species of the genus Notoseris Shih are endemic to China and distributed in the area of south of Yantze River. Of them 6 are new combinations and 6 are described as new.  相似文献   

本文是对中国-喜马拉雅地区的原莴苣属植物提出的分类订正。是笔者前一篇文章《莴苣属订正 及亚洲大陆菊科植物二新属》的续篇。文中建立了两个新属,即毛鳞菊属Chaetoseris Shih和细莴苣属Stenoseris Shih;文末及文中提供了本文所涉及的一些属种的分属和分种检索表。  相似文献   

 本文根据蕊柱结构将Archineottia 归并于Holopogon,并发表了5个新组合:无喙兰Holopogon gaudissartii (Hand.-Mzt.) S. C. Chen、 印度无喙兰H. microglottis (Duthie) S. C. Chen、锡金无喙兰H. pantlingii (W. W. Smith) S. C. Chen、叉唇无喙兰 H. smithianus (Schltr.) S. C. Chen、 日本无喙兰H. japonicus (M. Furuse) S. C. Chen。  相似文献   

 When F. A. McClure published the new genus Sinocalamus McClure in 1940, the 4 species he listed are S. latiflorus (Munro) McClure, S. beecheyanus (Munro) Mc- Clure, S. oldhami (Munro) McClure and S. affinis (Rendle) McClure.  After careful examination, the authors of this paper considered that the type species of McClure’s genus S. latiflorus (Munro) McClure should belong to the genus Dendrocalamus Nees, and the other species are of Bambusa Schreber.  Owing to Sinocalamus McClure is not a taxon representative of its type species, but a mixture, it must be rejected as a synonym of Dendrocalamus Nees.  In consequence then, the authors make adjustment to the taxonomic category of the 14 species and 1 variety which have ever been in Sinocalamus McClure.      As for the characters of Lingnania McClure, except that some differences exist in the vegetative parts, the structure of the spikelets is in the main the same as that of Bambusa Schreber.  Consequently, with regard to the systematic relationship, the authors consider it may be more resonable that the rank of Lingnania McClure should be alter- ed to Bambusa Schreber subg.  Lingnania (MeClure) Chia  et H. L. Fung; all the species of Lingnania McClure, except that L. tsiangii McClure should be transferred to Dendrocalamus Nees, should be assignable to Bambusa Schreber subg.  Lingnania (McClure) Chia et H. L. Fung.  相似文献   

This paper deals with some species of Lunathyrium Koidz. in N. E. Asia; including the eastern mountainous district of N. E. China;  Far East Region of U. S. S. R.; Korea and Japan.  相似文献   

 The fern genus Diplaziopsis C. Chr. of Index Filicum has long been considered as a monotypic one, with the sole species, D. javanica (B1.) C. Chr. from tropical Asia.  In 1906, H. Christ described a second species, Allantodia cavaleriana Christ (=D. cavale- riana C. Chr.) from Kweichow, West China, but this was since not fully recognized by fern students in general, being often considered as a variety of the first species.  This is certainly a mistake, as is shown by ample herbarium specimens today.  In the recent work on the genus, the writer has found among the herbarium material two additional new species from China, thus bringing the genus up to four species in Asia, mainly from China, where, as it is, the genus has its center of development from the long past.      Phylogenetically, Diplaziopsis C. Chr. represents one of the offshoots from the great stock of diplazioid ferns, of which the genus Diplazium Sw. constitutes the main body of the group and from which our genus differs chiefly in its leaves of a thin texture with reticulated venation, but not so much in its type of indusium as it has generally been emphasized by most botanists in the past, for, as it is, the type of indusium in Di- plaziopsis also prevails in many species of Diplazium, for which C. B. Clarke (Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Bot. I:495, 1880) created, but really superfluously, a subgenus Pseudal- lantodia, about which the writer will dwell in another paper in the near future.  Suffice it to say here that the indusium in Diplaziopsis as revealed by the species treated here is, indeed, typical of diplazioid ferns, only often, as it happens, with  its  adaxial  edge pressed so tight under the expanding sorus that it is unable to open freely along its upper free edge and, as a result, its thin vaulted back bursts open from the pressure of the ex- panding sorus underneath.      As a result of the present study, following four species of the genus have been re- cognized.      Diplaziopsis javanica (B1.) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. (1905) 227.      Wide spread in tropical Asia, northwardly to Bakbo and the southern part of Yun- nan, China.      D. cavaleriana (Christ) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. Suppl. I (1913) 25.      Ranges from West China through northern part of Fukien of East China to Japan.      D. intermedia Ching, sp. nov.      Endemic in West China:  Mt. Omei, Szechuan, and Kweichow.      D. hainanensis Ching, sp. nov.      In conclusion, it may be pointed out that with the modern plant taxonomy pursued in a more efficient manner than in the past, and especially by the introduction of the cytotaxonomic methods, the so-called “monotypic genera”, as conceived by the orthodox systematists, will continue to prove, to a great extent, to be lack of  enough  scientific ground.  The fact that the “monotypic genus” of Diplaziopsis C. Chr. is now found to be a genus of four well-defined species is once again an instance to illustrate the pointat issue.  相似文献   

