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利用多媒体技术进行工程制图课程教学的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文结合多年的工程制图多媒体教学实践,就当前工程制图多媒体教学所存在的一些共性问题,做出分析,并提出相应的对策,并对采用多媒体课件授课的教师就如何达到良好教学效果提出了几点建议,供同仁参考。  相似文献   

论多媒体条件下大学英语自主学习能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体技术在英语教学中运用越来越广,多媒体建设对提高大学公共英语自主学习能力有积极作用,并从"因材施教确定自主学习目标","充分利用多媒体优势培养学生的自主学习能力"以及"教师摆正位置,扮演好引导者角色"三个方面进行了论证.  相似文献   

Artivism is a movement inclusive of art and activism that has flourished through the United States for decades. Multiple forms of artivism are responsible for initiating dialog amongst demographically distinct groups of people. The present study focuses on two community mural projects completed by justice related youth and adults in Florida and Washington states. Data analyzed entailed field observation notes, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires from mural participants to address how artivism impacted their learning of social justice materials. The aim of this analysis was to identify the methodology of artivism, and how it was used to foster a deeper educational experience for youth and young adults. This research demonstrated how artivism has the ability to represent the multi-faceted nature of complex social issues not easily discussed in open dialog. Ultimately, this study revealed how the process of artivism transformed insight into scholastic knowledge when applied directly in criminal justice settings.  相似文献   

通过研究多媒体在教学应用中的优点以及存在的问题,结合环保工程概论课,提出在教学中应该如何应用多媒体,从而有效利用多媒体在教学环境中提供的多元化学习资源,达到优化教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

提高多媒体教学质量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对高校多媒体教学的现状,对多媒体教学存在的弊端进行了分析,并结合其工作实践提出了相应的策略,以期为提高多媒体教学迈向高水平提供参考。  相似文献   

探究建筑施工企业的节能减排、绿色施工环保技术应用,重视可再生能源的循环利用,在施工中考虑降低成本的同时兼顾环境保护,这是创新型企业需要倡导的绿色施工理念。本文从企业可持续发展等方面探析了节能环保施工技术的重要意义,对当前建筑工程节能环保施工技术的应用提出了科学引入水资源循环利用技术、利用太阳能实现热能和电能的有效转化等建议与策略,明确了技术应用要点,可以推进建筑行业绿色工程建设。  相似文献   

In the first semester of 1997, once again, we taught our introductory Database Management (CS230) course to around 350 students on our two main campuses. On this occasion, we used the e-mail, NewsGroups, Telnet and the World Wide Web capabilities extensively to support access to teaching and learning materials, for promulgation and submission of assignments and for staff-staff-student-student communication. In this context, students encountered challenging difficulties arising out of what might be described as ‘problems with socio-technical systems’. This paper describes the several elements of the teaching programme the curriculum elements, the teaching staff and the technology intended to support each of these. With most of these elements, we encountered a number of ‘small’ problems. Taken in conjunction, these several difficulties presented students with considerable impediments to successful learning in this subject. The paper concludes with observations concerning conditions which must be in place for Internet-augmented teaching and learning to be successful and enjoyable and reports some performance data which indicate a positive—although not strong—benefit from the use of the WebTests upon the final examination results. We include a ‘pre-fiight checklist’ for each element in the programme and each linkage between them. The prediction is that the need for checklists of this kind will increase as we increase the number and remoteness of links in the teaching chain, the number and experience of sources of communication contained in those links and increasingly challenge the technical reliability of the linkages, and as each of those multi-faceted links is subject to rapid evolution.  相似文献   

Providing learners with computer-generated feedback on their learning process in simulation-based discovery environments cannot be based on a detailed model of the learning process due to the “open” character of discovery learning. This paper describes a method for generating adaptive feedback for discovery learning based on an “opportunistic” learning model that takes the current hypothesis of the learner and the experiments performed to test this hypothesis as input. The method was applied in a simulation–based learning environment in the physics domain of collisions. Additionally, the method was compared to an environment in which subjects received predefined feedback on their hypotheses, not taking the experimentation behavior into account. Results showed that overall both groups did not differ on knowledge acquired. A further analysis indicated that, in their learning processes, the learners in the experimental condition built upon their intuitive knowledge base, whereas the learners in the control condition built upon their conceptual knowledge base. In addition, measures of the learning process showed that the subjects in the experimental condition adopted a more inquiry-based learning strategy compared to the subjects in the control condition. We concluded, therefore, that providing learners with adaptive feedback had a different and beneficial effect on the learning process compared to more traditional predefined feedback.  相似文献   

