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The Dearing Report in the UK supported the use of benchmarking in higher education, taking as its stimulus the use of benchmarking in industrial and commercial contexts. The UK Government's concern regarding academic standards has raised the question of whether benchmarking could be applied to them.This article reports on a pilot study of the benchmarking of academic standards in the UK, and demonstrates -- with reference to empirical data -- that benchmarking in this context needs to be approached differently from benchmarking in industrial/commercial milieux, since it requires a combination of finely-drawn comparisons and professional judgements if valid conclusions are to be drawn. It is argued that the complexity which underpins academic standards is inimical to the production of statements about standards that will be applicable across the span of a diverse national system of higher education. The argument presented can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to systems of higher education beyond the UK.  相似文献   

Conclusion I have argued that there are two ways of looking at academic freedom: as personal or individual and as institutional. The idea of personal freedom was seen to be difficult to justify as a special prerogative of academics, and in the Australian situation where it is appealed to, it is as much used to justify ill-treatment of the academic by his or her colleagues as it is to defend a precious right. The situation in respect of institutional academic freedom was seen to be different. It was claimed that the unique structure of the Australian university system together with the conflict with a centralized government over governance and power resulted in serious challenges to this less definable sense of freedom. Institutional academic freedom is seen to be threatened in a way that will possibly both change universities permanently and significantly undermine traditional educational ideals, especially those that have to do with intrinsic values.  相似文献   

This year one academic union successfully registered with the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission ami two more could shortly follow. This paper reviews union development over the past 3 0 years and argues that the perceived need to register as a federal union is the inevitable outcome of external influences on higher education. Institutional and union leaders are more likely to succeed in arresting the decline in higher education by cooperative efforts to influence governments than by the existing pattern of inter‐sectoral and/or employer/employee rivalry.  相似文献   

A number of studies analyzing publication productivity of criminology and criminal justice scholars have emerged in recent years. More specifically, this body of literature applies varied cross‐sectional and longitudinal methodological approaches to demonstrate the publication productivity of scholars. Furthermore, these studies often diverge in their operationalization of the key construct of interest (publication productivity); however, one relative consistency is the list of “elite” criminology and criminal justice journals. This study seeks to explore the elite publication productivity among recent executive board members of the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences along with the board members of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences’ regional affiliate associations. Comparisons are made between and within organizations/associations, and individual board member rankings are also presented. The results of this study indicate that publishing in the elite criminology and criminal justice journals is rare and there is variation across organizations/associations and variation among their respective members in the rate of publishing in these elite journals. Suggestions for future research examining publication productivity are also discussed.  相似文献   

借助叙述学的有关术语,对教育叙事者之向关系,教育故事的信度、文风、听众,教育叙事者的良心与责任等进行批判。要修正教育叙事的弊端,必须要审查叙述者的语法结构。  相似文献   

快乐地学习是一种自主体验学习愉悦的学习状态和过程。还有比快乐更美好的学习吗?孔子曰:“知之莫如好知,好知莫如乐知”;宋朝学张载曾说,学习达到快乐的地步,就会轻松,以致不能自已,因此定会长进。学习的快乐是学习面对挫折时的骄人自信,是一种夺关过隘后勇往直前的爽快心情,是一种灵感激发尽情挥洒的忘我境界。  相似文献   

快乐是一坛忘年的陈酒,打开它,不管是细细地品味还是粗粗地豪饮,都有一种痛快淋漓之感:快乐是一本尘封箱底的影集,我们总在刻骨的回忆中缅怀快乐,珍惜快乐,然后才去把握快乐;快乐是时间的脚步,它从不会停止,也不会一味地产生,它总在行走的过程中产生快乐,积蓄快乐:快乐是一种动力,它会产生一种排山倒海的力量,它无坚不摧,化腐朽为神奇:快乐也是一种蛮力,会使你产生错觉、盲动或失态,所以在快乐的时候要保持一份清醒,避免乐极而悲。  相似文献   

