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网络教学平台支持移动学习的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着移动通信技术与其他无线接入技术的发展,移动学习逐步得到实现,正在成为人们的一种学习方式。做为E-learning的一种扩展,支持移动学习的网络教学平台是网络教育发展的趋势。文章设计了一个网络教学平台支持移动学习的通用框架,并对其中的关键技术做了介绍。  相似文献   

该文采用内容分析方法,对CNKI中检索到的研究移动学习的硕博学位论文从申请时间、论文数量、研究内容、所学专业几个纬度进行统计分析,梳理移动学习在硕博层次研究发展的过程,揭示硕博对移动学习的研究重心和研究空白,找出相关研究的专业分布规律,并分析不同专业对其关注点、研究视角的异同。最后,在分析和总结研究中发现的一些问题的基础上提出五点关于移动学习研究的建议,以期为移动学习的进一步研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   


In 2016, UNESCO developed recommendations to address homophobic and transphobic violence and bullying, including guidance for the development of classroom resources. According to UNESCO, the effectiveness of interventions depends on inclusive, if not affirming, representations of sexual and gender diversity in learning materials, as well as age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, evidenced-based resources. UNESCO advocates that such resources be produced in partnerships with key stakeholders, including civil society and youth and student organisations. The high-level scope of the document however limits detail on how these elements may practically be realised. The purpose of this article is to critique and build on this guidance to extend its scope and offer further recommendations to achieve the changes it seeks. The article begins by integrating key concepts from the bullying research literature with pedagogical theory to offer a theoretical framework to support the ‘evidenced-based’ approach it advocates. Next, with reference to a case-study, the guidelines are reconceptualised and appended to form an eight-step process to guide resource design and production. The article concludes by noting the central importance of robust consultation and collaboration alongside a strong pedagogical theoretical framework as key foundations for successful classroom resource interventions.  相似文献   

移动学习的理论与实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从移动学习的定义、移动学习的理论、移动学习的应用等方面进行移动学习相关理论与实践的探索,并对移动学习的前沿技术应用进行预测.  相似文献   

Two education reports commissioned by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Learning to be, otherwise known as the Faure report (1972) and Learning: The treasure within, otherwise known as the Delors report (1996), have been associated with the establishment of lifelong learning as a global educational paradigm. In this article, which draws on archival research and interviews, I will explore how these two reports have contributed to debates on the purpose of education and learning. In the first half, I will shed light on their origins, the context in which they came about, how they have been received by the education community and by UNESCO member states and how they have been discussed in the scholarly literature. In the second half, I will discuss the key themes of the reports, in particular lifelong learning as the global educational ‘master concept’. In the last section, I will reflect on how the Faure report and the Delors report are still relevant for our debates about learning today. I will argue that the concept of lifelong learning, as put forward by these reports, was a political utopia which is at odds with today's utilitarian view of education.  相似文献   

移动学习促进了词典的移动化发展。借助智能手机的便携性和强大功能,智能手机词典成为移动学习最得力的助手。该文以Mdict为例,讨论了词库开放型智能手机词典的软件功能和词库特色,并指出了该类词典存在的问题及可能对策。  相似文献   


To investigate the spread of peace education (PE), we examined 685 documents in SCOPUS between 1970 and 2018 in 70 countries and triangulated the information with 11369 news articles and 22 international organisation? founding dates. PE emerged in scientific databases in the 1970s, lost momentum in 1990 and then globalised after 2003. PE’s institutionalisation was furthered by: (a) the increasing search for discourses that highlighted individual agency of self-declared ‘peace educators’; (b) educational expansion that generated a greater demand for so-called best practices; and (c) the active role of professionals working on organisations such as UNESCO, UNICEF and the identified international organisations. We recognised five loosely coupled narratives: PE’s (a) philosophical foundations and relationship to critical pedagogy; (b) application to improve international relationships; c) solution to internal conflicts; (d) measurements of interventions; (e) linkages to religion. We reflect on the implications of PE as an educational discourse in curricular reforms.  相似文献   

The field of instructional design and technology (IDT) aims to understand the interactions occurring among people and learning resources during educational experiences to inform design. This article illustrates the utility of mobile eye-tracking for research with children as a tool for IDT researchers and practitioners. Mobile eye-tracking can collect precise information concerning the learners’ visual attention and interactions in authentic environments, unlike traditional eye-tracking using a laboratory or stationary computer. Mobile eye-tracking also can be used effectively in out-of-school settings where learners walk around and interact with diverse resources. By presenting a qualitative interaction analysis, we illuminate how mobile eye-tracking supports investigating explorations in a hands-on museum. The analysis shows patterns of visual and bodily interactions with exhibits and with family members. Implications include how mobile eye-tracking can contribute to a researcher’s understanding of the child’s idiosyncratic viewpoint to examine in detail learners’ interactions and educational resources’ affordances at various educational settings.  相似文献   

文章将移动学习系统环境中的终端设备和网络接入方式统称为移动学习系统装备环境,在分别详细介绍了不同移动终端和无线网络的各自分类和特点之后,构建出通用的移动学习系统装备环境模型,基于该模型对常用的移动学习装备环境进行具体说明,并对国内外现有的典型移动学习应用案例中移动学习系统装备环境的选择进行了系统地分类和归纳。最后,对未来移动学习装备环境的发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

