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理查德·沙沃森(Richard J.Shavelson)等学者受美国国家研究理事会之托,撰写了《教育的科学研究》一书,清楚、详实地概述了教育科学研究应遵守的指导原则和设计方法,阐明了教育研究何以称为科学这一问题,为教育科学研究勾画了一个清晰的轮廓。对照教育科学研究应遵守的指导原则和设计方法,我们可以清楚地界定何谓教育的科学研究或非科学研究,从而为提高教育研究质量提供了一个参照系。但是,《教育的科学研究》所宣称的"科学"的教育研究也存在着一些价值悖论,而欲化解这些价值悖论,则需要重新认识、理解教育科学研究的"价值中立"、"可验证性"与"实证方法中心"等原则,进而明确教育科学研究自身的边界及其适用的疆域,以便更好地发挥出其应有的作用。  相似文献   

搞教育科学研究一是要遵循一定的原则;二是要注重提高研究技巧。现谈谈我对这两个问题的认识。 一、教育科学研究应遵循的原则 教育科研既要坚持马克思主义哲学的方法论,又要坚持一般科学方法论,即系统科学方法。按照系统科学方法论的观点,教育是一个系统的有机整体。那么,要研究和解决教育系统中的问题,就应当遵循系统性原则,要做到研究类型系统化;结果处理系统化;方法应用系统化。  相似文献   

(一) 伊凡·彼得诺维奇·巴甫洛夫(1849—1936)是苏联著名的生理学家。早年曾学神学,1870年进彼得堡大学学科学,后来又在医学外科学院学医,1879年毕业后即在军医学院任教授,终生从事科学研究工作。他研究生理学  相似文献   

在中世纪的欧洲,基督教神学在整个思想领域占据了绝对的统治地位。为了维护其自身的统治地位,基督教神学拒绝一切科学,严重阻碍了科学的发展。亚里士多德理论在开始时也是被禁止的,后来随着托马斯.阿奎那神学体系的建立,亚里士多德的理论又被基督教神学所接受,并且被神圣化了,但这只是对亚里士多德理论的一种利用与曲解。  相似文献   

生成论与"还元论"——生成科学的自然观与方法论原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以"生成科学"为基础,提出"生成论"自然观,描述了整体生成演变的世界图景,以及系统生成的主要规律及其特征。并试图超越经典科学"还原论",探索生成整体论的方法论原则:指出分析还原不是唯一的科学简化方法,在整体性研究及简化方法基础上,进一步提出"还元论",论证了"还元论"与经典科学"还原论"的本质差别。主张将"整体论"与"还元论"提升为科学研究的一般方法与方法论原则。  相似文献   

对于教育科学,客观性及实证研究既是一种方法,也是一种方法论。实证方法是提升教育科学研究科学性的重要途径,也是评价教育科学研究科学性的重要标准和寻求教育科学学科自信的重要基础。然而,就教育科学研究的现实而言,缺少的不仅是作为教育科学研究"方法"的实证技术,更是缺少作为对实证方法科学理解的"方法论";不仅缺少作为教育科学研究客观化的"科学手段",更缺少作为对教育科学研究深刻把握的"科学态度"。教育科学要想真正获得尊严和自信,不能仅仅局限于教育科学研究的方法和技术,更不能沉眠于技术和方法的游戏之中而不能自拔,真正让教育科学获得尊严和自信的,应当是教育科学面对教育现象和实践问题时所具有的诠释能力和解决策略。  相似文献   

1996年1月9日上午,北京市“九五”期间教育科学研究课题指南发布会在北京市电化教育馆礼堂举行。会议公布了“九五”期间课题指南和课题申请、评审办法。北京市教育科学规划领导小组办公室副主任李铁锋同志介绍了课题指南和课题申请、评审办法。北京市教育科学规划领导小组副组长耿申同志就“九五”期间北京教育科学研究的指导思想和基本原则作了重要发言(全文另发)。全国教育科学规划领导小组办公室主任王卫国同志介绍了国家“九五”期间教育科学研究应遵循的原则和把握的方向,并对北京市教育科学研究工作提出了几点意见。北京市…  相似文献   

