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This study aimed to examine the direction of relationships between specific dimensions of perceived teaching behaviors and motivation in physical education over time among 330 secondary school students. Cross-lagged path-analytic models revealed that autonomous motivation was reciprocally related over time with perceived decision-making style, and positive feedback and that prior situation consideration, social support, and teaching behavior were related to a higher level of subsequent autonomous motivation and a lower level of controlled motivation; however, prior autonomous motivation was related to a higher level of subsequent positive nonverbal feedback. Results suggest that differences in the direction of relationships between various dimensions of perceived teaching behaviors and students' motivation in physical education are due to differences in the nature of the teacher-student interaction behind each teaching behavior.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine differences in intrinsic motivation and perceived academic competence as well as in their association between 5th‐ and 6th‐grade students with learning disabilities (LD) (n= 40) and their typically achieving peers. Participants were 980 Greek elementary students from the metropolitan area of Athens. As predicted, students with LD showed lower intrinsic motivation and perceived academic competence than students without LD almost across all subscales. Exceptions were noticed in intrinsic motivation concerning curiosity/interest and history subscales as well as perceptions of academic competence in the subjects of history and science. Support was found that among typically achieving students intrinsic motivation was positively and significantly related at a moderate level to perceived academic competence across all subscales, as opposed to students with LD, for whom few correlations were found.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the system of early childhood teacher education in Germany raise the question of whether different academic levels of early childhood teacher education lead to different beliefs and orientations. In this study, prospective early childhood teachers' orientations to scientific knowledge and to research were explored. A questionnaire addressing orientations to the utility of research, educational and psychological theories versus orientations to intuitive theories and personal experience was completed by 712 prospective early childhood teachers. In a latent profile analysis, two types of orientation profiles could be identified: (a) an orientation towards subjective theories, lay theories, and subjective experience, and (b) an orientation towards scientific theories and research results. Results are discussed from the perspective of professionalization in early childhood teacher education.  相似文献   

Microcomputers offer unique opportunities for systematic variations in the presentation of educational materials and for research concerning the social, motivational, and academic consequences of these different variations. This paper explores one set of theoretical controversies and policy debates that has been stimulated by this new technology for instruction. It is argued that conflicting views concerning the role of intrinsic motivational processes in instruction underlie differences of opinion concerning the relative costs and benefits of instructional games and discovery-learning environments, the expected impact of different styles of teaching, and the merits of alternative strategies for the design of detailed tutorial interactions.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, many theories on achievement motivation have been established to understand the complex interaction of motivational variables and identify the conditions that can enhance individuals' motivation. This review explores the role of conceptions of ability, its relations to other major motivational frameworks and factors affecting individuals' conceptions of ability, with the goal of identifying the major contributions to the research knowledge base. Research findings show that beliefs about the nature of ability are critical elements to all other major theories. Conceptions of ability and all other major theories directly affect motivational patterns and outcomes. Finally, based on the literature reviewed, a conceptual theoretical model is proposed.  相似文献   

通过对江西省地方高师院校师范类毕业生的调查,考察职业决策自我效能感和成就动机之间的关系,发现成就动机中的趋于成功的动机与职业决策自我效能感有极其显著的正相关关系,成就动机中的避免失败的动机与职业决策自我效能感有极其显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

