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卢桂红 《成才之路》2022,(1):117-119
高中生物课程是高中阶段的重要学科之一,其具有知识点繁杂、内容抽象性强、理解难度大等特点,单纯的理论讲解很难达到理想的教学效果.启发式教学法是一种快速有效的教学方法,能够有效激发学生对生物课的兴趣,强化学生对生物知识的理解,进而有效提升生物课堂的教学效果.文章在教学实践的基础上,对启发式教学法在高中生物课堂中的应用难题、...  相似文献   

Educators typically think that one teaches evolution to develop students' conceptual understanding of evolution. It is assumed that if students understand evolution they will believe it. From a constructivist perspective it can be argued that understanding and belief, though related, are distinct concepts and that each is a potential goal for instruction. Though there are good reasons why belief should not be an instructional goal, achieving conceptual understanding requires that issues of belief be addressed. The point is that students are not likely to gain much understanding of something that they dismiss outright as unbelievable. What counts as believable for an individual rests on that person's worldview. This article argues that instruction on evolution can profitably begin with a dialogue on what counts as believable based on a study of the cultural history of Darwinism. The purpose of this strategy is to create in the classroom a shared meaning that certain fundamental questions are worth discussing and that the biological principles of evolution can contribute to that discussion.  相似文献   

岩石力学课程的理论性比较强,单靠书面的讲解,学生难以深刻领会,需要丰富授课资料。通过对课程中的相关问题进行数值模拟并将结果演示于教学中,有助于课程教学效果的提升,使学生了解到更多岩石力学领域的知识和信息,进一步加深了对岩石力学概念和相关知识点的认识和理解;通过数值模拟结果演示资料的补充,极大改善了课程内容难懂、难以深入和授课资料不丰富、不直观、不全面等问题,极大地激发了学生学习和投身科研的兴趣,使学生理论水平和创新思维大幅提高,并开阔学生的视野;数值模拟也是岩石力学实验教学的有益补充,为实验教学打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

Classification is a central endeavor in every scientific field of work. Classification in biology, however, is distinct from classification in other fields of science in a number of ways. Thus, understanding how biological classification works is an important element in understanding the nature of biological science. In the present paper, I discuss a number of philosophical issues that are characteristic for classification in biological science, paying special attention to questions related to science education. My aims are (1) to provide science educators and others concerned with the teaching of biology with an accessible overview of the philosophy of biological classification and (2) to show how knowledge of the philosophy of classification can play an important role in science teaching.  相似文献   

马俊霞 《天津教育》2021,(7):163-165
对于广大的初中生群体来说,生物多样性和生物系统的内容是比较抽象化的,很多初中生在学习的过程中都会出现学习困难的情况,这对于初中生的生物课程学习具有不利影响。除此之外,生物多样性和生态系统的学习在初中生物教学过程中是非常重要的一个组成部分,其能够起到承上启下的作用,是生物学不可分割的一个重要部分,因此在后续的教学过程中需要重视生物多样性和生态系统稳定性的教学工作。故此,本文就将针对“生物多样性和生态系统的稳定性”进行相关的研究和分析,其主要目的是提升初中生物教学质量,对广大初中生的生物学习具有重要意义。  相似文献   

新课程改革要求在教学中要将学生作为教学的主体,而在高中阶段生物教学内容难度较大,需要学生理解记忆的内容较多,传统的讲授法难以满足学生全面发展的需求。疑问是学生思考的主要动力,有了对知识的疑问学生才会主动去思考问题,才能真正做到理解生物知识,准确掌握生物知识,以此提升生物教学质量。为了达到理想的教学效果,教师可以将问题教学法应用在高中生物教学中,充分活跃学生的思维。  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that undergraduates who peer teach genetics will have greater understanding of genetic and molecular biology concepts as a result of their teaching experiences. Undergraduates enrolled in a non–majors biology course participated in a service-learning program in which they led middle school (MS) or high school (HS) students through a case study curriculum to discover the cause of a green tomato variant. The curriculum explored plant reproduction and genetic principles, highlighting variation in heirloom tomato fruits to reinforce the concept of the genetic basis of phenotypic variation. HS students were taught additional activities related to mole­cular biology techniques not included in the MS curriculum. We measured undergraduates’ learning outcomes using pre/postteaching content assessments and the course final exam. Undergraduates showed significant gains in understanding of topics related to the curriculum they taught, compared with other course content, on both types of assessments. Undergraduates who taught HS students scored higher on questions specific to the HS curriculum compared with undergraduates who taught MS students, despite identical lecture content, on both types of assessments. These results indicate the positive effect of service-learning peer-teaching experiences on undergraduates’ content knowledge, even for non–science major students.  相似文献   

