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1 I don't have asinglecavity. Do you want to see? Ahhh…But my brother Bada already has two cavities.  相似文献   

There is a marked tendency in educational research to marginalise the written word, and to be wary of what I here call its ‘writerliness’: its capacity to go beyond the prosaic and the utilitarian, where meaning is understood largely in terms of the success of language in reflecting reality. I note various symptoms of this in the world of educational research, but especially in standard textbooks of educational research method, where the ambition to eliminate writing is particularly evident. In its second half the paper turns to educational research as the investigation less of causes than of meaning. Here writing—finding the right words—is itself research, rather than a process that is first performed according to various protocols of method and then ‘written up’. I draw on an illuminating discussion of this in Raimond Gaita's Introduction to recent editions of Peter Winch's The Idea of a Social Science and apply it to current debate over discipline in UK schools.  相似文献   

Research conducted in several countries has shown consistent patterns of performance on change, combine and compare word problems involving addition and subtraction. This paper interprets these findings within a theoretical framework that emphasizes the development of empirical, logical and mathematical knowledge.  相似文献   

春秋战国时期水利灌溉事业有很大发展,出现了许多名的水利工程,其中有春秋时楚相孙叔敖修的芍陂。那么为什么要修建芍陂?芍陂在历史上产生过哪些作用?芍陂在历史上发生过什么变化?变化的原因是什么?我们应该总结哪些经验,吸取哪些教训7  相似文献   

芍陂的兴废及原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

浅议"上、下"与人体器官词语搭配的不对称性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上,下二词在汉语中本是表方位意义的方位词,由方位词的性质所决定,它们应为一一对应的形式。但受物理世界和化世界的共同影响,上,下二词在与表人格器官意义的词语搭配时,出现了众多不同层面的非对称形式。本以例证分析,研究上,下与表示人体器官词语组合的各类对称与不对称现象,展示汉语鲜活的表现力和丰富的化内涵。  相似文献   

空间隐喻是始源域向目标域或其他认知域进行映射,进而获得引申义或抽象意义的认知过程。虽然生活在不同的语言文化中,但人们会使用相同的空间词汇来描述抽象概念。汉语中垂直性空间隐喻语言(上/下)的出现频率非常高,它们和英语有着非常一致的对应映射。汉语中的"上/下"是表达空间关系的最常用的一对多义词,它们表达了时间、社会等级、主观优劣等隐喻义。  相似文献   

现代化理论(modernization theory)是比较教育中的一派重要理论,在世界范围内产生过广泛而深远的影响。六十年代.七十年代中期现代化理论如日中天,但之后逐步走向衰微。本试图从日本经济发展的角度对其原因作一粗浅的分析。  相似文献   

本文介绍了欧盟通过消除在语言、学分体系和教育信息通讯技术等方面存在的壁垒,加强欧盟各国教育交流与合作的系列计划和措施.  相似文献   

“上/下”的不对称现象在汉语中广泛存在.这种不对称是多样的,造成它们不对称的原因也不尽相同.从方位词到动作动词再到趋向动词,“上/下”的义项通过隐喻投射发生词义延伸,且过程不可逆.  相似文献   

模因是文化传递单位,也是文化复制因子,其核心是模仿。从模因论角度看,语言本身就是一种模因。隐喻是从"始发域"向"目的域"的投射,喻体与本体的相似性是构成隐喻的基础。从模因论的视角来分析方位性隐喻,以空间概念意义UP和DOWN为始发域,向情绪、身体状况、社会道德等认知领域映射而获得抽象意义,有助于方位性隐喻的研究。  相似文献   

汉赋渊源于具有娱乐性质的隐语.带有先天性的文字游戏基因。它得以驰骋文坛.关键在于其内在的审美娱乐功能。随着儒家功利文艺观影响的扩大.汉赋的娱乐功能逐渐弱化.其自身优势日渐丧失,最后以诗赋合流的形式走向衰落。  相似文献   

Future teachers often claim that advanced undergraduate courses, even those that attempt to connect to school mathematics, are not useful for their teaching. This paper proposes a new way of designing advanced undergraduate content courses for secondary teachers. The model involves beginning with an analysis of the curriculum and practices of school mathematics and its teaching, and then using those to build up to the advanced mathematics – in this case, real analysis. After developing definitions, examples, theorems, and proofs, the model then reconnects to practice, asking the teachers to translate ideas from real analysis in ways that are appropriate for teaching high school content to students. To illustrate the model, we provide and discuss two example tasks.  相似文献   

既往关于PRO局域语义约束的语义界定和移位的句法界定,难以满足解释充分的要求。本研究通过将PRO和NP语迹及其他空语类进行对比后认为,PRO在语义上具备跨事件特征,是两个事件结构共享的主目语;在句法上执行先拼出,后删除操作。这样的句法语义属性界定具备题元和格的逻辑一致性。本研究有关PRO的句法语义属性设定,在汉、英、冰岛、基隆迪语特殊语例的分析中具备较强的解释力。  相似文献   

To provide an accurate reading of students' and schools' rates of progress, and to provide cues for instruction, assessment at every level should be connected to explicit learning goals and standards. To show how this requirement can be fulfilled, and how research-based assessment can effectively support learning and instruction, this article summarizes a 7-year performance assessment collaboration between assessment researchers and the nation's second largest school district. The project's success in scaling up empirically tested assessment design models and scoring procedures to a district assessment involving more than 300,000 students per year raises the possibility that high-quality learning-centered assessment may again be a practical option for large-scale assessment and accountability.  相似文献   

周敦颐是儒学本体论思维向度的开启者,虽然他曾出入佛道,但他学术的最终旨趣在于儒学,“无极”是其儒学宇宙本体论思维向度进入的标志,而“诚”则是其对儒学道德本体论的论证。周敦颐以他在儒学哲学化、儒学本体论建构中的重要地位而被后世称为“道学之宗主”。  相似文献   

This article explores recent developments in the field of science and technology, and the work of Bruno Latour in particular, to problematize the nature of Nature in science education. Although science and technology studies, and the scholarship on science education alike, have become increasingly attentive to the antidemocratic habits of science as a way of knowing, less attention has been directed toward science's ontological commitments, and the politics that follow from a theory of Nature that is uniform, homogenous, and unchanging. Latour suggests that the Nature toward which scientific knowledge is directed serves as a transcendent authority with the potential to circumvent the democratic deliberations of a supposedly subjective social world. Rather than treating Nature as a social construct, Latour explores the methodological and political implications of a reality composed of plural worlds and multiple modes of being, and this article suggests that these theoretical tools offer exciting new possibilities in the field of educational case study research.  相似文献   

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