The extent to which changes in children's self-assessments of their competence to master academic material are influenced by their developing beliefs about the causes of academic outcomes, goal orientation for learning, and study strategy use were examined in a longitudinal-sequential study. Fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-graders who transitioned to the middle level within the same school were asked to complete a self-report questionnaire for three consecutive years. Nearly two-thirds of the children were members of minority groups and slightly more than half were female students. Results showed that ability attributions for successful outcomes, mastery orientation, persistence, and self-monitoring strategy use predicted concurrent perceptions of academic competence for all grade levels. Initial self-perceived competence strongly predicted perceived academic competence one year later. No significant grade-level differences in self-perceptions of academic competence were found. The results were discussed in terms of a developing academic self-image.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the interactive and differential effects of professors' instructional methods and university students'conceptual levels on students' achievement and motivation in a course designed to teach computer technologies. As predicted, matching high-conceptual-level persons with student-centered instruction and low-conceptual-level learners with teacher-centered instruction enhanced students' achievement and motivation in the classroom. In addition, an unpredicted main effect for type of instruction was discovered with respect to motivation-regardless of conceptual level, students exposed to student-centered instruction demonstrated greater motivation than did students exposed to teacher-centered instruction. These findings have ramifications for the design and implementation of computer technology courses and deserve further research.  相似文献   

采用运动承诺量表、运动动机量表和学校人际归属量表,对参加运动技能学习的普通女性青少年进行测试,探讨教师支持对女性青少年运动投入、运动动机、技能学习成就的影响。结果显示:(1)教师支持通过运动动机和运动投入这两个中介变量间接影响运动成就。(2)教师支持直接影响女性青少年的运动动机和运动投入。  相似文献   

通过对贵州教育学院268名成人大学生进行问卷调查,分析该学院成人大学生成就动机的特点以及在性别、年级、民族、专业和父母学历与职业等人口统计资料背景上是否存在差异,并依据成就动机理论和研究结果,为今后贵州省成人大学生在教育条件相对落后的环境中成就动机如何发展提出相应的建议和改进措施。  相似文献   

核心素养是学生终身发展、一生成功的根本,教师素养是这一"根本"的"根本"。教师是学生发展核心素养落地的关节点,教师的核心素养观、核心素养教学与课改思维是造就学生发展核心素养的关键教师素养。在核心素养时代,教师的育人思维、教育视野、工作方式、课堂角色悄然进入激变期,面向核心素养培育的教师教育目标调适势在必行。面向学生发展核心素养培育的时代使命,我国教师教育必须致力于造就四类教师,即"真人之师""生涯之师""超能之师""实践之师"。  相似文献   

In Canada, child care for kindergartners typically combines part-day school and child care. Exploratory research examined parents', teachers', and child care staff views on coordination between these programs. Community-based research surveyed these three groups. There was general agreement, and some key differences, among the groups in priorities for programs for kindergarten-age children. Social and language skills were generally considered most important; reading and writing least. Parents were particularly enthusiastic about a coordinated, school-based program. Teachers and child care staff were somewhat less enthusiastic about the model, with teachers' reactions the least positive. Teachers' views on the advisability of an integrated program were varied—some thought it would be of benefit to children, others disagreed. All three groups felt that a coordinated program would benefit by being school-based. Direct experience with integrated programs seemed to produce strong opinions about the value of program integration, with those teachers who had on-site child care programs giving the integrated programs the highest and the lowest ratings. Arguments are made for small-scale demonstration programs to expand provision of child care services using kindergarten as a foundation—and for rigorous evaluation of program impacts and outcomes.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined gender differences in motivation and the role of reading prerequisites, that is phonemic and comprehension skills, in the formation of motivational tendencies from kindergarten up to grade 1. The longitudinal sample consisted of 157 Finnish-speaking children. Teachers rated children's adaptive goals, (i.e. task orientation and social dependence orientation) at four points of time, kindergarten-spring, preschool-fall, preschool-spring and in the fall of grade 1. Children's phonemic awareness and language comprehension skills were assessed in kindergarten at the initiation of the study (i.e. initial phoneme identification, rhyming, writing of the alphabet, listening and instruction comprehension). Word reading and reading comprehension skills were assessed at the end of grade 1 in the three groups of children at risk for reading failure and in children with high reading prerequisites. The results showed that gender and early phonemic and language comprehension differences were associated with divergent motivational-developmental trajectories. Children with low phonemic or low language comprehension skill showed higher social dependence and lower task orientation over time than children with high initial reading prerequisites. In particular, boys with low reading prerequisites underwent a negative motivational change. The group of children who had poor phonemic and poor language comprehension skills showed most unfavorable development of motivation and reading. Findings concerning motivational trajectories are discussed with regard to the lack of fit between child's competence and curriculum demands.  相似文献   