教师的人格魅力是有效开展教学交往的关键性因素之一。本文从"身正"为教学交往创造诚信的基础、语言魅力实现师生心灵的对话、平等真诚为学生参与教学交往积累了情感积淀、尊重和理解架起教学交往的平台几方面分析了健全的教师人格对于教学交往的影响。  相似文献   

Many ideas in the biological sciences seem especially difficult to understand, learn, and teach successfully. Our goal in this feature is to explore how these difficulties may stem not from the complexity or opacity of the concepts themselves, but from the fact that they may clash with informal, intuitive, and deeply held ways of understanding the world that have been studied for decades by psychologists. We give a brief overview of the field of developmental cognitive psychology. Then, in each of the following sections, we present a number of common challenges faced by students in the biological sciences. These may be in the form of misconceptions, biases, or simply concepts that are difficult to learn and teach, and they occur at all levels of biological analysis (molecular, cellular, organismal, population, and ecosystem). We then introduce the notion of a cognitive construal and discuss specific examples of how these cognitive principles may explain what makes some misconceptions so alluring and some biological concepts so challenging for undergraduates. We will argue that seemingly unrelated misconceptions may have common origins in a single underlying cognitive construal. These ideas emerge from our own ongoing cross-disciplinary conversation, and we think that expanding this conversation to include other biological scientists and educators, as well as other cognitive scientists, could have significant utility in improving biology teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Within the context of Malta, differentiated teaching pervades the National Minimum Curriculum (NMC) published in 1999 , in 11 of 15 principles that the NMC supports. The study seeks to explore how well prepared and equipped the teachers are with the necessary skills to fulfil a differentiated teaching approach. The aim of this research study was to explore the current pedagogical procedures teachers are adopting in order to ensure curriculum access to all students, and to what extent these actually reflect differentiated instructional strategies.
Data was collected through questionnaires. All teachers in the school were asked to participate and the response rate was high. The results are therefore representative of this particular school but cannot be generalised to the whole teaching population.
It was found that many teachers were taking an individualised role to teaching, and in the future the school will need to adopt policy decisions and a School Development Plan (SDP) which feature differentiation. Such an approach will be needed in order to encourage the teachers to utilise strategies that reflect a differentiated approach to teaching within a whole school context. In-service training will be required to enable teachers to be made aware of the varying ways of responding to the needs of all students through differentiated teaching approaches in order to provide paths to learning so that the classroom becomes a 'good fit' for varied learners.  相似文献   

多媒体优化组合与学生“双重建构”的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用实验和调查的方式,在现代教育理论指导下,利用多媒体优化结合,实现学生的双重建构。不仅使学生加深了对专业知识的理解、应用,同时培养了学生各种能力,为学生从事小学教学工作奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

The current study compared the effectiveness of two methods in biology teaching that are based on the science-as-inquiry approach: visits to authentic university laboratories (AULs) and analyzing adapted primary literature (APL). The methods’ effectiveness was measured in terms of high-school students’ increased understanding following a 6-week intervention that emphasized five major aspects of the nature of science (NOS): the tentativeness of scientific understanding, the cooperative nature of the scientific process, methodological diversity, the sociocultural embeddedness of scientific knowledge, and the aims of scientific inquiry. A quasi-experimental, pre-post control design was applied, utilizing quantitative evaluation methods. Findings indicate that teaching NOS in biology high-school classes using science-as-inquiry methods is an effective approach for enhancing NOS understanding. Both of the proposed methods appear to be promising; however, the AUL method was found to be more effective for enabling advanced-level high-school biology students’ understanding of these NOS aspects. In conclusion, both AUL and APL are potentially effective methods that can be adapted for teaching various biology subjects in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

