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Curriculum planning for the development of graphicacy capability has not been systematically included in general education to coincide with the graphicacy needs of human society. In higher education, graphicacy curricula have been developed to meet the needs of certain disciplines, for example medical and teacher training and engineering, among others. A framework for graphicacy curricula, anticipating the graphicacy needs in higher education, has yet to be strategically planned for general education. This is partly a result of lack of research effort in this area, but also a result of lack of systematic curriculum planning in general. This paper discusses these issues in the context of graphicacy curricula for engineering. The paper presents three broad individual case studies spanning Europe and the USA, brought together by the common denominator, graphicacy. The case studies are based on: an analysis of graphicacy within general education curricula, an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in Europe and an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in the USA. These three papers were originally presented in a plenary session at the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Design Graphics Division at the University of Limerick in November 2012. The case studies demonstrate the potential for strategic curriculum planning in regard to the development of graphicacy in general education and an overview of a methodology to achieve that. It also offers further evidence towards the importance of the systematic classification of graphics capabilities in Engineering and how the lack of a developed theoretical framework in this area undermines the case for the importance of graphics within engineering education.  相似文献   

UNESCO's challenge to Higher Education institutions to provide educational leadership in sustainable development, provides an impetus to develop innovative, interdisciplinary curricula and pedagogy. Whereas Higher Education curricula in sustainability and sustainable development have tended to come from the environmental sciences, recent studies have highlighted the need for more holistic, experiential, interdisciplinary approaches. As a pedagogical approach, outdoor learning may have something to offer since it lends itself to holistic and experiential learning and enables integration of knowledge and skills from a range of discipline areas. Outdoor and environmental education research suggests that educational experiences in outdoor settings can be significant in developing environmental sensitivity and knowledge. Such knowledge and attitudes are components of ecological literacy and, more recently, sustainability literacy. This paper considers how outdoor experiential pedagogy might contribute to the current sustainability education agenda. It focuses on Higher Education since this sector has the obligation and the capability of instigating a 'ripple' effect' in developing sustainability-literate citizens. It discusses possibilities and issues arising from a review of outdoor, environmental and sustainability education literature, particularly, but not exclusively, from the UK. The paper is a precursor to an empirical study into how outdoor learning might contribute to the development of sustainability-literate graduates.  相似文献   

UNESCO's challenge to Higher Education institutions to provide educational leadership in sustainable development, provides an impetus to develop innovative, interdisciplinary curricula and pedagogy. Whereas Higher Education curricula in sustainability and sustainable development have tended to come from the environmental sciences, recent studies have highlighted the need for more holistic, experiential, interdisciplinary approaches. As a pedagogical approach, outdoor learning may have something to offer since it lends itself to holistic and experiential learning and enables integration of knowledge and skills from a range of discipline areas. Outdoor and environmental education research suggests that educational experiences in outdoor settings can be significant in developing environmental sensitivity and knowledge. Such knowledge and attitudes are components of ecological literacy and, more recently, sustainability literacy. This paper considers how outdoor experiential pedagogy might contribute to the current sustainability education agenda. It focuses on Higher Education since this sector has the obligation and the capability of instigating a ‘ripple’ effect' in developing sustainability-literate citizens. It discusses possibilities and issues arising from a review of outdoor, environmental and sustainability education literature, particularly, but not exclusively, from the UK. The paper is a precursor to an empirical study into how outdoor learning might contribute to the development of sustainability-literate graduates.  相似文献   

“新工科”是应新经济发展而生的新型工程教育,其以继承与创新、交叉与融合、协调与共享为主要途径,旨在培养多元化、创新型卓越工程人才。文章以材料成形及控制工程专业为例,以“新工科”理念为契机,以培养双创型复合人才为目标,从课堂教学与实践教学两个层面出发,通过改进课堂的教学模式和方法,建立校企联合培养的任务驱动模式,以提升教育质量,服务产业的发展。  相似文献   

Education and training serve as critical elements of advancement of a nation’s economy in transition. The restructuring of the power engineering industry in Russia has called for a fast implementation of new management system in electric power engineering and radical training of professional managers at different levels in organizations. Management training in electric power engineering in Russia has been implemented by (1) preparing highly professional managers in higher education institutions and technical universities and by (2) improving the management skills of practicing managers in technical universities and educational centers of different power energy companies. This article reports the experience of introducing a new discipline ‘Management in Electrical Engineering’ at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) and reflects on training managers in electric power engineering at higher education and corporate educational centers.  相似文献   