该研究探究了网络环境下大学生英语听力学习动机与元认知策略的相关性,对125名高校非英语专业学生进行了问卷调查与访谈,发现如下:1)英语学习者的学习动机普遍较高,内在动机高于外在动机;学习者偏爱使用集中注意策略、解决问题策略,最少使用计划和评价策略;2)英语学习者的内在动机与解决问题策略、集中注意策略呈显著正相关关系;3)高动机组学习者与低动机组只在解决问题策略的使用上存在显著差异。进而建议教师应注重培养学习者有效运用元认知策略的能力,帮助学习者保持较高的动机水平,引导学习者从被动完成听力任务的客体转变为主动探究听力过程的主体。  相似文献   

大学生自我效能感、成就动机与成就目标定向的关系探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:考察大学生自我效能感、成就动机和成就目标定向的性别差异及相互关系。方法:采用自我效能感量表、成就动机量表和成就目标定向问卷对300名南阳师院在读本科大学生进行问卷调查。结果:自我效能感、成就动机和学习目标定向在性别上差异极显著;成就动机在自我效能感和学习目标定向之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of teacher misbehaviors and caring on students' affect, teacher evaluation, and teacher competence and trustworthiness. After reading hypothetical scenarios of teachers engaging in appropriate (or inappropriate) behaviors and communicating caring (or non-caring), students reported perceptions of teacher competence and trustworthiness and affect. Results of the analysis of variance revealed significant main effects for teacher caring and appropriateness on teacher competence and trustworthiness. Although there were interaction effects, the variance accounted for was minimal. Teacher caring was also positively related to students' affect toward the course and the teacher. This study demonstrates that teachers should maintain appropriate classroom behavior and communicate caring towards students to preserve their credibility and affect in the classroom.  相似文献   

通过对义务教育阶段教师的学历变化进行连续跟踪调查,假设全国各地开展的学科带头人和骨干教师等学术称号能完全代表教师的教学能力,并通过数理统计对小学、初中教师的最初学历、最终学历、师范类学历、非师范类学历与教学能力的相关关系进行研究,结果表明:教师教学能力与初始学历呈负相关,与最终学历有时呈负相关,有时呈正相关;教师最终师范学历和最初师范学历与教学能力呈正相关。但是,教学能力与学历的相关程度并不是很高。有关部门应严格小学、初中教师的入口,并加强在职教师的培训。  相似文献   

大学生学业成就的高低与意志品质有重要关系。通过对大学生意志品质与其学业成就的相关分析发现:意志品质与学业成就存在极显著正相关;意志品质的坚韧性、自制力与学习的主动性计划性、学习态度、学习努力程度各维度之间均存在显著相关;女生的学业成就、学习态度显著好于男生。  相似文献   

This article reports on the influence of learning strategy instruction on student teachers’ physics achievement, attitude towards physics, and achievement motivation. A pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental design with matching control group was used in the study. Two groups of student teachers (n = 75) who were enrolled in an introductory physics course participated in the study. In the experimental group, questioning, summarizing, and graphic organizers were taught. The control group did not receive any presentation on strategy learning. Data were collected via the pre- and post-administration of the Physics Course Achievement Test, the Scale of Attitudes towards Physics, and the Achievement Motivation Scale. Univariate and multivariate analyses of variance on the data revealed no significant differences in the attitude and achievement motivation between the strategy and control groups. However, the strategy group students were observed to have a tendency of more positive attitude and motivation than the control group students. Results also showed that explicit learning strategy instruction was more effective than traditional instruction in improving physics achievement of the participating students. The implications of these results for physics education are discussed.  相似文献   

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