先秦时期的天人感应思想包括神学化的天人感应思想和自然化的天人感应思想两大类。先秦道家所持的主要还是一种自然化的天人感应思想。老子、列子的思想中多少有些神学的天人感应观念,文子的天人感应思想主要是自然化的气感应,很少神学的成分,但他的感应之气既包括物质性的阴阳之气,又包括非物质的精诚之气,加上他偶尔也有"天与之,地助之,鬼神辅之"这一类神学性质的天人感应思想,这就使得他的感应说多少带有一些神秘性。先秦道家一直到庄子才基本抛弃了神学的天人感应思想,而从自然的角度来谈天人感应。  相似文献   

达尔文本来是学习神学的, 但就在学习神学的日子里,因为对科学的兴趣而结识了植物学家亨斯洛。紧接着,一次长达5年的旅行,直接改写了达尔文的命运。 1831年,达尔文跟随海军测  相似文献   

马克思主义的科学无神论,是在吸收无神论优秀成果的基础上创立的,是在与宗教神学观撞击中不断丰富和完善的。面对历史悠久而纷繁复杂的宗教神学现象,科学无神论的创始人马克思和恩格斯在经历了各自艰苦曲折的思想转变以后,以更深邃、锐利的目光,透视了宗教神学的深层本质,洞察了宗教神学赖以产生的社会基础,揭开了神学的神秘面纱,建立了科学无神论的理论体  相似文献   

Benedictus Pererius (1535–1610) published in 1576 his most successful book De principiis, after he had taught philosophy at the Roman College of the Jesuits. It will be shown that parts of this book are actually based on his lectures. But the printed version was intended as a contribution to the debate within his Order on how science should be conceived. Pererius redefined the meaning of scientific speculation to the effect that metaphysics was split into ontology and natural theology, and that further speculative sciences, such as physics, gained their own competence. Throughout this book, as well as in his warning against magic and in his commentaries on the Bible, the Jesuit addresses Renaissance strains of neo-Platonism, Aristotelianism, and syncretism.  相似文献   

自然神学与自然神论体现了宗教神学与科学在深层思考上的相通融性,这具体表现在理性统一性、终极实体性、时间与空间的极限等诸多问题上,宗教与科学有诸多对立,但这些对立的表象之下也存在着诸多通融性和互补性。宗教神学在诸多问题上启示和推动过近代科学的形成与发展。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of contemporary scientific knowledge on worldviews. The first three sections provide epistemological background for the arguments that follow. Sections 2 and 3 discuss the reliable part of science, specifically the characterization, scope and limits of the present scientific canon. Section 4 deals with the mode of thinking responsible for both the canon’s credibility and its power to guide speculative activity. With these preliminaries in place, the remainder of the paper addresses the issue of tolerance to “alternative perspectives”. The analyses in this part focus on the extent to which mature scientific thought embodies open-mindedness, with pluralism and competition between perspectives as central themes. I argue for four related claims, concerning scientific literacy, the impact of the canon on rational speculation, the limits of scientific pluralism, and the popular idea that recent forms of “scientific (natural) theology” have rational merit and can help worldview-making in our age, respectively: (C1) Which theories and narratives (or parts of them) belong in the scientific canon, and whether they are worldview independent, are matters contingent upon the state of knowledge—not something one can convincingly determine on metascientific or transcendental insight. (C2) The current scientific canon and its associated methodology provide research with strong directionality, often against popular currents. (C3) Current science does marginalize some views dear to many people. (C4) Although natural theology “officially” purports to embody scientific methodology, all it presently has on offer are poorly thought out ventures embodying (at best) only relaxed versions of that methodology; if so, the relationship between current projects in natural theology and science cannot (without begging the question) be reasonably described as one of “partial overlap”, “mutual modification”, or “ongoing complementarity”.  相似文献   