陈沛 《复旦教育论坛》2022,20(1):86-92;104
跨学科教育经历在科研人才成长中具有重要意义。通过采集重点财经院校教师个人简历及其15年内的期刊论文发表数据,运用计量经济模型对跨学科教育经历与教师科研产出之间的关系展开分析。研究发现,跨学科教育经历对教师的科研产出数量、科研产出质量以及科研生产偏好均具有显著影响,主要体现在跨学科教育经历对教师在非本学科期刊上发表论文具有促进作用;与“硕博跨学科”经历相比,“本硕跨学科”经历更有助于教师探索新学科领域,增强跨学科研究与发表能力;CSSCI与SSCI期刊数据均证实了跨学科教育经历在教师跨学科论文发表中的影响效应。在深化科研评价改革背景下,研究对跨学科人才培养、科研人才评价以及一流学科建设具有政策启示。  相似文献   

惩治学术不端行为,净化学术研究环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,高校学术研究的不端行为日益盛行。使学术的崇高形象受到损害。严重影响高等教育的健康发展和科教兴国战略的顺利实施。本文正是在这种情况下。从关于学术研究的基本要求入手。分析了当前高校学术研究存在的主要问题。并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

分析了大学学术规范和学术评价的现实意义,提出了建立健全大学学术规范与学术评价工作的方法,认为把学术规范与学术评价联系起来进行研究,能促进学术规范和谐发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the restructuring of Australia's university system and the introduction of corporate managerialism has changed the work performed by academic staff. The paper illustrates how the emergence of higher education as both a major export industry and a vehicle for attaining greater international competitiveness has led to more intense regulation of academic work. Within a context of funding cutbacks, substantial inequities have emerged between and within universities, as they compete more aggressively for higher education markets. Hierarchical line management, with clear divisions between different categories of academic staff, has substantially replaced collegial forms of administration. This paper demonstrates how these processes have worked to undermine the effective implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives, as women remain concentrated in the lowest paid and least secure positions within universities.  相似文献   

从制度研究的角度探讨了制度对学术自由的限制,并把这种在外界强迫下所进行的不自由的学术研究统称为强迫学术。从强迫学术的存在及其一般表现分析入手,探讨了造成强迫学术的内在和外在制度的根源。针对强迫学术存在的内外制度根源,提出要从大学组织转型和制度创新两个方面努力,以打破强迫学术的藩篱。  相似文献   

学术研究有理论研究和应用研究之分,但研究对象都来源于现实世界,具有经世致用的品格,在实践中具有理论意义和应用价值。文章通过对中国几大论文数据库检索的查证,发现我国学术研究的过程中存在一些值得注意的现象,同时对学术研究的目的和意义、研究中存在的问题、学术研究方法等提出了’一家之言。  相似文献   

作为一种管理方法,标杆管理在国外各个领域都广泛地应用。正确认识把握标杆管理的内涵。并结合我国高等学校的实际情况,形成一套学习、赶超先进组织的一系列规范化程序,标杆管理就能大幅度提升高校的竞争力。  相似文献   

路新民 《开放教育研究》2006,12(3):F0003-F0003
自黄禹锡及其研究小组有关克隆人类胚胎干细胞的科研成果纯属造假而被韩国政府宣布取消黄禹锡“最高科学家”的称号之后,邻邦日本的多比良、中国的丘小庆也因涉嫌论文和学术造假而跃出视野,与这位大韩民族“英雄”并列称雄东  相似文献   

以科研论文产出为研究对象可以解析地方师范院校科研发展的若干问题。利用CNKI和Web of Science网络期刊数据库对某地方师范院校2003-2012年来科研论文发表的数量变化、学科分布、被引频次、核心作者、基金资助、合作程度等方面进行了统计分析。结果表明:该校科研论文发表增长呈波动趋势;论文产出学科差异较大;论文质量提升缓慢;论文合作程度有待加强,研究队伍仍需拓展;论文基金资助效益有待提高。从教师和学校两个层次分析了影响地方高校科研论文产出的因素,从教师发展需求、学校管理制度、学校事业规划等三个方面提出了地方师范院校科研发展的相关策略。  相似文献   

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