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This paper reports action research intended to advance intercultural learning and pedagogy within teacher pre‐service education. Northern Ireland (NI) student teachers returning from teaching abroad and students from abroad training in NI shared views upon pedagogical practices, identified features supportive of inclusive teaching and assessed the potential of teacher intercultural learning. Experience of teaching abroad acted to challenge, but in some cases also to affirm, teacher dependence upon professional authority, independent pupils' learning and associated forms of control in classrooms. A majority of student teachers appeared encouraged by their experience of teaching abroad to experiment with pedagogies supportive of a negotiated and more inclusive curriculum and involving more cooperative learning in classrooms. Without significantly greater intercultural experience in NI teacher education, in the selective nature of NI schooling and in the control of subject disciplines under the NI statutory curriculum, sustained use of more transformative pedagogies is considered problematical in NI schools.

Cet article retrace une recherche‐action mise en oeuvre afin de promouvoir l'apprentissage interculturel et sa pédagogie. Des étudiants nord‐irlandais en formation initiale, rentrant de stage pratique à l'étranger, et des étudiants d'autres pays, effectuant un stage en Irlande du Nord, ont partagé leurs points de vue sur des pratiques pédagogiques, ont identifié des aspects encourageant l'éducation à l'altérité et ont évalué le potentiel d'apprentissage interculturel du professeur. L'expérience d'enseigner à l'étranger a mis ces étudiants au défi, mais dans certains cas a aussi renforcé la dépendance de l'enseignant à l'égard de l'autorité, du travail individuel de l'élève et du maintien de la discipline dans la classe. Cette expérience a encouragé la majorité de ces futurs professeurs à faire l'expérience des pédagogies développant un programme scolaire négocié et un apprentissage fondé sur la collaboration dans la classe. Sans réformes majeures, l'application intensive de ces pédagogies a été considérée comme problématique pour les écoles nord‐irlandaises.

Dieses Papier berichtet über Aktionsforschung mit dem Ziel der Förderung von interkulturellem Lernen und Pädagogik im Bereich der Lehrerausbildung. Nordirische Studierende, die aus einem Auslandslehrpraktikum zurückkehren und ausländische Studierende, die in Nordirland ausgebildet wurden, tauschten Eindrücke über pädagogische Praktiken, identifizierten Merkmale welche ?inclusive teaching“ unterstützen und bewerteten das Potential für interkulturelles Lernen in der Lehrerausbildung. Die Lehrerfahrung im Ausland bewirkte eine Herausforderung, in manchen Fällen aber auch eine Bestätigung der Abhängigkeit der Lehrenden von Autorität, der Arbeit von einzelnen Schülern und Schülerinnen und der Kontrolle im Klassenraum. Die Mehrzahl der Lehramtsstudierenden wurde durch ihre Erfahrung ermutigt mit einer Pädagogik zu experimentieren, die verhandelte Curricula und gemeinschaftliches Lernen unterstützen. Ohne weitgehende Reformen wurde der Einsatz dieser Pädagogiken in den Schulen Nordirlands als problematisch betrachtet.

Este estudio informa sobre investigaciones prácticas para potenciar la pedagogía y el aprendizaje interculturales de los docentes. Los estudiantes de Magisterio de Irlanda del Norte que vuelven de su periodo de prácticas docentes en el extranjero y los estudiantes extranjeros de prácticas en Irlanda del Norte comparten puntos de vista sobre prácticas pedagógicas, identifican áreas de apoyo para una enseñanza global y evalúa el potencial del aprendizaje intercultural. La experiencia de las prácticas en el extranjero sirvió de reto, pero en algunos cursos también reforzó la dependencia del docente en la autoridad, en el trabajo personal de los estudiantes y en el control del aula. La mayoría de los estudiantes de prácticas se sintieron animados a experimentar con pedagogías de negociación de contenidos curriculares y de aprendizaje colaborativo. Sin reformas importantes, el uso continuado de esta pedagogía se considera problemático en las escuelas de Irlanda del Norte.  相似文献   

