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2000年,大众媒体成为普京竞选总统有力的舆论工具,对普京总统的当选起了很大作用。执政之后,普京一方面肯定“新闻自由”,另一方面反对大众媒体的放任自流。普京通过打击别列佐夫斯基、古辛斯基等寡头,改变了大众媒体与国家直接对抗的局面;普京吸取第一次车臣战争的教训,加强了对大众媒体的控制。与此同时,针对西方媒体对普京政府及其本人的指责,普京政府采取多种手段进行应付。  相似文献   

’High quality’ television is a valuable part of open and distance education, as exemplified in its use by The Open University. Television has a unique role to play in distance education because of its distinctive delivery, presentational, and control characteristics. The ways in which these characteristics could be exploited are discussed in depth, and related to different kinds of learner.  相似文献   

In the literature on the situated and distributed nature of cognition, the coordination of spatial organization and the structure of human practices and relations is accepted as a fact. To date, science educators have yet to build on such research. Drawing on an ethnographic study of high school students during an internship in a scientific research laboratory, which we understand as a “perspicuous setting” and a “smart setting,” in which otherwise invisible dimensions of human practices become evident, we analyze the relationship between spatial configurations of the setting and the nature and temporal organization of knowing and learning in science. Our analyses show that spatial aspects of the laboratory projectively organize how participants act and can serve as resources to help the novices to participate in difficult and unfamiliar tasks. First, existing spatial relations projectively organize the language involving interns and lab members. In particular, spatial relations projectively organize where and when pedagogical language should happen; and there are specific discursive mechanisms that produce cohesion in language across different places in the laboratory. Second, the spatial arrangements projectively organize the temporal dimensions of action. These findings allow science educators to think explicitly about organizing “smart contexts” that help learners participate in and learn complex scientific laboratory practices.  相似文献   

The global education agenda, embedded in the Education for All (EFA) Goals, and the Millennium Development Goals, has emphasised the importance of reaching EFA rather than sustaining this achievement. As a corollary, the emphasis for external aid has also been on increasing aid to secure EFA rather than on the dangers of aid dependency in securing and sustaining EFA. The international architecture in support of education for sustainable development appears to have little interest in analysing these tensions between the pursuit of these rights-based EFA Goals, on the one hand, and the kind of economic growth and macro-economic environment that would be necessary to sustain their achievement.  相似文献   

私立学校与举办者的产权关系是指私立学校与举办者之间的财产关系.产权不明晰是制约我国私立学校发展的重大隐忧.大陆法系国家私立学校基本上是捐资办学型,在产权制度安排上采取财团法人的形式;英美法系国家的私立学校则有两种形式--捐资办学与投资办学,它们采取不同的管理方式:捐资办学以公益信托的形式进行调整,投资办学则与企业管理一样.我国私立学校主要是投资回报型,属于英美法系国家的投资办学型私立学校,应纳入企业的管理范围.  相似文献   

The relationship between teaching and learning is represented in contemporary higher education research which has looked at the correlations between students’ approaches to learning and teachers’ approaches to teaching. This article proposes a rethinking of this relationship, building on a critical realist perspective. Here, the teaching–learning interaction is argued to be emergent from the activities of teaching and of learning, and it is this emergent property which provides the explanatory mechanism for the relationship between them. Support for this position is located in recent work by Paul Ashwin and also in the sociology of Margaret Archer.  相似文献   

远程教育已经成为与传统教育并行的一种教育形态。远程教育地位的提高要求我们理清其与传统教育之间的关系,本文主要讨论它们之间的竞争与合作的关系、质量间的关系以及它们的相互融合和补充关系。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings from a survey of special schools in England and Wales regarding their links with mainstream schools. This survey was a follow-up of two previous surveys undertaken in mid-1987 and 1993 respectively. Data were elicited about visits made by pupils, teachers and support assistants both from special schools to mainstream schools and from mainstream schools to the special schools. Over two-thirds of special schools in England and Wales responded, the sample reflecting the distribution of types of special schools nationally. Findings indicated that the degree of link activity has been maintained over the years but it is relatively restricted in terms of the number of pupils and staff involved, and there does not seem to be evidence of the strategic use of placements.  相似文献   

The results of a survey into the provision and extent of use of video resources in Icelandic schools is given. While all schools at primary and secondary level are provided with at least one television and video recorder, the utilisation of video resources is relatively low. Due in part to the absence of off‐air reception facilities in most Icelandic schools, the use of video is mainly via videocassettes borrowed from the National Centre for Educational Media. The future policy for ETV in Icelandic schools is considered in terms of the provision of production facilities and training needs.  相似文献   