As construed here the genus. Woodwardia Sm. does not include Anchistea Presl and Lorinseria Presl of the east North America which  are considered  as  distinct genera nor Woodwardia harlandii Hook. and W. kempii Cop. of south china, which constitute a new genus Chieniopteris Ching (cf. Acta Phytotax. Sinica 9:37. 1964).      It has been proposed that genus Woodwardia Sm. is an old one, dating back perhaps from the early Tertiary in the Arctics, thence it spread to Europe, North America, and southward to East Asia with its present center of distribution in China, especially south of the Yangtze River.       The genus is now represented by 17 species in the Northern Hemisphere, of which ll are known in China and her neighbouring countries, with one species, W. unigem- mata (Makino) Nakai, ranging as far as the Himalayas, where from the previous re- cord of W. radieans Linn. Sm. of Europe proves to be a mistake for this species.       The genus is divided into two natural series: Radicantes Ching & Chiu and Egem- miferae Ching & Chiu, and the latter is further subdivied into 2 subseries: Orientales Ching & Chiu and Japonicae Ching & Chiu.       A key to the Chinese species has been provided.       In passing it may be pointed out that Woodwardia cochin-chinensis Ching (Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 2: 7. 1931) is based upon Poilane nos. 2107 and 2275 without designating the type. According to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature we herewith designate Poilanes no. 2275 the type of this species.    相似文献   

eterachopsis was proposed by the senior author as an independent genus of the family Aspleniaceae in 1940 with 2 species.  Since then much study on its morpho- logy,  anatomy,  gametophyte and palynology has been carried out by Nayar,  Bir,  Chan- dra & Nayar and Chang et al.,  and they are of the opinion that the genus like Ceterach, is a comparatively primitive element in the family Aspleniaceae.  The queer zigzag pa- tern of cutting of lanceolate fronds appears extraordinary in the family Aspleniaceae, and also suggests its antiquity in evolution. So far only 3 species  (C.  dalhousiae,  C. paucivenosa and C. magnifica) are recognized,  the former from W. Himalayas,  also known from Africa,  while the latter two from W. S. China (Yunnan).  However,  in the past forty years the Chinese botanists have discovered 2 more species as new in N. W. Yunnan,  thus bringing the total known species of the genus up to 5.  The present paper is a brief summary on the genus Ceterachopsis,  which will be published in detail in the Flora Sinica vol. 4.       Pteridologists are also divided in their views regarding the generic status of Cete- rachopsis with 5 well-defined species in Yunnan and the East Himalayas.  We prefer to mintain it as a genus separate from Asplenium on account of its distinct morpholo- gical features.  It is to be hoped that more species may come to light in the mountainsin N. W. Yunnan through further exploration now under way.  相似文献   

When the genus  Yinshania Ma et Y.  Z. Zhao  was published,  it had only a single species, Y. albiflora Ma et Y.  Z.  Zhao which was indicated as the type of the genus (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1979).  Y. Z. Zhao 155.  was indicated as the type specimen of Y.  albiflora. It is adequate to cite Y. albiflora Ma et Y.  Z. Zhao as the type of genus Yinshania Ma et Y. Z. Zhao. In a revision (Acta Phyto- tax.  Sin.  25(3): 204-219, 1987) Y.  H. Zhang made  a combintion,  Yinshania acutangula (O. E. Schulz) Y.  H. Zhang (=Cochlearia acutangula O. E. Schulz) and reduced Yinshania albiflora Ma et Y. Z. Zhao as a variety of Y. acutangula,i. e. Y. acutangula var. albiflora (Ma et Y. Z. Zhao) Y. H. Zhang. She is uncorrect, however, when she cited Y.  acutangula (O. E. Schulz) Y. H .  Zhang as the type of the genus Yinshania Ma et Y. Z. Zhao. It should be cited as follows: Yinshania Ma et Y. Z. Zhao      Typus generis: Yinshania albiflora Ma et Y. Z. Zhao (=Yinshania acutangula(O. E. Schulz) Y. H. Zhang var. albiflora (Ma et Y. Z. Zhao) Y. H. Zhang)  相似文献   

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