Comparative Education as a subject or course on teacher education curricula mainly continues to be taught in Ireland, some African and East European countries and a few colleges in Ireland, the UK and several universities in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Latin America and Australia. This research compares Irish and South African students' experiences of their Comparative Education courses. The article commences with a survey of literature on the position of Comparative Education in teacher education, a portrayal of the contextual background of South Africa and of Ireland, and a brief synopsis of the pre-course survey of students' expectations, upon which this study builds. Subsequently the research method is explained and the results presented. Three findings emerged from this study. The first is the valuable role of Comparative Education in teacher education. The second is the role of contextual factors in determining the significance of Comparative Education in teacher education. Thirdly, the centrality of clients (i.e. students) is critical to the future of Comparative Education in teacher education.  相似文献   

Research studies in teacher education have focussed on the outcomes of preparatory programmes. Less attention has been paid to the processes through which professional learning is acquired. This article argues that the study of attitudes and persuasion is very important in teacher education. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion provides an integrative framework to analyze empirical evidence from a five-year study, conducted in the Republic of Ireland, which presents findings from an in-depth survey of 2348 respondents. This model highlights many salient issues that teacher educators should consider when engaged in programme development, delivery and evaluation.  相似文献   

Background: Teacher education has been the subject of a seven-year review culminating with the issuing of a consultation document Teacher education in a climate of change: The way forward (Department for Employment and Learning and Department for Education 2010). Issues of rationalisation, demographic trends, the over-provision of teachers and the cost of initial teacher education inter alia dominated the agenda.

Purpose: The paper seeks to assess the ways in which the current economic climate, student tuition fees, reduced income from government and the declining demographic situation will affect recruitment, on the profile of applicants to teacher education, on widening access and participation, and on models of teacher education. As the environment becomes increasingly globally competitive, issues surrounding the nature, quality, cost and content of programmes will be analysed.

Sources of evidence: Data that informs the paper derive from multiple sources including education policy documents, review and strategy documents, research reports and relevant research literature. It will be complemented by the author's knowledge and experience as a teacher, teacher educator and international researcher, and sustained contributor to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of teacher education policy in NI.

Main argument: With the predicted reduction in expenditure for higher education in NI likely to be considerable over the next four years, substantial cuts in teacher education are inevitable. At a time when participation rates for under-represented groups are being encouraged, higher student fees and reduced quotas will impede the goal of achieving a more equitable teaching workforce. Rather than concentrating on the uncertainties that characterise the current economic climate, it will be important not to focus exclusively on survival and sustainability but on longer-term opportunities for transforming and re-conceptualising teacher education.

Conclusions: All of the current national teacher education review documents in England, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland highlight the need to improve teacher education. Irrespective of the constraining global financial situation, a career-long model for teachers' professional learning is overdue. It is possible, even in financially challenging circumstances, to realise the opportunities for creative change to ensure that teacher education maintains its high standards and reputation. Enhanced resourcing by itself does not necessarily guarantee enhanced provision.  相似文献   

The homogeneity of the teaching profession is an international, as well as national, phenomenon. In an era of significant demographic change in schools and education policy development in Ireland and across Europe, the lack of solid data about the backgrounds of teachers and initial teacher education (ITE) applicants and entrants has hindered informed policy development, including in relation to ITE application procedures, selection criteria as well as teacher supply and demand. In this paper we discuss findings from the Diversity in Initial Teacher Education (DITE) national project. We present analyses of application (N?=?2,437) and survey data (N?=?530) to explore 2014 undergraduate primary (UG P) ITE entrants’ socio-demographic backgrounds. Key findings confirm that primary teaching remains a popular career choice attracting high academic achievers in Ireland. We note the continuing underrepresentation of males and of people from minority national and ethnic backgrounds. Roman Catholics and students without disabilities are overrepresented in the UG P cohort compared to postgraduate post-primary ITE cohorts and the general Irish population. Findings are discussed with reference to Irish and international literature on teacher diversity.  相似文献   