This article responds to the other 10 papers in this thematic issue on science and worldviews and it clarifies some of the points in my lead article. The Bayesian framework provides helpful structure for worldview inquiries by recognizing and integrating both public and personal evidence. Drawing upon the other 10 papers, six kinds of potential evidence or considerations are identified: the problem of evil, evolution, miracles and prayer, the Anthropic Principle, religious experience, and natural theology. The thesis is defended that considerations informing worldview convictions include public evidence from the sciences and the humanities and personal evidence from individual experience. Additional topics addressed briefly include scientific realism, the tentativeness of scientific knowledge, science’s presuppositions, the relationship between natural science and natural theology, the nature of religious faith, and the importance of philosophy in science education. Seven questions are posed for which further leadership from the AAAS and NAS would benefit the scientific community.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 years a new research area, science education research, has arisen and undergone singular development worldwide. In the specific case of Brazil, research in science education first appeared systematically 40 years ago, as a consequence of an overall renovation in the field of science education. This evolution was also related to the political events taking place in the country. We will use the theoretical work of Rene Kaës on the development of groups and institutions as a basis for our discussion of the most important aspects that have helped the area of science education research develop into an institution and kept it operating as such. The growth of this area of research can be divided into three phases: The first was related to its beginning and early configurations; the second consisted of a process of consolidation of this institution; and the third consists of more recent developments, characterised by a multiplicity of research lines and corresponding challenges to be faced. In particular, we will analyse the special contributions to this study gleaned from the field known as the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

明末清初时期中国文化进入反思阶段。这一时期来华传教的耶稣会士在带来西方一些虽不是最先进的科学知识的同时,也大量将中国传统的哲学、医学、文学艺术等介绍到西方。汉籍西译推动了西方的启蒙运动,促进了中西文化交流。  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期是科学已登上历史舞台而神学犹在的时期,科学发现带给人们思想观念的变化,弥尔顿的科学观不但体现在其对政治和宗教问题的看法上,还影响弥漫到他的作品中.  相似文献   

In recent years Australian primary schools have adopted an across-the-curriculum approach to writing. However, relatively little research has been conducted in the area of primary science. This paper reports the result of a small scale collaborative study involving a Year 2 and a Year 5 class, and their classroom teacher, which used science activities as the basis for developing report-writing skills using a framework consisting of three focus questions. Students in both classes learned to use the framework in one term and it was found that it improved the quality of reports. Specialisations: science and technology curriculum development, secondary and primary teacher education in agriculture, science and environmental education. Specialisations: cognition and curriculum, early childhood and primary teacher education in science and social education.  相似文献   

The nature of science (NOS) has a prominent role among the national science education content standards at all grade levels, K–12. Results from a national survey of collegiate science educators indicate the perception that the greatest contributors to preservice teachers’ understanding of the nature of science were science methods courses, research projects, and science content courses. Implications of findings are discussed, including connections to current research concerning teacher preparation for effective NOS classroom teaching and student learning.The Nature of Science course on the authors’ campus was initiated in the early 1990s, has evolved, and remains in the required core curriculum for preservice chemistry, earth science, and physics teacher candidates. It is the capstone for NOS insights. It adds to and refines impressions garnered implicitly from science content courses, the methods course, and, for some, an undergraduate research experience.  相似文献   

Much research in science education has focused on the conflicts that exist between individuals' ways of knowing the world and science. We have been left without an image of the compatibility or congruency that is necessary for science to occupy a fundamental position in a person's life. In this study we argue that Keith, a Jamaican American pre-service teacher, provides us with such an image. Using narrative, we trace the development of Keith's relationship with science over time and space in order to understand how Keith has constructed an identity through science amid the larger structures and contexts that comprise his life. We believe Keith's stories of practicing science in and out of the classroom illustrate how science, while taking an essential position in his lifeworld, extends and articulates Keith's subjective stances on experience. As part of his lifeworld, Keith finds a sense of value in science that turns it into a discipline that is part of the person he both is and wants to be and the world he wants to shape as a teacher. Richard Kozoll is an assistant professor of science education at the School of Education of DePaul University. His research interests include students' identity constructs as a means to understand engagement with and participation in science and inform inclusive science teaching practices. An additional line of research includes the use of narrative in science education research. Margery Osborne is an Associate Professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She teaches early childhood and elementary science education courses. Her research interests, located within the intersections constructed between ideas of reflective practice and research on critical and feminist pedagogy, include exploring the dynamic and complex nature of teacher knowledge.  相似文献   

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