Research on the lack of civic and political engagement on the part of today’s youth has relied on traditional, often quantitative, measures of political knowledge that may miss important elements of the process. Using an ethnographic approach with a group of inner‐city high school students, our study reveals a richer construction of students’ awareness of political issues, or political socialization than previously documented by conventional survey measures. Notably present is a sophisticated awareness of and identification with non‐news television formats which suggests that sources such as TV talk and reality shows may be important sources of political discourse and even civic engagement. Our study also supports the value of hands‐on media production projects for understanding youth political knowledge and awareness, suggesting an additional tool for political communication and civic engagement research.  相似文献   

电视在反映世界同时也在建构世界,是一个录制工具,也是一个制造现实的工具.面对电视的冲击,单纯地防御电视的负面作用并不能解决问题,如何让儿童积极主动地使用电视以满足自己的需要,成为更加具有批判精神的电视观众才是解决问题的关键所在.通过电视素养教育,让儿童具备一定的获取、判断、分析和使用媒介信息的能力,做个有责任心又有批判能力的公民.  相似文献   

Background: Integrated schools were established in Northern Ireland in the early 1980s. With an explicit intention to build better relations between Catholics and Protestants, it has an intuitive appeal in a society which has long experienced sectarian division. Whilst the sector has attracted considerable research, less is understood about how parents’ perceive the approach adopted by schools to build intergroup relations.

Purpose: The present article seeks to address the gap in the literature by exploring parents’ views of integrated education. Drawing on theories of intergroup contact, the paper seeks specifically to explore how parents and head teachers perceive and negotiate the approach that the schools adopt to build intergroup relations.

Method: In an attempt to probe the deeper meanings that participants attach to integrated education, a qualitative research approach was adopted; semi-structured interviews were carried out with 17 parents and 2 head teachers in two integrated primary schools.

Findings: Through the data analyses, three main aspects were evident. Firstly, the study reveals something of the relational dynamic between head teachers and parents and the significance of this relationship for determining how intergroup relations are pursued in integrated schools. Secondly, it highlights the nebulous nature of identity salience and the practical challenges of making identity salient within mixed identity contexts. Finally, the study suggests the value of qualitative approaches for exploring intergroup contact initiatives.

Conclusions: Overall, the paper demonstrates the inherent challenges of establishing an integrated school where good relations will be developed when multiple interpretations of what constitutes an appropriate response to difference and diversity prevails.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the role of higher education in generating or mitigating inequality among ethno-regional groups and its impact on ethnic relations with evidence from Nigeria. It shows that access to education in Nigeria has been politicised. This is because of the perceived role of education in engendering political and socio-economic inequalities. It assesses the intervention mechanisms of successive Nigerian governments at federal and state levels to expand access to and enhance equity in educational opportunities as well as the responses of the different publics to such programmes. The article shows that although educational inequalities persist, state policies have enhanced the ability of the different ethno-regional groups to produce qualified personnel to occupy critical public service positions. Thus, conflicts that were historically traced to the domination of the public sector of some regions by personnel from other regions have been averted. The Nigerian case study therefore suggests that while policies aimed at equalising access to education may create incentives for ethno-regional mobilisations, they are nevertheless necessary to prevent violent conflicts that arise from perceived ethno-regional domination of the public sector.  相似文献   

从教育事业发展、教育政策学科发展和教育政策制订本身出发,对教育政策空间的理论研究是非常必要的;教育政策空间产生的原因是由于教育政策价值取向多元性、不确定性和外溢性所决定的。教育政策空间要求教育政策的主体必须做到有效的政策知识学习和抓住教育政策的有效时机。  相似文献   

Urban learning environments pose distinct instructional challenges for teachers and administrators, and can lead to lower achievement compared to suburban or rural schools. Today’s educational climate increasingly emphasises a need for positive academic outcomes, often measured by standardised tests, on which student educational opportunities, teacher benefits and school funding can be based. By applying an ecological framework to the urban school environment, it could be possible to better understand and ultimately improve the educational context at multiple levels. This study examined how classroom management, staff relations and school climate contribute to academic achievement, as measured by ACT scores. In a large urban American public school system, 208 teachers from 38 high schools were surveyed. A model was tested in which, when academic achievement was accounted for over time, classroom management and staff relations contributed positively to school climate, and climate in turn contributed to academic achievement. Structural equation modeling revealed that the data fitted the proposed model. Results illustrate the roles of school and classroom factors related to academic performance and underline the importance of classroom management strategies and positive learning environments. Results suggest avenues for interventions to increase academic achievement by supporting students through the lens of an ecological framework.  相似文献   

Now that television has become a respectable tool in education it is increasingly coming under the scrutiny of researchers. To many producers who have spent their lives with the medium, much of the research seems to be reinventing the wheel. This discussion steps off from Dr Tony Bates' article in the winter 1981 issue of the Journal to propose a more fruitful approach to research, based on the body of film theory which dates back to the early years of the century.  相似文献   

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