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After the recent political and economic changes in Poland the country as a whole has changed beyond recognition in the last few years. These changes have also resulted in new requirements in the field of engineering education. In order to improve the quality of teaching and to meet West European standards, some Polish universities offer to Polish and foreign students courses taught in foreign languages which usually follow the American‐English pattern of education.  相似文献   

Engineering courses provided in English at different technical universities were meant to satisfy the urgent demand of the 1980s in Hungary. The English programme of the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) was established fairly soon after its foundation in 1984; German, French and Russian programmes succeeded the pilot one 8 years later. The compatibility of all the four projects with counterpart national curricula is bilaterally guaranteed. The present paper aims to give an overview of different engineering education programmes available for foreign students at the International Center for Engineering Programmes (ICEP) of the TUB. The coexistence of different types of engineering education within the same institution provides unique experiences of difficulties and benefits that, undoubtedly, might be utilized internationally.  相似文献   

A new engineering department, in which all activities are carried out in foreign languages, was set up in 1990 within the Polytechnical University of Bucharest. The following paper describes the nature and structure of this department, known as the Department of Engineering Sciences, as well as its objectives and details about the teaching activity.  相似文献   

The paper describes the development and operation of joint study programme schemes, which lead to double awards. The essential prerequisites for an exchange programme are identified together with an evaluation of academic standards and teaching methods in each country. The process of obtaining equivalence and credit recognition between courses is presented, together with specific data relating to requirements for double awards. The experience gained in these exchange programmes is discussed and student performance is evaluated.  相似文献   

The intent of the article is to provide an analysis of Catalan language use in the school classroom from a historical, political and socio-linguistic perspective. In so doing, this article seeks to explain Catalan's remarkable revival in Catalonia over the past twenty years, particularly in the area of education. Catalan language policy in the schools mirrors language policies pursued in other sectors of Catalan society, and is consistent with Catalan's increasing social and institutional use. The article steadily narrows the focus of its analysis, beginning first with a discussion at the national level, then at the regional level, and finally at the school level. Subsequent to this analysis, the article then sets out what it considers to be the principal challenges facing Catalan in the schools today and in the years ahead, and possible solutions to them.  相似文献   

以语言是思维的基本形式立论,讨论了语言学习中外语与汉语的辩证关系,认为汉语作为外语学习的基础语言,其水平的高下不仅直接影响着外语学习,也会影响外语的应用。强调在学习外语的同时,不应忽视提高母语修养。  相似文献   

语言与文化是相辅相成的。忽视文化背景而单纯地进行语言教学往往会使学生在跨文化交际中出现困惑。所以英语教学的目的不仅是为了培养学生的语言能力,而且也要培养学生的跨文化意识,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。在阐述跨文化意识与跨文化交际概念的基础上,论述跨文化交际培养的主要内容,并提出培养跨文化交际能力的主要措施与方法,以期达到外语教学的最终目的,即培养和提高学生的跨文化意识。  相似文献   

The Blackwell Companion and Blackwell Guide to the philosophy of education, edited respectively by Randall Curren and by Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish, are potentially field-defining volumes. The present essay moves back and forth between the two books to assess the overall impression they provide of the 'state of the art'. Whilst both texts can be criticised for failing to engage sufficiently with non-philosophical work on education, these are otherwise estimable volumes, containing many fine essays that can be read with profit.  相似文献   

在高校外语教学中,四、六级外语统考已经成为大学生必须参加的一种考试。因为有了四级证,学生就业机会就会增大。但外语测试中存在着相当多的问题,如试题题型单一,猜测性较大,导致应试教学的产生,不能调动学生学习的自主性和积极性,也不能有效地考查出学生的实际水平,因此,我国的大学外语测试亟待改革。  相似文献   

论外语语言实验教学的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校发展中提高教育质量是人才培养的最重要的一个方面,文章以外语语言实验教学为例,从教学结构、教学方法、实验配置等方面进行阐述,并提出今后发展的方向.  相似文献   

传统外语教学依据主客体二元对立的哲学范式,把教学理解成静态的预设性构建过程;现代外语教学秉承后现代主义倡导的生成性,把教学理解成动态的创生性构建过程,即讲求教育教学过程的生成性.创生性思维贯穿于外语教学的五大过程:需求分析是“学校—教师—学生”统一体的创生性价值取向;课程设计是“我—你”共生师生关系的创生性构建;教材开发是多元教学资源需求和多元教学手段的创生性整合;课堂教学是人本立场的创生性平等体验;课程评估是修正性指导教学的创生性管理.  相似文献   

外语测试经历了以语码为纲和以结构为纲的两个时期。现行的外语测试则遵循“以信息为纲”的指导思想。语言测试的结果应能反映学生的语言运用能力,而学生的能力反馈又可常常作为教师的教学反思依据。本文旨在以形成性评价现分析外语测试与评价的一致性和外语测试的多功用性。  相似文献   

从当下国家教育方针入手,着眼高等院校的功能,注重外语教育及其学科的特有规律,以宁波大学外语学院2003-2005年产学研合作实践为个案研究,探讨了外语教育、外语学科与社会服务之间的良性互动关系。  相似文献   

The tutorial system in engineering education is a common feature of most undergraduate degree courses and often takes a sizeable percentage of the total contact hours of the programme. Therefore its effectiveness and control is a very important issue and of interest to all parties concerned. The paper summarises, through a case study, some important elements which contribute to the quality of the tutorial system. The relationships between the value of the tutorial, the course, professor and teaching assistant ratings, as measured by student's responses, are examined.  相似文献   

Finland is a good choice for a foreign student willing to study engineering studies in English. There is a wide range of programmes and even more single courses taught in English. The number of courses and programmes in English is increasing rapidly annually. For foreigners, it is very easy to adapt to the atmosphere of Finnish universities of technology, while the students have a command of around three to four foreign languages on average (all of them speak English). The student unions and clubs in universities of technology also provide lots of leisure activities for foreign students. Economically it is easy to adapt to studies in Finland. For most of the programmes, one does not have to pay anything or the price is very reasonable. This article describes the current situation. New programmes are being developed all the time.  相似文献   

深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院(以下简称学院)立足培养深圳社会经济发展需求的复合型、应用型外语人才,目前开设有商务英语、应用英语、商务日语、应用日语、应用德语和应用法语等专业,涵盖英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、日语、韩语、俄语等七个语种和国际商务、国际贸易、商务交际、商务管理、商务秘、外事等17个专业方向。专业和语种数为我国高职高专院校之最。学院师资力量雄厚,现有教职工141人,其中高级职称24人,留学归国人员53人,外籍教师16名,学院现有在校生1299人。  相似文献   

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