In early 1979 an exploratory discussion meeting on “Engineering Education and Developing Countries of the Commonwealth” was hosted in the House of Commons by the Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC). Subsequent to the meeting, the relevant courses subcommittee of the CEC decided that the issues raised in discussion warranted closer investigation and a working group was established to consider factors affecting engineering education in and for Commonwealth developing countries. These factors include (a) existing educational provision in Britain and overseas (b) deficiencies in practical training for overseas students (c) staff development of overseas lecturers (d) engineering manpower forecasting (e) relevant financial problems. The present report, however, is only concerned with the difficulties students from Commonwealth developing countries meet in gaining admission, studying in and successfully completing engineering courses in Britain. Additionally, consideration is given to the appropriateness of the studies undertaken in Britain to future careers at home.  相似文献   

The Engineering profession is as old as mankind itself. It evolved from the work of the mason, the blacksmith and the millwright; but the modem profession was shaped mainly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The profession itself and the professional bodies played vital roles in the development of the education and training of new engineers. They set standards for competence to practise, which the educational establishments followed by necessity. In a rapidly changing world and a swiftly evolving technology, ideal educational curricula are difficult to establish. Nevertheless, most educators support the thesis that the emphasis of the curriculum should be on the basic and engineering sciences and on humanities, in order to create open-minded engineers, capable of adapting to the new challenges of technology. Training in specialized topics should be left to industry (on-the-job training) and advanced courses. But some professionals do not agree with this, advancing the theory that the new engineer should be able to cope with current industrial problems. The current trends in engineering education appear to be; a broad educational approach in science and technology as well as in the humanities, together with an emphasis on computer applications in every engineering discipline, both for education and for design. More consideration should also be given to engineering design and applications throughout the whole curriculum. In those countries with well-developed technological infrastructures, it is better to keep the basic engineering degree (BSc) to 4 years and enhance the advanced level and specialization degrees (MSc, PhD, etc) to promote the technology appropriate to the country. In less developed countries with limited employment markets and without developed technology, over-specialization may lead to unemployment and an unjustified waste of money. Participation of the students in design and/or research projects should always be encouraged, A comparison between the European and the North American engineering educational systems shows that in Europe undergraduate education is stressed more, whereas in North America advanced courses are better developed. Some comments on the Greek engineering education system are also made.  相似文献   

《清末新政与教育转型——以清季四川师范教育为中心的研究》一书,运用大量第一手资料,在史实重建的基础上,通过对清季四川各类师范教育的细致考察和深入分析,完整勾画了清季四川师范教育发展的历程,揭示了清季四川师范教育发展的特点与成就,对清季四川整体教育发展、社会变迁以及中国近代教育转型、本土化创新等问题的研究均有重大贡献,实为目前学界研究区域师范教育史的一部力作。  相似文献   

小学教育专业肩负着培养小学教师的重任,数学是小学教育专业的重要课程。从现代教育技术理论,小学教育专业数学教师应具备的现代教育技术能力,以及现代教育技术条件下小学教育专业学生如何学数学等方面,深入探讨了小学教育专业数学教学过程中如何应用现代教育技术的问题,通过应用几何画板、Excel、Flash和Madab等教育技术软件提高小学教育专业数学教学的效率,  相似文献   

The technological advances which have occurred in recent years have forced tertiary engineering institutions to search for more advanced and efficient teaching methods. More undergraduate curricula now include the use of computers in teaching programmes, not only for complex computations and computer simulation, but also as an important vehicle for the delivery of teaching material and instructions. This paper gives a comprehensive overview of the variety of research and developmental activities for computer-based education which is carried out in the School of Electrical Engineering at The University of Sydney. The paper endeavours to demonstrate a complex approach to the application of computers in teaching electrical engineering. Particular emphasis is placed on the research and development of computer-based training programmes for undergraduate students, discussing some issues relevant to this important topic.  相似文献   

军队工程人才是新型高素质军事人才的重要组成部分,通过回顾多年来郑州大学在利用地方教育资源优势培养军队专业学位工程硕士的工作经验,深入分析了在依托地方高校资源打造军队工程人才教育中亟待解决的问题,并在此基础上探索了相应的改进措施,为部队依托地方教育资源强化新型高素质军事人才的建设培养提供实例借鉴。  相似文献   

关于工程硕士招生与办学思路的分析与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设立工程硕士专业学位是我国学位与研究生教育和发展的一项重大的改革举措,经过十余年的发展,我国工程硕士教育获得了巨大的进步。目前加快专业学位硕士教育发展步伐,优化研究生培养结构,是当前研究生教育的重大任务。如何做好工程硕士办学是以工为主的高校面临的一个普遍问题。本文通过总结燕山大学十余年来工程硕士的办学经验,对今后的工程硕士教育办学思路提出了建议。  相似文献   