This paper critically considers teacher education in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It was stimulated by an exchange programme between student teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for a period of school‐based work in each other's jurisdictions. It examines recent curricular developments, partnership with schools, college requirements and cultural diversity. It also contrasts the effects these have had on student teacher preparation, classroom delivery and tutor involvement in student teacher development. The highly prescribed and assessed Northern Ireland curriculum will be contrasted with that of the Republic of Ireland, which appears to offer more in terms of freedom, flexibility and independence in planning. Different supervisory practices and responsibilities for the assessment of student teachers' practical teaching will be compared in both jurisdictions. The tutors in the Republic of Ireland exercise more control over student teachers' preparation and professional development for teaching, while in Northern Ireland the partnership arrangements have given more influence to schools. The paper illuminates the shift of locus of control and influence of Colleges of Education in Northern Ireland in the education of student teachers, while in the Republic of Ireland Colleges of Education have retained their influence. The curricular expertise of supervisors in the Republic of Ireland is recognized and accepted by the schools, while in Northern Ireland the rise in significance of curriculum expertise in the Curriculum Advisory and Support Service (CASS) of the Education and Library Boards has undermined the influence and expertise of college tutors.

Cet article considère en critique l'éducation de professeur en Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande. Elle a été stimulée par un programme d'échange entre les professeurs d'étudiant d'Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande pendant une période d'école a basé le travail dans des juridictions de chacun. Elle examine des développements curriculaires récents, l'association avec des écoles, des conditions d'université et la diversité culturelle. Elle contraste également les effets que ceux‐ci ont eus sur la préparation de professeur d'étudiant, la livraison de salle de classe et la participation de précepteur dans le développement de professeur d'étudiant. Le programme d'études fortement prescrit et évalué de l'Irlande du Nord sera contrasté avec celui de la République de l'Irlande, qui semble offrir plus en termes de liberté, flexibilité et indépendance dans la planification. Différentes pratiques et responsabilités de surveillance de l'évaluation de l'enseignement pratique des professeurs d'étudiant seront comparées dans les deux juridictions. Les précepteurs dans la République de l'Irlande exercent plus de contrôle de la préparation des professeurs d'étudiant et du développement de professionnel pour enseigner tandis qu'en Irlande du Nord, les arrangements d'association ont donné plus d'influence aux écoles. Le papier élucide le décalage du lieu de la commande et influence des universités de l'éducation en Irlande du Nord dans l'éducation des professeurs d'étudiant, alors que dans la République de l'Irlande, les universités de l'éducation ont maintenu leur influence. L'expertise curriculaire des surveillants dans la République de l'Irlande est identifiée et admis par les écoles, alors qu'en Irlande du Nord l'élévation de la signification de l'expertise de programme d'études dans le programme d'études consultatif et le service de support (CASS) de l'éducation et des conseils de bibliothèque, a miné l'influence et l'expertise des précepteurs d'université.

Este papel crítico considerar profesor educación en Irlanda del Norte y república Irlanda. Fue estimulado por un programa del intercambio entre los profesores del estudiante de Irlanda del Norte y la república de Irlanda por un período de la escuela basó el trabajo en cada otras jurisdicciones. Examina progresos del plan de estudios recientes, sociedad con las escuelas, requisitos de la universidad y diversidad cultural. También pone en contraste los efectos que éstas han tenido en la preparación del profesor del estudiante, la entrega de la sala de clase y la implicación del profesor particular en el desarrollo del profesor del estudiante. El plan de estudios altamente prescrito y determinado de Irlanda del Norte será puesto en contraste con el de la república de Irlanda, que aparece ofrecer más en términos de la libertad, de la flexibilidad y de la independencia en el planeamiento. Las diversas prácticas y responsabilidades de supervisión del gravamen de la enseñanza práctica de los profesores del estudiante serán comparadas en ambas jurisdicciones. Los profesores particulares en la república de Irlanda ejercitan más control sobre mientras que la preparación de los profesores del estudiante y desarrollo del profesional para enseñar en Irlanda del Norte, los arreglos de la sociedad han dado más influencia a las escuelas. El papel ilumina la cambio del lugar geométrico del control e influencia de universidades de la educación en Irlanda del Norte en la educación de los profesores del estudiante, mientras que en la república de Irlanda, las universidades de la educación han conservado su influencia. La maestría del plan de estudios de supervisores en la república de Irlanda se reconoce y aceptado por las escuelas, en mientras que en Irlanda del Norte la subida de la significación de la maestría del plan de estudios el plan de estudios consultivo y el servicio de ayuda (CASS) de la educación y de los tableros de la biblioteca, ha minado la influencia y maestría de los profesores particulares de la universidad.

