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This study utilizes the conceptual framework of culturally responsive pedagogy and theoretical suppositions about the culturally responsive teacher educator to examine the learning experiences of teacher candidates of color. Findings from the case study of a teacher educator’s and teacher candidates’ of color teaching and learning experiences in a semester-long course revealed the following: (a) The teacher educator’s culturally responsive content was characterized by resistance, revelation, and support and (b) culturally responsive teacher educator pedagogy involved instructional approaches of modeling change and building community. Implications for culturally responsive pedagogies in the teacher education classroom and professional development are explored.  相似文献   

Set in a yearlong, school-based tutoring program, designed as a community of practice, we use qualitative methodology to examine how 14 preservice teachers learned to become responsive teachers. We focus on one question: In what ways does participating in a yearlong, supervised tutoring program mediate preservice teachers' learning about responsive teaching? The preservice teachers described the ways they came to learn about their buddies and build caring relationships with them. They reported the importance of collaboration with their tutoring buddies, peers, families, and classroom teachers, and that through the yearlong tutoring experience, the preservice teachers gained confidence as teachers and a sense of efficacy as caring educators. This study is important because it uncovers how school-based tutoring programs, modeled as a community of practice, can provide opportunities for preservice teachers to grow professionally to become responsive educators.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship of teachers to the State during the first decades of this century. It argues that teachers had a particular ideological, political and economic role within the State. It takes issue with the recent studies of Ozga & Lawn which have invested teachers’ trade union militancy with an anti‐statist politics. This article employs a different approach to explain teachers’ politics, especially those of feminist teachers. Exploring the objective and subjective relationship of teachers to the State, the article concludes that teachers’ strategies were statist.  相似文献   

目的 了解海南省小学教师心理健康状况。方法 运用SCL-90量表对海南省291名小学教师进行心理健康状况调查。结果 海南小学教师的心理健康水平低于国内一般成年人;男女教师心理健康状况表现出不同特点;毕业班科任教师心理健康状况不如非毕业班教师;少数民族地区教师心理健康水平较汉族地区教师高;城市教师心理健康水平比乡村的低。结论 要想培养身心健康发展的人,就必须重视小学教师的心理健康问题。  相似文献   

Research on the teaching profession in Russia shows that teachers continue to be among the lowest paid specialists. Despite this, recruitment is possible since teachers find the yearly schedule attractive, and this compensates somewhat for lower salaries. There is concern, though, about the conditions of their work and the inadequate amount of funding that is provided for essential supplies and infrastructure.  相似文献   

西北贫困地区基础教育的发展已严重影响了我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的实施。而基础教育的发展,师资队伍的加强是关键。我们通过对西北贫困地区教师问卷的调查,对调查数据进行分析,旨在了解实际情况的基础上,就如何加快西北贫困地区教师队伍建设提出相关建议。  相似文献   

采用心理不安诊断测验(CAS),选取我校99级和2000级新生进行比较研究,结果显示:两级新生从总体上看没有显差异,引起师专新生心理不安的主要原因是自我控制力差和自我弱,有4%的新生心理问题比较严重;女生的主要的心理问题是自我弱和罪恶感,男生的主要的心理问题是疑心与妄想,科学生主要的心理问题是罪恶感,理科和艺体学生没有显差异。这个调查结果为我们有的放矢地对师范生进行心理健康教育,培养心理健康的高素质教师提供了心理依据。  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - Many scholars call for teacher educators to provide experiences that can lead prospective teachers to adopt and implement culturally...  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - We present lessons learned from an ongoing attempt to conceptualize, develop, and refine a way for teachers to gather formative assessment evidence...  相似文献   


Preparing special educators for the highest-need schools remains an ongoing challenge in urban districts across the United States. One university’s collaborative community-based immersive partnership model, with emphasis on service learning, has demonstrated promising levels of impact on candidates’ preparation as preservice teachers learning how to celebrate the rich cultural histories of the communities where they are immersed. Both quantitative and qualitative results on the impact of one specific example of this work are provided.  相似文献   

Recent research on teacher diversity has highlighted the challenges new teachers of color face when they enter diverse school settings. In this study the pedagogy of three sociopolitically conscious teacher educators is investigated to understand how they tailor preparation for teachers of color. Findings revealed that teacher educators' pedagogy for teacher candidates of color was characterized by three mutually binding mindsets and practices: (a) teacher educators made an intentional choice to work as a change agent for communities of color; (b) teacher educators challenged sociocultural barriers to the academic and professional achievement of teachers of color; and (c) teacher educators implemented constructivist approaches as an instructional bridge to prepare teacher candidates of color to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students. Based on findings, the conceptual framework of culturally responsive pedagogy is reconstructed to generate suppositions about the culturally responsive teacher educator as a theoretical construct.  相似文献   

高校体育教师的健康问题一直是体育界专家学者讨论的热点话题,对于教师的亚健康问题的研究报道也很多。从体育教师亚健康的成因方面对该问题展开分析探讨,并对解决的途径谈谈自己的认识。  相似文献   

教师专业化发展是教师教育中的一个重要内容,而从理论与实践的结合上去研究,则可认为教书育人应成为教师专业发展的最高境界;课堂教学应成为教师专业发展的最好平台;校本培训应成为教师专业发展的最根本途径。  相似文献   

刺激响应现象是自然界中普遍存在的一种现象.目前科研人员广泛研究的响应性凝胶材料可以根据外界刺激因素的变化产生响应性溶胀行为.响应性水凝胶已经成为制备功能化材料的重要骨架材料,近年来,科研人员已构建了pH响应水凝胶、温度响应水凝胶和光反应水凝胶等水凝胶材料,并利用水凝胶骨架构建了功能化材料.  相似文献   

本使用大学生人格健康调查问卷(UPI)对我校2002级新生的心理健康状况进行了调查。调查发现师专新生心理健康总体水平与其它高校相当,在性别、系际间不存在明显差异。师专新生主要的心理问题表现在自信与焦虑、身体素质与机能、人际交往、情绪与情感、自我控制等方面。  相似文献   

调查目的:了解师专学生思想状况,探索师生学生思想政治工作的新方法、新途径,增强学生思想政治工作的科学性实效性。调查方法:随机抽取昭通师专学生,进行问卷调查。结果:发现师专学生的思想状况总体上是积极的,在一些选项上,存在着性别、年级、城乡和学科差异。建议:要加强学生“三观”教育以及教育职业观教育;要充分发挥课堂教学的主渠道、主阵地作用;注意思想政治工作的方式、方法。  相似文献   

对大学生的思想现状和目前学院的思想政治工作状况进行了深入分析,并就如何加强思想政治工作,使之上水平、上档次进行了思考和探索。在思想政治工作队伍建设、转变观念、研究新方法、发挥典型作用、科学管理等方面提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

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