中国大学生英语能力目标界定、大学英语教学和大学生自主学习是与大学英语校本考试设计、实施密切相关的三个重要方面。 朱正才等(2021)已经讨论了与英语能力目标构念相关的6 个问题,本文作为其姊妹篇则主要讨论与大学英语教学和校本英语水平考试有关的6个问题,包括教学与测试的关系、分级教学、中国大学生英语能力现状与对策、自主学习以及校本英语水平考试的效度与信度。对这些问题的看法和态度会严重影响校本考试的设计思路和价值取向,以至于会进一步影响到整个大学英语教学系统的有效性和工作效率。  相似文献   

教材是联结教师与学生的纽带。将任务驱动型教学原则贯彻到教材编写当中,能很好地解决高职课堂教学中学生与教师、理论与实践不相适应的问题。文章对任务驱动型教学原则与教材编写的关系进行了分析,阐释任务驱动型教学原则的内涵与运用于编写教材的意义,指出当前高职经管类教学及编写课堂教材中存在的误区,结合高职经管类教材中人力资源管理、导游实训等教材的编写实例,对编写高职经管类教材提出建议,以期改善经管类教材编写现状。  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity is an important socio‐scientific issue that is often regarded as a precondition to sustainable development. The foundation for citizens’ understanding of conservation issues can be laid down in formal school education. This research focuses on decision‐making discussions about biological conservation issues among 131 15–16‐year‐old students, to address two main research questions:
  1. Can peer group decision‐making discussions, in a normal science lesson setting, help develop students’ personal reasoning in relation to conservation issues?

  2. Are there features common to high quality discussions about conservation which might be readily identified by classroom teachers?

Findings indicate the positive value of students taking part in these short decision‐making discussions guided by a structured framework and as part of their normal science classroom activities. Students increase their quality of personal reasoning, and modify their solutions to the issues. The study begins to uncover features about students both as individuals and as members of discussion groups, which can be associated with high quality decision‐making about conservation issues, and which teachers might realistically identify. The work calls for the need to cultivate these features and to integrate them appropriately with learning about the scientific concepts that underpin the theory and practice of conservation management. Such integration will facilitate the development of teaching strategies for dealing effectively with the complex topic of biological conservation; not just in terms of science content, but also in terms of how students are expected to engage with the issues.  相似文献   

批判性思维作为一种优质的思维倾向和思维技能,是按照一定的评价标准改善思维并形成良好、合理的反向思维过程。高中生物教学旨在扎实学生的生物学科知识和帮助学生形成生物学科核心素养。高中生物习题教学中有效培养学生的批判性思维,有助于强化学生的专业知识和核心素养,提升学生综合素质。本文将探究高中生物习题教学中学生批判性思维的培养方法。  相似文献   

问卷调查显示当前师范生科学素养特别是生物科学素养水平低下。我们在总结存在问题的基础上提出加强师范生生物科学素养的重要性和迫切性。对探究式教学和生物探究式教学相关理论进行研究,提出生物探究式教学法在培养师范生生物科学素养方面的独特作用。通过比较课堂教学中实施探究式教学法与传统讲授法学生的生物科学素养状况,得出探究式教学法对师范生生物科学素养有显著的影响。  相似文献   


This study assessed 4th, 8th, and 11th grade students' understanding of natural and social science concepts related to pollution. A representative sample of public school students (n = 105) in 11 Maine schools was selected, and students were interviewed on four concept principles considered critical to a full understanding of the pollution problem. The concept of pollution included the much publicized issues of solid and toxic waste as well as air, soil, and water pollution. Research assertions were summarized in generalized correct concept statements indicating the extent of current student knowledge. Common misconceptions were also noted.

This study considered student understanding from a human ecological perspective, that is, as an integrated set or cluster of concepts related to pollution. This reflects a complex, integrated, and multidisciplinary conception of natural phenomena. Human constructivism, meaningful learning theory, and principles related to the relevance of student schema in the design of curriculum and instructional strategies guided this work.

The results of this study have implications for teaching about pollution and the design of science education curriculum materials based upon student knowledge. This information can guide teaching strategies concerning current environmental problems and thus help learners gain an appreciation for the complex and multi-disciplinary nature of science, technology, and society and how they affect the environment.  相似文献   

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