Sie dieses Papier betrachtet kritisch Lehrerausbildung in Nordirland und in der Republik von Irland. Es wurde durch ein Austauschprogramm zwischen Kursteilnehmerlehrern von Nordirland angeregt und die Republik von Irland während einer Periode der Schule gründete Arbeit in den jeder des anderen Jurisdiktionen. Sie überprüft neue Lehrplanentwicklungen, Teilhaberschaft mit Schulen, Hochschulanforderungen und kulturelle Verschiedenartigkeit. Sie kontrastiert auch die Effekte, die diese auf Kursteilnehmerlehrervorbereitung gehabt haben, Klassenzimmeranlieferung und Tutormiteinbeziehung in der Kursteilnehmerlehrerentwicklung. Der in hohem Grade vorgeschriebene und festgesetzte Nordirlandlehrplan wird zu dem der Republik von Irland kontrastiert, das scheint, mehr in Freiheit, Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit in der Planung ausgedrückt anzubieten. Unterschiedliche Überwachungspraxis und Verantwortlichkeiten für die Einschätzung des praktischen Unterrichts der Kursteilnehmerlehrer werden in beiden Jurisdiktionen verglichen. Die Tutore in der Republik von Irland üben mehr Steuerung über Vorbereitung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer und Fachmanentwicklung für das Unterrichten während in Nordirland, die Teilhaberschaftsvorbereitungen haben gegeben mehr Einfluß zu den Schulen aus. Das Papier belichtet die Verschiebung des Ortes der Steuerung und Einfluß der Hochschulen der Ausbildung in Nordirland in der Ausbildung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer, während in der Republik von Irland, Hochschulen der Ausbildung ihren Einfluß behalten haben. Die Lehrplansachkenntnis der Inspektoren in der Republik von Irland wird erkannt und angenommen durch die Schulen, während in Nordirland hat der Aufstieg in der Bedeutung der Lehrplansachkenntnis im beratenden Lehrplan und im Beistandsservice (CASS) der Ausbildung und der Bibliothekbretter, den Einfluß und die Sachkenntnis der Hochschultutore untergraben.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine technology leadership issues and challenges with an emphasis on TeleLearning Professional Development Schools. A qualitative analysis of professional educators' practices as early adopters of information and communication technologies (ICTs) was conducted. Ethnographic data were gathered from a broad variety of activities organized or supported by the TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence (Canada, 1995–2002). Research results point to 1. themes indicating that substantive technology leadership is manifest (leadership for partnership, leadership for learning to teach with ICTs, and leadership in research for innovation), 2. leadership issues at different levels of integration of ICTs, and 3. creative tensions and related challenges  相似文献   

This paper analyses accountability and partnership in Initial Teacher Education for the primary school sector in Northern Ireland. In considering teacher education, the paper focuses on three higher education institutions: Stranmillis University College, St Mary's University College and the University of Ulster. Of the three institutions, the Roman Catholic Church maintains St Mary's University College while the other institutions have no religious affiliations. The paper focuses on the reform of teacher education within the British Isles and sets Northern Ireland into a context of a system of teacher education which has developed new patterns of accountability. Three sources of evidence are used to analyse accountability; firstly the perception of schools that are partners in Initial Teacher Education; secondly, the views of the Education and Training Inspectorate who are responsible for accrediting teacher education in Northern Ireland; and thirdly, the views of the three university schools of education. The paper will demonstrate how teacher education in Northern Ireland is simultaneously similar to, and different from, teacher education in the rest of the developed world. It will illuminate the dimensions of accountability in the primary school sector and show how in Northern Ireland this is heavily segregated by religious denomination.  相似文献   