SPIL is a project of three institutes for higher education in the Netherlands. The aim of the project was to explore the potentiality of educational software for teaching food and bioprocess engineering. The Research and Development approach was followed. Knowledge has been gained by means of specifying, developing and testing educational software. An adequate method for constructing and field testing the software was obtained by integrating knowledge of several domains (information technology, educational science, food and bioprocess technology). Six educational simulations have been field tested. During the last phase of the project the programs were implemented in the curricula of the institutes that took part in the project.  相似文献   

现代教育技术学已发展成为一门新兴独立的学科,它对旧的教育模式的改革和新型人才的培养提供了技术支撑和解决手段。充分利用现代教育技术来办学是时代对高等教育的要求和挑战,高等职业教育必须善于利用现代教育技术来促进自身的发展,培养技术应用型人才,并为信息时代的教育竞争打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

While entrepreneurship has emerged as an important mechanism for the generation of social returns in terms of economic growth and job creation, entrepreneurship education is still something new in Europe and the debate about the need and the way of introduction of specific entrepreneurship courses in higher education is on going. This paper deals with the introduction of entrepreneurship education in engineering curricula. More specific it presents the experience of the National Technical University in Greece, as a case in point for discussing the need of an interdisciplinary approach in designing engineering curricula. The main argument is that the introduction of entrepreneurship education in University curricula should not result as an application of policy initiatives only related to economic imperatives. It should be part of a more general discussion related to educational priorities and of a strategic design of University curricula in order to provide engineers with entrepreneurial and management skills that will enhance their profile in accordance with the new requirements of the knowledge-based economy.  相似文献   

“课程思政”明确要求“课程门门有思政,教师人人讲育人”,每个专业建设好课程思政势在必行。专业课教师是影响大学生思想言行和道德发展的最大因素。工程管理教育与课程思政改革在育人目标、价值引领、教育理念方面存在内在契合的一致性,有利于教学双方的政治素养提升和道德人格养成。工程管理专业课程思政体系创新需做好五个方面的工作:设定专业思政目标、搭建课程思政平台、优化思政课堂教学、提高教师思政素养、提升思政教学管理。课程思政的终极追求,是勉励每名学生拒绝做“才胜德”的精致利己主义者,并终生做社会主义核心价值观的“燃灯者”。  相似文献   

实训教学一直是高等工程教育适应经济社会发展需要,服务于行业与企业生产实践的重要教学环节。2010年6月,国家教育部组织实施的"卓越工程师培养计划"对国内各高校工程教育实训教学的质量与管理水平提出了更高的要求,现行的"夹层制"实训教学模式面临许多新问题与新要求。在这样的形势下,"夹层制"实训教学模式改革与创新的基本路径是改革教学计划体系,建立高校和企业联合培养机制,配备专业合理的教学师资队伍,以及探索国际化、开放型培养模式。  相似文献   

新工科背景下,为了适应新能源汽车产业的蓬勃发展,培养新能源汽车专业人才已成为车辆工程专业教学的重要任务.在探讨面向新工科建设的新能源汽车专业方向相关课程教学形成性评价实施思路的基础上,提出了以增强工程实践能力为目标的形成性评价教学措施,旨在为新能源汽车专业方向相关课程教学中形成性评价的实施与应用提供参考.  相似文献   

随着经济社会发展,传统工科教育模式已难以满足新形势下的人才培养需求。文章分析了工科背景下的创新创业教育需具备的条件,给出了新工科背景下的创新创业教育新举措,将新工科背景下的创新创业教育模式应用于我校电子信息工程专业,取得了良好效果,这些实践经验将为高校新工科建设和创新创业教育提供参考。  相似文献   

The work of Activity 1 of the Thematic Network E4 “Employability through Innovative Curricula” on curriculum development issues has been guided by the intention to contribute to the establishment of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by addressing crucial aspects of harmonisation, compatibility and comparability. In due course the activities aspired to contribute to the enhancement of engineering education by encouraging diversity and innovative solutions to deal with a range of changing demands. Creative competitiveness and the strive for specific profiles of engineering qualifications on a high level of quality must be accompanied by the attempt to make diversity and quality transparent and comparable based on common terms. The article describes briefly various demands and discusses the challenges of the Bologna Process on the development of engineering education in Europe and how some of the meanwhile 45 signatory countries deal with it. Based on the published Outcomes of Activity 1 and referring to examples of good practice it focuses on components of innovative curricula which should guide curriculum development to satisfy various needs including those of the Bologna Process.  相似文献   

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