2012年是联合国教科文组织报告《学会生存》发表40周年。报告对世界教育发展最重要的贡献有两点,一是对教育旧观念和旧制度的缺陷与弊病的深刻批判;二是对教育发展新趋势的深刻研判,并在此基础上提出若干极为重要的教育新理念与基本原则。40年来,该报告有关教育民主、终身教育和学习型社会建设的思想对世界各国的教育政策和社会发展产生了广泛而深远的影响,对深刻认识消除教育不平等和不均衡现象对社会进步的重大意义以及深刻认识教育改革的迫切性和必要性起到了巨大的推动作用,对世界各国终身学习体系和学习型社会的构建至今仍具有指导意义和建设性作用。但也不可否认,报告受时代局限,也存在种种不足,如明显夸大了教育在社会发展中的作用,对教育发展和教育改革取得的成果期望过高;对教育改革与创新的艰巨性估计不足;在若干重要问题上存在盲点;在大力倡导终身教育理念的同时,对如何建立终身教育理论与实践的联系缺乏足够深入的探讨。  相似文献   

基于LAMS的移动学习可以作为开放教育面授辅导教学的补充,满足成人学生自主学习的需要。根据移动学习与LAMS的特点,基于LAMS的移动学习能够根据学习时间的长短,实现单一性学习活动和序列性学习活动,从而满足多样化的自主学习需求。随着各类移动设备对LAMS的支持日渐完善,基于LAMS的移动学习将在教学领域拥有更广泛的应用空间。  相似文献   

基于手机的移动学习在开展中面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动学习是随着移动通信技术广泛应用而产生的一种新的学习方式,这种全新的学习方式在实际的成长过程中终会面临诸多的挑战。文章首先阐述了移动学习的基本概念,分析了移动学习在实际教育应用中在技术层面、教学层面、社会层面面临的种种挑战;在此基础上,提出应对这些层面挑战的建议和解决方案。  相似文献   

手机与移动互联网的联姻开辟了移动学习的广阔空间。当代大学生是数字时代的“原住民”。具有泛在化、个性化和交互性特征的手机移动学习深受他们青睐,手机移动学习兼具了天时、地利、人和。在大学教育中的广泛应用指日可待。  相似文献   

移动学习及其理论基础   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
移动学习是利用无线移动通信网络技术,以无线移动通信设备获取教育信息、教育资源和教育服务的一种新型学习形式。本介绍移动学习与移动教育的基本概念,分析了移动学习的理论基础,进而指出移动学习是知识经济社会学习社会化与终身化进程中一种重要的新型学习范式。  相似文献   

移动学习是移动通讯技术与数字化学习相结合的产物,它给学习者带来了随时随地学习的全新体验。论文介绍了通讯技术在移动学习中的应用,阐述了移动学习资源设计,及其设计的关键环节,并探讨几种常见的移动学习模式,最后,分析了移动学习中存在的问题。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the current approach to educational quality formation in transnational higher education promotes educational imperialism, and that guidelines and practices should be altered to embrace context-sensitive measures of quality. The claims are sustained by findings from a study that investigated how academics understood and pursued educational quality in an Australian university programme delivered in partnership with a Chinese university in China. A key finding was that a home programme functioned as the single reference point for quality in the programme delivered in China. Quality in the China programme was sought through the imposition of practices and philosophies associated with the home programme, which required the suppression of local educational traditions. The paper points out that reliance on a home programme as the single measure of quality is encouraged by governing UNESCO/OECD guidelines on quality in cross-border provision.  相似文献   

目前,对移动学习领域的相关分析和讨论可以说是教育技术领域研究的一个热点。但是,在移动学习的开展过程中,势必会带来些问题与争论。针对移动学习的学习环境方面进行相关的反思和探究,以便更为有效地促进移动学习的开展。  相似文献   

移动学习已成为教育应用的前沿领域和研究热点。文章以问卷调查的方式,对学习者移动学习的现状进行了深入调查。结果发现:目前的移动学习存在很多问题,在很大程度上停留在浅层水平,不能激发学习者的高级思维,不能开展高效、深刻的学习。为了提高移动学习的效果,首先要加深学习者对移动学习的认识,其次要不断完善移动设备,再次要设计恰当的学习材料、创建移动学习共同体,最后要开展过程性评价。  相似文献   

为适应移动技术的进步,手机等便携式小型电子设备日益普及,移动学习的教学模式快速发展。基于移动学习理论,阐述了移动学习在外语教学实践中的应用原则,提出外语教学的多种移动学习方式,构想支撑移动学习模式的外语移动教学资源平台。移动学习模式对传统外语教学带来了挑战,这些挑战对改进传统外语教学提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在详细介绍移动学习的概念、实现方式和目前发展面临的挑战基础上,着重论述基于问题的移动学习模式的构建和实施过程,并对移动学习的发展趋势进行研究,得出移动学习将成为未来终身学习的一种重要的学习模式。  相似文献   

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