The development of the Irish system of education was, not unlike all critical aspects of Irish identity, fundamentally shaped by its relationship with its colonial neighbour. Prior to Independence in 1922, the system of education promoted was a fundamental part of a strategic effort to ensure cultural assimilation and political socialisation. Control over the education system facilitated the systematic erosion of the native language and culture and the reproduction of colonial values. Following Independence, the system of education promoted was a response to what was perceived as centuries of political, economic, cultural and linguistic domination. However, whether prior to or post‐Independence, the pedagogical was often marginalised at the expense of the political. This article focuses on an aspect of Irish education policy which has largely escaped the focus of scholars to date: teacher education policy. It examines the ideological basis underlying the development of a national policy on teacher education from 1831.  相似文献   

一、教师应具备的素质 教师在人类社会文化的继承和发展中起着承上启下的桥梁作用.只有从根本上提高教师的素质,建立一支现代化的教师队伍,才能完成培养21世纪合格人才的宏伟工程.有关学者对于现代教师的素质作了如下概述:  相似文献   

The education of students identified as ‘gifted’ has had a highly problematic history, having been judged as conceptually confused, socially and ethnically discriminatory, and educationally exclusive. Despite this, it is argued that contemporary research and scholarship critiquing the concepts of giftedness and gifted education programmes may provide a base for teacher education and development generally, rather than only for those interested in giftedness. It has particular potential for altering teachers’ thinking about students’ ability. Such research has emphasised the developmental nature of intelligence, its multidimensional character and the sociopolitical role of the concept of ability in school systems. It is argued that the appropriate use of this research could contribute to a more equitable and inclusive model for teachers’ thinking and for practice in schooling. Five implications for teacher development are discussed.  相似文献   

素质是心理学研究的一个课题,心理素质是素质教育的一个主要内容。素质教育应注重培养学生的学习兴趣,让学生扬长避短、发挥优势。实现素质教育的关键是教师素质的提高。  相似文献   


Reformers in developing countries increasingly seek to raise education quality. Yet we know little about the politics of improving education. One significant and instructive case of reforms designed to boost education quality comes from Chile, where in 2016 the government enacted a sweeping reform of teaching careers. This paper first uses a quantitative analysis of appearances in the news to identify key stakeholders and then turns to process tracing to analyze how and when these stakeholders influenced reform dynamics. Comparatively, the Chilean case differs from similar reforms elsewhere in Latin America due to the absence of business, the strong role of policy networks, and the final negotiated settlement with the teacher union. Theoretically, the analysis confirms general theories that emphasize the roles of distributive politics and policy networks.  相似文献   

Curriculum, while often narrowly defined, is a contested space that stimulates continuing international debate, yet the importance of curriculum studies is frequently overlooked across the continuum of teacher education. Within the Irish context a technicist interpretation of curriculum studies, focusing primarily of subject knowledge and development, has historically been adopted. More recent Teaching Council of Ireland policy documents have espoused a broader macro understanding of curriculum studies as a foundation discipline within initial teacher education. However, concerns have been raised regarding student teachers’ ability to fully engage with such material so early in their professional development. With the recently embraced continuum of teacher education in Ireland, this paper examines how curriculum studies is currently defined by Irish policy and problematises how it is addressed in practice. The paper proceeds to explore emerging opportunities to expand this area of study across the continuum. A case for the place of curriculum studies as central to the advancement of the profession through the promotion of teachers as change agents is presented.  相似文献   

Many reports have identified a perceived lack of quality in regard to assessment feedback in higher education contexts. One research study in 2007 on undergraduate university students found that less than half of the students (46%) collected their formative feedback, suggesting that from their perspective feedback clearly was not fulfilling the role it should. This is a study of 465 graduate students and 101 undergraduate students studying teacher education at a major Australian university. The study investigated what students perceived to be effective, quality feedback based upon their extensive higher education experiences. Students identified preferences in regard to form, detail and timing of assessment feedback. The data were collected by means of pen and paper survey and identified which strategies the students perceived to be the most effective, particularly within the context of large cohort teaching and written assessment formats. Findings agreed with research elsewhere regarding problems with assessment feedback quality and quantity, but students also provided clear indications of how realistic improvements could be made in terms of assessment feedback processes and strategies.  相似文献   

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