Global scenarios for the next 30 years indicate increasing population, greater demand for higher standards of living, and more consumption, leading to increased air, water and land pollution; climatic change; and the depletion of and competition for natural resources. To avoid global catastrophes and conflicts, sustainable systems are required that integrate cultural and technological change. Engineers and technologists have a key role not only in developing sustainable technologies but also in promoting the cultural changes needed. High quality environmental education and training is essential if engineering professionals are to become pro-active rather than reactive, to influence the future. This paper describes examples of innovative educational and training systems, partnerships and networks with regional, national and international objectives.  相似文献   

以工程化学基础课程为背景,在多媒体技术基础上,分析讨论了建立工程中的化学问题多媒体素材库的必要性,以及选择素材的原则,建立素材库的实施办法和实施素材库在教学中的应用。  相似文献   

写作是中文学科中实践性很强的一部分,传统写作重视理论的讲解,而写作理论多枯燥乏味,针对写作学的学科特点,写作课应充分利用多媒体,增加课堂容量,建立立体化的课堂作文教学网络,真正提高学生的写作兴趣,解决学生写作难、难写作的问题,给学生的创作插上腾飞的翅膀。  相似文献   

通过调整微生物学的实验内容与顺序,采用让学生参与实验准备、开放实验室及开展“第二课堂活动”等形式多样的教学方法,努力提高微生物实验课的教学质量,增强学生的微生物实验技能。培养学生发现问题、综合分析和解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Emerging approaches to achieving high quality learning in higher education emphasise the need for learning to be viewed and facilitated in terms of integrated teaching‐learning elements; a range of linked experiences; clearly articulated processes and expectations; high relevance of material to student experience and the “real world”; student‐centred practice; development of lifelong learning skills; and the teacher as designer and facilitator of the environment, rather than as instructor. The Subject Learning Plan (SLP) provides a medium for designing and articulating details of a subject environment and culture having these characteristics. We contend that the quality of student learning, by design and through process, can be enhanced through the use of media such as a SLP. This position is defended with reference to an account of the genesis, design, implementation and student evaluation of a SLP in a specific context.  相似文献   

从信息的传播、人类信息技术的发展和信息技术的社会影响等方面诠释信息技术文化.从诠释中启示课程在内容呈现方式、实施的组织形式、学生学习行为和接受信息的途径、课程教学理念等上发生变革.  相似文献   

多媒体教学模式是目前法学教学中最为有效的一种教学模式。通过对法学教学的学科特点和目前存在的缺陷进行分析。提出了关于多媒体教学模式在法学教学应用中须注意的几个问题及其相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

多媒体在《化工原理》课程教学中的应用与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从《化工原理》教学中运用多媒体的特点、利弊等方面进行了探讨,指出教师在教学中应注意多媒体教学与传统教学方法的结合,加强师生互动与课件制作,使各种教学手段和技巧优势互补,以取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

The potential of a theory of variation-framed learning study, a teacher professional development approach, to help teachers overcome curricular and pedagogical challenges associated with teaching new science curricula content was explored. With a group of Singapore teachers collaboratively planning and teaching new genetics content, phenomenographic analysis of data corpus from classroom observations, teacher meetings and interviews revealed teacher learning that manifested in the teachers’ experiences. These were captured as (1) increased degrees of student-centered pedagogy and challenges to teachers’ prior assumptions about science pedagogy, (2) increased awareness of possibilities and limitations of their beliefs about science pedagogy, and (3) emergence of new understandings about new curricular content and science pedagogy. The possibility of transformative and generative learning is also discussed.  相似文献   


English: The article maps the possibilities open to teaching institutions in distance learning through the Internet. It considers the ways in which the Internet allows us to evaluate the efforts and strategies that should be chosen in order to implement distance learning through the Internet according to the organization's teaching goals and the type of distance teaching it chooses. The basic terms of synchronic and asynchronic learning, non‐interactive learning, scope and learning‐time circles are defined and they create a system of axes upon which one can place distance learning in an organization or a course that consists of various aspects of distance learning.  相似文献   

The advance of information technologies has provided educational reform with favorable material conditions and means of support. This paper is an attempt to suggest some methods to promote students' autonomy in translation learning with the help of information technology and point out some aspects to be paid attention to while doing so.  相似文献   

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